First of all, I'd like to say that this site is great!
My question is, what are the reasons for the following 2 error messages?
1) In VB.NET (I know this is a C# forum but my next question is from C# experience), property evaluation failed (I do this when putting a watch on an exception variable).
2) In C#, method or class (Can't remember which) does not have a constructor. I think I got this with HttpContext or HttpApplication, which is a class if I remember correctly? Pretty sure it is as it has its own properties and methods.
1) Could be any number of reasons. Some properties just don't work nicely in a debugger. (Imagine watching DateTime.Now for changes!)
2) You're trying to create an instance of a class which doesn't have an appropriate accessible constructor. Usually either the class only has static members, or there's a static member you're meant to use to get an instance. (Having said that, both the classes you've mentioned have public constructors.)
More precise error messages and situation descriptions would be helpful.
I'd probably want to see code snippets to give you real answers, but my psychic detection powers are telling me that #2 is most likely that you are trying to do something like:
HttpContext context = new HttpContext;
This isn't the way you'd approach that. Instead, you would use its built-in factory method to access the current one:
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
(Ditto for HttpApplication.)
I can't help with #1 without seeing some representative code. And don't worry, this isn't a C#-specific forum, it's for all programming languages and platforms. :)
First of all, apologies for making a duplicate thread (couldn't see this one so made another).
1) That makes sense. Watching for changes will just display the time # the time of adding a watch, cache that value, and then get the new value (Time) when checking again.
2) John Rudy: you are spot on. That is what I was doing. So HttpContext.Current gives me back the httpcontext object to work with, I see.
I'm writing a library that has several public classes and methods, as well as several private or internal classes and methods that the library itself uses.
In the public methods I have a null check and a throw like this:
public int DoSomething(int number)
if (number == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(number));
But then this got me thinking, to what level should I be adding parameter null checks to methods? Do I also start adding them to private methods? Should I only do it for public methods?
Ultimately, there isn't a uniform consensus on this. So instead of giving a yes or no answer, I'll try to list the considerations for making this decision:
Null checks bloat your code. If your procedures are concise, the null guards at the beginning of them may form a significant part of the overall size of the procedure, without expressing the purpose or behaviour of that procedure.
Null checks expressively state a precondition. If a method is going to fail when one of the values is null, having a null check at the top is a good way to demonstrate this to a casual reader without them having to hunt for where it's dereferenced. To improve this, people often use helper methods with names like Guard.AgainstNull, instead of having to write the check each time.
Checks in private methods are untestable. By introducing a branch in your code which you have no way of fully traversing, you make it impossible to fully test that method. This conflicts with the point of view that tests document the behaviour of a class, and that that class's code exists to provide that behaviour.
The severity of letting a null through depends on the situation. Often, if a null does get into the method, it'll be dereferenced a few lines later and you'll get a NullReferenceException. This really isn't much less clear than throwing an ArgumentNullException. On the other hand, if that reference is passed around quite a bit before being dereferenced, or if throwing an NRE will leave things in a messy state, then throwing early is much more important.
Some libraries, like .NET's Code Contracts, allow a degree of static analysis, which can add an extra benefit to your checks.
If you're working on a project with others, there may be existing team or project standards covering this.
If you're not a library developer, don't be defensive in your code
Write unit tests instead
In fact, even if you're developing a library, throwing is most of the time: BAD
1. Testing null on int must never be done in c# :
It raises a warning CS4072, because it's always false.
2. Throwing an Exception means it's exceptional: abnormal and rare.
It should never raise in production code. Especially because exception stack trace traversal can be a cpu intensive task. And you'll never be sure where the exception will be caught, if it's caught and logged or just simply silently ignored (after killing one of your background thread) because you don't control the user code. There is no "checked exception" in c# (like in java) which means you never know - if it's not well documented - what exceptions a given method could raise. By the way, that kind of documentation must be kept in sync with the code which is not always easy to do (increase maintenance costs).
3. Exceptions increases maintenance costs.
As exceptions are thrown at runtime and under certain conditions, they could be detected really late in the development process. As you may already know, the later an error is detected in the development process, the more expensive the fix will be. I've even seen exception raising code made its way to production code and not raise for a week, only for raising every day hereafter (killing the production. oops!).
4. Throwing on invalid input means you don't control input.
It's the case for public methods of libraries. However if you can check it at compile time with another type (for example a non nullable type like int) then it's the way to go. And of course, as they are public, it's their responsibility to check for input.
Imagine the user who uses what he thinks as valid data and then by a side effect, a method deep in the stack trace trows a ArgumentNullException.
What will be his reaction?
How can he cope with that?
Will it be easy for you to provide an explanation message ?
5. Private and internal methods should never ever throw exceptions related to their input.
You may throw exceptions in your code because an external component (maybe Database, a file or else) is misbehaving and you can't guarantee that your library will continue to run correctly in its current state.
Making a method public doesn't mean that it should (only that it can) be called from outside of your library (Look at Public versus Published from Martin Fowler). Use IOC, interfaces, factories and publish only what's needed by the user, while making the whole library classes available for unit testing. (Or you can use the InternalsVisibleTo mechanism).
6. Throwing exceptions without any explanation message is making fun of the user
No need to remind what feelings one can have when a tool is broken, without having any clue on how to fix it. Yes, I know. You comes to SO and ask a question...
7. Invalid input means it breaks your code
If your code can produce a valid output with the value then it's not invalid and your code should manage it. Add a unit test to test this value.
8. Think in user terms:
Do you like when a library you use throws exceptions for smashing your face ? Like: "Hey, it's invalid, you should have known that!"
Even if from your point of view - with your knowledge of the library internals, the input is invalid, how you can explain it to the user (be kind and polite):
Clear documentation (in Xml doc and an architecture summary may help).
Publish the xml doc with the library.
Clear error explanation in the exception if any.
Give the choice :
Look at Dictionary class, what do you prefer? what call do you think is the fastest ? What call can raises exception ?
Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string res;
dictionary.TryGetValue("key", out res);
var other = dictionary["key"];
9. Why not using Code Contracts ?
It's an elegant way to avoid the ugly if then throw and isolate the contract from the implementation, permitting to reuse the contract for different implementations at the same time. You can even publish the contract to your library user to further explain him how to use the library.
As a conclusion, even if you can easily use throw, even if you can experience exceptions raising when you use .Net Framework, that doesn't mean it could be used without caution.
Here are my opinions:
General Cases
Generally speaking, it is better to check for any invalid inputs before you process them in a method for robustness reason - be it private, protected, internal, protected internal, or public methods. Although there are some performance costs paid for this approach, in most cases, this is worth doing rather than paying more time to debug and to patch the codes later.
Strictly Speaking, however...
Strictly speaking, however, it is not always needed to do so. Some methods, usually private ones, can be left without any input checking provided that you have full guarantee that there isn't single call for the method with invalid inputs. This may give you some performance benefit, especially if the method is called frequently to do some basic computation/action. For such cases, doing checking for input validity may impair the performance significantly.
Public Methods
Now the public method is trickier. This is because, more strictly speaking, although the access modifier alone can tell who can use the methods, it cannot tell who will use the methods. More over, it also cannot tell how the methods are going to be used (that is, whether the methods are going to be called with invalid inputs in the given scopes or not).
The Ultimate Determining Factor
Although access modifiers for methods in the code can hint on how to use the methods, ultimately, it is humans who will use the methods, and it is up to the humans how they are going to use them and with what inputs. Thus, in some rare cases, it is possible to have a public method which is only called in some private scope and in that private scope, the inputs for the public methods are guaranteed to be valid before the public method is called.
In such cases then, even the access modifier is public, there isn't any real need to check for invalid inputs, except for robust design reason. And why is this so? Because there are humans who know completely when and how the methods shall be called!
Here we can see, there is no guarantee either that public method always require checking for invalid inputs. And if this is true for public methods, it must also be true for protected, internal, protected internal, and private methods as well.
So, in conclusion, we can say a couple of things to help us making decisions:
Generally, it is better to have checks for any invalid inputs for robust design reason, provided that performance is not at stake. This is true for any type of access modifiers.
The invalid inputs check could be skipped if performance gain could be significantly improved by doing so, provided that it can also be guaranteed that the scope where the methods are called are always giving the methods valid inputs.
private method is usually where we skip such checking, but there is no guarantee that we cannot do that for public method as well
Humans are the ones who ultimately use the methods. Regardless of how the access modifiers can hint the use of the methods, how the methods are actually used and called depend on the coders. Thus, we can only say about general/good practice, without restricting it to be the only way of doing it.
The public interface of your library deserves tight checking of preconditions, because you should expect the users of your library to make mistakes and violate the preconditions by accident. Help them understand what is going on in your library.
The private methods in your library do not require such runtime checking because you call them yourself. You are in full control of what you are passing. If you want to add checks because you are afraid to mess up, then use asserts. They will catch your own mistakes, but do not impede performance during runtime.
Though you tagged language-agnostic, it seems to me that it probably doesn't exist a general response.
Notably, in your example you hinted the argument: so with a language accepting hinting it'll fire an error as soon as entering the function, before you can take any action.
In such a case, the only solution is to have checked the argument before calling your function... but since you're writing a library, that cannot have sense!
In the other hand, with no hinting, it remains realistic to check inside the function.
So at this step of the reflexion, I'd already suggest to give up hinting.
Now let's go back to your precise question: to what level should it be checked?
For a given data piece it'd happen only at the highest level where it can "enter" (may be several occurrences for the same data), so logically it'd concern only public methods.
That's for the theory. But maybe you plan a huge, complex, library so it might be not easy to ensure having certainty about registering all "entry points".
In this case, I'd suggest the opposite: consider to merely apply your controls everywhere, then only omit it where you clearly see it's duplicate.
Hope this helps.
In my opinion you should ALWAYS check for "invalid" data - independent whether it is a private or public method.
Looked from the other way... why should you be able to work with something invalid just because the method is private? Doesn't make sense, right? Always try to use defensive programming and you will be happier in life ;-)
This is a question of preference. But consider instead why are you checking for null or rather checking for valid input. It's probably because you want to let the consumer of your library to know when he/she is using it incorrectly.
Let's imagine that we have implemented a class PersonList in a library. This list can only contain objects of the type Person. We have also on our PersonList implemented some operations and therefore we do not want it to contain any null values.
Consider the two following implementations of the Add method for this list:
Implementation 1
public void Add(Person item)
if(_size == _items.Length)
EnsureCapacity(_size + 1);
_items[_size++] = item;
Implementation 2
public void Add(Person item)
if(item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot add null to PersonList");
if(_size == _items.Length)
EnsureCapacity(_size + 1);
_items[_size++] = item;
Let's say we go with implementation 1
Null values can now be added in the list
All opoerations implemented on the list will have to handle theese null values
If we should check for and throw a exception in our operation, consumer will be notified about the exception when he/she is calling one of the operations and it will at this state be very unclear what he/she has done wrong (it just wouldn't make any sense to go for this approach).
If we instead choose to go with implementation 2, we make sure input to our library has the quality that we require for our class to operate on it. This means we only need to handle this here and then we can forget about it while we are implementing our other operations.
It will also become more clear for the consumer that he/she is using the library in the wrong way when he/she gets a ArgumentNullException on .Add instead of in .Sort or similair.
To sum it up my preference is to check for valid argument when it is being supplied by the consumer and it's not being handled by the private/internal methods of the library. This basically means we have to check arguments in constructors/methods that are public and takes parameters. Our private/internal methods can only be called from our public ones and they have allready checked the input which means we are good to go!
Using Code Contracts should also be considered when verifying input.
Feel free to edit 'mutate' from the title if it's a poor choice of wording.
My question is, relatively, simple.
Take the following example:
myCollection.OrderBy(o => o);
How do I know whether OrderBy will/will not order myCollection or whether an assignment (following) is necessary:
myCollection = myCollection.OrderBy(o => o);
Is it a case of having to build it and check every time I encounter an extension I'm unfamiliar with?
Please note: I'm not asking whether this will or will not affect myCollection, I already know the answer to that from using it hundreds of times previous, I'm asking how I'd know.
You can't tell from just the signature.
The best you can do is to investigate the actual code, for example by looking at the .NET Reference Source. Another thing you could do is check the return type. If it is the same as the one it's being called on, it probably doesn't change it, it most likely returns a new instance. Is it a void, then it probably does change something inside.
For your specific case for example, OrderBy: no. See here. It 'just' returns a new OrderedEnumerable.
You can check for the Pure attribute in the class decoration as Steven Liekens said. But in its absence, the only way to know for sure is by:
Experimenting: for example, get an instance of the class and serialize it. Use the method and then serialize it. Compare the results. May not be accurate every time.
Reverse engineering the method: and I hope you have the source code. If you don't, you can use reflection. This will require some judgement if the method is somewhat complex, but this complexity here is subjective.
Reading the docs and trusting them - if the doc is present. This is the sensible thing to do with the .NET Framework types, and an exercize of faith otherwise.
One way is to find out if the method or its class is marked as [Pure]. Pure code does not modify input values.
So I didn't find any elegant solution for this, either googling or throughout stackoverflow. I guess that I have a very specific situation in my hands, anyway here it goes:
I have a object structure, which I don't have control of, because I receive this structure from an external WS. This is quite a huge object, with various levels of fields and properties, and this fields and properties can or can't be null, in any level. You can think of this object as an anemic model, it doesn't have behaviour, just state.
For the purpose of this question, I'll give you a simplified sample that simulates my situation:
Class A
So, throughout my code I have to access a number of these properties, in different levels, to do some math in order to calculate what I need. Basically for each type of calculation that I have to do, I have to test each level of the properties that I need, to check if it's not null, in which case I would return (decimal) 0, or any other default value depending on the business logic.
Sample of a math that I have to do with it:
var value = 0;
if (objClassA.PropB1 != null && objClassA.PropB1.PropC11 != null) {
var leaf = objClassA.PropB1.PropC11.PropLeaf111;
value = leaf.HasValue ? leaf.Value : value;
Just to be very, the leaf properties of this structure would always be primitives, or nullable primitives in which case I give the proper treatment. This is "the logic" that I have to do for each property that I need, and sometimes I have to use quite some of them. Also the real structure is quite bigger, so the number of verifications that I would need to do, would also be bigger for each necessary property.
Now, I came up with some ideas, none of them I think is ideal:
Create methods to gather the properties, where it would abstract any necessary verification, or the logic to get default values. The drawback is that it would have, in my opinion, quite some duplicated code, since the verifications and the default values would be similar for some groups of fields.
Create a single generic method, where it receives a object, and a lamba function that access the required field. This method would try to execute the function and return it's result, and in case of an NullReferenceException, it would return a default value. The bright side of this one, is that it is realy generic, I just have to pass lambdas to access the properties, and the method would handle any problem. The drawback of it, is that I am using try -> catch to control logic, which is not the purpose of it, and the code might look confusing for other programmers that would eventually give maintenance to it.
Null Object Pattern, this would be the most elegant solution, I guess. It would have all the good points if it was a normal case. But the thing is the impact of providing Null Objects for this structure. Just to give a bit more of context, the software that I am working on, integrates with government's services, and the structure that I am working with, which is in the government's specifications, have some fields where null have some meaning which is different from a default value like "0". Also this specification changes from time to time, and the classes are generated again, and the post processing that I would have to do to create Null Objects, would also need maintenance, which seems a bit dangerous for me.
I hope that I made myself clear enough.
Thanks in advance.
This is a response as to how I solved my problem, based on the accepted answer.
I'm quite new to C#, and this kind of discution that was linked really helped me to come up with a elegant solution in many aspects. I still have the problem that depending where the code is executed, it uses .NET 2.0, but I also found a solution for this problem, where I can somewhat define extension methods:
And for the solution itself, I found this one the best:
I can basically access the properties this way, and just do the math:
objClassA.With(o => o.PropB1).With(o => PropC11).Return(o => PropLeaf111, 0);
For each property that I need. It still isn't just:
ofcourse, but it is far better that any solution that I found so far, since I was unfamiliar with Extension Methods, I really learned a lot.
Thanks again.
There is a strategy for dealing with this, involving the "Maybe" Monad.
Basically it works by providing a "fluent" interface where the chain of properties is interrupted by a null somewhere along the chain.
See here for an example:
And also here:
It's related to but not quite the same as what you seem to need; however, perhaps it can be adapted to your needs. The concepts are fairly fundamental.
I am attempting to build (for learning purposes) my own event logger; I am not interested in hearing about using a frameworks instead of building my own as I am doing this to better understand .net.
The idea is to have an event system that I can write out to a log file and/or pull from while inside the program. To do this I am creating an LogEvent class that will be stored inside of a Queue<LogEvent>.
I am planning on using the following fields in my LogEvent class:
private EventLogEntryType _eventType //enum: error, info, warning...
private string _eventMessage
private Exception _exception
private DateTime _eventTime
What I am not sure is the best way to capture the object that caused the event to be called. I thought about just doing a private Object _eventObject; but I am thinking that is not thread safe or secure.
Any advice on how to best store the object that called the event would be appreciated. I am also open to any other suggestions you may have.
Thanks, Tony
First off, nothing wrong with writing your own. There are some good frameworks our there, but sometimes you reach the point where some bizarre requirement gets you rolling your own, I've been there anyway...
I don't think you should be using text messages. After doing this type of logging in several projects, I have come the the conclusion that the best approach is to have a set of event types (integer IDs) with some type of extra information field.
You should have an enum of LogEvetTypes that looks something like this:
public enum LogEventTypes
//1xxx WS Errors
ThisOrThatWebServiceError = 1001,
//2xxx DB access error
This, from my experience will make your life much easier when trying to make use of the information you logged. You can also add an ExtraInformation field in order to provide event instance specific information.
As for the object that caused the event, I would just use something like typeof(YourClass).ToString();. If this a custom class you created, you can also implement a ToString override that will name sense in your logging context.
Edit: I am adding several details I wrote about in the comments, since I think they are important. Passing objects, which are not immutable, by ref to service methods is generally not a good idea. You might reassigne the same variable in a loop (for example) and create a bug that is near-impossible to find. Also, I would recommend doing some extra work now to decouple the logging infrastructure from the implementation details of the application, since doing this later will cause a lot of pain. I am saying this from my own very painful experience.
Why use a GlobalClass? What are they for? I have inherited some code (shown below) and as far as I can see there is no reason why strUserName needs this. What is all for?
public static string strUserName
get { return m_globalVar; }
set { m_globalVar = value; }
Used later as:
You get all the bugs of global state and none of the yucky direct variable access.
If you're going to do it, then your coder implemented it pretty well. He/She probably thought (correctly) that they would be free to swap out an implementation later.
Generally it's viewed as a bad idea since it makes it difficult to test the system as a whole the more globals you have in it.
My 2 cents.
When you want to use a static member of a type, you use it like ClassName.MemberName. If your code snippet is in the same class as the member you're referring (in this example, you're coding in a GlobalClass member, and using strUserName) you can omit the class name. Otherwise, it's required as the compiler wouldn't have any knowledge of what class you're referring to.
This is a common approach when dealing with Context in ASP.Net; however, the implementation would never use a single variable. So if this is a web app I could see this approach being used to indicate who the current user is (Although there are better ways to do this).
I use a simillar approach where I have a MembershipService.CurrentUser property which then pulls a user out from either SessionState or LogicalCallContext (if its a web or client app).
But in these cases these aren't global as they are scoped within narrow confines (Like the http session state).
One case where I have used a global like this would be if I have some data which is static and never changes, and is loaded from the DB (And there's not enough of the data to justify storing it in a cache). You could just store it in a static variable so you don;t have to go back to the DB.
One a side note why was the developer using Hungarian notation to name Properties? even when there was no intellisense and all the goodness our IDEs provide we never used hungarian notation on Properties.
#Jayne, #Josh, it's hard to tell - but the code in the question could also be a static accessor to a static field - somewhat different than #Josh's static helper example (where you use instance or context variables within your helper).
Static Helper methods are a good way to conveniently abstract stateless chunks of functionality. However in the example there is potential for the global variable to be stateful - Demeter's Law guides us that you should only play with state that you own or are given e.g. by parameters.
Given the rules there occasional times when it is necessary to break them. You should trade the risk of using global state (primarily the risk of creating state/concurrency bugs) vs. the necessity to use globals.
Well if you want a piece of data to be available to any other class running in the jvm then the Global Class is the way to go.
There are only two slight problems;
One. The implmentation shown is not thread safe. The set... method of any global class should be marked critical or wrapped in a mutex.
Even in the niave example above consider what happens if two threads run simultaniously:
set("Joe") and set("Frederick") could result in "Joederick" or "Fre" or some other permutation.
Two. It doesnt scale well. "Global" refers to a single jvm. A more complex runtime environment like Jboss could be runnning several inter communicating jvms. So the global userid could be 'Joe' or 'Frederick' depending on which jvm your EJB is scheduled.