Put current route values/url in form post - c#

In my master page, I have a language dropdown menu. When the user selects a language from the dropdown, a submit sends the currently selected language to the "Translate" method in my controller. After which it should redirect to the url it was before the translation submit so it can show the exact same page, but now in the newly selected language.
How would I best go about this? Should I send the current url somehow in a hidden field? Or can I maybe send the current routevaluedictionary, so my translate method can redirectToRoute directly?
Or maybe there is an entirely better way?
Because I want my bookmarks to include the site language too, all my exposed actions have a siteLanguage parameter too. If I could somehow efficiently show the user a bunch of regular (GET) links where the siteLanguage parameter is filled in with the relevant value, that would be even better. But as far as I know, there is no way to put links in a dropdown except with java maybe.

I have a similar situation, and I solved it slightly differently.
Because my master page had functionality in it, I created a new base controller class (that inherits from Controller) and all my real controllers inherit from my custom class.
Then, I implement OnActionExecuting in the base class to do some common work.
Then, in your masterpage, if you have a form like this, it will submit to the current URL with a GET request and add the language as a querystring parameter:
<form id="language" method="get" >
<select name="language">
<option value="en">English</option>
<option value="es">Spanish</option>
Use jQuery to wire it up to autosubmit, etc.
You could look for a language parameter in the querystring in your base controller class and set the flag that tells the real controller method which language to use. In the model, you directly go to the real controller to regenerate the page and avoid a redirect.
Note, this only works universally, if you are not already using querystring parameters.
If this doesn't work for you, you could also use your current method, but include the URL to be redirected to in a hidden field like this:
<%= Html.Hidden("redirect", Request.Url %>

public ActionResult Translate(string _lang){
case "English":
return View("English");
case: "French":
return View("French");
return View("English");
I would personally do it like this

I would put the return url in the querystring, just like forms authentication does when it redirects to the login page.
Include the returnUrl in the routeValues when you do your Translate request.


ASP.NET Core 6 How to redirect from one view to other

I would love to redirect from my Layout view into an index view of a certain class. I do not want to do it through a button.
After I log in the layout page changes depending on your role. If you have a regular user role I want you to be immediately redirected to another view.
This the part of the code where I would like the redirecting to take place. In the "else" clause.
Is there a simple way about please?
I was thinkig of calling a method from a controller of said class which would simply have the redirect method inside. But that has failed since I was not able to call such method simply in a view and I failed to find a way after a long google search.
Thank you for your help.
According to your description, if you want to redirect the view from layout to another view, I suggest you could consider using the Context.Response.Redirect("~/Account/LogIn");
More details ,you could refer to below example:
#if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

How to pass a list from Controller to View?

This is what I've tried:
In Controller:
public ActionResult Detail()
List<string> list = new List<String>();
return View(list);
In View of Detail:
#model dynamic
<!-- some HTML -->
Problem is, intelli-sense is not detecting that the passed in object is a List so #Model.add doesn't work.
My goal is to pass a list into the view so I can gather data from user inputs, and then use that list of data in my controller. Any ideas?
The current problem can be solved by using a statically typed model:
#model List<string>
<!-- some HTML -->
However, you'll quickly hit another wall when the compiler complains that it doesn't know what document is. That's because the Razor view is rendered on the server side, but document is an object provided by the browser on the client side. You simply can't dynamically add elements to this server-side list from the client. You'll need to encode your list somehow for the client to be able to read, say in a JavaScript array. Then dynamically modify the list on the client side, perhaps using the JavaScript .push method. And then post this back to the controller in a separate action.
It's not going to be that simple.
Firstly, the Razor statement you used
is not a valid C# statement. It will cause an exception when you try to open the page, because the Model type you're using (List<T>) does not have a method called add (though it has Add), and further because that javascript is not valid Razor code either :)
Secondly, you seem to be confused about how the server-client interaction works.
You need to carefully think about how what you want to do can be realized--
For you to be able to get information from the client (the user's browser), you first need to render the page, send it to the client, let the user (or whatever) enter the information, and then get them to send it back to a Controller action. At the moment your page is not even rendering, so you couldn't hope to get data from anyone.
This can still be solved in numerous ways, one of which is to use Html.BeginForm(...) to create a simple form and have an input element and a submit button somewhere in there.
If you can get the user to submit the data back to you, you can then do whatever you like with the data in the previously mentioned Controller action.
Okay, solved it by creating a global array in the JavaScript of the View, then passing it to a Controller function as a parameter with Ajax.

Custom controller for the layout.cshtml

I have an MVC website which I wanted to implement a globalization/localization. On my _Layout.cshtml, I have a dropdown which have the languages I supported. When a user selected a language on that dropdown, it should automatically post to the server then render the new language.
Is it possible that I create a specific custom controller for the _Layout.cshtml only? If yes, how? If no, is there any possible way or approach I can make?
Thanks in advance!
You should move that to a child action, then call the child action from the layout view.
You can make the form POST to a separate action (in a controller shared with the child action) that sets the cookie / session / DB property, then redirects back to the original URL (via Request.UrlReferrer or from a hidden model-bound field).

How to get the value from a custom attribute of a button in ASP.NET MVC

say for instance I have the following button in a form in asp.net mvc 3 app:
<input type="submit" name="command" value="Click me" data-custom="D" />
I know how to get the value from the button.. however do I get the data-custom attr value in an action method? Thank you very much!!
I should note that I'm not allowed to use javascript at all since this is a mobile version of the site for devices that do not support javascript..
however do I get the data-custom attr value in an action method?
No you don't. There is nothing in the HTML specification that indicates that data-* attributes should be sent to the server when submitting a form. So if you want to get that value you will need to use javascript. One technique consists in subscribing to the submit event of the form and then automatically injecting a hidden field into that form which will be populated from the data-* attribute of the submit button. This way the value will be sent to the server.
But since I suspect that what you are trying to achieve here is that you have multiple submit buttons and you want to know which button was clicked in your controller action. In this case you could use the following:
<button type="submit" name="btn" value="S">Save</button>
<button type="submit" name="btn" value="D">Delete</button>
and then have your controller action take an argument called btn.
But personally I prefer to use separate actions otherwise it makes the controller action very ugly since it will contain lots of if statements. Here's a nice blog post I would invite you to checkout.
A custom attribute is not passed through get or post; only values do.
You can grab the custom attribute value from client side (for example using jQuery .attr() function) and add it to your form data before submitting it.
as far as I know you can't get data directly from data-... . you can write javascript to get this value.
Only the value and the name of the form element are posted within a form and any data-* cannot be passed.
You can consider a workaround using JavaScript. The idea is to so somehow merge the data-custom value to your value attribute.
$("input[type=textbox][data-custom]").each(function(index, value) {
$(value).attr("value", $(value).attr("value") + "$$$" + $(value).attr("data-custom"));
And from your action method, use data.split("$$$")[1] to get data-custom.
Hope this helps

How do I redirect to a website using MVC?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to redirect to an outside source.
in my code, I have
<%= Html.ActionLink("New Name Search", "Index") %>
which will allow me to navigate within the code.
how do I redirect to ...google for example?
The purpose of the ActionLink helper is to generate links that will direct the user to a controller action that you've defined.
If you want to navigate the user to an outside source you should just use a regular anchor tag.
(It's not really MVC-specific, by the way)
If you are redirecting from your controller (or action filter, etc.) you can use the RedirectResult as your ActionResult type:
This is essentially doing a Response.Redirect, but is the preferred way of sticking with ASP.NET MVC conventions.
If you are just creating a link inside a View, just use Click to go to Google.
"Redirecting" means many things.
If you just want to show a link that redirects the user to another URL you can use the anchor tag normally in you templates.
Now, if you want to redirect the user within the controller, call the Redirect Method.

