Dynamic query in LINQ - c#

How do I write a dynamic query for Linq, if I have say Customer class which holds the fields:
string name
string address
int phoneno
I have to query based on information given similar to
query = string.Empty;
query += "#name = name";
query += "#address = address";
query += "#phoneno = phoneno";
var result = from condition in customer
select condition;
Edit #1:
the items are changeable at run time like
private Customer[] GetCustomers(Dictionary<string,string> attributes)
here the attribute may be, name alone, or name and address, or name address and phoneno
foreach(string field in attributes.key)
query += field == attributes[key];
Customers[] =ExecuteQuery(query);
Is this kind of query supported by LINQ?
Edit #2:
Hi Mouk,
As I am new to C#, I am still struggling, this is not working for me.
var query = _ConfigFile.ConnectionMasterSection;
for(int i = 0; i < filter.count; i++)
query = result.Where(p => typeof(ConnectionMaster).GetProperty(filter[i].Attribute).Name == filter[i].Value);
This yeilds Empty, where as i used this
var query = _ConfigFile.ConnectionMasterSection;
//Hard coded
res.Where(q => q.category == filter[0].Value);
And it worked as I expected.
Hi Bryan Watts,
I tried your code also and I getting this error: "Lambda Parameter not in scope".
for(int i = 0; i < filter.count; i++)
Field item = filter[i];
MemberExpression param = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Expression.Parameter(typeof(Connection), "p"), typeof(Connection).GetProperty(item.Attribute));
MemberExpression constant = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Expression.Constant(item), typeof(Field).GetProperty("Value"));
var myquery = Queryable.Where(coll, Expression.Lambda<Func<Connection, bool>>(
Expression.Equal(param, constant), Expression.Parameter(typeof(Connection),"p")));
What is the mistake here?

Check out this http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx, it allows for strongly typed predicate building, it can be really nice. If you want actually dynamic string built predicates than you can use the LINQ Dynamic Query Library provided by ScottGu.
Both will accomplish what you want although I would recommend the first option before the second.
Allowing you to do:
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<MyLinqType>();
predicate = predicate.And(p => p.name == name);
var myResults = Context.MyLinTypeQueryTable.Where(predicate);
And more.

Here you go:
var result = from customer in Customers
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneNo) || customer.PhoneNo == phoneNo
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(address) || customer.Address == address
select customer;
If you're concerned that this generate the optimal SQL query underneath, as always you should attach a SQL Query Analyzer and check. But I believe the expression parser in Linq To Sql will collapse down the where clauses as appropriate based on the value of the arguments.

You can use the fluent interface and add a new Where clause fpr each condition. Something like:
var result = from cus in customers select cus;
result= result.Where(p => p.Name == name);
EDIT upon hte comment:
if you are querying over a collection in memory, you could retrieve the properties using reflection.
private Customer[] GetCustomers(Dictionary<string,string> attributes)
var result = from cus in customers select cus;
foreach(string key in attributes.Keys)
result= result.Where(p => GetProperty(p, key )== attributes[key]);
return result.ToList();
Supposing GetProperty retrieve the property by reflection.
Using Linq2Sql this method will result in retrieving all record an then iterating over them using reflection.

I've had good experience with Dynamic LINQ.
I used it for a rich HTML table that could be filtered and sorted server side. The server receives a request containing a request parameter where the key is the name of the property (for example 'Lastname') and the value is the value that the property needs to be sorted on (for example 'Smith'). Using that information I built a query string that I passed to the Dynamic LINQ's Where method.
Roughly, you could think of something like the following:
public static IQueryable<T> Filter<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, Dictionary<string, string> dictionary)
Type t = typeof(T);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetProperties();
foreach(string key in dictionary.Keys)
PropertyInfo property = properties.Where(p => p.Name == key).SingleOrDefault();
if(property != null)
if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(" && ");
string value = dictionary[key];
sb.Append(string.Format(#"{0}.ToString().Contains(""{1}"")", key, value));
if (sb.Length > 0)
return query.Where(sb.ToString());
return query;
The code is out of the top of my head and thus untested.
Of course, this is the most basic version: it does a simple string comparison. If you want to have numerical comparison (meaning you want for example the User where UserID is exactly 100, not where the UserID.ToString().Contains("100")), or query nested Properties (Customer.Company.CompanyAddress for example), or query Collections this gets more complicated. You should also think about security: while Dynamic LINQ is not vulnerable to SQL injection, you shouldn't let it blindly parse all user input.

It sounds like you need to dynamically compose queries.
See my answer to this question.
It explains how queries against an IQueryable<T> are composed by the compiler, and what you can do to add dynamic elements.
Here is an example of how you would dynamically build a set of Where conditions on top of an IQueryable<Customer>:
// This method ANDs equality expressions for each property, like so:
// customers.Where(c => c.Property1 == value1 && c.Property2 == value2 && ...);
private IQueryable<Customer> FilterQuery(IQueryable<Customer> customers, IDictionary<string, string> filter)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Customer), "c");
Expression filterExpression = null;
foreach(var filterItem in filter)
var property = typeof(Customer).GetProperty(filterItem.Key);
var propertyAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
var equality = Expression.Equal(propertyAccess, Expression.Constant(filterItem.Value));
if(filterExpression == null)
filterExpression = equality;
filterExpression = Expression.And(filterExpression, equality);
if(filterExpression != null)
var whereBody = Expression.Lambda<Func<Customer, bool>>(filterExpression, parameter);
customers = customers.Where(whereBody);
return customers;


How can I build a linq query at runtime with multiple group by clauses with different types

I'm in a situation where I need to specify queries on a EF-context at runtime. Our consultants configure these queries at a customer site for customer specific situations.
In order to facilitate that I was thinking of using linq to build the queries, based on a criteria-list which the consultants specify in a front-end of some kind (right now, winforms). The consultants basically specify a property from an object, specify the operator and then the value. For example: give me all clients where the [status] [equals] [1].
At the moment I have an expression builder which creates the where clause at runtime, and so far I can manage one group by clause. Where I'm running against the wall here, is when a consultant configures multiple group by clauses of different types (f.e. a string and a datetime property).
For example, I must be able to process this query: select bsn as a, dateofbirth as b from clients where status = 1 group by bsn, dateofbirth (where bsn = string and dateofbirth = datetime).
At the moment, this is the code which "glues" the query together:
public List<ClientV2> ExportClients(List<CriteriaV2> criteriaList)
var whereExpression = BuildWhereExpressionChain(criteriaList.Where(c => c.Operator != CriteriaOperatorV2.GROUPBY).ToList());
var groupByExpression = BuildGroupByExpression(criteriaList.Where(c => c.Operator == CriteriaOperatorV2.GROUPBY).ToList());
var sourceClients = _context.Clients.Where(whereExpression).GroupBy(groupByExpression).ToList();
IEnumerable<Client> resultClients = sourceClients.SelectMany(group => group);
return ClientToClientV2.MapList(resultClients.ToList());
This is the where-clause builder:
private Expression<Func<Client, bool>> BuildWhereExpressionChain(List<CriteriaV2> criteriaList)
var expressionList = new List<Expression<Func<Client, bool>>>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Client));
foreach (var crit in criteriaList)
var propertyItem = PropertyTranslator.GetPropertyItem(crit.Property);
if (propertyItem == null) throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException("Property " + crit.Property + " niet toegestaan als filter criterium");
var propInfo = typeof(Client).GetProperty(propertyItem.InternalName);
var left = Expression.Property(paramExp, propInfo);
Expression right;
if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsEnum)
right = Expression.Constant(Enum.ToObject(propInfo.PropertyType, PropertyTranslator.TranslateEnum(propertyItem.Type, crit.Value)));
else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) || propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?))
right = Expression.Constant(DateTime.Parse(crit.Value), propInfo.PropertyType);
right = Expression.Constant(crit.Value, typeof(string));
var exp = BuildExpression(left, right, crit.Operator);
expressionList.Add(Expression.Lambda<Func<Client, bool>>(exp, new ParameterExpression[] { paramExp }));
var firstExpression = expressionList.First();
expressionList.Skip(1).ToList().ForEach(ex => { firstExpression = firstExpression.And(ex); });
return firstExpression;
And this is the part where I am stuck (it does work for one clause of type string):
private Expression<Func<Client, string>> BuildGroupByExpression(List<CriteriaV2> criteriaList)
var expressionList = new List<Expression<Func<Client, string>>>();
var paramExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Client));
foreach (var crit in criteriaList)
var propertyItem = PropertyTranslator.GetPropertyItem(crit.Property);
if (propertyItem == null) throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException("Property " + crit.Property + " niet toegestaan als group by criterium");
var propInfo = typeof(Client).GetProperty(propertyItem.InternalName);
var body = Expression.Property(paramExp, propInfo);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Client, string>>(body, paramExp);
var firstExpression = expressionList.First();
expressionList.Skip(1).ToList().ForEach(ex => { firstExpression = firstExpression.And(ex); });
return firstExpression;
Would it be possible to make the BuildGroupByExpression() in such way that it results in an expression which contains multiple clauses of different types that I can use directly in .GroupBy(expression);?
I'm not that much of an expert on linq, but I have a feeling that what I want could be possible. If I do stupid things here, please point them out and I'll work on it.
I dont think so. At least using the approach where the Expression is built they way you have. At least I ended up building expressions per type.
The main reason is
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Client, string>>(body, paramExp);
I dont know how you can make this Lambda defintion dynamic or generic.
There is a different approach, and a library that uses a string interpretation at runtime to build expressions. See
Install-Package System.Linq.Dynamic.Library
see also https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/vstudio/bb894665.aspx

How to inner join(filtering for nested properties) with expression tree?

My users should be able to configure a filter to get a result from the database.
I decided to use an expression tree, to be flexible with the query. But I have problems with the expression tree for filtering by ReferenceCode.
Duration (TimeSpan)
DutDbId (Guid/FK)
TimeStamp (DateTime)
DUT (DeviceUnderTest)
AdminId (string/unique)
DbId (Guid/PK)
ReferenceCode (string)
StartUps (List)
Here is a part of the filter in equivalent linq. But linq I can't use, because I don't know how many ReferenceCodes will be defined by the user.:
//-------------------reference code filter---------------------------
var query = context.PumpStartUps.Where((p => p.DUT.ReferenceCode == "HKR566" ||
p.DUT.ReferenceCode == "HSH967" ||
startUps = query.ToList();
For filtering by DeviceUnderTest part of the filter, my solution is:
// --------------------duts filter-----------------------------------
Expression dutsExpression = null;
Expression psuExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(PumpStartUp), "psu");
Expression psuDutIdExpression = Expression.Property(psuExpression, "DutDbId");
foreach (var dut in filter.Duts)
DeviceUnderTest deviceUnderTest = context.DevicesUnderTest.Where(d => d.AdminId == dut.Id).Single();
Expression dutIdExpression = Expression.Constant(deviceUnderTest.DbId);
Expression dutExpression = Expression.Equal(pumpStartUpDutIdExpression, dutIdExpression);
if (dutsExpression == null)
dutsExpression = dutExpression;
dutsExpression = Expression.Or(dutsExpression, dutExpression);
How can I filter by ReferenceCode in that manner:
Use this:
var dutExpression = Expression.Property(psuExpression, "DUT");
var referenceCodeExp = = Expression.Property(dutExpression, "ReferenceCode ");
var constExpr = Expression.Constant("HKR566");
var eqExp = Expression.Equal(referenceCodeExp , constExpr);
dutsExpression = Expression.Or(dutsExpression, eqExp);
If you have a limited amount of codes, you can always say
var query = context.PumpStartUps.Where(p => codes.Contains(p.DUT.ReferenceCode))
This works up until about 2000 parameters. If you need more, then you should probably send the codes somehow to a temp table (or rather a function returning a table, since ef does not support temp tables), and join on that since constructing an expression with more than 2000 ors is not gonna perform well.

Construct LINQ query using variables in asp.net WebAPI

I am trying to build a method in my asp.net WebAPI to grab data based on the arguments passed on the method. The method is used to perform a search on restaurant data. I have a variable called 'type' that determines the type of data search performed. The second variable 'keyword' is the keyword searched by the user. The WHERE condition in my LINQ query depends on the type and needs to be dynamic, so I have used a separate variable outside the LINQ query to define the condition. I have tried assigning this variable to my WHERE statement on the LINQ query but it doesn't seem to work. Can someone help with it please? I have been stuck on this for a few days now
public IQueryable<RestaurantView> GetRestaurantsForSearch(string keyword, int type, string location)
var condition = "";
if(type == 1)
condition = "x.RestaurantName.Contains(keyword)";
} else if(type == 2){
condition = "x.Cuisine.Equals(keyword)";
else {
condition = "x.Rating.Equals(keyword)";
var query = from x in db.Restaurants
join y in db.Cuisine on x.RestaurantCuisine equals y.CuisineID
where condition
select new RestaurantView
RestaurantID = x.RestaurantID,
RestaurantName = x.RestaurantName,
RestaurantCuisine = y.CuisineName,
RestaurantDecription = x.RestaurantDecription
return query;
Try this:
Predicate<Restaurant> pred;
if (type == 1) pred = x => x.RestaurantName.Contains(keyword);
else if (type == 2) pred = x => x.Cuisine.Equals(keyword);
else pred = x => x.Rating.Equals(keyword);
var query = from x in db.Restaurants
join y in db.Cuisine on x.RestaurantCuisine equals y.CuisineID
where pred(x)
select new RestaurantView
RestaurantID = x.RestaurantID,
RestaurantName = x.RestaurantName,
RestaurantCuisine = y.CuisineName,
RestaurantDecription = x.RestaurantDecription
return query;
You need to look a dynamic linq library i think then you can execute string statements inside your linq
or you can execute direct query
If you are ok with dropping your comprehensive LINQ query in favour of the extension method syntax, it's pretty simple (I'm on a netbook without VS, so I apologize that this is untested but should give you the idea):
var query = db.Restaurants
if(type == 1)
query= query.Where(x => x.RestaurantName.Contains(keyword));
else if(type == 2)
query = query.Where(x => x.Cuisine == keyword);
else {
query = query.Where(x => x.Rating == keyword);
This builds out your expression tree differently based on your logic checks, which will result in a different SQL query being generated based on the value of type.
I notice that in your join, Cuisine appears to be an Entity, but in your logic checks, you attempt to filter by comparing Cuisine to a string so I think there is some disconnect.
var query = from x in db.Restaurants
join y in db.Cuisine on x.RestaurantCuisine equals y.CuisineID
where condition
select new RestaurantView
RestaurantID = x.RestaurantID,
RestaurantName = x.RestaurantName,
RestaurantCuisine = y.CuisineName,
RestaurantDecription = x.RestaurantDecription
return query;
how to get the return query value in client side to assign for grid view binding

Dynamically Append LINQ Join

I have a method in my data layer in which I pass in a set of search parameters, dynamically build up the required 'where' clause using the PredicateBuilder class from LINQKit and then execute the LINQ query to return a list of objects.
In some cases the search criteria may contain a category name which doesn't exist in the Library table, I then need to join to this table to perform the necessary query. The reason it's been done this way is because there are potentially hundreds of categories per book and for optimisation reasons I only want the join to be performed if actually required.
Now my question is, is it possible to dynamically append this join to the LINQ query?
After a few attempts at trying to get this to work I've unfortunately had to resort to the 'cut-and-paste' pattern which I dislike immensely but needed something that worked for it to get 'out-the-door'.
The code below is an extract with variables renamed of what I've currently got (i.e. this isn't really a library application!):
public IEnumerable<ILibrarySearchResultsDTO> SearchLibrary(ISearchLibrary searchValues)
var whereStatement = PredicateBuilder.True<Library>();
bool categorySearch = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchValues.AuthorFirstName))
whereStatement = whereStatement.And(q => q.AuthorFirstName == searchValues.AuthorFirstName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchValues.AuthorLastName))
whereStatement = whereStatement.And(q => q.AuthorLastName == searchValues.AuthorLastName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchValues.CategoryName))
categorySearch = true;
var libraryObjectSet = Context.CreateObjectSet<Library>();
LibraryObjectSet.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
var categoriesObjectSet = Context.CreateObjectSet<Categories>();
categoriesObjectSet.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
if (!categorySearch)
var query = from lib in libraryObjectSet
select new LibrarySearchResultsDTO()
BookName = lib.BookName,
AuthorFirstName = lib.AuthorFirstName,
AuthorLastName = lib.AuthorLastName,
var query = from lib in LibraryObjectSet
join categories_LKP in categoriesObjectSet on new { CategoryID = lib.CategoryID, CategoryName = searchValues.CategoryName }
equals new { CategoryID = categories_LKP.CategoryID, CategoryName = categories_LKP.CategoryName }
select new LibrarySearchResultsDTO()
BookName = lib.BookName,
AuthorFirstName = lib.AuthorFirstName,
AuthorLastName = lib.AuthorLastName,
return query.ToList();
I've had to create the sample code in Notepad++ and because it's a contrived example I haven't been able to check if it compiles. Should do though (I hope!).
If there is a navigation property from Library to Category you can just dynamically add another predicate:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchValues.CategoryName))
whereStatement = whereStatement
.And(q => q.Categories
.Any(c => c.CategoryName == searchValues.CategoryName));
If the navigation property is not present, you can still use a join in the predicate without having to duplicate the whole query. But it could be a good reason to add a navigation property.
You may use Reflection API like a following generic function...which compiles a dynamic query with a unknown type...
IQueryable<T> getQuery<T>(T myTableEntity, string[] arrayOfQueryTerms, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
var fieldOrProperty = getMemberInfo(predicate);
MemberInfo getmemberInfo<T>(Expression<Func<T,bool> expr)
var memberExpr = expr as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpr != null) return memberExpr.Member;
throw new ArgumentException();
var q = getQuery<FooTable>(foo, new[]{"Bar","Baz"}, x=>x.FieldName);

LINQ Where in collection clause

I've been looking on google but not finding anything that does the trick for me.
as you know SQL has a "where x in (1,2,3)" clause which allows you to check against multiple values.
I'm using linq but I can't seem to find a piece of syntax that does the same as the above statement.
I have a collection of category id's (List) against which I would like to check
I found something that uses the .contains method but it doesn't even build.
You have to use the Contains method on your id list:
var query = from t in db.Table
where idList.Contains(t.Id)
select t;
The syntax is below:
IEnumerable<int> categoryIds = yourListOfIds;
var categories = _dataContext.Categories.Where(c => categoryIds.Contains(c.CategoryId));
The key thing to note is that you do the contains on your list of ids - not on the object you would apply the in to if you were writing sql.
Here's an article illustrating the approach. You should indeed use the Contains method over your collection which will be translated into IN clause.
Here is my realization of WhereIn() Method, to filter IQueryable collection by a set of selected entities:
public static IQueryable<T> WhereIn<T,TProp>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T,TProp>> memberExpr, IEnumerable<TProp> values) where T : class
Expression predicate = null;
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
bool IsFirst = true;
MemberExpression me = (MemberExpression) memberExpr.Body;
foreach (TProp val in values)
ConstantExpression ce = Expression.Constant(val);
Expression comparison = Expression.Equal(me, ce);
if (IsFirst)
predicate = comparison;
IsFirst = false;
predicate = Expression.Or(predicate, comparison);
return predicate != null
? source.Where(Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(predicate, param)).AsQueryable<T>()
: source;
And calling of this method looks like:
IQueryable<Product> q = context.Products.ToList();
var SelectedProducts = new List<Product>
new Product{Id=23},
new Product{Id=56}
// Collecting set of product id's
var selectedProductsIds = SelectedProducts.Select(p => p.Id).ToList();
// Filtering products
q = q.WhereIn(c => c.Product.Id, selectedProductsIds);

