problem in try statement - c#

This is the code I use to setup my TCP server
internal void Initialize(int port,string IP)
IPEndPoint _Point = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IP), port);
Socket _Accpt = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
catch (SocketException exc)
_Accpt.Listen(2); //Second exception is here after the code continues after the catch block
_Accpt.BeginAccept(null, 0, new AsyncCallback(Accept), _Accpt);
If you call Bind on the same destination you'll get an exception,because the port is already in use,so do I get that exception when I call that function two times.
Problem - After Catch{} statement the code continues to follow the Finally{} even though I caught the exception,why that happens?
I want it to exit the function after the messagebox.I tried with "return",but it still continues to follow the finally{} block.

The finally block always executes, regardless if an exception was thrown or the method was exiting from within the try/catch block.

The Finally block is where you put code that MUST run regardless of whether the try block succeeds or fails. It's where you'd put "clean up" code that might dispose objects etc.
So, it's by-design that this code runs regardless of what happened. Perhaps you need to move that code into the Try block if you only want it running when the Bind is good.
Check out this page...
... for details on how this works.
A sample try/catch/finally follows (taken from Jeffery Richter's CLR via C# which should be on your required reading)...
FileStream fs = null;
fs = new FileStream(...)
// process the data
catch (IOException)
// inside this catch block is where you put code that recovers
// from an IOException
// make sure the file gets closed
if (fs != null) fs.Close();

As others have pointed out, the finally block will always occur regardless of an exception being thrown.
Change your code to
_Accpt.Listen(2); //Second exception is here after the code continues after the catch block
_Accpt.BeginAccept(null, 0, new AsyncCallback(Accept), _Accpt);
catch (SocketException exc)
//Final logging
//Disposal of initial objects etc...

The whole idea with finally is that it will always run - exceptions or no exceptions. Use it for clean-up etc.

Finally blocks are always executed. That is the whole point of finally.
It sounds like the lines you have in the 'finally' maybe belong in the try?

finally is always executed.
Only the code that exists after the line of code that throwed the exception will not be executed, until a catch exception is encountered that can catch the exception.


Finally block in try/catch not working?

Ok, as far as I understand, try/catch blocks try an operation and catch blocks catch exceptions. The more specific exceptions go up top, the more generic towards the bottom of the series of catch blocks. In the following code, I implement try/catch, everything works fine.
As far as I understand, a finally block always executes. Some people have argued that there is no purpose to finally block, because if there is an exception or there isn't, the code after the last catch block gets executed anyways.
However, the argument against this is that if there is an exception thrown in a catch block, there are no subsequent catch blocks to catch that exception. So by putting resource cleanup code in a finally block, you ensure that resources will be released in the event that an exception is thrown in a catch block.
Which is why the following code puzzles me. I throw an exception in the first catch block and the finally block never executes. Why?
*Please note that there is indeed an exception thrown while creating myStreamReader, as the file is actually called generic.txt and is misspelled with purpose, in order to throw the initial exception.
StreamReader myStreamReader = null;
myStreamReader = new StreamReader("c:\\genneric.txt");
catch(FileNotFoundException Error)
throw new Exception();
catch(Exception Error)
if(myStreamReader != null)
Console.WriteLine("Closed the StreamReader.");
The issue with this block of code originates in this video, at the 27:20 mark:
The guy directly declares that an Exception that occurs in a catch block will not prevent the finally block from executing. I am seeing that it does.
If that new exception is completely unhandled, the entire process is torn down, and the finally block never gets to run.
If there's some other exception handler at a higher level, or an unhandled exception handler has been installed, the finally block does run.
This sample does show "Closed the StreamReader":
static void Main()
StreamReader myStreamReader = null;
myStreamReader = new StreamReader("c:\\genneric.txt");
catch (FileNotFoundException Error)
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception Error)
if (myStreamReader != null)
Console.WriteLine("Closed the StreamReader.");
Unhandled exception handlers can be registered in the AppDomain.UnhandledException event.
Your understanding is not correct. See try-finally.
By using a finally block, you can clean up any resources that are
allocated in a try block, and you can run code even if an exception
occurs in the try block. Typically, the statements of a finally block
run when control leaves a try statement. The transfer of control can
occur as a result of normal execution, of execution of a break,
continue, goto, or return statement, or of propagation of an exception
out of the try statement.
So finally does executed if you return for instance out of a try block, but not if you throw from a catch block.
However, if the exception is unhandled, execution of the finally block
is dependent on how the exception unwind operation is triggered. That,
in turn, is dependent on how your computer is set up.
Assuming the file is not found, it would first catch the FileNotFoundException:
catch(FileNotFoundException error)
throw new Exception();
This writes a message to the console, and then throws a new Exception. This exception however, is unhandled and will halt execution. If you throw an exception from within a Catch block, it will not be caught by any subsequent blocks.
The solution is to handle the exception appropiately instead of throwing a new one. If the file was not found, then act upon it, e.g. let the user choose another file, create the file, etc.
use throw instead and try this. When you throw a new exception, the actual exception will be lost. But when you use just throw it will throw the actual exception which is FileNotFoundException.
StreamReader myStreamReader = null;
myStreamReader = new StreamReader("c:\\genneric.txt");
catch(FileNotFoundException Error)
catch(Exception Error)
Console.WriteLine("Closing the StreamReader.");
if(myStreamReader != null)
} catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) };

Explain "finally"'s use in try-catch-finally blocks

I read that finally key make a try-catch block final work, even function throw exception or not. But I wonder what is different if I don't put a code inside a finally block (like Function_2 below), which is the way I'm using to coding. Thank You!
void Function_1()
throw new Exception();
finally //Have finally block
void Function_2()
throw new Exception();
Other_Function(); //Don't have finally block
if I dont put a code inside a finally block (like Function_2 below)
if you don't put code inside finally , until unless you won't get an exception that code block will be executed.
but if you get an exception before that code block (which was not kept inside finally) will not be executed as the control returns from there itself.
but if you keep your code in finally , it will be executed irrespective of the situation.
Example:1 without finally block
//throw exption
//return from here
//below statement won't get executed
Example:2 with finally block
//throw exption
//return from here if finally block is not available
//if available execute finally block and return
//below statement surly gets executed
A finally block, refers to a block of statements that is always executed, regardless of unexpected events or exceptions that may occur during an application's execution. The execution of a finally block is intended to release resources, such as database connections, which are usually available in limited quantities.
From MSDN:
Usually, when an unhandled exception ends an application, whether or
not the finally block is run is not important. However, if you have
statements in a finally block that must be run even in that situation,
one solution is to add a catch block to the try-finally statement.
Alternatively, you can catch the exception that might be thrown in the
try block of a try-finally statement higher up the call stack. That
is, you can catch the exception in the method that calls the method
that contains the try-finally statement, or in the method that calls
that method, or in any method in the call stack. If the exception is
not caught, execution of the finally block depends on whether the
operating system chooses to trigger an exception unwind operation.
Code in finally blocks is always executed. Finally provides a construct for ensuring the correct execution of programs. It ensures a block of statements are always reached before the enclosing method is exited.
his program shows how the finally clause is part of the control flow in programs. In this program, a random number is generated. This value is used to determine whether to throw an exception, immediately return, or do nothing.
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// Acquire random integer for use in control flow.
// ... If the number is 0, an error occurs.
// ... If 1, the method returns.
// ... Otherwise, fall through to end.
int random = new Random().Next(0, 3); // 0, 1, 2
if (random == 0)
throw new Exception("Random = 0");
if (random == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Random = 1");
Console.WriteLine("Random = 2");
// This statement is executed before the Main method is exited.
// ... It is reached when an exception is thrown.
// ... It is reached after the return.
// ... It is reached in other cases.
Console.WriteLine("Control flow reaches finally");

what is the difference between TRY....CATCH and TRY.....Finally? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is try {...} finally {...} good; try {...} catch{} bad?
(20 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
difference between try...catch and try....finally ? in
like when i want to catch error like 1/0 then i put code in try block and put exception object in catch block like response.write("ERROR:"+ ex.Message) but advisors told me that it isn't a good practice to put catch always, it absorbs error without notifying ????? ehhhhh ? but it did via ex.Message , so why ?
and what does try....finally do ? i know that it is used to release resources but of what use is TRY if exception can't be catched ?
// open some file or connection
// do some work that could cause exception
catch(MyException ex)
// do some exception handling: rethrow with a message, log the error, etc...
// it is not a good practice to just catch and do nothing (swallow the exception)
// do some cleanup to close file/connection
// guaranteed to run even if an exception happened in try block
// if there was no finally, and exception happened before cleanup in your try block, file could stay open.
// open some file/connection
// do some work, where you're not expecting an exception
// or, you don't want to handle the exception here, rather just let it go to the caller, so no need for a catch
// do cleanup, guaranteed to go in this finally block
Eveything that is enclosed in your finally block is ensured to be executed, and it could be useful in these 2 concrete cases at least :
Sometimes you decide to call return in the middle of your try block and get back to the caller : finally ease the process of releasing ressources here, you don't have to write some specific code to go directly to the end of your method.
Sometimes you want to let an exception go up (by not catching it) and maybe being caught at a higher level (because it is not the appropriate place to handle it properly for example). Again finally ensures your resources are released and the exception continue its path.
Maybe you can see finally as a tool helping developpers to do things they're obliged to do with less effort. On the other side, catch is dedicated to handle errors.
Both keywords are dedicated to flow control, but they don't have the same purpose and they can be used one without each other (and often are!). It depends on your needs.
Finally is always executed whether there is an exception or not. This can be handy if you want to be absolutely certain that something is cleaned up. Example:
void ReadFile(int index)
// To run this code, substitute a valid path from your local machine
string path = #"c:\users\public\test.txt";
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
char[] buffer = new char[10];
file.ReadBlock(buffer, index, buffer.Length);
catch (System.IO.IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error reading from {0}. Message = {1}", path, e.Message);
if (file != null)
// Do something with buffer...
If you didn't have a finally in there it would be possible that the file would not be closed properly if an error occurred. Regardless of whether an error occurs or not, you want the file to be closed when you are done.
Consider the alternative:
void ReadFile(int index)
// To run this code, substitute a valid path from your local machine
string path = #"c:\users\public\test.txt";
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
char[] buffer = new char[10];
file.ReadBlock(buffer, index, buffer.Length);
catch (System.IO.IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error reading from {0}. Message = {1}", path, e.Message);
If you error out on ReadBlock the file will not be properly closed.

Continue after try-catch-finally

This might sound like a weird question but I don't get it...
Let's say I have an application which connects to a server to do some stuff. This connect might fail and throw an exception which I can catch.
try {
} catch (System.Exception ex) {
// Do some exception handling...
} finally {
// Do some cleanup...
However, in case that the connect is succcesful the application shall continue...
try {
} catch (System.Exception ex) {
// Do some exception handling...
} finally {
// Do some cleanup...
// Talk to the server...
The "server talking" however is executed in any case. It doesn't matter if the exception occured or not.
How can I make sure that the "server talking" is only executed if the connect was successful? Do I have to move all of the following code inside the trystatement? What is a clean way to program such a behavior?
"Talk to the server" should happen in the try block, right after
The easiest way is to just set a boolean. But there are many many many ways to deal with this.
bool connectionError = false;
try {
// connect
} catch (...) {
connectionError = true;
} finally {
// whatever
if (!connectionError) {
// talk to server.
Have another variable like clientConnected and set it to true right after Client.Connect(). Then outside the try-catch check for clientConnected before talking to the server.
Avoid doing everything in a single try-catch. You should use separate try-catch blocks for different actions that might throw exceptions, and catch specific exceptions as much as possible.
Typically you use try...catch statements for those statements which you expect to throw an Exception. Try...Catch defines its own scope, so you should declare any variables outside of the Try...Catch block (at least, those variables that you want to use outside of it).
If you want to know if an exception was thrown, then define the Exception variable above the Try...Catch. You can then examine it to determine if it is Null or not.
System.Exception ex;
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Do some exception handling...
} finally {
// Do some cleanup...
if (ex != null){ ... }
// Talk to the server...
You could log an event and then call some code to either try again or to cancel... or whatever you need to do.
Use some type of flag variable to indicate whether server is connected or not. If your method is returning a boolean variable then also it is ok.
int flag=0;
try {
} catch (System.Exception ex) {
// Do some exception handling...
} finally {
// Do some cleanup...
//If server connects code

Order of execution of try catch and finally block

I am confused about the order of try, catch and finally block execution.
I also want to know when should I use try-catch block and what should I put in the try-catch block?
I also want to know if some exception comes in try block then if an action is taken corresponding to try block then which one is executed first catch or finally (which is always to be executed)?
After the execution of these two does control return to try block or it leave it?
If you have (note: this is not valid C#, see below for a valid example):
try {
// ... some code: A
} catch(...) {
// ... exception code: B
} finally {
// finally code: C
Code A is going to be executed. If all goes well (i.e. no exceptions get thrown while A is executing), it is going to go to finally, so code C is going to be executed. If an exception is thrown while A is executed, then it will go to B and then finally to C.
As an example, here's a valid C# code block from
public class EHClass
void ReadFile(int index)
// To run this code, substitute a valid path from your local machine
string path = #"c:\users\public\test.txt";
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
char[] buffer = new char[10];
file.ReadBlock(buffer, index, buffer.Length);
catch (System.IO.IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error reading from {0}. Message = {1}", path, e.Message);
if (file != null)
// Do something with buffer...
The reason to use try/catch/finally is to prevent your program to fail if there is an error in some code (A in the above example). If there is a problem, you can use catch part to catch the problem and do something useful, such as inform the user, log the exception to a log file, try again or try something different that you suppose might work instead of what you tried originally.
finally is used to ensure that some cleanup is performed. E.g. in A you might try to open a file and read it. If opening succeeds, but read fails, you will have an open file dangling. What you would like in that case is to have it closed, which you would do in finally block - this block always gets executed, guaranteeing the closing of the file.
Take a look here for more info:
A try ... catch block is used to catch exceptions. In the try block you put the code that you expect may raise an exception.
If no exception occurs then the code in the try block completes as expected. If there's a finally block then that will execute next.
If an exception does occur then execution jumps to the start of the first matching catch block. Once that code is complete the finally block (if it exists) is executed. Execution does not return to the try block.
You should almost never use try/catch.
You should only catch exceptions that you can actually correct, and only when you're expecting them. Otherwise, let the caller handle the exception - or not.
If used, any catch clauses are executed first - only one of them.
Then, finally is "finally" executed.
This has been stated better in many places, but I'll try. The following code:
// Do something here
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Friendly error message");
does not fix the exception. It hides the exception so that the problem will never be fixed. That code has no idea which exception was thrown, because it will catch all of them, and it does nothing to correct the problem - it just tells the user a polite fiction.
The fact of the matter is that the code above should be replaced with the following:
// Do something here
This way, if the caller of this method knows how to fix particular problems, then the caller can fix them. You will not have removed that option from the caller.
If the caller does not know how to fix the problem, then the caller should also not catch the exception.
Here is an example (from MSDN) of using exceptions in a reasonable manner. It's a modified form of the example in the documentation of the SmtpFailedRecipientsException Class.
public static void RetryIfBusy(string server)
MailAddress from = new MailAddress("");
MailAddress to = new MailAddress("");
using (
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to)
Subject = "Using the SmtpClient class.",
Body =
#"Using this feature, you can send an e-mail message from an application very easily."
message.CC.Add(new MailAddress(""));
using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(server) {Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials})
Console.WriteLine("Sending an e-mail message to {0} using the SMTP host {1}.", to.Address, client.Host);
catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException ex)
foreach (var t in ex.InnerExceptions)
var status = t.StatusCode;
if (status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxBusy || status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxUnavailable)
Console.WriteLine("Delivery failed - retrying in 5 seconds.");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // Use better retry logic than this!
Console.WriteLine("Failed to deliver message to {0}", t.FailedRecipient);
// Do something better to log the exception
catch (SmtpException ex)
// Here, if you know what to do about particular SMTP status codes,
// you can look in ex.StatusCode to decide how to handle this exception
// Otherwise, in here, you at least know there was an email problem
// Note that no other, less specific exceptions are caught here, since we don't know
// what do do about them
Note that this code uses try/catch to surround a small piece of code. Within that try/catch block, if an SmtpException or SmtpFailedRecipientsException is thrown, we know what to do about it. If, for instance, we were to catch IOException, we would not know what it meant, or what to do about it. Any exception you don't actually know how to correct should not be caught, except maybe to add information to the exception, log it, and rethrow.
Here is an example:
functionThatThrowsAnException(); // As soon as this function throws an exception we are taken to the catch block
anotherFunction(); // <-- This line will never get executed
catch(Exception e)
// Here you can handle the exception, if you don't know how to handle it you should not be catching it
// After this you will not be taken back to the try block, you will go right to the finally block
// Code here is always executed at the very end, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not
I'd like to elaborate a bit on this and extend answer with scenario when you rethrow the exception in the catch block so it is handled lower on the execution stack...
I gave it a try with the following code:
static void Main(string[] args)
// pick one:
// NormalExcecution();
// TroubleExcecution();
Console.WriteLine("block D");
private static void NormalExcecution()
Console.WriteLine("block A");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("block B");
Console.WriteLine("block C");
private static void TroubleExcecution()
Console.WriteLine("block A");
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("block B");
Console.WriteLine("block C");
So when there is no exception in block A, then the sequence is as follows (exception handling blocks are never hit):
Block A
Block C
When there's some problem with block A, the sequence is as follows:
block A
block B
block C
block D
Another words, the occurring exception is first handled by block B, then the finally clause is executed, only after that the exception is rethrown and handled lower on the execution stack (block D).
Please mind I may be wrong with what is actually going on under the hood of the .NET framework - I just present the results I observed :)

