Are there any closed or open source projects for a XML serializer for C# that can serialize for the most part any object without the need to pollute my domain objects with tons of attributes? That will also handle serialization of collections built with the internal generics classes? A bonus would be that it can handle serializing an interface type property. Another bonus would be that it can serialize objects that have read-only properties (or atleast with the get accessor marked internal)
Well, first define "advanced", i.e. what specifically do you need that XmlSerializer doesn't have. In terms of POCO, XmlSerializer has an overloaded ctor that accepts all the attributes you could ever want to add, to avoid having to add them to your object model - but it does still require a public parameterless constructor, and only works on public read/write fields/properties. And you should cache/re-use the serializer if you use this approach.
I'm not aware of any like alternatives, simply because in most cases this is "good enough" - and it is often a mistake to try to brute-force your existing domain object into a DTO. It may be simpler and more maintainable to simply map your domain entities onto a new DTO(s) that are attributed (and have appropriate ctor/properties/etc).
Note that for the ctor/properties issue DataContractSerializer has some answers, but this doesn't have as much fine-grained control over what the xml looks like.
You can allow System.Xml.dll to access your internals by using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute.
Thus serializing internal types and/or internal members. Including internal .ctors.
You can also implement IXmlSerializable on classes to customize their serialization (like the container containing interface references).
You do not have to provide the XML serialization attributes on your classes, but provide them as XmlAttributeOverrides instead.
XmlSerializer is almost always exactly what people want, they just don't know that it is as flexible as it really is.
I need to binary serialize an object that contains a collection of lots of instances of some base class. Each instance could be any of the derived types, and there are really lots of possible derived types (around one hundred). Therefore I don't really want to modify each of these types so that this object could be serialized.
I would even like to avoid adding the default public constructor to all of these types as this would damage the architecture a little bit and would also be really annoying to do (and not really DRY), not speaking of adding Serializable attribute to every public property in these types. And for the same reason writing a custom serializer/surrogate for each of these types is hardly an option.
What I have tried so far:
BinaryFormatter - requires additional attributes for serialized properties
sharpSerializer - requires public default constructor
protobuf-net - requires addtitional attributes for serialized properties
Net serializer - requires addtitional attributes for serialized properties
I have also tried serializing with Json.NET and then saving the result as a byte array (I know, I know), but I ran into an OutOfMemoryException while serializing. This likely means my object is too heavy for text serialization (it takes around 200Mb in memory, but there are lots of elements in the array, lots of properties in each of the element etc).
If it makes any better - all the objects in the collection I need to save have only public properties (I don't need to serialize fields or private properties). And there also is no particular logic in these objects' constructors - only filling the properies.
Is there any way to achieve the serialization/deserialization without modifying the serialized classes?
I don't even know if it is possible to deserialize an object that does not have parameterless constructor (the restriction required by all of the serializers I've met), but it should be as the reflection allows to create instances without calling constructors.
i want to implement a general Memento-Pattern in C#. It is working fine but i use the Serializeable() Attribute to do a deep copy of a object. My implementation using generics so if someone use it he has to give his class as type.
Now the class from user must have the Attribute Serializeable() too. Are there any limitations for a class which using Serializeable()?
In fact:
Are there any performance problems?
Is it possible to use an interface?
Is it possible to use inerhitence?
Is it possible to use Auto-Properties?
I dont know how the Attribute works and so iam a bit scary of using this in such a global way.
for small models that you are cloning in memory, not usually
irrelevent; when using [Serializable] you are typically using BinaryFormatter - which looks at the objects themselves; it doesn't matter what interfaces they implement - the interfaces are not used
yes, for the same reason - but all types in the model must be [Serializable]
yes, for the same reason; note : the default BinaryFormatter implementation is looking at fields - it won't even touch the properties
Personally, I try to advise against BinaryFormatter, but this is perhaps not an unreasonable use. However! Be careful that it is easy to suck extra objects into the model accidentally, must commonly through events. Note that it is a good idea to mark all events as non-serialized:
public event EventHandler Something;
(or apply to the field directly if using explicit add/remove accessors)
Note also that any members like:
public object Tag {get;set;} // caller-defined
should also probably be [field:NonSerialized].
Personally, I'd prefer a different serializer, but: this will often work. I will say, though: try to avoid persisting the output of BinaryFormatter, as it is hard to guarantee compatibility between revisions of your code.
I dont know how the Attribute works
It does nothing at all except add an IL flag that says "by the way, consider this ok to be serialized"; actually, most serializers don't even look at this flag - but BinaryFormatter is one of the few that do look at this flag. The real code here is BinaryFormatter, which basically does:
have I seen this object before? if so, store the key only
what type is it? is it [Serializable]? store the type info
invent a new reference and store that as the identity
does it have a custom serializer? if so: use that
what fields does it have? access each in turn and store the name/value pair
I'm starting a new project on .NET 4. All the libraries I'll be creating will have SecurityTransparentAttribute applied.
Now I have an immutable struct in one of these assemblies that needs to be serialized. As an immutable object, there won't be setters for any property (like with System.DateTime).
If I simply mark the struct as [Serializable], nothing will be serialized, as the properties are readonly. The usual way to deal with this is to implement the ISerializable interface and take care of it in GetObjectData and the special constructor.
But in this case, my assembly will be security transparent, and ISerializable.GetObjectData is SecurityCritical, so I can't do it this way.
So, what are my options here? I would really like to have everything SecurityTransparent because I won't really need any critical stuff. Except this.
If you're using BinaryFormatter, it serializes the fields of your struct, not its properties, and it works even if the fields are readonly. So if it's appropriate to serialize your struct by simply serializing its fields, you're all set.
My first thought is that is the knowledge of how to serialize itself too much behaviour to have in a struct?
You could go down the route of creating a type converter for it
I've got my fingers crossed that someone out there has a good understanding of the Microsoft XmlSerializer.
Basically, I have built a system for outputting XML on the back of the serializer which is now causing me a lot of hassle and I am trying to avoid a significant re-write.
My current system employs a lot of derived classes.
For example,
BaseResponse -> CarParkResponse -> CarParkResponseInherited
BaseResponse and CarParkResponse (both in a library dll) are seperate from CarParkResponseInherited.
As a result, the base classes are ignorent of the derived class.
What I have done
-> Declared derived classes
I appreciate that in order for xmlserializer to do its thing, there are a number of ways to declare dervied classes.
Declare derived classes in base classes using XmlInclude
Declared types to be serialised and deserialised in xmlSerialiser. For example:
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CarParkResponse), new Type[] { typeof(CarParkParameters), typeof(CarParkInformation) });
I have gone with the latter.
What I am trying to do
Because the derived classes are seperate and they share the same properties, what I am trying to do is serialize the dervied class as the subclass.
In other words deserialize CarParkResponseInherited as a CarParkResponse.
In "CarParkResponseInherited" I am using the declaration XmlTypeAttribute("CarParkResponse").
Initially this causes a problem when serialized
Types 'CarParkResponseInherited' and 'CarParkResponse' both use the XML type name, 'CarParkResponse', from namespace ''. Use XML attributes to specify a unique XML name and/or namespace for the type."
as the type is already in use "CarParkResponse" so I've declased XmlType("Response") in "CarParkResponse" to get around this.
The Problem
I am now trying to Deserialize the XML returned but I'm now getting the following problem.
The specified type was not recognized: name='CarParkResponse', namespace='', at OriginalRequest xmlns=''
Frustratingly the CarParkResponse is there. I am wondering if this is down to the fact I've used XmlType("Response") in the class and the serializer doesn't recognise the class as being type of CarParkResponse
So my question is
Basically is it possible to pass a derived class as a sub class and have it deserialized as the subclass using the XmlSerializer?
I have experimented with the xml produced.
For example, if I don't use the Serialization tags (such as XmlType() etc.) anywhere in my code. The xml produced will produce a carparkresponse element with "type" as an attribute.
The value is "CarParkResponseInherited". I have written some code that removes "Inherited" from the value which does allow it to be deserialized.
This approach is obviously not good so I am hoping there is a good way around this.
if there is anyone out there that has had to patience to read through this post and can help or offer advice it would be most appreciated as I am all out of ideas.
It might be possible to do something using the XmlAttributeOverrides class. It's mostly used for specific property overrides, so it may or may not be the best thing for you.
The long way around would be to go ahead and serialize as the inherited class. Then, if the mappings are the same, deserialize the xml into the base class, and then, re-serialize into what you want.
Depending on how much or how little control you have over the assemblies, you could override the serialization on the inherited class so it does it as the base class.
I'm wondering how to exclude/strip certain properties of given type(s) (or collections of those) from being serialized using Json.NET library?
I tried to write my own contract resolver (inheriting from DefaultContractResolver) with no luck.
I know that I could be done using DataAnnotations, decorating the excluded properties with ScriptIgnoreAttribute, but it's not applicable in my scenario. The objects serialized can be virtually anything, so I don't know which properties to exclude at design-time. I know only the types of properties that should not be serialized.
It looks like a rather simple task, but unfortunately I couldn't find a decent solution anywhere...
BTW - I'm not bound to Json.NET library - if it can easily be done with default/other .NET JSON serializers it'd be an equally good solution for me.
The properties has to be excluded before trying to serialize them. Why?
Basically, the types of objects I'm receiving and serializing can have dynamic properties of type inheriting from IDynamicMetaObjectProvider. I'm not going to describe all the details, but the DynamicMetaObject returned from GetMetaObject method of these objects doesn't have DynamicMetaObject.GetDynamicMemberNames method implemented (throws NotImplementedException...). Summarizing - the problem is those objects (I need to exclude) doesn't allow to enumerate their properties, what Json.NET serializer tries to do behind the scenes. I always end up with NotImplementedException being thrown.
I have tried both the WCF JSON serialization as well as the System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer. I have found if you want solid control of the serialization process and do not want to be bound by attributes and hacks to make things work, the JavaScriptSerializer is the way to go. It is included in the .NET stack and allows you to create and register JavaScriptConverter subclasses to perform custom serialization of types.
The only restriction I have found that may cause you a problem is that you cannot easily register a converter to convert all subclasses of Object (aka, one converter to rule them all). You really need to have knowledge of common base classes or preregister the set of types up front by scanning an assembly. However, property serialization is entirely left up to you, so you can decide using simple reflection which properties to serialize and how.
Plus, the default serialization is much much much better for JSON than the WCF approach. By default, all types are serializable without attributes, enums serialize by name, string-key dictionaries serialize as JSON objects, lists serialize as arrays, etc. But for obvious reasons, such as circular trees, even the default behavior needs assistance from time to time.
In my case, I was supporting a client-API that did not exactly match the server class structure, and we wanted a much simpler JSON syntax that was easy on the eyes, and the JavaScriptSerializer did the trick every time. Just let me know if you need some code samples to get started.
Create your own contract resolver, override the method that creates the properties for an object and then filter the results to only include those that you want.
Have you considered using the ShouldSerialize prefix property to exclude the property of your specific type at runtime?
public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public Employee Manager { get; set; }
public bool ShouldSerializeManager()
return (Manager != this);