Im looking for a way to delete Windows restore points using C# perhaps by invoking WMI.
Any code snippet would be very helpful.
Touching on what Morten said you can use that API. WMI doesn't provide a method to delete a Restore Point as far as I can tell. The SRRemoveRestorePoint can remove a restore point, provided you have the sequence number. You can get that through WMI. Here is my code to Remove a restore point.
public static extern int SRRemoveRestorePoint(int index);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int SeqNum = 335;
int intReturn = SRRemoveRestorePoint(SeqNum);
I just threw in 335 since that was the farthest one back as I could find on my system. Its likely that the count starts at 1 and keeps incrementing. so it isn't as simple as just having an index like you would in an array.
As for getting the sequence numbers, I converted the code from Microsoft to C# which will give you that info. Be sure to add System.Management as a reference. Otherwise this code won't work right.
private void EnumRestorePoints()
System.Management.ManagementClass objClass = new System.Management.ManagementClass("\\\\.\\root\\default", "systemrestore", new System.Management.ObjectGetOptions());
System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection objCol = objClass.GetInstances();
StringBuilder Results = new StringBuilder();
foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject objItem in objCol)
Results.AppendLine((string)objItem["description"] + Convert.ToChar(9) + ((uint)objItem["sequencenumber"]).ToString());
I tested this on my box (Vista by the way) and it worked without issue. Also have to be running as Admin, but I think you figured that.
While I know nothing about WMI, this resource might get you started. It does not directly touch your issue, but perhaps it can be useful somehow. Anyhow, it seems that the relevant Win32/COM function is SRRemoveRestorePoint. I hope this was of any use.
Alternatively, you can work with VBScript, if you're so inclined.
Hello guys I'm new to the forum also programming and need some help about a project.
So I recently start developing a program that firstly must add its path at the end of Registry => Environment => Path.
For this job I created project (MainLogic) which contain a class (Program) that do the job, Installer Class that contains this events below and configured Setup Project. SOURCE
public InstallerClass1()
this.Committed += InstallerClass1_Committed;
this.Committing += InstallerClass1_Committing;
private void InstallerClass1_Committing(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
//Console.WriteLine("Committing Event occurred.");
private void InstallerClass1_Committed(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\MainLogic.exe");
The program was installed correctly but MainLogic.exe file I call after installation cause an error and can't start. The exception is Null Reference at MainLogic.Program.Main(String[] args)
Here is a picture for better understanding -
Is there a way to avoid that exception or could you offer me another that will work.
*** Here what i found. I can execute creating and typing in to file. Writing on the console. Probably a lot of other stuff without problem. But when try to execute this peace of code which actually I have to use...
Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Pass Key", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree).SetValue("Finaly", "Done");
...the exception I described above occurs. Suggestions?
So the main reason for all those "exercises" is because I want to implement ffmpeg in my application.
I guess you are hear about ffmpeg (a video/audio processing program that works in command prompt).
So what I'm working on is to implement it in my project for mp3 extracting from video files but I wanna make it more user friendly so the user can pass commands through GUI and from there my code should do the other job. So ffmpeg works through command prompt (I know there is a wrappers but I'm not very satisfied with what read about) but firstly you have to add his path to Path's value in the registry. And here's where my problem came from.
Maybe it's sounds stupid for you but you know.. when you start something make it all the way.
If course you can just add exception handling and see what goes wrong but you don`t neet that anyway. Try to set the registry key directly in your Installer
public partial class Installer1 : Installer
public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)
const string key_path = "SOFTWARE\\YourCompany\\YourApplication";
const string key_value_name = "InstallationDirectory";
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key_path, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
if (key == null)
key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(key_path);
string tgt_dir = "someDirectory";
key.SetValue(key_value_name, tgt_dir);
if you want to alter the path enironment variables set the key there. You can simply add a new variable or look for an exiting one (including the value) for example with Registry.GetValue MSDN-Link
User Variables
System Variables
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
I found this code from CathalMF here:
ProcessInfo[] list = ProcessCE.GetProcesses();
foreach (ProcessInfo pinfo in list)
if (pinfo.FullPath.EndsWith("MyExe.exe"))
...and modified it to my ends (no pun intended) like so:
ProcessInfo[] list = ProcessCE.GetProcesses();
foreach (ProcessInfo pinfo in list)
if (pinfo.FullPath.EndsWith("HHS.exe"))
// This should work, too, eh?
if (pinfo.FullPath.EndsWith("HUtilCE.dll"))
...but several things are unresolvable in that code (ProcessInfo's FullPath property and Kill method, and ProcessCE). What assembl[ies,y] need I reference to get this to compile?
I added System.Web, which made ProcessInfo itself resolvable, but that is not enough. This indicates that I need System.Diagnostics.Process, but I don't have that on my system...???
This is a small VS 2008 util targeting the Windows CE platform.
Apparently (although a hard-drive search for "System.Diagnostics.Process.dll" turned up nothing), adding the following usings did the trick:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
I added these usings in conjunction with this code I got from here:
ProcessInfo[] list = ProcessCE.GetProcesses();
foreach (ProcessInfo item in list)
//Debug.WriteLine("Process item: " + item.FullPath);
MessageBox.Show("Process item: " + item.FullPath);
if (item.FullPath.EndsWith("HHS.exe"))
MessageBox.Show("about to kill hhs.exe");
if (item.FullPath.EndsWith("HUtilCE.dll"))
MessageBox.Show("about to kill hutilce.dll");
Did the simple act of running that code cause the resident-in-memory binaries to be freed? I don't know, but being a little bit (albeit not super)-stitious, I'll run this code again if I ever run into the same problem again.
Note, though, that it never showed me my .exe or .dll in the list of running processes. All I saw were:
udevice.exe <= 5 times!
WCLaunch.exe <= this explains a lot -- somebody is apparently launching a water closet on the device
PrinterCommanderCE.exe <= this is my util that was running this code
Is it a problem that there were five instances of udevice?
Why did running this solve my problem (if, indeed, that was the solution)?
This class (ProcessInfo) you are using is not the one defined in the System.Web, it's completely different class. Check out the code from this codeproject article, it has ProcessCE and ProcessInfo classes defined, you'll need both.
I have been at this for quite a while. I am using C# for Serious Game Programing, and am working on the SoundManager code found in Chapter 9 of the book, if you want an exact reference. The Code is setting up a sound manager using OpenAl, and I am having a problem with the Alut interface (if that is the right word for what it is). Here is the code that I am working on:
public void LoadSound(string soundId, string path)
int buffer = -1;
Al.alGenBuffers(1, out buffer);
int errorCode = Al.alGetError();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(errorCode == Al.AL_NO_ERROR);
int format;
float frequency;
int size;
IntPtr data = Alut.alutLoadMemoryFromFile(path, out format, out size, out frequency);
int errorCode2 = Alut.alutGetError();
//string errorCodeString = Alut.alutGetErrorString(errorCode2);
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(errorCode2 != Alut.ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data != IntPtr.Zero));
Al.alBufferData(buffer, format, data, size, (int)frequency);
_soundIdentifier.Add(soundId, new SoundSource(buffer, path));
The issue is this line right here: System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data != IntPtr.Zero));. When this line is not commented out, it always fails. I did have it work, and do not know what I did to change it, and it stopped working. I have posted about this on another post here: Load sound problem in OpenAL
I have looked all over, and from what I can gather, the issue is with the way that OpenAl is working on my system. To that end, I have uninstalled the Tao Framework that I am using to run OpenAl, and reinstalled. I have also done a system restore to as many points as I have back. I have thought about nuking my whole system, and starting fresh, but a want to avoid this if I can.
I Also have found this link that has helped me understand more about Alut, but have been unable to get an alut.dll from it, and cannot get any errors to display. This code:
int errorCode2 = Alut.alutGetError();
//string errorCodeString = Alut.alutGetErrorString(errorCode2);
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(errorCode2 != Alut.ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
Is my attempt to find out the exact error. If I write the code like:
int errorCode2 = Alut.alutGetError();
//string errorCodeString = Alut.alutGetErrorString(errorCode2);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(errorCode2 != Alut.ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
I may be using the code all wrong to the find the exact error, as I am still learning c#.
Here is what I am looking for:
1)Is this a syntax error or an error with my system
2)If it is an error in my system, are there files that I am not removing when I try to do an uninstall of OpenAL to refresh all the files.
3)How do I get the alutGetError() code to display in such a way that I can actually read what it is.
Thank you for any help beforehand.
I recently ran into the same problem while going through that book and was able to figure it out by logging the error to the output window, notice I through the console.writeline in there.
After doing that I checked the output window which gave me the error code 519. After looking all over I saw a few forum posts recommending I re-install openAl to fix this issue which did the trick, all the links I found didn't work to the download so I had to hunt around but softTonic had the one that worked for me on my windows 7 machine
IntPtr data = Alut.alutLoadMemoryFromFile(path, out format, out size, out frequency);
var error= Alut.alutGetError();
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data != IntPtr.Zero);
Hope this helps,
I'm having some trouble understanding and getting the search contract to work in my Store app. I have been unable to find any sort of documentation or guide that explains the structure of using the contract. (I've looked at the quickstarts on MSDN, the Search Contract sample and the build video, but that only really deals with javascript)
So far I've been able to run a query and get a list (of Custom Objects) into my search contract page, and from there I try to assign that to defaultviewmodel.results, but no matter what query I type nothing shows up I on the page. Is there something else I need to set?
What I have so far is as follows (excerpts):
protected override void OnSearchActivated(Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.SearchActivatedEventArgs args)
SearchCharmResultsPage.Activate(args.QueryText, args.PreviousExecutionState);
public async static void ProcessSearchQuery(string queryString)
StorageFile file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("recipeCustomObject Debug.WriteLine("Database exists, connecting");
SQLiteAsyncConnection connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection("CustomObject_db");
List<CustomObject> resultsList = new List<CustomObject>();
string query = "SELECT * FROM CustomObjectDB";
resultsList = await connection.QueryAsync<RecipeRecord>(query);
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfExc)
Debug.WriteLine("FNFEXC: " + fnfExc.ToString());
I think it is possible that here lies the problem, though I'm not sure if it is, or how to change it.
the resultsList list is created here, but because the method it asynchronous, I can't return from the method. Because of this I'm guess that when I try to assign this.DefaultViewModel[Results] = resultsList; in the LoadStateMethod, the object doesn't exist (thought the program throws no error). When I try to add the same line in the ProcessSearchQuery method, i'm told that this is not valid in a static method, but I think I need the method to be static? My problem might just be a fundamental logic error?
Finally got it! found the solution here:
For those looking for an answer in the future, the key is to make sure you have your search logic within the Filter_SelectionChanged method, which was something I wasn't doing. Look at the guide within the above link to get an idea of the structure.
Have you looked at the Search contract sample on the developer center? There's a C#/XAML version there as well.
My open source Win8 RSS Reader framework implements Search (and Share) have a look at the source and if you still got questions, I'll be happy to help
I have a C# application that creates shortcuts to launch other programs with specific arguments and initial directories. I would like the user to be able to drag a shortcut from the Windows form and drop it anywhere relevant like the desktop, the start menu, and so on but I don't really know how to handle that, could anyone point me in the right direction?
I have seen a few samples using PInvoke and IShellLink like this one, or read answers on SO like here, which already help create shortcuts and save them in a .lnk file. I assume I have to hand over data in a DoDragDrop() call when the user initiates a drag operation, for example by handling a MouseDown signal. That's as far as I got, I suppose I need to know exactly which type the target is expecting to accept the drop, and how to serialize the shortcut, but couldn't find any information on that part.
Perhaps another option would be to get the location of the drop, and manage that from my application, but there again I'm a bit clueless as how to do that.
The framework version is currently 3.5, and I'm only considering Windows platforms.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Using the ShellLink code mentioned above to create a temporary shortcut file, I simply used DataObject for the drag and drop, like in the following example:
private void picShortcut_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ShellLink link = new ShellLink();
// Creates the shortcut:
link.Target = txtTarget.Text;
link.Arguments = txtArguments.Text;
link.Description = txtDescription.Text;
link.IconPath = txtIconFile.Text;
link.IconIndex = (txtIconIndex.Text.Length > 0 ?
System.Int32.Parse(txtIconIndex.Text) : 0);
// Starts the drag-and-drop operation:
DataObject shortcut = new DataObject();
StringCollection files = new StringCollection();
picShortcut.DoDragDrop(shortcut, DragDropEffects.Copy);
Quite complicated if you consider the PInvoke code (not shown here), and I still need to create this temporary file with the target name. If anyone knows a... erm, shortcut, it's welcome! Perhaps by porting the code for which John Knoeller gave a link (thanks!).
Raymond Chen did a whole article on this very topic on his blog check out dragging a virtual file
I answered a question sort of similar to this on a previous thread. This might be a starting point for you.
Drag and Drop link