I am trying to put version information to my C# GUI framework retrieved from the latest ClearCase label. This was originally done from Visual Soursafe as below.
vssDB = new VSSDatabaseClass();
vssDB.Open( databaseName, "vssadmin", "vssadmin" );
VSSItem item = vssDB.get_VSSItem( #"$\BuildDCP.bat", false );
foreach(VSSVersion vssVersion in item.get_Versions(0))
// Pull the first non-blank label and use that
if ( vssVersion.Label != "" )
labelID = vssVersion.Label.ToString();
I am trying to do something similar using ClearCase since we changed our source code control from VSS to CC. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe this could be better achieved through a script, which would be called from your C# program.
But you may be able to directly call some COM objects, through the CAL interface provided with ClearCase.
The documentation for the interface can be accessed through ClearCase help (Start>Programs>Rational ClearCase>ClearCase Help), where there's an entry for "ClearCase Automation Library (CAL)". An alternate path is to look in the ClearCase/bin directory for "cc_cal.chm".
In VB, with CAL API, that would give something like:
Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application
Dim labelID As String
Set aVersion = CC.Version("[Path-To]\BuildDCP.bat");
Set someLabels = Ver.Labels;
If (someLabels.Count > 0) Then
' the first label listed is the most recently applied
labelID = someLabels.Item(1).Type.Name
I really wish that the COM interfaces had better documentation, or were more obvious. Or that the code to ClearCase Explorer or Project Explorer were open source.
I've done a few cool things, but I pretty much started by adding COM references to my C# project, and then started screwing around with the interfaces I found.
Good luck!
I've found a very nice tutorial and i am trying to understand something that is not in this tutorial (because the tut itself works fine)
When you look at applications like WinRar, TortoiseSVN, Antivirus-apps and many more, there is an icon next to the Shell Extension Item.
I would like to know how this is done. (Programmatically with C#)
Adding a separator works, adding a submenu works and click+action also works, but i'm struggling with the icon. This cannot be so hard. Can somebody help me?
And please don't say that Microsoft doesn't longer support this in .NET 4.0, because it is not guaranteed and therefore they don't supply samplecode. If all those other apps can do it, then it is possible.
Please supply me some sample code, some tutorials or maybe even a working piece of code.
Please have a look at the following article, it uses .NET 4.0 it to create Windows Shell Extensions using the SharpShell nuget package.
NET Shell Extensions - Shell Context Menus
Using this library, you can set the image directly while creating the contextmenustrip as shown below
protected override ContextMenuStrip CreateMenu()
// Create the menu strip.
var menu = new ContextMenuStrip();
// Create a 'count lines' item.
var itemCountLines = new ToolStripMenuItem
Text = "Count Lines...",
Image = Properties.Resources.CountLines
// When we click, we'll count the lines.
itemCountLines.Click += (sender, args) => CountLines();
// Add the item to the context menu.
// Return the menu.
return menu;
You only have to add to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers
and here is the code:
string TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
string key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\Winrar";
string valueName = "MyWinrar";
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(key, valueName, HERE WHAT YOU WANT TO START, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);
i hope it works for you!
All the apps you listed use COM and unmanaged code to create overlay icon handlers. There is even a special project TortoiseOverlays that provides a common library for drawing icons for TortoiceCSV, TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGIT. You can take a look at it's source code to find out how it is done. If you want to draw similar icons, you should probably just reuse it.
Using .Net for this type of extensions is not recommended, because when multiple extensions, built against different .Net versions would attempt to load in explorer process, they will crash the explorer.
I'm playing with SharePoint 2010 now and have a problem.
There is a feature that is responsible for webparts - it's scope is web. It's needed to update some properties of already created webparts, for example - title.
So I've overridden FeatureUpgrading event and added custom upgrade action into feature manifest - there is no problem here.
In that feature receiver I plan to have a code that should get the file with needed page, check it out, iterate through all the web parts on it, change property and then check in page back.
The problem is that all my webparts appear as ErrorWebPart with empty title.
By the way, if I use the same code in FeatureDeactivating event - everything works good.
The only difference I've noticed - in featureupgrading HttpContext.Current was null. So I've populated it manually but it didn't help.
While googling, the only two advices were: populate HttpContext and ensure that libs with webparts are in GAC. Both conditions are done in my situation.
The sample code from FeatureUpgrading is as proper:
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
var request = new HttpRequest("", web.Url, "");
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(request, new HttpResponse(new StringWriter()));
HttpContext.Current.Items["HttpHandlerSPWeb"] = web;
var fileUrl = web.Url + "/pages/sample.aspx";
var file = web.GetFile(fileUrl);
if (file.CheckOutType == SPFile.SPCheckOutType.None)
using (var webPartsManager = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
foreach (WebPart webPart in webPartsManager.WebParts)
file.CheckIn("System update");
Would appreciate any help. Maybe there is something I'm missing or there is another variant to accomplish described task?
Since it is working on Deactivating(), I think the order in which the features are activated is the problem.
You may have to ensure the below:
1. First activate the Feature that adds the webparts
2. Then activate the new feature.
You can change this in package. Or better add a dependency to your new feature.
I just found out about NRefactory 5 and I would guess, that it is the most suitable solution for my current problem. At the moment I'm developing a little C# scripting application for which I would like to provide code completion. Until recently I've done this using the "Roslyn" project from Microsoft. But as the latest update of this project requires .Net Framework 4.5 I can't use this any more as I would like the app to run under Win XP as well. So I have to switch to another technology here.
My problem is not the compilation stuff. This can be done, with some more effort, by .Net CodeDomProvider as well. The problem ist the code completion stuff. As far as I know, NRefactory 5 provides everything that is required to provide code completion (parser, type system etc.) but I just can't figure out how to use it. I took a look at SharpDevelop source code but they don't use NRefactory 5 for code completion there, they only use it as decompiler. As I couldn't find an example on how to use it for code completion in the net as well I thought that I might find some help here.
The situation is as follows. I have one single file containing the script code. Actually it is not even a file but a string which I get from the editor control (by the way: I'm using AvalonEdit for this. Great editor!) and some assemblies that needs to get referenced. So, no solution files, no project files etc. just one string of source code and the assemblies.
I've taken a look at the Demo that comes with NRefactory 5 and the article on code project and got up with something like this:
var unresolvedTypeSystem = syntaxTree.ToTypeSystem();
IProjectContent pc = new CSharpProjectContent();
// Add parsed files to the type system
pc = pc.AddOrUpdateFiles(unresolvedTypeSystem);
// Add referenced assemblies:
pc = pc.AddAssemblyReferences(new CecilLoader().LoadAssemblyFile(
My problem is that I have no clue on how to go on. I'm not even sure if it is the right approach to accomplish my goal. How to use the CSharpCompletionEngine? What else is required? etc. You see there are many things that are very unclear at the moment and I hope you can bring some light into this.
Thank you all very much in advance!
I've just compiled and example project that does C# code completion with AvalonEdit and NRefactory.
It can be found on Github here.
Take a look at method ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CodeCompletion.CreateEngine. You need to create an instance of CSharpCompletionEngine and pass in the correct document and the resolvers. I managed to get it working for CTRL+Space compltition scenario. However I am having troubles with references to types that are in other namespaces. It looks like CSharpTypeResolveContext does not take into account the using namespace statements - If I resolve the references with CSharpAstResolver, they are resolved OK, but I am unable to correctly use this resolver in code completition scenario...
I've just managed to get the working by obtaining resolver from unresolved fail.
Here is the snippet:
var mb = new DefaultCompletionContextProvider(doc, unresolvedFile);
var resolver3 = unresolvedFile.GetResolver(cmp, loc); // get the resolver from unresolvedFile
var engine = new CSharpCompletionEngine(doc, mb, new CodeCompletionBugTests.TestFactory(resolver3), pctx, resolver3.CurrentTypeResolveContext );
Update #2:
Here is the complete method. It references classes from unit test projects, sou you would need to reference/copy them into your project:
public static IEnumerable<ICompletionData> DoCodeComplete(string editorText, int offset) // not the best way to put in the whole string every time
var doc = new ReadOnlyDocument(editorText);
var location = doc.GetLocation(offset);
string parsedText = editorText; // TODO: Why there are different values in test cases?
var syntaxTree = new CSharpParser().Parse(parsedText, "program.cs");
var unresolvedFile = syntaxTree.ToTypeSystem();
var mb = new DefaultCompletionContextProvider(doc, unresolvedFile);
IProjectContent pctx = new CSharpProjectContent();
var refs = new List<IUnresolvedAssembly> { mscorlib.Value, systemCore.Value, systemAssembly.Value};
pctx = pctx.AddAssemblyReferences(refs);
pctx = pctx.AddOrUpdateFiles(unresolvedFile);
var cmp = pctx.CreateCompilation();
var resolver3 = unresolvedFile.GetResolver(cmp, location);
var engine = new CSharpCompletionEngine(doc, mb, new CodeCompletionBugTests.TestFactory(resolver3), pctx, resolver3.CurrentTypeResolveContext );
engine.EolMarker = Environment.NewLine;
engine.FormattingPolicy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono();
var data = engine.GetCompletionData(offset, controlSpace: false);
return data;
Hope it helps,
NRefactory 5 is being used in SharpDevelop 5. The source code for SharpDevelop 5 is currently available in the newNR branch on github. I would take a look at the CSharpCompletionBinding class which has code to display a completion list window using information from NRefactory's CSharpCompletionEngine.
I need a GUI system that contain:
a tree list that each item of list linked to a view and when I click on a Item open the view
for next step
I want to insert to each view some grids.
I see a demo example named :dockpanelsuite http://sourceforge.net/projects/dockpanelsuite/
there is a explorer and multi document
I think that I can change it to my requirment.
but this is in C# and I need something in C++.
if is same sample in MFC ,or I can combine them?
what about performace and stability?
thanks herzl
use QT. It's comprehensive, has a lot of tutorials in the web out there, is portable and is in C++.
Qt is better than MFC for a number of reasons including:
. > 1.It is open source
2.It is cross platform. It works on Linux, some mobile devices and
OSX. This makes it easier to port
programs to other platforms.
> 3.Qt is much easier to use and learn that MFC.
> 4.Above all Qt is well documented.
MFC is too big library. Go for win32 if you only want simple GUI
Win32++ as also a nice little library for windows only development.
You could start creating a new MFC SDI App in the App Wizard pick the Visual Studio Project Style, you will need to use the Document/View architecture.
With the generated App you could work you way to have in the left docking pane a derived ListControl class from CMFCListCtrl.
class CMyListCtrl : public CMFCListCtrl
// Your stuff goes here....
afx_msg void OnLvnItemchanged(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult);
in the implementation file you could handle the click event with something like this..
void CMyListCtrl::OnLvnItemchanged(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
POSITION p = GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
int nSelected = GetNextSelectedItem(p);
if (nSelected != -1)
CString strText = GetItemText(nSelected, 0);
// we open the document.....
CMainFrame *pFrame = static_cast<CMainFrame *> (AfxGetMainWnd());
CWinApp *app = AfxGetApp();
pFrame->ShowJobsProperties ();
*pResult = 0;
I'm currently writing a Winamp plugin framework for C# (basically, a C# implementation of the Winamp API/SDK, as well as a barebones plugin template). Because C# libraries can't export DLL entry points, I'm using a C++/CLI wrapper which basically just loads the C# library. I'd like to create a Visual Studio template for this, which creates both the barebones C# plugin library, and the C++ wrapper. However, if I click File → Export Template, only the C# project is listed.
Is it possible to create a multi-project template containing both a C# project and a C++/CLI project? If so, how?
I found the answer myself a while ago, and forgot to properly update this. A .vstemplate file can be used to create a C++ template by setting the language to CSharp like in C# templates (it will still work correctly).
Here is an example I've used: .vstemplate file and all other files
WiX also uses this method
'export template' does not work for C++ projects. If you want templates for them, you need to create it yourself: see my answer here. It involves some work, but if you use this kind of projects a lot, the work is well-spent time.
I looked up my code, something like this should get you started; the onFinish method in default.js gets called after clicking 'Ok' in the default wizards. Note that I did not test this!
function onFinish( selProj, selObj )
var strProjectPath = wizard.FindSymbol('PROJECT_PATH');
var prjCpp;
var prjCs;
CreateProjects( strProjectPath, prjCpp, prjCs );
//project config here
selProj = prjCpp;
function CreateProjects( path, prjCpp, prjCs )
var strProjTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol('ABSOLUTE_PATH'); //get template from our template dir
var strProjTemplateCpp = strProjTemplatePath + '\\default.vcproj';
var strProjTemplateCs = strProjTemplatePath + '\\default.csproj';
var Solution = dte.Solution;
if( wizard.FindSymbol( "CLOSE_SOLUTION" ) )
strSolutionName = wizard.FindSymbol( "VS_SOLUTION_NAME" );
if( strSolutionName.length )
var strSolutionPath = strProjectPath.substr( 0, strProjectPath.length - strProjectName.length );
Solution.Create(strSolutionPath, strSolutionName);
var oTarget = wizard.FindSymbol( "TARGET" );
prjCpp = oTarget.AddFromTemplate( strProjTemplateCpp, strProjectPath, strProjectName + '.vcproj' );
prjCs = oTarget.AddFromTemplate( strProjTemplateCs, strProjectPath, strProjectName + '.csproj' );
Solution.Projects.Add( prjCpp );
Solution.Projects.Add( prjCs );