Reporting Services paragraf - c#

How to add paragraf to Microsoft Reporting textbox?
When i put empty chars, they are not rendered, i try with Functions Space, LSet... VbTab....
For example
i want
This is text
But i get
This is text
Thanks in advance.

To do this, put the following in the Value property of your Report TextBox:
=" Text here"
This will handle the whitespaces.


CKEditor.Text is giving HTMLEncoded Output in ASP.NET

I am trying to use CKEditor into my ASP.NET Application. I got a good resource as follows
I want to set the CKEditor Text without losing its formatting (bold, Italics etc..) into a multiline Textbox. So, I am trying the following code.
string str = this.CKEditor1.Text;
TextBox1.Text = str;
Thus its giving me a html encoded Output as follows
But I don't want to have those tags around but formatting should be preserved. I tried using HTMLEncode and HTMLDecode, Also used this.CKEditor1.HtmlEncodeOutput = false; but of no avail.
Is there any other way I can save the text as it is without losing formatting into my Textbox?
I know textboxes are not meant for storing formatted html outputs but I have to store this(Comments) along with a formatting in a text box(for History) in my Application. Previously they were using Plain text boxes for both comments and History. Now richtext editing is needed and hence we are tying to go this way. Any other good approaches and suggestions are most welcome.
No, a Textbox cant display formatted values. That is why you have the CKEditor.
You can still store the html formated values in the database and display them (formatted) in for example a Label

How to read selected text on richTextBox?

There is a richTextBox that has string. I want to select a few characters on the richTexBox by mouse and save them in a variable. I use this method:
It shows me selected characters but is has some additional string and i don't want them. How can I remove them?
This is additional string:
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1065\uc1 }
Here is the msdn link for more information
Selection.Text property will return the selected text of Rich Edit Text box.
RichTextBox.SelectedText? may be?
use this
richTextBox1.SelectedText (property)

c# listbox item size limit

When I add an item to a listbox in c#, if the string is > 4680 characters it displays as a blank line. I can still access the entire string from within the program.
Did I run up against a limit or am I doing something wrong?
The limit of text in a textbox is 64 KB worth of text. Here ya go.
displaying 4680+ characters for a single list item is not useful for the end user. You need to truncate the text or find another way to reference the text that is more user friendly.

Insert html tag to a Database as a String and retrieve it back in C#

I want to insert html tag to a Database as a String and retrieve it back. after retrieved it ,I want to bind it in Grid.
as a example
String word = "<h1>This is Heading </h1> \n <h2>This is body</h2> \t This is after tab";
after I bind to the grid it should be
This is Heading(in a big font size)
This is body(in small font) - (tab space) This after tab
However this way is not working. It shows
<h1>This is Heading </h1> \n <h2>This is body</h2> \t This is after tab
word instead of applying real HTML behavior. I tryout with '\' special character removal but it remain same result.
Please help me.
Exactly which control are you using? Most of them will escape html like that for you, and to get it to be written 'as-is' you have to set a property.
If you're using GridView, then you can set the HtmlEncode on your BoundColumn to false.
If you're using AutoGenerateColumns, see this SO thread: Prevent HTML encoding in auto-generated GridView columns
Saving into DB is not a problem, you can save directly the string into DB,But when displaying on UI you must use HttpUyility.HtmlEncode(), else it will invite Javascript Hacking.
But if you are entering data from WebPage, make sure Input Validations are turned off Else you will get XSS script attack error.
you can bind your text in literal control it will represent the actual HTML formatted text.
like :
ltrlMsg.Text="<div class=\"Message Success\"> Your Message has been sent successfully! </div>"
or you can bind in you grid too.

How to display data inside a textbox?

My question is that I have extracted data from a file and pushed into a string variable.
I have a FORM created in visual studio having a text box, so I want to display that extracted data in textbox created.
How can achieve this?
You can do it like this:
yourTextBox.Text = yourString;
For a TextBox, it is just
myTextBox.Text = myStringVariable;
But if the data is large, you may want to consider the RichTextBox control instead.
This is all assuming you're using Windows Forms...
string strName="someone";
If you trim the data to remove the unwanted trailing spaces if there is any.

