How to disable the minimize button in C#? - c#

In my application I need to temporarily gray out the minimize button of the main form. Any ideas how this can be achieved? I don't mind doing p/invokes to Win32 dlls.
Edit: Graying out the minimize button would be the preferred solution, but is there any other way of preventing the form from becoming minimized?

I read your comment in regards to my response and was able to drum up a more complete solution for you. I ran this quickly and it seemed to have the behavior that you wanted. Instead of deriving your winforms from Form, derive from this class:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace NoMinimizeTest
public class MinimizeControlForm : Form
private const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
private const int SC_MINIMIZE = 0xf020;
protected MinimizeControlForm()
AllowMinimize = true;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (!AllowMinimize)
if (m.Msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND)
if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == SC_MINIMIZE)
m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
base.WndProc(ref m);
[Description("Specifies whether to allow the window to minimize when the minimize button and command are enabled.")]
public bool AllowMinimize
You could do a bit more if you wanted to be able to decide whether to allow minimizing at the time the click is sent, for instance:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace NoMinimizeTest
public class MinimizeControlForm : Form
private const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
private const int SC_MINIMIZE = 0xf020;
protected MinimizeControlForm()
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND)
if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == SC_MINIMIZE && !CheckMinimizingAllowed())
m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
base.WndProc(ref m);
private bool CheckMinimizingAllowed()
CancelEventArgs args = new CancelEventArgs(false);
return !args.Cancel;
[Description("Allows a listener to prevent a window from being minimized.")]
public event CancelEventHandler Minimizing;
protected virtual void OnMinimizing(CancelEventArgs e)
if (Minimizing != null)
Minimizing(this, e);
For more information about this window notification, see the MSDN article about it.

form.MinimizeBox = false;
or if in the form scope
MinimizeBox = false;

Just do MinimizeBox = false; in your form's code.

Put this code in your form's Resize event:
if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
This will make your form un-minimizable (DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate altering the standard behavior of windows in this way).

You can also implement handle to the Minimize event to cancel the command

Don't. Don't mess with my windows. They are mine, not yours. It is my computer and if I want to minimize, I should be able to. I can't think of, and have never been given, a good reason for doing this.

Coincoin's answer is correct. MinimizeBox is also available as a property in the designer properties window.
#Kevin: While I appreciate the sentiment, that's not always a valid answer. If the application displays a modal dialog box by creating a new instance of a Form and then calling .ShowDialog() on it, you don't want the user to minimize that Form, because then all input on the main UI thread is blocked until that Form's modal status is satisfied. The user could potentially click on the main form and just get the "ding ding ding" unresponsive sound from Windows and not know what to do.

just set the MinimizeBox property of your form to false.
this will disable the minimize button but other buttons will remain functional.


Application.UseWaitCursor is delayed sometimes [duplicate]

Is there a difference between Cursor.Current and this.Cursor (where this is a WinForm) in .Net? I've always used this.Cursor and have had very good luck with it but I've recently started using CodeRush and just embedded some code in a "Wait Cursor" block and CodeRush used the Cursor.Current property. I've seen on the Internet and at work where other programmers have had some problems with the Cursor.Current property. It just got me to wondering if there is a difference in the two. Thanks in advance.
I did a little test. I have two winforms. I click a button on form1, set the Cursor.Current property to Cursors.WaitCursor and then show form2. The cursor doesn't change on either form. It remains Cursors.Default (pointer) cursor.
If I set this.Cursor to Cursors.WaitCursor in the button click event on form1 and show form2, the wait cursor only shows on form1 and the default cursor is on form2 which is expected. So, I still don't know what Cursor.Current does.
Windows sends the window that contains the mouse cursor the WM_SETCURSOR message, giving it an opportunity to change the cursor shape. A control like TextBox takes advantage of that, changing the cursor into a I-bar. The Control.Cursor property determines what shape will be used.
The Cursor.Current property changes the shape directly, without waiting for a WM_SETCURSOR response. In most cases, that shape is unlikely to survive for long. As soon as the user moves the mouse, WM_SETCURSOR changes it back to Control.Cursor.
The UseWaitCursor property was added in .NET 2.0 to make it easier to display an hourglass. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well. It requires a WM_SETCURSOR message to change the shape and that won't happen when you set the property to true and then do something that takes a while. Try this code for example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
this.UseWaitCursor = true;
this.UseWaitCursor = false;
The cursor never changes. To whack that into shape, you'll need to use Cursor.Current as well. Here is a little helper class to make it easy:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class HourGlass : IDisposable {
public HourGlass() {
Enabled = true;
public void Dispose() {
Enabled = false;
public static bool Enabled {
get { return Application.UseWaitCursor; }
set {
if (value == Application.UseWaitCursor) return;
Application.UseWaitCursor = value;
Form f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f != null && f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) // Send WM_SETCURSOR
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1);
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp);
And use it like this:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
using (new HourGlass()) {
I believe that Cursor.Current is the mouse cursor currently being used (regardless of where it is on the screen), while this.Cursor is the cursor it will be set to, when the mouse passes over your window.
this.Cursor is the cursor that will be used when the mouse is over the window referred to by this. Cursor.Current is the current mouse cursor, which might be different from this.Cursor if the mouse is over a different window.
Actually if you would like to use HourGlass from another thread that will give you back cross-threading exception because you are trying to access f.Handle from different thread than form was originally created. Use GetForegroundWindow() instead from user32.dll.
private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
and then
public static bool Enabled
return Application.UseWaitCursor;
if (value == Application.UseWaitCursor)
Application.UseWaitCursor = value;
var handle = GetForegroundWindow();
SendMessage(handle, 0x20, handle, (IntPtr)1);
I have noticed an interesting thing about setting cursors, so I would like to clear some misunderstandings that I myself had before and I hope it may help others too:
When you try to set a form's cursor by using
this.cursor = Cursors.Waitcursor
you actually set the cursor for the control and not the whole form since cursor is property of the Control class.
Also of course the cursor will only be changed to the given cursor when the mouse is actually over the actual control (explicitly the form's area)
As Hans Passant has already stated that:
Windows sends the window that contains the mouse cursor the
WM_SETCURSOR message, giving it an opportunity to change the cursor
I don't know if windows sends messages directly to controls or if the form relays those messages to it's child controls based on mouse position, I'd most likely guess on the first method since when i fetched the messages with overriding WndProc of the form control, when i was over the textbox for example, the form didn't process any messages. (please someone give clarity on this)
Basically my suggestion would be to reside from using this.cursor also and stick to this.usewaitcursor, since that changes the cursor property to waitcursor for all child controls.
The problem with this is also the same as with the application level Application.usewaitcursor, while you are not over the form/forms with your cursor no WM_SETCURSOR message is being sent by windows, so if you start a time consuming synchronous operation before moving your mouse over the form's area, the form can only process such message when the time consuming synchronous operation finishes.
(I would not suggest running time consuming tasks in the UI thread at all, mainly this is what is causing the issue here)
I made a little improvement on Hans Passant's answer, so the hourglass can be either set on application level or form level, also avoiding InvalidOperationException from cross threaded operation calls:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class HourGlass : IDisposable
public static bool ApplicationEnabled
get{ return Application.UseWaitCursor; }
Form activeFrom = Form.ActiveForm;
if (activeFrom == null || ApplicationEnabled == value) return;
if (ApplicationEnabled == value)return;
Application.UseWaitCursor = (bool)value;
if (activeFrom.InvokeRequired)
activeFrom.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
if (activeFrom.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(activeFrom.Handle, 0x20, activeFrom.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
if (activeFrom.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(activeFrom.Handle, 0x20, activeFrom.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
private Form f;
public HourGlass()
this.f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = true;
public HourGlass(bool enabled)
this.f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = enabled;
public HourGlass(Form f, bool enabled)
this.f = f;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = enabled;
public HourGlass(Form f)
this.f = f;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = true;
public void Dispose()
Enabled = false;
public bool Enabled
get { return f.UseWaitCursor; }
if (f == null || Enabled == value) return;
if (Application.UseWaitCursor == true && value == false) return;
f.UseWaitCursor = (bool)value;
f.BeginInvoke(new Action(()=>
if (f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
if (f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp);
To use it on application level:
HourGlass.ApplicationEnabled = true;
//time consuming synchronous task
HourGlass.ApplicationEnabled = false;
For using it on form level you can either use for the current active form:
using (new HourGlass())
//time consuming synchronous task
or you can initialize a local variable in the form like this:
public readonly HourGlass hourglass;
public Form1()
hourglass = new HourGlass(this, false);
and use it later in a try catch finally block
This works great for me when the LongRunningOperation() is processing messages.
private void btnDoLongRunningOperation_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
From VS 2012
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default

C# Disable click/doubleClick or any WindowsMessage

My goal is to disable all DoubleClick() events in my application. Just simply unsubscribing from those events is not possbile, because those are external custom controls. So I am aiming for disabling either the DoubleClick() for those controls or my whole application, it doesn't really matter.
What I am trying to do is to intervene once the window gets a WindowsMessage WM and the ID number Message.Msg is the code of e.g. a Button.Click() event.
private const int WM_COMMAND = // ???
if (m.Msg == WM_COMMAND)
But no matter which WindowsMessage notification code I use, I don't get the correct one which gets fired once a control gets clicked. But I was abel to intervene on a DoubeClick() on the Form.
private const int WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00A3;
private const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
base.WndProc(ref m);
This works totally fine and disabels a DoubleClick on the client area and non client area of the Form. But in which area do I locate when I am hovering a control? Because those WindowsMessages referred to either the client area and non client area dont' get fired when I am on a control.
Sent when the user clicks a button.
The parent window of the button receives this notification code through the WM_COMMAND message.
MSDN doc about a button click notifaction message
The WM_COMMAND message has this notfication code:
private const int WM_COMMAND = 0x0111;
So when I try to react to this message being sent I can't, because this message doesn't get fired.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == WM_COMMAND)
MessageBox.Show("foo"); // nothing happens
base.WndProc(ref m);
What do I miss or missunderstand about this WindowsMessage?
Since no one posted an answer yet and I found a well working solution here is my attempt to disable all DoubleClick()s or just for one/a few desired Control/s.
The problem is that WndProc() doesn't filter or respond to all WMs that are being sent. Therefore the WM for a default doubleClick on the non client area 0x0203 can't get detected. So I went deeper to already filter the WMs before they reach WndProc(). One way is to use a MessageFilter that is being assigned to my Application.
private MessageFilter msgFilter = new MessageFilter();
The method Param is an object of my own class MessageFilter, which needs to implement the IMessageFilter Interface in order to use it's PreFilterMessage(). This method gets invoked for each single WM that gets send to your application.
class MessageFilter : IMessageFilter
public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x0203)
m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
return true;
return false;
So basically once there is a WM with the desired Message.Msg ID, I set the Result to zero so the DoubleClick() is completely disabled for the whole application.
Later on it turned out it would be better to disable the DoubleClick() only from one Control. Since every Control in Windows has a unique Handle HWnd, which is part of the Message, I can use it to scan if the certain Message aims to my specific single Control.
When you create your Control either subscribe in the .Designer.cs to the event:
this.yourControl.HandleCreated += new System.EventHandler(this.yourControl_HandleCreated);
Or if it's a custom Control subscribe to the event after it's creation. In the event you assign the value of the created Handle to any instance your MessageFilter has access to, like a Property in this class.
private void yourControl_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
msgFilter.OwnHandle = yourControl.Handle;
After that simply add a second condition to the if statement:
if (m.Msg == 0x0203 && OwnHandle == m.HWnd)

windows 8 tap and hold event c#

I'm trying to write an application that senses when someone taps and holds something. I am using windows forms. I tried using the mouse down even but it doesn't appear to fire all the time. This is also going to be a multi touch application. I'm going to have two buttons , and the user can tap and hold one button, while they press on the other button. Or Just press one button. I'm not even sure how a windows form app can handle that.
All the examples inhave seen for a windows touch app use xaml. Is this really the only way to capture tap and hold ??
I'm essentially making an onscreen keyboard here, and I don't think that isnpossible WITHOUT windows forms. Correct me if I am wrong here.
Any help or guidance in this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If your program is running on Windows 8, you can use the WM_POINTER API to get the input you need. Override WndProc to capture the messages. You will have to do some P/Invoke to get it working, but it's not terribly hard. Here's some incomplete code to get you started, you'll need to add cases for up, down, and update events for each type of pointer you want to track. Keep track of the pointer IDs to process multi touch. To handle the press-and-hold you'll need to track the time yourself from WM_POINTERDOWN to WM_POINTERUP and act accordingly. Hope this helps.
public const int WM_POINTERDOWN = 0x0246;
public const int WM_POINTERUP = 0x0247;
public const int WM_POINTERUPDATE = 0x0245;
public enum POINTER_INPUT_TYPE : int
PT_POINTER = 0x00000001,
PT_TOUCH = 0x00000002,
PT_PEN = 0x00000003,
PT_MOUSE = 0x00000004
public static uint GET_POINTERID_WPARAM(uint wParam) { return wParam & 0xFFFF; }
public static extern bool GetPointerType(uint pPointerID, out POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pPointerType);
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
bool handled = false;
uint pointerID;
pointerID = User32.GET_POINTERID_WPARAM((uint)m.WParam);
if (User32.GetPointerType(pointerID, out pointerType))
switch (pointerType)
// Stylus Down
handled = true;
// Touch down
handled = true;
if (handled)
m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
base.WndProc(ref m);
This question has been around for a while and might benefit from a simple approach. You can simulate the "tap and hold" (or click and hold) by measuring the time between the MouseDown event and the Click event (which fires before MouseUp). If the time is greater than some value then you cancel the Click and (perhaps) fire your own TapAndHold event. I have created a test control that anyone can use to try this approach out. Just add a UserControl to your test app (I called mine TestTapAndHold) and then paste in the following:
public partial class TestTapAndHold : UserControl
private string showText = "Tap Me";
private DateTime mouseDown;
private const int holdTime = 500;
public TestTapAndHold()
this.Paint += drawText;
public delegate void OnTapAndHold(EventArgs e);
public event OnTapAndHold TapAndHold;
private void drawText(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
using (var drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
e.Graphics.DrawString(showText, Font, drawBrush, new Point(5,3));
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(mouseDown).Milliseconds >= holdTime)
showText = "Tap Hold";
} else
showText = "Tapped";
private void TestTapAndHold_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
mouseDown = DateTime.Now;
Build the app and then pop one of the test controls onto a form. You can then add an event handler to your form like:
private void testTapAndHold1_TapAndHold(EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("You tapped and Held");
This general approach enabled me to add "Tap and Hold" functionality to a Windows Forms app running on a Microsoft Surface 4

Cursor.Current vs. this.Cursor

Is there a difference between Cursor.Current and this.Cursor (where this is a WinForm) in .Net? I've always used this.Cursor and have had very good luck with it but I've recently started using CodeRush and just embedded some code in a "Wait Cursor" block and CodeRush used the Cursor.Current property. I've seen on the Internet and at work where other programmers have had some problems with the Cursor.Current property. It just got me to wondering if there is a difference in the two. Thanks in advance.
I did a little test. I have two winforms. I click a button on form1, set the Cursor.Current property to Cursors.WaitCursor and then show form2. The cursor doesn't change on either form. It remains Cursors.Default (pointer) cursor.
If I set this.Cursor to Cursors.WaitCursor in the button click event on form1 and show form2, the wait cursor only shows on form1 and the default cursor is on form2 which is expected. So, I still don't know what Cursor.Current does.
Windows sends the window that contains the mouse cursor the WM_SETCURSOR message, giving it an opportunity to change the cursor shape. A control like TextBox takes advantage of that, changing the cursor into a I-bar. The Control.Cursor property determines what shape will be used.
The Cursor.Current property changes the shape directly, without waiting for a WM_SETCURSOR response. In most cases, that shape is unlikely to survive for long. As soon as the user moves the mouse, WM_SETCURSOR changes it back to Control.Cursor.
The UseWaitCursor property was added in .NET 2.0 to make it easier to display an hourglass. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well. It requires a WM_SETCURSOR message to change the shape and that won't happen when you set the property to true and then do something that takes a while. Try this code for example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
this.UseWaitCursor = true;
this.UseWaitCursor = false;
The cursor never changes. To whack that into shape, you'll need to use Cursor.Current as well. Here is a little helper class to make it easy:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class HourGlass : IDisposable {
public HourGlass() {
Enabled = true;
public void Dispose() {
Enabled = false;
public static bool Enabled {
get { return Application.UseWaitCursor; }
set {
if (value == Application.UseWaitCursor) return;
Application.UseWaitCursor = value;
Form f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f != null && f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) // Send WM_SETCURSOR
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1);
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp);
And use it like this:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
using (new HourGlass()) {
I believe that Cursor.Current is the mouse cursor currently being used (regardless of where it is on the screen), while this.Cursor is the cursor it will be set to, when the mouse passes over your window.
this.Cursor is the cursor that will be used when the mouse is over the window referred to by this. Cursor.Current is the current mouse cursor, which might be different from this.Cursor if the mouse is over a different window.
Actually if you would like to use HourGlass from another thread that will give you back cross-threading exception because you are trying to access f.Handle from different thread than form was originally created. Use GetForegroundWindow() instead from user32.dll.
private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
and then
public static bool Enabled
return Application.UseWaitCursor;
if (value == Application.UseWaitCursor)
Application.UseWaitCursor = value;
var handle = GetForegroundWindow();
SendMessage(handle, 0x20, handle, (IntPtr)1);
I have noticed an interesting thing about setting cursors, so I would like to clear some misunderstandings that I myself had before and I hope it may help others too:
When you try to set a form's cursor by using
this.cursor = Cursors.Waitcursor
you actually set the cursor for the control and not the whole form since cursor is property of the Control class.
Also of course the cursor will only be changed to the given cursor when the mouse is actually over the actual control (explicitly the form's area)
As Hans Passant has already stated that:
Windows sends the window that contains the mouse cursor the
WM_SETCURSOR message, giving it an opportunity to change the cursor
I don't know if windows sends messages directly to controls or if the form relays those messages to it's child controls based on mouse position, I'd most likely guess on the first method since when i fetched the messages with overriding WndProc of the form control, when i was over the textbox for example, the form didn't process any messages. (please someone give clarity on this)
Basically my suggestion would be to reside from using this.cursor also and stick to this.usewaitcursor, since that changes the cursor property to waitcursor for all child controls.
The problem with this is also the same as with the application level Application.usewaitcursor, while you are not over the form/forms with your cursor no WM_SETCURSOR message is being sent by windows, so if you start a time consuming synchronous operation before moving your mouse over the form's area, the form can only process such message when the time consuming synchronous operation finishes.
(I would not suggest running time consuming tasks in the UI thread at all, mainly this is what is causing the issue here)
I made a little improvement on Hans Passant's answer, so the hourglass can be either set on application level or form level, also avoiding InvalidOperationException from cross threaded operation calls:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class HourGlass : IDisposable
public static bool ApplicationEnabled
get{ return Application.UseWaitCursor; }
Form activeFrom = Form.ActiveForm;
if (activeFrom == null || ApplicationEnabled == value) return;
if (ApplicationEnabled == value)return;
Application.UseWaitCursor = (bool)value;
if (activeFrom.InvokeRequired)
activeFrom.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
if (activeFrom.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(activeFrom.Handle, 0x20, activeFrom.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
if (activeFrom.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(activeFrom.Handle, 0x20, activeFrom.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
private Form f;
public HourGlass()
this.f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = true;
public HourGlass(bool enabled)
this.f = Form.ActiveForm;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = enabled;
public HourGlass(Form f, bool enabled)
this.f = f;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = enabled;
public HourGlass(Form f)
this.f = f;
if (f == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
Enabled = true;
public void Dispose()
Enabled = false;
public bool Enabled
get { return f.UseWaitCursor; }
if (f == null || Enabled == value) return;
if (Application.UseWaitCursor == true && value == false) return;
f.UseWaitCursor = (bool)value;
f.BeginInvoke(new Action(()=>
if (f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
if (f.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
SendMessage(f.Handle, 0x20, f.Handle, (IntPtr)1); // Send WM_SETCURSOR
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp);
To use it on application level:
HourGlass.ApplicationEnabled = true;
//time consuming synchronous task
HourGlass.ApplicationEnabled = false;
For using it on form level you can either use for the current active form:
using (new HourGlass())
//time consuming synchronous task
or you can initialize a local variable in the form like this:
public readonly HourGlass hourglass;
public Form1()
hourglass = new HourGlass(this, false);
and use it later in a try catch finally block
This works great for me when the LongRunningOperation() is processing messages.
private void btnDoLongRunningOperation_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
From VS 2012
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default

Show a Form without stealing focus?

I'm using a Form to show notifications (it appears at the bottom right of the screen), but when I show this form it steals the focus from the main Form. Is there a way to show this "notification" form without stealing focus?
Hmmm, isn't simply overriding Form.ShowWithoutActivation enough?
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation
get { return true; }
And if you don't want the user to click this notification window either, you can override CreateParams:
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams baseParams = base.CreateParams;
const int WS_EX_NOACTIVATE = 0x08000000;
const int WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080;
baseParams.ExStyle |= ( int )( WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW );
return baseParams;
Stolen from's ShowWindow method:
private const int SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4;
private const int HWND_TOPMOST = -1;
private const uint SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x0010;
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetWindowPos")]
static extern bool SetWindowPos(
int hWnd, // Window handle
int hWndInsertAfter, // Placement-order handle
int X, // Horizontal position
int Y, // Vertical position
int cx, // Width
int cy, // Height
uint uFlags); // Window positioning flags
static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
static void ShowInactiveTopmost(Form frm)
ShowWindow(frm.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
SetWindowPos(frm.Handle.ToInt32(), HWND_TOPMOST,
frm.Left, frm.Top, frm.Width, frm.Height,
(Alex Lyman answered this, I'm just expanding it by directly pasting the code. Someone with edit rights can copy it over there and delete this for all I care ;) )
This is what worked for me. It provides TopMost but without focus-stealing.
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation
get { return true; }
private const int WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams;
createParams.ExStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;
return createParams;
Remember to omit setting TopMost in Visual Studio designer, or elsewhere.
This is stolen, err, borrowed, from here (click on Workarounds):
If you're willing to use Win32 P/Invoke, then you can use the ShowWindow method (the first code sample does exactly what you want).
Doing this seems like a hack, but it seems to work:
this.TopMost = true; // as a result the form gets thrown to the front
this.TopMost = false; // but we don't actually want our form to always be on top
Edit: Note, this merely raises an already created form without stealing focus.
The sample code from in Alex Lyman/TheSoftwareJedi's answers will make the window a "topmost" window, meaning that you can't put it behind normal windows after it's popped up. Given Matias's description of what he wants to use this for, that could be what he wants. But if you want the user to be able to put your window behind other windows after you've popped it up, just use HWND_TOP (0) instead of HWND_TOPMOST (-1) in the sample.
In WPF you can solve it like this:
In the window put these attributes:
Title="Notification Popup" Width="300" SizeToContent="Height"
WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent" ShowInTaskbar="False" Topmost="True" Focusable="False" ShowActivated="False" >
The last one attribute is the one you need ShowActivated="False".
I have something similar, and I simply show the notification form and then do
to bring the focus back on the main form.
Create and start the notification Form in a separate thread and reset the focus back to your main form after the Form opens. Have the notification Form provide an OnFormOpened event that is fired from the Form.Shown event. Something like this:
private void StartNotfication()
Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
NotificationForm frm = new NotificationForm();
frm.OnFormOpen += NotificationOpened;
th.Name = "NotificationForm";
private void NotificationOpened()
this.Focus(); // Put focus back on the original calling Form
You can also keep a handle to your NotifcationForm object around so that it can be programmatically closed by the main Form (frm.Close()).
Some details are missing, but hopefully this will get you going in the right direction.
This works well.
See: OpenIcon - MSDN and SetForegroundWindow - MSDN
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
static extern bool OpenIcon(IntPtr hWnd);
static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
public static void ActivateInstance()
IntPtr hWnd = IntPtr hWnd = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
// Restore the program.
bool result = OpenIcon(hWnd);
// Activate the application.
result = SetForegroundWindow(hWnd);
// End the current instance of the application.
You might want to consider what kind of notification you would like to display.
If it's absolutely critical to let the user know about some event, using Messagebox.Show would be the recommended way, due to its nature to block any other events to the main window, until the user confirms it. Be aware of pop-up blindness, though.
If it's less than critical, you might want to use an alternative way to display notifications, such as a toolbar on the bottom of the window. You wrote, that you display notifications on the bottom-right of the screen - the standard way to do this would be using a balloon tip with the combination of a system tray icon.
You can handle it by logic alone too, although I have to admit that the suggestions above where you end up with a BringToFront method without actually stealing focus is the most elegant one.
Anyhow, I ran into this and solved it by using a DateTime property to not allow further BringToFront calls if calls were made already recently.
Assume a core class, 'Core', which handles for example three forms, 'Form1, 2, and 3'. Each form needs a DateTime property and an Activate event that call Core to bring windows to front:
internal static DateTime LastBringToFrontTime { get; set; }
private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
var eventTime = DateTime.Now;
if ((eventTime - LastBringToFrontTime).TotalMilliseconds > 500)
LastBringToFrontTime = eventTime;
And then create the work in the Core Class:
internal static void BringAllToFront(Form inForm)
On a side note, if you want to restore a minimized window to its original state (not maximized), use:
inForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
Again, I know this is just a patch solution in the lack of a BringToFrontWithoutFocus. It is meant as a suggestion if you want to avoid the DLL file.
I don't know if this is considered as necro-posting, but this is what I did since I couln't get it working with user32's "ShowWindow" and "SetWindowPos" methods. And no, overriding "ShowWithoutActivation" doesn't work in this case since the new window should be always-on-top.
Anyway, I created a helper method that takes a form as parameter; when called, it shows the form, brings it to the front and makes it TopMost without stealing the focus of the current window (apparently it does, but the user won't notice).
static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
static extern IntPtr SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
public static void ShowTopmostNoFocus(Form f)
IntPtr activeWin = GetForegroundWindow();
f.TopMost = true;
if (activeWin.ToInt32() > 0)
I know it may sound stupid, but this worked:
this.TopMost = true;
this.TopMost = false;
this.TopMost = true;
I needed to do this with my window TopMost. I implemented the PInvoke method above but found that my Load event wasn't getting called like Talha above. I finally succeeded. Maybe this will help someone. Here is my solution:
form.Visible = false;
form.TopMost = false;
ShowWindow(form.Handle, ShowNoActivate);
SetWindowPos(form.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST,
form.Left, form.Top, form.Width, form.Height,
form.Visible = true; //So that Load event happens
You don't need to make it anywhere near as complicated.
a = new Assign_Stock();
a.MdiParent = this.ParentForm;
a.Visible = false; //hide for a bit.
a.Show(); //show the form. Invisible form now at the top.
this.Focus(); //focus on this form. make old form come to the top.
a.Visible = true; //make other form visible now. Behind the main form.
Github Sample
Form.ShowWithoutActivation Property
Add this in your child form class
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation
get { return true; }
Working Code
public partial class Form2 : Form
Form3 c;
public Form2()
c = new Form3();
private void textchanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
c.Location = new Point(this.Location.X+150, this.Location.Y);
c .Show();
//if mdiparent 2 add this.focus() after show form
c.MdiParent = this.MdiParent;
c.Location = new Point(this.Location.X+150, this.Location.Y);
c .Show();
public partial class Form3 : Form
public Form3()
//ShowWithoutActivation = false;
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation
get { return true; }
internal void ResetText(string toString)
label2.Text = toString;
When you create a new form using
Form f = new Form();
it steals focus because your code can't continue executing on the main form until this form is closed.
The exception is by using threading to create a new form then Form.Show(). Make sure the thread is globally visible though, because if you declare it within a function, as soon as your function exits, your thread will end and the form will disappear.
Figured it out: window.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized;.

