How to pass an array of bytes as a Pointer in C# - c#

I have two questions.They both are concerning a void in C++,which I am trying to translate in C#.
C++ code
void Func_X_2(LPBYTE stream, DWORD key, BYTE keyByte)
stream[0] ^= (stream[0] + LOBYTE(LOWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[1] ^= (stream[1] + HIBYTE(LOWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[2] ^= (stream[2] + LOBYTE(HIWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[3] ^= (stream[3] + HIBYTE(HIWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[4] ^= (stream[4] + LOBYTE(LOWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[5] ^= (stream[5] + HIBYTE(LOWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[6] ^= (stream[6] + LOBYTE(HIWORD(key)) + keyByte);
stream[7] ^= (stream[7] + HIBYTE(HIWORD(key)) + keyByte);
First question:
DWORD is UInt32,BYTE is byte,but what is LPBYTE? How to use it as an array?
Second question:
This is how the function is being called:
C++ code
Func_X_2((LPBYTE)keyArray, dwArgs[14], keyByte);
keyArray is a DWORD(UInt32),dwArgs is an array of dword.KeyByte is a byte.
Thanks in advance.

LPBYTE is a pointer to a byte array. The equivalent in C# would be a variable of type byte[]. So you could translate your function like so:
public static void Func_X_2(byte[] stream, int key, byte keyByte)
stream[0] ^= (byte)(stream[0] + BitConverter.GetBytes(LoWord(key))[0]);
stream[1] ^= (byte)(stream[1] + BitConverter.GetBytes(LoWord(key))[1]);
stream[2] ^= (byte)(stream[2] + BitConverter.GetBytes(HiWord(key))[0]);
stream[3] ^= (byte)(stream[3] + BitConverter.GetBytes(HiWord(key))[1]);
stream[4] ^= (byte)(stream[4] + BitConverter.GetBytes(LoWord(key))[0]);
stream[5] ^= (byte)(stream[5] + BitConverter.GetBytes(LoWord(key))[1]);
stream[6] ^= (byte)(stream[6] + BitConverter.GetBytes(HiWord(key))[0]);
stream[7] ^= (byte)(stream[7] + BitConverter.GetBytes(HiWord(key))[1]);
public static int LoWord(int dwValue)
return (dwValue & 0xFFFF);
public static int HiWord(int dwValue)
return (dwValue >> 16) & 0xFFFF;

LPBYTE stands for Long Pointer to Byte, so it's effectively a Byte array.
If you have an uint32, u (have to be careful shifting signed quantities):
LOWORD(u) = (u & 0xFFFF);
HIWORD(u) = (u >> 16);
assumes only bottom 16 bits set (ie. top 16 bits zero):
LOBYTE(b) = (b & 0xFF);
HIBYTE(b) = (b >> 8);

[...] what is LPBYTE? How to use it as an array?
It is a pointer to BYTE: a typedef, usually for unsigned char. You use it as you would use an unsigned char* to point to the first element of an array of unsigned characters. It is defined in windef.h:
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef BYTE far *LPBYTE;
These are macros to fetch parts of a WORD. They are very easy to implement (as bit-fiddling operatios). These are also defined in windef.h. You can simply take the definitions out and paste it into custom C# functions:
#define LOWORD(l) ((WORD)((DWORD_PTR)(l) & 0xffff))
#define HIWORD(l) ((WORD)((DWORD_PTR)(l) >> 16))
#define LOBYTE(w) ((BYTE)((DWORD_PTR)(w) & 0xff))
#define HIBYTE(w) ((BYTE)((DWORD_PTR)(w) >> 8))
You may want to look at this SO post also for bit manipulation in C#.


Why does this PHP code produce a different value from this C# code?

$var1 = (int)395390486;
$var1 <<= 10 & 0xFF;
print($var1); //outputs 404879857664
int var1 = 395390486;
var1 <<= 10 & 0xFF;
Debug.WriteLine(var1); //outputs 1152931840
why its doing this ?
Ok I am able to get the same value in PHP by converting to 32 bit with the following function:
function intval32bits($value) {
$value = ($value & 0xFFFFFFFF);
if ($value & 0x80000000)
$value = -((~$value & 0xFFFFFFFF) + 1);
return $value;

bit shifting in c# vs PHP

I'm porting a class from C# to PHP. The part I'm having trouble with creates a hash of a string in C# by shifting bits repeatedly. The PHP code gives me the same output for the first few iterations but then starts producing wildly different results than the C# version. Assume the string I'm hashing is 'ddc74'.
Here's the C#:
uint hash = 0;
foreach (byte b in System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s))
hash += b;
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
And here's the PHP:
$hash = 0;
settype($hash, "integer");
// convert string to unicode array because the c# version uses each unicode byte.
$source = mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
$source = unpack('C*', $source);
foreach ($source as $b)
var_dump(array('getEightByteHash() b : ' => $b,));
$hash += $b;
$hash += ($hash << 10);
$hash ^= ($hash >> 6);
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong? The PHP code goes off the rails in the 3rd iteration.

No CRC64 implementation equal to CommonCrypto?

I am porting some code from C on OSX to C# that uses CommonCrypto with the kCN_CRC_64_ECMA_182 CRC64 implementation. For example, using CommonCrypto the CRC would be computed with:
CNCRC(kCN_CRC_64_ECMA_182, bytes, bytesLen, &crcResult)
This outputs the correct value. When using the C# library HashLib (or any other code), the output is completely different, for example, the equivalent to the above using HashLib would be:
var checksum = HashFactory.Checksum.CreateCRC64(0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693UL); // ECMA 182
var result = checksum.ComputeBytes(bytes);
Any ideas? Is there an implementation in C# that is equivalent to Apple's CommonCrypto in terms of output?
Here is some simple C code to compute the ECMA-182 CRC:
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define POLY UINT64_C(0x42f0e1eba9ea3693)
#define TOP UINT64_C(0x8000000000000000)
/* Return crc updated with buf[0..len-1]. If buf is NULL, return the initial
crc. So, initialize with crc = crc64_ecma182(0, NULL, 0); and follow with
one or more applications of crc = crc64_ecma182(crc, buf, len); */
int64_t crc64_ecma182(int64_t crc, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
int k;
if (buf == NULL)
return 0;
while (len--) {
crc ^= (uint64_t)(*buf++) << 56;
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc & TOP ? (crc << 1) ^ POLY : crc << 1;
return crc;
I think HashLib is simply wrong, judging by what I found on github. It is doing the CRC reflected, whereas the CRC64 defined in ECMA-182 is not reflected.
To spare you all the endless search for a working CRC64 algorithm that returns the correct result, while in reality only finding unreadable code and god-object implementations which still yield the wrong result...
Here is the basic algorithm.
private static readonly ulong[] Crc64Table =
0x0000000000000000, 0x42f0e1eba9ea3693, 0x85e1c3d753d46d26, 0xc711223cfa3e5bb5, 0x493366450e42ecdf, 0x0bc387aea7a8da4c, 0xccd2a5925d9681f9, 0x8e224479f47cb76a,
0x9266cc8a1c85d9be, 0xd0962d61b56fef2d, 0x17870f5d4f51b498, 0x5577eeb6e6bb820b, 0xdb55aacf12c73561, 0x99a54b24bb2d03f2, 0x5eb4691841135847, 0x1c4488f3e8f96ed4,
0x663d78ff90e185ef, 0x24cd9914390bb37c, 0xe3dcbb28c335e8c9, 0xa12c5ac36adfde5a, 0x2f0e1eba9ea36930, 0x6dfeff5137495fa3, 0xaaefdd6dcd770416, 0xe81f3c86649d3285,
0xf45bb4758c645c51, 0xb6ab559e258e6ac2, 0x71ba77a2dfb03177, 0x334a9649765a07e4, 0xbd68d2308226b08e, 0xff9833db2bcc861d, 0x388911e7d1f2dda8, 0x7a79f00c7818eb3b,
0xcc7af1ff21c30bde, 0x8e8a101488293d4d, 0x499b3228721766f8, 0x0b6bd3c3dbfd506b, 0x854997ba2f81e701, 0xc7b97651866bd192, 0x00a8546d7c558a27, 0x4258b586d5bfbcb4,
0x5e1c3d753d46d260, 0x1cecdc9e94ace4f3, 0xdbfdfea26e92bf46, 0x990d1f49c77889d5, 0x172f5b3033043ebf, 0x55dfbadb9aee082c, 0x92ce98e760d05399, 0xd03e790cc93a650a,
0xaa478900b1228e31, 0xe8b768eb18c8b8a2, 0x2fa64ad7e2f6e317, 0x6d56ab3c4b1cd584, 0xe374ef45bf6062ee, 0xa1840eae168a547d, 0x66952c92ecb40fc8, 0x2465cd79455e395b,
0x3821458aada7578f, 0x7ad1a461044d611c, 0xbdc0865dfe733aa9, 0xff3067b657990c3a, 0x711223cfa3e5bb50, 0x33e2c2240a0f8dc3, 0xf4f3e018f031d676, 0xb60301f359dbe0e5,
0xda050215ea6c212f, 0x98f5e3fe438617bc, 0x5fe4c1c2b9b84c09, 0x1d14202910527a9a, 0x93366450e42ecdf0, 0xd1c685bb4dc4fb63, 0x16d7a787b7faa0d6, 0x5427466c1e109645,
0x4863ce9ff6e9f891, 0x0a932f745f03ce02, 0xcd820d48a53d95b7, 0x8f72eca30cd7a324, 0x0150a8daf8ab144e, 0x43a04931514122dd, 0x84b16b0dab7f7968, 0xc6418ae602954ffb,
0xbc387aea7a8da4c0, 0xfec89b01d3679253, 0x39d9b93d2959c9e6, 0x7b2958d680b3ff75, 0xf50b1caf74cf481f, 0xb7fbfd44dd257e8c, 0x70eadf78271b2539, 0x321a3e938ef113aa,
0x2e5eb66066087d7e, 0x6cae578bcfe24bed, 0xabbf75b735dc1058, 0xe94f945c9c3626cb, 0x676dd025684a91a1, 0x259d31cec1a0a732, 0xe28c13f23b9efc87, 0xa07cf2199274ca14,
0x167ff3eacbaf2af1, 0x548f120162451c62, 0x939e303d987b47d7, 0xd16ed1d631917144, 0x5f4c95afc5edc62e, 0x1dbc74446c07f0bd, 0xdaad56789639ab08, 0x985db7933fd39d9b,
0x84193f60d72af34f, 0xc6e9de8b7ec0c5dc, 0x01f8fcb784fe9e69, 0x43081d5c2d14a8fa, 0xcd2a5925d9681f90, 0x8fdab8ce70822903, 0x48cb9af28abc72b6, 0x0a3b7b1923564425,
0x70428b155b4eaf1e, 0x32b26afef2a4998d, 0xf5a348c2089ac238, 0xb753a929a170f4ab, 0x3971ed50550c43c1, 0x7b810cbbfce67552, 0xbc902e8706d82ee7, 0xfe60cf6caf321874,
0xe224479f47cb76a0, 0xa0d4a674ee214033, 0x67c58448141f1b86, 0x253565a3bdf52d15, 0xab1721da49899a7f, 0xe9e7c031e063acec, 0x2ef6e20d1a5df759, 0x6c0603e6b3b7c1ca,
0xf6fae5c07d3274cd, 0xb40a042bd4d8425e, 0x731b26172ee619eb, 0x31ebc7fc870c2f78, 0xbfc9838573709812, 0xfd39626eda9aae81, 0x3a28405220a4f534, 0x78d8a1b9894ec3a7,
0x649c294a61b7ad73, 0x266cc8a1c85d9be0, 0xe17dea9d3263c055, 0xa38d0b769b89f6c6, 0x2daf4f0f6ff541ac, 0x6f5faee4c61f773f, 0xa84e8cd83c212c8a, 0xeabe6d3395cb1a19,
0x90c79d3fedd3f122, 0xd2377cd44439c7b1, 0x15265ee8be079c04, 0x57d6bf0317edaa97, 0xd9f4fb7ae3911dfd, 0x9b041a914a7b2b6e, 0x5c1538adb04570db, 0x1ee5d94619af4648,
0x02a151b5f156289c, 0x4051b05e58bc1e0f, 0x87409262a28245ba, 0xc5b073890b687329, 0x4b9237f0ff14c443, 0x0962d61b56fef2d0, 0xce73f427acc0a965, 0x8c8315cc052a9ff6,
0x3a80143f5cf17f13, 0x7870f5d4f51b4980, 0xbf61d7e80f251235, 0xfd913603a6cf24a6, 0x73b3727a52b393cc, 0x31439391fb59a55f, 0xf652b1ad0167feea, 0xb4a25046a88dc879,
0xa8e6d8b54074a6ad, 0xea16395ee99e903e, 0x2d071b6213a0cb8b, 0x6ff7fa89ba4afd18, 0xe1d5bef04e364a72, 0xa3255f1be7dc7ce1, 0x64347d271de22754, 0x26c49cccb40811c7,
0x5cbd6cc0cc10fafc, 0x1e4d8d2b65facc6f, 0xd95caf179fc497da, 0x9bac4efc362ea149, 0x158e0a85c2521623, 0x577eeb6e6bb820b0, 0x906fc95291867b05, 0xd29f28b9386c4d96,
0xcedba04ad0952342, 0x8c2b41a1797f15d1, 0x4b3a639d83414e64, 0x09ca82762aab78f7, 0x87e8c60fded7cf9d, 0xc51827e4773df90e, 0x020905d88d03a2bb, 0x40f9e43324e99428,
0x2cffe7d5975e55e2, 0x6e0f063e3eb46371, 0xa91e2402c48a38c4, 0xebeec5e96d600e57, 0x65cc8190991cb93d, 0x273c607b30f68fae, 0xe02d4247cac8d41b, 0xa2dda3ac6322e288,
0xbe992b5f8bdb8c5c, 0xfc69cab42231bacf, 0x3b78e888d80fe17a, 0x7988096371e5d7e9, 0xf7aa4d1a85996083, 0xb55aacf12c735610, 0x724b8ecdd64d0da5, 0x30bb6f267fa73b36,
0x4ac29f2a07bfd00d, 0x08327ec1ae55e69e, 0xcf235cfd546bbd2b, 0x8dd3bd16fd818bb8, 0x03f1f96f09fd3cd2, 0x41011884a0170a41, 0x86103ab85a2951f4, 0xc4e0db53f3c36767,
0xd8a453a01b3a09b3, 0x9a54b24bb2d03f20, 0x5d45907748ee6495, 0x1fb5719ce1045206, 0x919735e51578e56c, 0xd367d40ebc92d3ff, 0x1476f63246ac884a, 0x568617d9ef46bed9,
0xe085162ab69d5e3c, 0xa275f7c11f7768af, 0x6564d5fde549331a, 0x279434164ca30589, 0xa9b6706fb8dfb2e3, 0xeb46918411358470, 0x2c57b3b8eb0bdfc5, 0x6ea7525342e1e956,
0x72e3daa0aa188782, 0x30133b4b03f2b111, 0xf7021977f9cceaa4, 0xb5f2f89c5026dc37, 0x3bd0bce5a45a6b5d, 0x79205d0e0db05dce, 0xbe317f32f78e067b, 0xfcc19ed95e6430e8,
0x86b86ed5267cdbd3, 0xc4488f3e8f96ed40, 0x0359ad0275a8b6f5, 0x41a94ce9dc428066, 0xcf8b0890283e370c, 0x8d7be97b81d4019f, 0x4a6acb477bea5a2a, 0x089a2aacd2006cb9,
0x14dea25f3af9026d, 0x562e43b4931334fe, 0x913f6188692d6f4b, 0xd3cf8063c0c759d8, 0x5dedc41a34bbeeb2, 0x1f1d25f19d51d821, 0xd80c07cd676f8394, 0x9afce626ce85b507
public static ulong Calculate(byte[] data)
ulong crc64 = ulong.MaxValue;
int length = data.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
crc64 = Crc64Table[((uint)(crc64 >> 56) ^ data[i]) & 0xff] ^ (crc64 << 8);
return ~crc64;
Looking for a byte[] instead?
Replace return ~crc64; with
crc64 = ~crc64;
return new[]
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff000000000000) >> 48),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff0000000000) >> 40),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff00000000) >> 32),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff000000) >> 24),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff0000) >> 16),
(byte)((crc64 & 0xff00) >> 8),
(byte)(crc64 & 0xff)

C# structure include byte array and long value

This is My Code to user a long variable with it bytes, but when program runs, Exception Happens and show these:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in Test.exe
Additional information: Could not load type 'Test.MyU32' from assembly 'Test,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it contains an
object field at offset 0 that is incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object
public struct MyU32
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public byte[] Bytes;
public long Value;
Please help me how to handle it!
Your code case doesn't work because you're overlapping a reference and a value type(a 64 bit int). You can overlap different value types and different references, but you can't mix them.
But even when they work, such low level hacks are usually a bad idea in C#. I recommend using properties which do the transformation instead of low level unions.
Perhaps what you actually want is:
internal static class ByteIntegerConverter
public static UInt32 LoadLittleEndian32(byte[] buf, int offset)
(UInt32)(buf[offset + 0])
| (((UInt32)(buf[offset + 1])) << 8)
| (((UInt32)(buf[offset + 2])) << 16)
| (((UInt32)(buf[offset + 3])) << 24);
public static void StoreLittleEndian32(byte[] buf, int offset, UInt32 value)
buf[offset + 0] = (byte)value;
buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buf[offset + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
UInt32 value = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(buf, offset);
// do something with `value`
ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(buf, offset, value);
This always uses little endian regardless of the computer's native endianness. If you want native endainness you could check with BitConverter.IsLittleEndian and use different shift constants if it is big endian.
I'm not perfectly sure, but I think the problem is caused by the overlap between a value type and a reference type. It should be possible to overlap only value types. Because if it was possible to overlap value types & reference types, you could change the reference directly. For obvious safety reason, it's not possible.
As byte[] is a reference type (as all arrays in .NET). You can't have Value overlapping Bytes.
If you are used to C, your structure (without the explicit layout) would be "similar" to:
struct MyU32
byte* Bytes;
long Value;
but it is not similar to:
struct MyU32
byte Bytes[4];
long Value;
I solve my problem
Tanx to All bodies that put time on it.
public struct MyU32
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public byte[] Bytes;
public uint Value
get { return ((uint)Bytes[0] + Bytes[1] << 8 + Bytes[2] << 16 + Bytes[3] << 24); }
Bytes[0] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
Bytes[1] = (byte)(value>>8 & 0xFF);
Bytes[2] = (byte)(value>>16 & 0xFF);
Bytes[3] = (byte)(value>>24 & 0xFF);

Getting upper and lower byte of an integer in C# and putting it as a char array to send to a com port, how?

In C I would do this
int number = 3510;
char upper = number >> 8;
char lower = number && 8;
Where upper and lower would both = 54
In C# I am doing this:
int number = Convert.ToInt16("3510");
byte upper = byte(number >> 8);
byte lower = byte(number & 8);
char upperc = Convert.ToChar(upper);
char lowerc = Convert.ToChar(lower);
data = "GETDM" + upperc + lowerc;
However in the debugger number = 3510, upper = 13 and lower = 0
this makes no sense, if I change the code to >> 6 upper = 54 which is absolutely strange.
Basically I just want to get the upper and lower byte from the 16 bit number, and send it out the com port after "GETDM"
How can I do this? It is so simple in C, but in C# I am completely stumped.
Your masking is incorrect - you should be masking against 255 (0xff) instead of 8. Shifting works in terms of "bits to shift by" whereas bitwise and/or work against the value to mask against... so if you want to only keep the bottom 8 bits, you need a mask which just has the bottom 8 bits set - i.e. 255.
Note that if you're trying to split a number into two bytes, it should really be a short or ushort to start with, not an int (which has four bytes).
ushort number = Convert.ToUInt16("3510");
byte upper = (byte) (number >> 8);
byte lower = (byte) (number & 0xff);
Note that I've used ushort here instead of byte as bitwise arithmetic is easier to think about when you don't need to worry about sign extension. It wouldn't actually matter in this case due to the way the narrowing conversion to byte works, but it's the kind of thing you should be thinking about.
You probably want to and it with 0x00FF
byte lower = Convert.ToByte(number & 0x00FF);
Full example:
ushort number = Convert.ToUInt16("3510");
byte upper = Convert.ToByte(number >> 8);
byte lower = Convert.ToByte(number & 0x00FF);
char upperc = Convert.ToChar(upper);
char lowerc = Convert.ToChar(lower);
data = "GETDM" + upperc + lowerc;
Even if the accepted answer fits the question, I consider it incomplete due to the simple fact that the question contains int and not short in header and it is misleading in search results, and as we know Int32 in C# has 32 bits and thus 4 bytes. I will post here an example that will be useful in the case of Int32 use. In the case of an Int32 we have:
And as such, I have created the following method for converting the Int32 value into a little endian Hex string, in which every byte is separated from the others by a Whitespace. This is useful when you transmit data and want the receiver to do the processing faster, he can just Split(" ") and get the bytes represented as standalone hex strings.
public static String IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(int pValue, uint pSize)
String result = String.Empty;
pSize = pSize < 4 ? pSize : 4;
byte tmpByte = 0x00;
for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++)
tmpByte = (byte)((pValue >> i * 8) & 0xFF);
result += tmpByte.ToString("X2") + " ";
return result.TrimEnd(' ');
String value1 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x927C, 4);
String value2 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x3FFFF, 4);
String value3 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x927C, 2);
String value4 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x3FFFF, 1);
The result is:
7C 92 00 00
FF FF 03 00
7C 92
If it is hard to understand the method which I created, then the following might be a more comprehensible one:
public static String IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(int pValue)
String result = String.Empty;
byte lowWordLowByte = (byte)(pValue & 0xFF);
byte lowWordHighByte = (byte)((pValue >> 8) & 0xFF);
byte highWordLowByte = (byte)((pValue >> 16) & 0xFF);
byte highWordHighByte = (byte)((pValue >> 24) & 0xFF);
result = lowWordLowByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
lowWordHighByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
highWordLowByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
return result;
Of course insteand of uint pSize there can be an enum specifying Byte, Word, DoubleWord
Instead of converting to hex string and creating the little endian string, you can convert to chars and do whatever you want to do.
Hope this will help someone!
Shouldn't it be:
byte lower = (byte) ( number & 0xFF );
To be a little more creative
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout( System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Explicit )]
public struct IntToBytes {
public int Int32;
public byte First;
public byte Second;
public byte Third;
public byte Fourth;

