RabbitMQ C# client not talking to Apache Qpid Java Broker - c#

I've installed the M4 release of the Apache Qpid Java broker on a Windows box, and started it using the out-of-the-box configuration (via the qpid-server.bat script).
I'm now trying to publish a message to a queue using the RabbitMQ C# client library (version 1.5.3, compiled for .NET 3.0); my code is:
public void PublishMessage(string message)
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.Parameters.VirtualHost = "...";
IProtocol protocol = Protocols.FromEnvironment();
using (IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection(protocol, "localhost", 5672))
using (IModel ch = conn.CreateModel())
string exchange = "...";
string routingKey = "...";
ch.BasicPublish(exchange, routingKey, null, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
Basically, I'm unsure what values to use for factory.Parameters.VirtualHost and the strings exchange and routingKey. I've tried various combinations, but nothing seems to work - the closest I've got is seeing the following in the Qpid server log:
2009-03-19 17:11:04,248 WARN [pool-1-thread-1] queue.IncomingMessage (IncomingMessage.java:198) - MESSAGE DISCARDED: No routes for message - Message[(HC:896033 ID:1 Ref:1)]: 1; ref count: 1
which looks as though the Qpid server is receiving the message, but doesn't know what to do with it.
Any advice on what configuration values I need in my client code (bearing in mind I'm using the default Qpid config in virtualhosts.xml) would be much appreciated. More general information on virtual hosts, exchanges, queues and routing keys, and how Qpid links them all together, would also be very useful.
Thank you in advance,

Just for reference, I managed to get this working in the end. The code below sends a message to the queue test-queue in the test.direct exchange on the localhost virtual host (all part of the default Qpid broker configuration):
public void PublishMessage(string message)
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.Parameters.VirtualHost = "/localhost";
IProtocol protocol = Protocols.AMQP_0_8_QPID;
using (IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection(protocol, "localhost", 5672))
using (IModel ch = conn.CreateModel())
ch.ExchangeDeclare("test.direct", "direct");
ch.QueueBind("test-queue", "test.direct", "TEST", false, null);
ch.BasicPublish("test.direct", "TEST", null, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));


C# - Detect public ip adress change, VPN issue

With following code I am able to track public IP changes of my desktop application. This should be able to track if either the public IP changed or the user enabled a VPN to change his public IP. This code is run on application launch and used once again when a check is needed:
public class PublicIP
IPAddress last_ip=null;
DateTime timestamp_lastipchange;
public void UpdateIP()
List<string> hosts = new List<string>()
using(WebClient webclient = new WebClient())
foreach(string host in hosts)
//Download each string from hosts until an IP could be fetched
var newip = IPAddress.Parse(webclient.DownloadString(service)); //Downloading the string
if(!newip.IsEqual(last_ip) && last_ip!=null) timestamp_lastipchange = DateTime.Now; //Check if the ip changed, if the last known ip does not exists skipp this step
last_ip = newip; //Save last known ip
catch { }
This approach seems to work pretty well, however during UnitTesting some workflows do not fetch a new IP:
IP change by switching networks: change gets successfully detected
IP changed by provider: change gets successfully detected
VPN was enabled when the application was launched and is then turned off:
change gets successfully detected
VPN was disabled on application start and is turned on during runtime:
change does not get detected. Webclient.DownloadString() still returns the same IP as if the VPN was not enabled.
I am not really sure what is happening in workflow nr 4. Do I have to manually select the new network interface (VPN)? Or is this a caching problem on the client/server side?
WebClient is high-level and might using static pool behind-the-scene (and also deprecated). You might try using HttpClient instead, because HttpClient handle connection via its message handler, and the default one is not static, which means this should work:
using(var httpClient = new HttpClient())
var newip = IPAddress.Parse(webclient.GetStringAsync(service)
// ...

LDAP signing and channel binding for the march 10th update in c# .net

I have been looking into how these two new settings will effect with our c# code that connects to an ldap server and performs user lookups
Using the code below to connect to an AD i have found a few scenarios that no longer work when these settings are switched on.
private static LdapConnection ConnectAndBind(
string server,
int port,
int timeout,
string userName,
string pwd,
AuthType authType,
bool useSSL,
bool useV3)
var con = new LdapConnection(new LdapDirectoryIdentifier(server, port));
if (useSSL)
con.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = useSSL;
con.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = VerifyServerCertificate;
con.SessionOptions.QueryClientCertificate = QueryClientCertificate;
con.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, timeout);
con.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = useV3 ? 3 : 2;
con.AuthType = authType;
con.Credential = new NetworkCredential(userName, pwd);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ProviderException(
return con;
This is used in the context of a webforms/mvc asp.net (4.5) app once connected its used to import user details in the the app
but at the moment depending on how the registry keys for the two settings on the AD server are set i am finding some situations where it does not connect (the error returned is that the supplied credentials are invalid)
The first two tables are kinda how i expected it to work with non signed/non ssl basic bind not working
how ever i cannot find a reason why when the Channel binding is set to required (table 3) it does not work for the other 3 red entries
Has any one else been working on this that could shed some light on the matter. would newer version of .net support this setting.
Thanks for any info
so i downloaded Softerra LDAP browser. i get the same results using that . so i dont think its my code.
as soon as i turn on the reg key for Channel Binding i get the specified credentials are invalid for those connection methods over SSL
i have updated the AD server with all the latest patches but no change.

How to use MaxReconnectAttemps in ActiveMQ

I'm having an issue with ActiveMQ, I'm trying to connect using MaxReconnectAttemps but its seems to ignore the property. I'm putting an invalid destination so it tries to connect twice but it seems to be trying to connect indefinitely.
Any ideas as to set it up?
IConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(("failover://(tcp://localhost:61616)?initialReconnectDelay=2000&maxReconnectAttempts=2"));
using (Connection connection = factory.CreateConnection(username,password) as Connection)
connection.ClientId = "ClientId";
using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession())
IQueue queue = session.GetQueue(queueName);
var producer = session.CreateProducer(queue);
producer.DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent;
ITextMessage request = session.CreateTextMessage("Hello World!");
Since you are using the .NET client you need to use a prefix on the URI options for the failover transport, so to configure maxReconnectAttempts you need to pass the option like this:
It's a good idea to look at the documentation for the client you are using which is here.

How to handle Errors and Connection Close using WampSharp

I have been working with WampSharp, i.e the client library provided to connect with autobahn wamp websocket.
I have successfully connected with the Autobahn Wamp Websocket I created in python using a .Net client application using the following code(using WampSharp):
DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();
channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel(serverAddress);
here serverAddress is: (i.e. my websocket starts at 8000 port no. of my local machine).
I am using the pubsub mechanism for exchange of data provided by autobahn wamp websocket using following code:
public void Subscribe()
ISubject<string> subscribe1 = channel.GetSubject<string>(#"simple/topicSubject1");
IDisposable subject1 = subscribe1.Subscribe(msg => MessageRecieved(msg));
public void Publish()
ISubject<string> subjectForPublish = channel.GetSubject<string>(#"simple/topicSubject1");
These all processes are done successfully.
The issue I am facing is that I cannot find any handlers to handle the errors and loss of connection as we do in traditional websocket.
In traditional websocket we have handlers like:
webSocket.Error += new EventHandler<SuperSocket.ClientEngine.ErrorEventArgs>(webSocket_Error);
webSocket.Closed += new EventHandler(webSocket_Closed);
I need to achieve the above functionality using wampsharp.
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
DefaultWampChannelFactory factory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();
IWampChannel<JToken> channel = factory.CreateChannel("ws://localhost:9090/ws");
IWampClientConnectionMonitor monitor = channel.GetMonitor();
monitor.ConnectionError += ConnectionError;
monitor.ConnectionEstablished += ConnectionEstablished;
monitor.ConnectionLost += ConnectionLost;
await channel.OpenAsync();

Create security connection

I have win service that work with MQ.
But i want that it works using ssl channel and database with public/private keys(for that)
May you explain me how to do it.
P.S. I'm not very good at MQ
now i connect to MQ using this code
MQEnvironment.Hostname = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostnameIN"];
MQEnvironment.Channel = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelIN"];
MQEnvironment.Port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortIN"]);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MQCCSID", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MQCCSID"]);
var mqQueueManagerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueueManagerNameIN"];
var mqQueueName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueueNameIN"];
const int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_BROWSE | MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF;
var qMgr = new MQQueueManager(mqQueueManagerName);
var getOptions = new MQGetMessageOptions();
and get all messages using this
using (var mqQueue = qMgr.AccessQueue(mqQueueName, openOptions))
//while (mqQueue.CurrentDepth>0)
while (true)
var message = new MQMessage();
//message.Version = 2;
mqQueue.Get(message, getOptions);
In order to set up MQ to use SSL on the channel you're using, you don't need to make any application changes at all - you simply need to configure the channel you're using on the queue manager to require SSL. The libraries within the client, JVM, and the queue manager will handle establishing that secure connection for you. So in theory all you need to do is make the MQSC/MQ Explorer changes which will configure SSL on the channel.
Recommend you read the following page in the IBM knowledge center. It provides a number of scenarios for various methods of connecting a client securely to the queue manager:

