Projecting a 3D point to a 2D screen coordinate - c#

Based on information in Chapter 7 of 3D Programming For Windows (Charles Petzold), I've attempted to write as helper function that projects a Point3D to a standard 2D Point that contains the corresponding screen coordinates (x,y):
public Point Point3DToScreen2D(Point3D point3D,Viewport3D viewPort )
double screenX = 0d, screenY = 0d;
// Camera is defined in XAML as:
// <Viewport3D.Camera>
// <PerspectiveCamera Position="0,0,800" LookDirection="0,0,-1" />
// </Viewport3D.Camera>
PerspectiveCamera cam = viewPort.Camera as PerspectiveCamera;
// Translate input point using camera position
double inputX = point3D.X - cam.Position.X;
double inputY = point3D.Y - cam.Position.Y;
double inputZ = point3D.Z - cam.Position.Z;
double aspectRatio = viewPort.ActualWidth / viewPort.ActualHeight;
// Apply projection to X and Y
screenX = inputX / (-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));
screenY = (inputY * aspectRatio) / (-inputZ * Math.Tan(cam.FieldOfView / 2));
// Convert to screen coordinates
screenX = screenX * viewPort.ActualWidth;
screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;
// Additional, currently unused, projection scaling factors
double xScale = 1 / Math.Tan(Math.PI * cam.FieldOfView / 360);
double yScale = aspectRatio * xScale;
double zFar = cam.FarPlaneDistance;
double zNear = cam.NearPlaneDistance;
double zScale = zFar == Double.PositiveInfinity ? -1 : zFar / (zNear - zFar);
double zOffset = zNear * zScale;
return new Point(screenX, screenY);
On testing however this function returns incorrect screen coordinates (checked by comparing 2D mouse coordinates against a simple 3D shape). Due to my lack of 3D programming experience I am confused as to why.
The block commented section contains scaling calculations that may be essential, however I am not sure how, and the book continues with the MatrixCamera using XAML. Initially I just want to get a basic calculation working regardless of how inefficient it may be compared to Matrices.
Can anyone advise what needs to be added or changed?

I've created and succesfully tested a working method by using the 3DUtils Codeplex source library.
The real work is performed in the TryWorldToViewportTransform() method from 3DUtils. This method will not work without it (see the above link).
Very useful information was also found in the article by Eric Sink: Auto-Zoom.
NB. There may be more reliable/efficient approaches, if so please add them as an answer. In the meantime this is good enough for my needs.
/// <summary>
/// Takes a 3D point and returns the corresponding 2D point (X,Y) within the viewport.
/// Requires the 3DUtils project available at
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point3D">A point in 3D space</param>
/// <param name="viewPort">An instance of Viewport3D</param>
/// <returns>The corresponding 2D point or null if it could not be calculated</returns>
public Point? Point3DToScreen2D(Point3D point3D, Viewport3D viewPort)
bool bOK = false;
// We need a Viewport3DVisual but we only have a Viewport3D.
Viewport3DVisual vpv =VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(viewPort.Children[0]) as Viewport3DVisual;
// Get the world to viewport transform matrix
Matrix3D m = MathUtils.TryWorldToViewportTransform(vpv, out bOK);
if (bOK)
// Transform the 3D point to 2D
Point3D transformedPoint = m.Transform(point3D);
Point screen2DPoint = new Point(transformedPoint.X, transformedPoint.Y);
return new Nullable<Point>(screen2DPoint);
return null;

Since Windows coordinates are z into the screen (x cross y), I would use something like
screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight * (1 - screenY);
instead of
screenY = screenY * viewPort.ActualHeight;
to correct screenY to accomodate Windows.
Alternately, you could use OpenGL. When you set the viewport x/y/z range, you could leave it in "native" units, and let OpenGL convert to screen coordinates.
Since your origin is the center. I would try
screenX = viewPort.ActualWidth * (screenX + 1.0) / 2.0
screenY = viewPort.ActualHeight * (1.0 - ((screenY + 1.0) / 2.0))
The screen + 1.0 converts from [-1.0, 1.0] to [0.0, 2.0]. At which point, you divide by 2.0 to get [0.0, 1.0] for the multiply. To account for Windows y being flipped from Cartesian y, you convert from [1.0, 0.0] (upper left to lower left), to [0.0, 1.0] (upper to lower) by subtracting the previous screen from 1.0. Then, you can scale to the ActualHeight.

This doesn't address the algoritm in question but it may be useful for peple coming across this question (as I did).
In .NET 3.5 you can use Visual3D.TransformToAncestor(Visual ancestor). I use this to draw a wireframe on a canvas over my 3D viewport:
void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
void UpdateWireframe()
GeometryModel3D model = cube.Content as GeometryModel3D;
if (model != null)
GeneralTransform3DTo2D transform = cube.TransformToAncestor(viewport);
MeshGeometry3D geometry = model.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
for (int i = 0; i < geometry.TriangleIndices.Count;)
Polygon p = new Polygon();
p.Stroke = Brushes.Blue;
p.StrokeThickness = 0.25;
This also takes into account any transforms on the model etc.
See also:

It's not clear what you are trying to achieve with aspectRatio coeff. If the point is on the edge of field of view, then it should be on the edge of screen, but if aspectRatio!=1 it isn't. Try setting aspectRatio=1 and make window square. Are the coordinates still incorrect?
ActualWidth and ActualHeight seem to be half of the window size really, so screenX will be [-ActualWidth; ActualWidth], but not [0; ActualWidth]. Is that what you want?

screenX and screenY should be getting computed relative to screen center ...

I don't see a correction for the fact that when drawing using the Windows API, the origin is in the upper left corner of the screen. I am assuming that your coordinate system is
Also, is your coordinate system assuming origin in the center, per Scott's question, or is it in the lower left corner?
But, the Windows screen API is
You would need the coordinate transform to go from classic Cartesian to Windows.


Zoom level by distance in Mapbox map for Xamarin.Forms

Does anyone know how to select the correct zoom level so that two dots hit the screen?
I am using Mapbox and Xamarin.Forms.
In fact, there are more points, but the two most extreme are taken. Using them, I can get the center where the camera will look. Also, of course, I can get the distance between them. But here's how to calculate the specific zoom level (from 0 to 22), I have no idea.
Here is the zoom level documentation.
I was helped by an article on Wikipedia, which some user left in the comments, but then for some reason deleted it. Here
The result is a method:
public const double EARTH_EQUATORIAL_CIRCUMFERENCE_METTERS = 40075016.686; //Equatorial circumference of the Earth
public static double CalculateZoomLevel(double lat, double distanceBetweenPoints)
double logNum = C * Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(lat)) / distanceBetweenPoints;
double zoomLvl = Math.Log(logNum, 2);
return zoomLvl;
It's not perfect, but a very good result. But there is a problem when the path between the points becomes horizontal. In order to avoid this problem, I make some modifications to the distance between the points:
var distance = Distance.BetweenPositions(new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(minLat, minLon),
new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(maxLat, maxLon)).Meters;
if (Math.Abs(minLat - maxLat) < Math.Abs(minLon - maxLon))
distance += distance * (Math.Abs(minLon - maxLon) / Math.Abs(minLat - maxLat) / 10);
map.ZoomLevel = MapboxHelper.CalculateZoomLevel(zoomPos.Latitude, distance);
zoomPos - Center between two points.
Maybe someone will come in handy.

How to plot an ellipse with given rotation angle in C# WPF using Oxyplot?

OxyPlot is a cross-platform plotting library for .NET, very convenient for making plots,
Now there's a situation here, I have to draw a 95% confidence ellipse to an XY scatter plot.
Oxyplot provides with following annotation:-
Given here Ellipse Annotation(OxyPlot.Annotations) gives only following properties to add ellipse-
We don't have any rotation property or method here, IRender provides several draw methods to override but none of the methods have double angled rotation argument or so. Neither the documentation has provides any direct solution to it:-
Then how to draw this:-
*I was facing this issue for one of my assignment, and came up with a solution after going through the following forums discussion to get hints on how to generate such an ellipse.
Please add more solutions if anyone else has :-
Based on the link shared (in Quest.) best and easiest solution here was to draw an ellipse using PolygonAnnotation, which takes List of co-ordinate points,
Let's say if you give four co-ordinate points A,B,C,D--- polygonAnnotation will give me a closed 4-gon~quadrilateral sort of structure based on kind of points taken.
Now if you increase the number of points from 4 to 6--- it will give you hexagon, and so on.
Now at pixel level you can give infinite-number/discrete-number of points eclipsing over 360 degree.
So here we need an algorithm/equation of point on an 2D ellipse- given following inputs (based on this case):-
Center of ellipse (h,k)
rotation angle of the ellipse axis
major axis (a)
minor axis (b)
theta angle from the x-axis
private void GeneratePolygonAsEllipse(PolygonAnnotation polygonAnnotation)
double step = 2 * Math.PI / 200;
var h = xCenter;
var k = yCenter;
var rotation = AngleOfRotation;
var a = MajorAxisLength;
var b = MinorAxisLength;
for (double theta = 0; theta < 2 * Math.PI; theta += step)
var x = a * Math.Cos(rotation) * Math.Cos(theta) + b * Math.Sin(rotation) * Math.Sin(theta) + h;
var y = b * Math.Cos(rotation) * Math.Sin(theta) + a * Math.Sin(rotation) * Math.Cos(theta) + k;
polygonAnnotation.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x, y));
I hope above stipulated sample method equation can be useful to other folks like me looking for solution. I couldn't find direct solution anywhere else so I have added my solution here, that can be used as reference.
if anyone can come-up with other solutions like how to use IRender or anything else, would be great to look at them.

Making a Pen's LineCap go more into the drawn Line/Curve

Currently I have the following code:
AdjustableArrowCap arrow = new AdjustableArrowCap(10, 15, false);
penStateOutline.CustomEndCap = arrow;
And it draws this:
I have tried all day to make the arrow point to the ellipse itself rather than the center of it..
Update (I was wrong about the cap extending the line; it doesn't!)
To let the line and its cap end at the cirlce's outside you need to make the line shorter by the radius of the circle.
There are two approaches:
You can find a new endpoint that sits on the circle by calculating it, either with Pythagoras or by trigonometry. Then replace the endpoint, i.e. the circle's center, when drawing the line or curve by that new point.
Or put the other way round: You need to calculate a point on the circle as the new endpoint of the line.
It requires a little math, unless the line is horizontal or vertical...
This will work well for straight lines but for curves it may cause considerable changes in the shape, depending on how close the points get and how curved the shape is.
This may or may not be a problem.
To avoid it you can replace the curve points by a series of line points that are close enough to look like a curve when drawn. From the list of points we subtract all those that do not lie inside the circle.
This sounds more complicated than it is as there is a nice class called GraphicsPath that will allow you to add a curve and then flatten it. The result is a more or less large number of points. The same class also allows you to determine whether a point lies inside a shape, i.e. our case inside the circle.
To implement the latter approach, here is a routine that transforms a list of curve points to a list of line points that will end close to the circle..:
void FlattenCurveOutside(List<Point> points, float radius)//, int count)
using (GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath())
using (GraphicsPath gpc = new GraphicsPath())
// firt create a path that looks like our circle:
PointF l = points.Last();
gpc.AddEllipse(l.X - radius, l.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius* 2);
// next one that holds the curve:
// now we flatten it to a not too large number of line segments:
Matrix m = new Matrix(); // dummy matrix
gp.Flatten(m, 0.75f); // <== play with this param!!
// now we test the pathpoints from bach to front until we have left the circle:
int k = -1;
for (int i = gp.PathPoints.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if ( !gpc.IsVisible(gp.PathPoints[i])) k = i;
if (k > 0) break;
// now we know how many pathpoints we want to retain:
for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++)
Note that when the last part of the curve is too straight the result may look a little jagged..
Update 2
To implement the former approach here is a function that returns a PointF on a circle of radius r and a line connecting a Point b with the circle center c:
PointF Intersect(Point c, Point a, int rad)
float dx = c.X - a.X;
float dy = c.Y - a.Y;
var radians = Math.Atan2(dy, dx);
var angle = 180 - radians * (180 / Math.PI);
float alpha = (float)(angle * Math.PI / 180f);
float ry = (float)(Math.Sin(alpha) * rad );
float rx = (float)(Math.Cos(alpha) * rad );
return new PointF(c.X + rx, c.Y - ry);
The result thankfully looks rather similar:
The math can be simplified a little..
To apply it you can get the new endpoint and replace the old one:
PointF I = Intersect(c, b, r);
points2[points2.Count - 1] = Point.Round(I);
Thank you so much to #TaW for helping.
Unfortunately the answer he provided did not match my stupid OCD..
You made me think about the problem from a different perspective and I now have found a solution that I'll share if anyone else needs, note that the solution is not perfect.
public static Point ClosestPointOnCircle(int rad, PointF circle, PointF other)
if (other.X == circle.X && other.Y == circle.Y) // dealing with division by 0
return new Point((int)Math.Floor(circle.X + rad * ((other.X - circle.X) / (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(other.X - circle.X, 2) + Math.Pow(other.Y - circle.Y, 2))))), (int)Math.Floor(circle.Y + rad * ((other.Y - circle.Y) / (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(other.X - circle.X, 2) + Math.Pow(other.Y - circle.Y, 2))))));
What the code does is return a point on the circle that is the closest to the another point, then, I used the curve middle point as the other point to change the end point of the curve.
Then I used the arrow cap as normal and got this:image
Which is good enough for my project.

Radial tree graph layout: fix beizer curves

i want to render nice radial tree layout and a bit stumbled with curved edges. The problem is that with different angles between source and target points the edges are drawn differently. Provided pics are from the single graph so you can see how they're differ for different edge directions. I think the point is in beizer curve control points generation and i just can't understand how to fix them.
I want them to be drawn the same way no matter what's the direction of the edge.
How can i achieve this as in Pic1?
How can i achieve this as in Pic2?
Like here:
Thank you!
//draw using DrawingContext of the DrawingVisual
//gen 2 control points
double dx = target.X - source.X, dy = target.Y - source.Y;
var pts = new[]
new Point(source.X + 2*dx/3, source.Y),
new Point(target.X - dx/8, target.Y - dy/8)
//get geometry
var geometry = new StreamGeometry { FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd };
using (var ctx = geometry.Open())
ctx.BeginFigure(START_POINT, false /* is filled */, false /* is closed */);
ctx.BezierTo(pts[0], pts[1], END_POINT, true, false);
//draw it
dc.DrawGeometry(DrawingBrush, DrawingPen, geometry);
I've got the angle between previous vertex and source in radians using the following formula: Math.Atan2(prev.Y - source.Y, source.X - prev.X);
But still i get the edges like in Pic.4.
The prev vertex pos for branchAngle calculation is inaccurate so i decided to take an average angle between all edges in a branch as the branchAngle. This approach fails when edges from one brach are around the 180 deg mark and branch can have edge angles like 175, 176.. -176!! I use this code to make them all positive:
var angle = Math.Atan2(point1.Y - point2.Y, point1.X - point2.X);
while (angle < 0d)
angle += Math.PI*2;
But now the angles can be 350, 359.. 2!!! Quite difficult to calc an average :) Can you please advice me how i can work this around?
Looking at the graph from the link you provided each branch in the tree has it's own angle, which is used to declare the control points of the branch. This branchAngle is the same as the one of the vector going from the first node to the previous one (every branch can spawn several branches in turn). The angle of the first branch (first node = previous node = center) seems to be around -60°.
Setting the type of curve can be done by compensating this branch angle (0°, -90°, -180°,...) for all branches in the tree. Resulting in the controlAngle used for laying out the control points.
Generating the control points while taking into account the angles:
//gen per branch
double branchAngle = 30 * Math.PI / 180; //e.g., calc vector angle here
double cosB = Math.Cos(branchAngle);
double sinB = Math.Sin(branchAngle);
//depending on the desired curve compensate -90°, -180°,...
double controlAngle = branchAngle - (90 * Math.PI / 180);
double cosA = Math.Cos(controlAngle);
double sinA = Math.Sin(controlAngle);
//gen 2 control points
//calculate dx dy after rotation with branchAngle
double dxbase = target.X - source.X, dybase = target.Y - source.Y;
double dx = dxbase*sinB - dybase*cosB
double dy = dxbase*cosB + dybase*sinB
//control points based on controlAngle
var pts = new[]
new Point(source.X + (2*dx/3)*cosA , source.Y + (2*dx/3)*sinA),
new Point(target.X - (dx/8)*cosA + (dy/8)*sinA, target.Y - (dx/8)*sinA - (dy/8)*cosA)
Quick check
branchAngle = 30° &
compensation = -90° ->
controlAngle = -60°

Can I adjust my Bing Map's View/LocationRect/Bounding Box by a small amount?

I am using this code:
photraxMap.SetView(new LocationRect(App.photosetLocationCollection)); zoom a map to show the List of Locations contained in photosetLocationCollection.
photraxMap is a BingMap. SetView() is a Bing Maps method, not my own custom method.
The problem is that it works too well - it shows all the markers/pushpins, but just barely - the extreme locations are "clipped" as you can see here:
In the screamshot, you can see that the pushpin north of San Andreas as well as the one at Columbia, at the southeast edge of the map, are partially obscured (the one at Pardee is also partially obscured, by the Map Type box, but I reckon that can't be helped).
I want them to have a little "wiggle room" as it were. This is not simply a cosmetic issue - the "outlier" pushpins are not selectable until you drag the map up or down or left or right a tad.
Is there a way to tweak the zoom level just a teensy-weensy bit (not a full zoom level higher)?
Based on the ideas in the answer below, I think I will try something like this:
// Adapted from Brundritt and Boonaert:
// Before passing the locations to set view, call this twice, to add bogus NW and SE locations that will stretch
// the viewable area of the map a little, like so:
// Location nwShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, true);
// Location seShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, false);
// locs.Add(nwShim); locs.Add(seShim);
public static Location GetAShimLocation(IList<Location> locations, bool IsForNorthwestCorner)
const int MAP_CUSHION = 1; // Is 1 a comfortable enough cushion?
// I don't know why the Lats are 85 instead of 90
double maxLat = -85;
double minLat = 85;
double maxLon = -180;
double minLon = 180;
foreach (Location loc in locations)
if (loc.Latitude > maxLat)
maxLat = loc.Latitude;
if (loc.Latitude < minLat)
minLat = loc.Latitude;
if (loc.Longitude > maxLon)
maxLon = loc.Longitude;
if (loc.Longitude < minLon)
minLon = loc.Longitude;
Location retLoc = new Location();
// I'm not sure this logic/math is right - test it later
if (IsForNorthwestCorner)
retLoc.Latitude = maxLat - MAP_CUSHION;
retLoc.Longitude = maxLon - MAP_CUSHION;
else // SouthEast corner - stretch a little both directions
retLoc.Latitude = minLat + MAP_CUSHION;
retLoc.Longitude = minLon + MAP_CUSHION;
You can use an array of locations used to create the Pushpins, and pass them into the fromLocations function on the Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect class. This function will return a LocationRect that encloses all the Location objects passed into it. This LocationRect can then be passed to the bounds setting property when setting the map view. Some developers may notice that this results in some pushpins being cut off at the maps edge. The reason for this is that the fromLocations function only calculates the bounding box based on the Location objects, and not on the additional area that the pushpin icons use. To accommodate this scenario, the padding setting can be used to buffer the view by a specified number of pixels. Generally setting this value to twice as large as the width/height of your pushpin icons works well.
var locs = [array of Microsoft.Maps.Location];
var rect = Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs);
map.setView({ bounds: rect, padding: 80 });
Et voilà ! :)
In order to do this, you have at least two options that I'm thinking about.
First option: using fake locations
You choose an arbitrary padding (delta in latitude and longitude) that you will add or retrieve on the maximum/minimum location then you use SetView() to set the view on your pushpins as well as the other added locations that will permit to exceed your zoom level or set the view correctly to display all of you items.
To improve this technique, you can calculate the map's resolution and the corresponding delta for latitude and delta for longitude based on the size in pixel of your pushpins and the map's resolution.
Second option: manually calculating the best view
For this second one, I suggest you take a read at what Ricky shared a while back now, see for yourself:
The code you will need to adapt is here (because answer with links are not good for StackOverflow):
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the best map view for a list of locations for a map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locations">List of location objects</param>
/// <param name="mapWidth">Map width in pixels</param>
/// <param name="mapHeight">Map height in pixels</param>
/// <param name="buffer">Width in pixels to use to create a buffer around the map. This is to keep pushpins from being cut off on the edge</param>
/// <returns>Returns a MapViewSpecification with the best map center point and zoom level for the given set of locations</returns>
public static MapViewSpecification BestMapView(IList<Location> locations, double mapWidth, double mapHeight, int buffer)
MapViewSpecification mapView;
Location center = new Location();
double zoomLevel = 0;
double maxLat = -85;
double minLat = 85;
double maxLon = -180;
double minLon = 180;
//calculate bounding rectangle
for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
if (locations[i].Latitude > maxLat)
maxLat = locations[i].Latitude;
if (locations[i].Latitude < minLat)
minLat = locations[i].Latitude;
if (locations[i].Longitude > maxLon)
maxLon = locations[i].Longitude;
if (locations[i].Longitude < minLon)
minLon = locations[i].Longitude;
center.Latitude = (maxLat + minLat) / 2;
center.Longitude = (maxLon + minLon) / 2;
double zoom1=0, zoom2=0;
//Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
if (maxLon != minLon && maxLat != minLat)
//best zoom level based on map width
zoom1 = Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapWidth – 2*buffer) / (maxLon – minLon)) / Math.Log(2);
//best zoom level based on map height
zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapHeight – 2*buffer) / (maxLat – minLat)) / Math.Log(2);
//use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
zoomLevel = (zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2;
mapView = new MapViewSpecification(center, zoomLevel);
return mapView;
If you find any difficulty, let us know, I'm sure we'll be able to help you a little bit.
Yet another help:
Also, I found an old code that I wrote regarding the best mapview with padding, I can't send you the whole context but you'll get the idea:
//Determine the best zoom level based on the map scale and bounding coordinate information
if ((mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Longitude != mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Longitude) &&
(mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Latitude != mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Latitude))
Padding padding = mapView.Padding;
//best zoom level based on map width
zoom1 = (Math.Log(360.0 / 256.0 * (mapView.MapSize.Width - (padding.Left + padding.Right)) / (mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Longitude - mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Longitude)) / Math.Log(2));
//best zoom level based on map height
zoom2 = Math.Log(180.0 / 256.0 * (mapView.MapSize.Height - (padding.Top + padding.Bottom)) / (mapView.Bounds.NorthWest.Latitude - mapView.Bounds.SouthEast.Latitude)) / Math.Log(2);
//use the most zoomed out of the two zoom levels
mapView.ZoomLevel = (int)Math.Floor((zoom1 < zoom2) ? zoom1 : zoom2);
An Easier solution to this would be to scale the maps.zoomlevel after using Maps.setview
bingMap.SetView(New LocationRect(locList))
bingMap.ZoomLevel = bingMap.ZoomLevel * 0.85
the .85 means to zoom out 15%
p.s. I am using btw but it is the same concept

