I do not need to edit any XML-file or anything, this is only for reading and parsing.
I want to be able to handle the XML-document as a dictionary, like: username = doc["username"];, but I can't find out how to "convert" the document. I've also encountered the problem with duplicate key-names, but that could be easlily avoided by appending each value with 1, 2 etc; making it easy to for-loop through too.
Is this possible? To treat the (parsed) XML-document as a dictionary?
Answer to Mehrdad:
It varies from time to time, it depends on the request from the user. If the user requests x, then it will be:
But if he requests y, it will be like
The best would be if this:
Could be parsed and then accessed as doc["mengde"] etc.
You could use linq to xml to do what you want (if I understand what you want)
string data = "<data><test>foo</test><test>foobbbbb</test><bar>123</bar><username>foobar</username></data>";
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(data);
Dictionary<string, string> dataDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants().Where(p => p.HasElements == false)) {
int keyInt = 0;
string keyName = element.Name.LocalName;
while (dataDictionary.ContainsKey(keyName)) {
keyName = element.Name.LocalName + "_" + keyInt++;
dataDictionary.Add(keyName, element.Value);
XML Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resource key="123">foo</resource>
<resource key="456">bar</resource>
<resource key="789">bar</resource>
Conversion Code
string s = "<data><resource key=\"123\">foo</resource><resource key=\"456\">bar</resource><resource key=\"789\">bar</resource></data>";
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList resources = xml.SelectNodes("data/resource");
SortedDictionary<string,string> dictionary = new SortedDictionary<string,string>();
foreach (XmlNode node in resources){
dictionary.Add(node.Attributes["key"].Value, node.InnerText);
This question was asked before here and so you can find the all answers in this link :
convert xml to sorted dictionary
Hope it helps.
Your question's really not very clear, but I think this does what you want:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Dictionary<string, string> d = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XmlNode n in doc.SelectNodes("/xml/*")
d[n.Name] = n.Value;
This isn't exactly what you are looking for, but may be of interest: http://blogs.msdn.com/csharpfaq/archive/2009/10/01/dynamic-in-c-4-0-introducing-the-expandoobject.aspx
I am working on a programm with C# and a XML-File. I want to read the values of the xml-nodes but I get an issue with that. In the second part, where I am trying to get the content, it only does one loop and not three. The first values are correct. I don't know why it only makes the first loop. I hope someone can help me.
My XML-File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<inventory id="1">
<order id="1">
<idarticle amount="4">2</idarticle>
<idarticle amount="3">3</idarticle>
<idarticle amount="2">1</idarticle>
<orderdate>05.01.2018 15:10:44</orderdate>
My C#-Code:
List<Order> orderList = new List<Order>();
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/lagerverwaltung/article/orders/order");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
// Is working
string id = xn["id"].InnerText;
string bestellPositionId = xn["idposition"].InnerText;
string kundeId = xn["idcustomer"].InnerText;
string bestelldatum = xn["orderdate"].InnerText;
string rechnungsDatum = xn["paydate"].InnerText;
string mwst = xn["mwst"].InnerText;
string rechnungsTotal = xn["total"].InnerText;
XmlNodeList xnInhalt = xml.SelectNodes("/lagerverwaltung/article/orders/order[#id='" + id + "']/content");
Dictionary<string, string> content= new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xnInhalt) // Does only one loop
string articleid = xmlNode["idarticle"].InnerText;
string amount = xmlNode["idarticle"].GetAttribute("amount");
content.Add(articleid, amount);
There is a single content node, use content/idarticle to get the inner collection:
XmlNodeList xnInhalt = xml.SelectNodes("/lagerverwaltung/article/orders/order[#id='" + id
+ "']/content/idarticle");
You would then modify the following code because xmlNode now refers to an idarticle. For example,
string articleid = xmlNode.InnerText;
How would i write the xml out like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ZoomLevel 250>0.0100502512562814</ZoomLevel 250>
<ZoomLevel 250>0.0100502512562814</ZoomLevel 250>
I know how to write it out but i cant write it out in a loop which i need to atm the i have for writting the xml sheet is
public void XMLWrite(Dictionary<string, double> dict)
//write the dictonary into an xml file
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode docNode = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
XmlNode productsNode = doc.CreateElement("calibration");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> entry in dict)
XmlNode zoomNode = doc.CreateElement("ZoomLevel");
XmlAttribute ZoomLevel = doc.CreateAttribute(entry.Key.ToString());
//XmlElement PixelSize = doc.CreateElement (entry.key = entry.Value.ToString());
As the others said your wanted xml isn't valid. Another thing that I noticed is that in your example there are two nodes with the level zoom of 250 which is a key of the dictionary and as you know it should be unique.
However I recommend you to use LINQ to XML (System.Xml.Linq) which is simpler, so what about:
public void XMLWrite( Dictionary<string, double> dict ) {
XDocument doc = new XDocument( new XElement( "calibration" ) );
foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, double> entry in dict )
doc.Root.Add( new XElement( "zoom", entry.Value.ToString( ), new XAttribute( "level", entry.Key.ToString( ) ) ) );
doc.Save( pathName );
I tested this code by passing this dictionary:
"250", 0.110050251256281
"150", 0.810050256425628
"850", 0.701005025125628
"550", 0.910050251256281
And the result is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<zoom level="250">0,110050251256281</zoom>
<zoom level="150">0,810050256425628</zoom>
<zoom level="850">0,701005025125628</zoom>
<zoom level="550">0,910050251256281</zoom>
As Michiel pointed out in the comments, the XML you want to create is not valid. As of the W3C XML specification:
Almost all characters are permitted in names, except those which
either are or reasonably could be used as delimiters.
You might want to generate something like this instead:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<zoom level="250">0.0100502512562814</zoom>
<zoom level="260">0.0100502512562815</zoom>
Generated with such a code snippet:
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> entry in dict)
var node = doc.CreateElement("zoom");
var attribute = doc.CreateAttribute("level");
attribute.Value = entry.Key;
node.InnerText = entry.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
I'm trying to write an XML file that will be picked up and parsed by another service. In order for this to happen the XML must be formatted in a very specific way, namely:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Feedbacks:Feedbacks xmlns:Feedbacks="Feedbacks">
<Feedback:XMLFeedback xmlns:Feedback="Feedback">
with data of course between the innermost elements. Here's the issue though, no matter what I do, I can't get any of the C# classes to keep the semicolons on the innermost nodes. As far as I know these need to stay, so is there a way in C# to force it to format the nodes this way? I've tried all of the create methods that I could find in the XMLDocument class. I can get the outer nodes formatted fine, but the inner ones just keep creating problems.
Edit, sorry here's the code that makes the inner nodes.
private void AppendFile(string filename, string[] headers, Dictionary<string, string> values)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc.GetElementsByTagName(headers[headers.Length - 2]).Item(0);
string[] hPieces = headers[headers.Length - 1].Split(':');
XmlElement appendee = doc.CreateElement(hPieces[0].Trim(), hPieces[1].Trim(), hPieces[0].Trim());
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in values)
string[] ePieces = pair.Key.Split(':');
//XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement(ePieces[0].Trim(), string.Empty, ePieces[1].Trim());
//XmlText text = doc.CreateTextNode(pair.Value);
XmlNode innerNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, ePieces[1].Trim(), ePieces[0].Trim());
node.InnerText = pair.Value;
// element.AppendChild(text);
The data for the inner nodes comes in as key value pairs in the dictionary. Where the keys contain the intended name.
Edit2: This is what the file output looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Feedbacks:Feedbacks xmlns:Feedbacks="Feedbacks">
<Feedback:XMLFeedback xmlns:Feedback="Feedback">
You can accompish this easily with XLinq:
using System.Xml.Linq;
XNamespace ns1 = "Feedbacks";
XNamespace ns2 = "Feedback";
var doc = new XElement("Feedbacks",
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns+"Feedbacks", ns1));
doc.Add(new XElement(ns1 + "Elements",
new XElement(ns2 + "Feedback",
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns+"Feedback", ns2),
new XElement(ns2 + "Unit"))));
<Feedbacks xmlns:Feedbacks="Feedbacks">
<Feedback:Feedback xmlns:Feedback="Feedback">
<Feedback:Unit />
Although I believe that your own output should be valid XML, relying on the parent namespcae.
In my previous question here, I didn’t understand how to solve my problem.
Linq to XML, how to acess an element in C#?
Here is my XML I need to parse:
<text>some text</text>
To access the element I use this code:
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml.Text);
How can I access ?
I have try http://aspnetgotyou.blogspot.com/2010/06/xdocument-or-xelement-with-xmlnamespace.html,
But it is ignored <photo:mtime> and I need to access it.
Please write some code.
Contrary to #BrokenGlass' comments, your XML is not invalid. In fact the technique in the link you provided in your question (for loading namespaces) works fine. Maybe you just didn't change the example for your own needs. Here's a more compact generalization for parsing xml fragments with namespaces into an XElement:
public static XElement parseWithNamespaces(String xml, String[] namespaces) {
XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
foreach (String ns in namespaces) { nameSpaceManager.AddNamespace(ns, ns); }
return XElement.Load(new XmlTextReader(xml, XmlNodeType.Element,
new XmlParserContext(null, nameSpaceManager, null, XmlSpace.None)));
Using your exact input:
string xml =
<text>some text</text>
XElement x = parseWithNamespaces(xml, new string[] { "photo" });
foreach (XElement e in x.Elements()) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", e.Name, e.Value);
photo = /filesphoto.jpg
{photo}mtime = 12
text = some text
Try this: (Your xml is changed a little, see )
string xml = "<root><photo>/filesphoto.jpg</photo><photoMtime>12</photoMtime><text>some text</text></root>";
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
string value = doc.Descendants("text").FirstOrDefault().Value;
I am tryng to loop through an xml doc and I am still getting the first element in the second iteration, not sure what I am missing. Can anyone help? Pretty new with Xpath
string file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/XML/Locations.xml");
Dictionary<string, Location> locationCollection = new Dictionary<string, Location>();
XPathDocument xDocument = new XPathDocument(file);
XPathNavigator xPathNavigator = xDocument.CreateNavigator();
foreach (XPathNavigator node in xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*"))
string value = node.SelectSingleNode("/locations/location/cell").Value;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<street>3717 San Fernando Road</street>
<generalManager>DJ Eldon</generalManager>
<phone>(818) 552‐6246</phone>
<tollFree>(888) 600‐6011</tollFree>
<fax>(818) 552‐6248</fax>
<cell>(347) 834‐2249</cell>
<street>1301 S. Harlem Ave.</street>
<generalManager>Dave Schnulle</generalManager>
<phone>(708) 749‐1500</phone>
<tollFree>(888) 966‐1500</tollFree>
<fax>(818) 552‐6248</fax>
<cell>(708) 749‐3800</cell>
You're effectively ignoring the value of node by using a leading slash to get back to the document root. Try this instead:
// This assumes that there are only location nodes under locations;
// You may want to use //locations/location instead
foreach (XPathNavigator node in xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*"))
string value = node.SelectSingleNode("cell").Value;
// Use value
Having said that, is there any reason you're not doing it in a single XPath query?
// Name changed to avoid scrolling :)
foreach (XPathNavigator node in navigator.Select("//locations/location/cell"))
string value = node.Value;
// Use value
Try the following:
XPathNodeIterator ni = xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*");
while (ni.MoveNext())
string value = ni.Current.Value);
Just a quick blurt, hope it helps you.
you should do:
string value = node.SelectSingleNode("./cell").Value;
When you do xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*")), you're already inside /locations/location so you need to move just one element down the node, cell in your example.