I need to create a workbook which has a raw data on a sheet and a pivot table on another sheet. The pivot is created from the raw data. Then I need to create a chart with this pivot on the same or new sheet.
How can I do this in C# - and is this possible using VSTO?
Easiest way to do it?
Use Open XML SDK 2.0
Build a pre-generated version of the workbook with raw data, pivottable and pivotchart already created.
Install the OpenXML SDK 2.0 setup package
Use the OpenXML SDK 2.0 productivity tool from this install to open the workbook
Select the root element on the left hand pane, and then right click and select Reflect Code
Done - on the left pane is a complete C# class with the necessary code to generate the file.
Well not quite done as you still need to refactor the code to take into account dynamically adding the required data content, however this will get you 97% of the way if you already know C# fairly well.
I've done something similar to this before, but I didn't do it using C#. I used VBA since the language is already built in to Excel.
My approach was this:
Create a worksheet called "RAW DATA." This worksheet has a QueryTable object in it that can be updated via code in VBA.
I manually created a pivot table based on the QueryTable in the RAW DATA worksheet.
I then added code in VBA so that after RAW DATA was updated, Pivot Table was refreshed with the new data.
This method works really well if the layout of your raw data and your pivot table stays the same. I have a workbook that I made for a cowork that updates multiple sheets with pivot tables based on one set of data. She really likes it because just by clicking one button, she has a refreshed view of all of her data.
If this approach works for you and you'd like more details as to how to implement some of those methods, let me know more details of your situation and I can try to help you out.
One option is to connect to database from Excel and refresh the "Raw data" sheet, via VBA or defining an SQL query in Pivot data source. This is not so great as the user who opens the file must be able to connect to the database.
The other option is to fill the "Raw data" sheet programatically via C#. There are numerous libraries that can help you with that, even some free ones, but you can also do it yourself by using the Excel XML format (SpreadsheetML). You can use the Excel 2003 XML format or the new Open XML Excel format. The latter is far more complicated, but with it you can also take advantage of the OpenXML SDK and the Excel Package API.
Actually I'm asking this question because I want to know what is best solution for this base on what I only have. First let me show you what I really want to achieve. My boss want me to generate report in excel file (.xls or xlxs) then inside this report compose of multiple sheets with each respective sheet name. Data are presented in nice and professional way and sometime there are graphs inside that are link with the data within the sheet and it looks like this:
Below is what I only have to generate this output.
Visual Studio 2008
Sql Server 2008 (no SSRS)
Report is generated via
RDLC (naming of sheet is not possible for this but multiple sheet is
doable via pagebreak)
I try to update excel file via Sql Server but
seem too complicated for this specially when dealing with Total
I have not yet tried to render graph on .rdlc
It sounds like the data lives in SQL server. If you have access to it, why not create an ODBC connection and use this to pull raw data into each one of the sheets you need, and then configure a dashboard tab that automatically pulls data from those sheets (even if you refresh it) and shows the graphs and summary tables in the format that you want?
I have a small wpf product which requires exporting data to excel with out excel installed on the client machine.How to achieve this in C#.After exporting, this excel can be opened by Open office. All I wanted is to save excel file to the client hard disk. Even excel is not installed he should be able to save the file,he may not be read it without excel but should be able to save. I dont want to any 3rd party or some other open xmls.
Recently I downloaded a product which is able to export to excel without excel installed and able to open it with open office.
When i checked their binaries they contain office.dll ,Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.dll and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll's only .I want to know how they are able to manage with these dlls.
I have already written code for this but its breaking when excel is not installed.
I have read many open xml and other stuff relating to this but not satisfied.
My requirement is too simple ,just exporting datatable data to excel,no reading back the data and no fancy oparations with excel.
Please give me suggestions and links will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Either work out with CSV format or you may like to use EPPlus library. See similar answer here
You can use CSV, XML, or ADO
How To Use ADO.NET to Retrieve and Modify Records in an Excel Workbook With Visual Basic .NET
xslt transformation can also to the job. i use it to export wpf datagrid data.
There is some code/werbparts on our site that display a lot of data in a grid on our site. In addition, they have another page with a few charts.
I need a way to create functionality to export this to excel so the user can click a button and save everything.
The chart will actually have to be built in excel, I can't just grab the picture from the website and display it.
Also, the data from the grid will have to be put into a spreadhseet. I am not as worried about this part.
I have exported to excel before, but it was just basically printing some data which was tab delimited with a certain doc type .
This actually will need to use different work sheets and use some excel functionality.
(I need a better answer than use excel services)
Use Epplus is a third party library for creating and manipulating excel files(xlsx)
Dunno about sharepoint, but the OpenXML SDK might be what you're after:-
I have saved the specifications of a mobile phone into an Excel spreadsheet. Now I want to copy the data from this Excel sheet into a database programmatically.
How can I do this? Is there any way? I copied the phone specs from gsmarena.com. Please help me.
It's completely possible. There are several ways, not all of which require programming.
If the Excel sheet is in a tabular format (one "record" per row, with static column names), you may be able to use your database management tool (MS Sql Management Studio for Sql Server, for instance) to do a "bulk insert". Consult the documentation for your particular database.
You can also use Excel formulas to create a column in the Excel sheet that contains "Insert" statements that will insert each row into the DB. You simply copy that column out of the sheet and paste it into a SQL command parser, maybe wrap it in a transaction, and then hit "execute". I've done this a few times when doing data migration; it's kind of a one-off, but for a one-time operation that's just fine.
If you want to use a program to solve the problem, you'll need to use OLE automation to open your Excel sheet, and programatically iterate over the rows and columns to create a "record" that you save to the database. The exact wheres and hows are a little in-depth, and depend a lot on the type of database, your version of Excel, the type of Excel document you have (XLS or XLSX), and how your Excel sheet is organized.
Well for starters, is the database properly designed and ready to go? If not, you need to first design one, which I suggest you base on normalizing the Excel data. Once that's complete, you can use the interop libraries for .NET to pull the data from Excel and write to the DB through MySQL, Access or some other DBMS.
You could use a tool such as SSIS, or connect via ADO.Net and OleDb/Jet drivers.
What is the best (free or paid for) to read Excel files (XLS and XLSX) using C# and populate a datagrid, I would also like to have any changes made in the datagrid be written back to the file.
I should also add that it needs to be high performing as the datagrid can contain a significant number of rows (10,000+).
This would be used for a commercial application so it would need to be distributable.
This is a Windows Forms application.
I recommend databinding the datagrid to a dataset/datatable populated via the ADO.NET OleDb provider.
You'll find an example at Read from Excel using OleDb in a Windows Service?
I also found How To Use ADO with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA and How To Use ADOX with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA to be useful in knowing how to create a table (sheet) and access sheets and ranges.
It works very well for xls files. I haven't tried using it for xlsx.
SmartXLS for .Net
It support read/write xls/xlsx files and can import/export workbook datas to/from a datagrid.
You don't define whether you speak about web or fat client application.
You can use Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office for reading XLSX file. (see http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c6e744e5-36e9-45f5-8d8c-331df206e0d0&displaylang=en and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc850837(v=office.14).aspx for some examples and also on http://openxmldeveloper.org/default.aspx.)
You can display and allow to modify the content in a grid like jqGrid (see http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=6) if you use a Web application. This grid is the best jQuery plugin which has a lot of different features and allow implement practical every scenario.
After all you can use Open XML SDK to save result in a modified XLSX file.
For xlsx :