If chained - how to delete? - c#

I'm doing an application where I have the following scenario:
I have several rules (business classes)
where they all return the client code. They are separate classes that will look for the code trial and error, if find the client code returns it and so on.
How can I use a rule without using a bunch of IFs or threaded IFs in the class that calls the others that contains the specific business rules?
For the specific classes, I used the design pattern strategy.
EX: Main Class
public abstract class Geral
public abstract string retornaCodigo(Arquivo cliente)
var codigo = ""; // logica
return codigo;
public class derivada1 : Geral
public override string retornaCodigo(Arquivo cliente)
var codigo = ""; // logica
return codigo;
public class derivada2 : Geral
public override string retornaCodigo(Arquivo cliente)
var codigo = ""; // logica 2
return codigo;
public class derivada3 : Geral
public override string retornaCodigo(Arquivo cliente)
var codigo = ""; // logica 3
return codigo ;
public class Negocio
public string Codigo()
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
var derivada1 = new derivada1().retornaCodigo(arquivo);
var derivada2 = new derivada2().retornaCodigo(arquivo);
var derivada3 = new derivada3().retornaCodigo(arquivo);
if (derivada1.Equals(null))
return derivada1;
if (derivada2.Equals(null))
return derivada2;
if (derivada3.Equals(null))
return derivada3;
return "";
what I wanted and that I did not have to use Ifs in the Business class for validation whether or not I found the code where it can fall under any condition gave example of 3 classes plus I have more than 15 conditions and can increase, case would be many Ifs.

Let's organize all derivada into a collection, say, array and then query the collection with a help of Linq
public string Codigo() {
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
Geral[] derivadas = new [] {
new derivada1(),
new derivada2(),
new derivada3();
//TODO: check the the condition: I guessed that you want to return first meanful codigo
foreach (var codigo in derivadas.Select(geral => geral.retornaCodigo(arquivo)))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codigo))
return codigo;
return "";
If you have a lot of derivada you can try using Reflection in order to create a collection:
using System.Reflection;
private static Geral[] s_Derivadas = AppDomain
.GetAssemblies() // scan assemblies
.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetTypes()) // types within them
.Where(t => !t.IsAbstract) // type is not abstract
.Where(t => typeof(Geral).IsAssignableFrom(t)) // type derived from Geral
.Where(t => t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null) // has default constructor
.Select(t => Activator.CreateInstance(t) as Geral) // create type's instance
.ToArray(); // materialized as array
public string Codigo() {
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
foreach (var codigo in s_Derivadas.Select(geral => geral.retornaCodigo(arquivo)))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codigo))
return codigo;
return "";

You could create a list of derivada's and then iterate over it
and if any given derivada1 equals None, you simply return it, otherwise you just continue the 'for loop'
I could write up a snippet if this doesn't make sense to you. lmk!

This would be simple with Linq:
public class Negocio
public string Codigo()
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
var derivadaList = new List<Geral>() {
new derivada1(),
new derivada2(),
new derivada3(),
return derivadaList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.retornaCodigo(arquivo) == null)?.retornaCodigo(arquivo) ?? "";
You can add as many Geral derived classes to the derivadaList as you want and the code will continue to function as designed.
What is happening here is that FirstOrDefault will run the Lamda expression on every element returning the first one that equals null (although I'm not sure this is what you want, it matches your example code). Since it returns a Geral object, you need to call retornaCodigo on it only if it is not null. If it is null, just return an empty string.
Another way to write this would be:
public class Negocio
public string Codigo()
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
var derivadaList = new List<Geral>() {
new derivada1(),
new derivada2(),
new derivada3(),
foreach (var derivada in derivadaList)
var result = derivada.retornaCodigo(arquivo);
if (result == null)
return result;
return "";

You can also use a list of derived classes and call them in Loop
public string Codigo()
var arquivo = new Arquivo();
List<Geral> gerals=new List<Geral>();
gerals.Add(new derivada1());
gerals.Add(new derivada2());
foreach(Geral g in gerals)
var val=g.retornaCodigo(arquivo);
return val;
return "";
This is a sample implementation, However you are not using strategy correctly
A better approach will be constructor injection,
public string Codigo(Geral implementar)
var val=geral.retornaCodigo(arquivo);
return "";
Then instantiate only with the chosen strategy.
Otherwise if you want to chain multiple validations, then use CHain of responsibility pattern.


How to implement IConvertible

I have some test code to check if 2 sides are equal.
public void GetCompanies_WithCorrectCompanyRequest_ReturnCompanyDtos()
// Arrange
var companyRequset = new CompanyRequest();
// Act
var companyDtos = _datlinqServiceMock.GetCompanies(companyRequset);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(companyDtos != null && companyDtos.Any());
Assert.AreEqual(DatlinqServiceMock.CompanyName, companyDtos.FirstOrDefault().Name);
That calls this.
public class DatlinqServiceMock: DatlinqService
public static string CompanyName = "Company_Test";
public override T GetApi<Q,T>(string apiMethod, Q request)
var companyList = new List<Company>()
new Company(){ Name = CompanyName}
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(companyList, typeof(T));
public List<Company> GetCompanies(CompanyRequest request)
if (request == null)
return new List<Company>();
var searchCompany = new SearchCompanyRequest();
searchCompany.Query = request.Name;
searchCompany.DatlinqKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Datlinq_Key"];
var searchCompanyResponse = GetApi<SearchCompanyRequest,SearchCompanyResponse>(DatlinqApiMethod.SearchCompany, searchCompany);
var companies = searchCompanyResponse.Result
.Select(c => new Company { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name })
return companies;
public virtual T GetApi<Q,T>(string apiMethod, Q request)
var result = default(T);
var url = String.Format("{0}{1}", _apiUrl, apiMethod);
if (request != null)
url = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(url, request.ToDictionary());
var apiResponse = _httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result;
if (apiResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string apiResponseString = apiResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiResponseString))
result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(apiResponseString);
catch (Exception)
// do something
return result;
And I get an error when I execute the first test
Test method Lavazza.ContractTool.Datlinq.Tests.Services.DatlinqServiceTests.GetCompanies_WithCorrectCompanyRequest_ReturnCompanyDtos threw exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible.
Stack Trace: 
Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType)
DatlinqServiceMock.GetApi[Q,T](String apiMethod, Q request) line 79
DatlinqService.GetCompanies(CompanyRequest request) line 23
DatlinqServiceTests.GetCompanies_WithCorrectCompanyRequest_ReturnCompanyDtos() line 32
I hope this is enough code to know what the problem/solution is if not let me know what you need.
To answer some question asked below.
Dai: I am trying to find what this is and why I need it because it came up in the error but the microsoft docs don't make it clear for me.
Jeroen: It is kind of a legacy project so I can't/won't add extra dependencies.
The "issue" here is that your GetApi method is designed to return a sort of generic response - in this specific case SearchCompanyResponse - but you're trying to override it to return a List<Company> which is wrong because that is what your GetCompanies method does (ie turn a SearchCompanyResponse to a List<Company>).
Suffice it to say this has nothing to do with implementing IConvertable.
What you would be better off doing is serializing a SearchCommpanyResponse that you wish to use for testing to a file, and using that file-based response for your testing.
That way your overridden "Mock" would be
public override T GetApi<Q,T>(string apiMethod, Q request)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(File.ReadAllText("mytestfile.json"));

Best way to find values not in two lists c#

I have two lists which I need to compare (carOptions and custOptions).
Both of these lists are in my Customer class like below:
public class CustomerDTO
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
//other props removed for brevity
public List<OptionDTO> SelectedCarOptions { get; set; }
public List<OptionDTO> SelectedCustomerOptions { get; set; }
var existingData = _myRepository.GetDataByCustomer(customerId, year);
var existingCarOptions = existingData.Select(f => f.SelectedCarOptions);
var existingCustomerOptions = existingData.Select(f => f.SelectedCustomerOptions);
existingData is an IEnumerable of CustomerDTO and then existingCarOptions and existingCustomerOptions is an IEnumerable<List<OptionDTO>>
In the method, I have a list of IEnumerable<OptionDTO> options that gets passed in. I then break this down into car or customer based on the Enum as below:
var newCarOptions = options.Where(o => o.OptionTypeID == OptionType.CarOptions);
var newCustomerOptions = options.Where(o => o.OptionTypeID == OptionType.CustomerOptions).ToList();
What I need to do is find which options are in one collection but no in the other.
I tried as below but getting an Error on the Except (I maybe need to create my own static method in that class) but I am not sure this is the best approach really?
if (existingCarOptions.Count() != newCarOptions.Count())
//var test = newCarOptions.Except(existingCarOptions);
if (existingCustomerOptions.Count() != newCustomerOptions.Count())
//var test2 = newCustomerOptions.Except(existingCustomerOptions);
Is it also quite a bit of code in the method - I could split it out into sperate methods if required but perhaps there is a simpler way I could achieve this?
I'm assuming OptionDTO has a property called Id, which uniquely identifies an option (you have to change the code accordingly if this is not the case), you may use HashSets to quickly find unmatched OptionsDTOs, while keeping the overall time cost O(n) (where n is the max number of combined options).
Create the existing options sets:
var existingCarOptions = existingData.SelectMany(d => d.SelectedCarOptions).Select(o => o.Id);
var existingCustomerOptions = existingData.SelectMany(d => d.SelectedCustomerOptions).Select(o => o.Id);
var existingCarOptionsIds = new HashSet<int>(existingCarOptions);
var existingCustomerOptionsIds = new HashSet<int>(existingCustomerOptions );
Then you extract options missing in existing sets with:
var unmatchedCarOptions = newCarOptions.Where(o => !existingCarOptionsIds.Contains(o.Id));
var unmatchedCustomerOptions = newCustomerOptions.Where(o => !existingCustomerOptionsIds.Contains(o.Id));
If you want to compare two classes you can use IEqualityComparer
public class OptionComparer : IEqualityComparer<OptionDTO>
public bool Equals(OptionDTO x, OptionDTO y)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return true;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) ||
object.ReferenceEquals(y, null))
return false;
return x.OptionTypeID == y.OptionTypeID ;
public int GetHashCode(OptionDTO obj)
if (obj == null)
return 0;
return obj.OptionTypeID.GetHashCode();
With using this you can ıdentify that What is the concept of equality for these classes.
Now we can find different values..
public List<OptionDTO>CalculateDiffBetweenLists(List<OptionDTO> left, List<OptionDTO> right){
List<OptionDTO> optionDiff;
optionDiff = left.Except(right, new OptionComparer ()).ToList();
return optionDiff ;

set type dynamically using Createmany

I have different types of documents that are derived from a base type called Topic. I'd like to use:
Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(documents)
to be able to process all the documents with a single call to Bulk, how can I set the type for each document?
Here is a snippet of code:
public IEnumerable<IBulkResponse> CreateBulkTopics(IEnumerable<Topic> topics)
var results = new List<IBulkResponse>();
return results;
public IBulkResponse IndexDocuments(IEnumerable<Common.Elastic.Models.Topic> documents)
return ElasticConnector.Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(documents));
The problem at this minute is all the documents are being stored as "topic" as opposed to the derived types such as drugs and treatmentsummaries.
How many types inherit from Topic? Are they constant and small? Then something like this can help. Lets say TopicA and TopicB inherit from Topic:
public IEnumerable<IBulkResponse> IndexDocuments(IEnumerable<Common.Elastic.Models.Topic> documents)
yield return ElasticConnector.Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(documents.OfType<TopicA>()));
yield return ElasticConnector.Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(documents.OfType<TopicB>()));
and then in CreateBulkTopics:
Of course this is only effective if the number of subclasses is small and available to this code. Otherwise, you can use reflection to achieve the same result. The sample code is a bit more complex, but tell me if you need it. Also, this will degrade performance in case the number of subclasses is very high, as it will send each type in a separate request to Bulk api. I can think of no better apprach in the client.
EDIT: This is how you do it using reflection:
class MyClass
public IBulkResponse IndexDocuments<T>(IEnumerable<Topic> documents)
where T : Topic
var derived = documents.OfType<T>();
return ElasticConnector.Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(derived));
public IEnumerable<IBulkResponse> IndexDocumentsByType(IEnumerable<Topic> documents)
var groups = documents.GroupBy(x => x.GetType());
var method = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod(nameof(IndexDocuments)); //prior to c#6, typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("IndexDocuments")
foreach (var group in groups)
var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(group.Key);
var result = generic.Invoke(this, new object[] { group });
yield return result as IBulkResponse;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var documents = new Topic[] { new TopicA(), new TopicA(), new TopicB(), new Topic() };
var result = new MyClass().IndexDocumentsByType(documents);
Console.WriteLine(result.Count()); //writes 3
I've managed to do it using a generic class:
public class IndexOperations<T> where T:Topic
public ElasticConnector ElasticConnector { get; set; }
public IndexOperations(ElasticConnector elasticConnector)
ElasticConnector = elasticConnector;
public IBulkResponse CreateMany(IEnumerable<T> t)
return ElasticConnector.Client.Bulk(b => b.CreateMany(t));
Client code:
var documents = TopicFactory.ConvertToDocuments(topics);
public IBulkResponse SaveDrugs(IEnumerable<Common.Elastic.Models.Topic> documents)
var indexOperations = new IndexOperations<Drug>(ElasticConnector);
return indexOperations.CreateMany(documents.OfType<Drug>());

LINQ - Merge two queries and exclude items from the first query

I'm pretty sure this falls under a "UNION" scenario but I'm really just looking for the best approach to solve my problem (even if it's not a UNION).
I have a query that looks like this:
var query = context.AffiliateConfigurations.Where(x => x.AffiliateId == affiliateId).Select(config => new ViewModels.ConfigurationItem
ConfigurationId = config.AffiliateConfigurationId,
ConfigKey = config.ConfigKey,
ConfigValue = config.ConfigValue,
UpdatedDate = config.UpdatedDate,
ConfigurationType = ViewModels.ConfigurationType.Affiliate
What I want to do is add some more results to that query. I have another table called SiteConfiguration that has the EXACT same schema but I want to add only rows from that table where the ConfigKey does not already exist in my original query.
I have something like the following currently (and it works), but I'm looking for a "pure" LINQ way to do it:
var items = context.AffiliateConfigurations.Where(x => x.AffiliateId == affiliateId).Select(config => new ViewModels.ConfigurationItem
ConfigurationId = config.AffiliateConfigurationId,
ConfigKey = config.ConfigKey,
ConfigValue = config.ConfigValue,
UpdatedDate = config.UpdatedDate,
ConfigurationType = ViewModels.ConfigurationType.Affiliate
var query = context.SiteConfigurations.Select(config => new ViewModels.ConfigurationItem
ConfigurationId = config.SiteConfigurationId,
ConfigKey = config.ConfigKey,
ConfigValue = config.ConfigValue,
UpdatedDate = config.UpdatedDate
foreach (var item in query)
if (items.All(x => x.ConfigKey != item.ConfigKey))
So your Question is "I have two collections and i want to merge them.how do i exclude items from the second collection,if the item's property is matching with another item's property on the first list."
Yes LINQ's UNION is what you need in such scenarios
All you need to do is a Write a simple Comparer class(Implementing the IEqualityComparer interface)for your ConfigurationItem
class ConfigEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<ConfigurationItem>
public bool Equals(ConfigurationItem a, ConfigurationItem b)
if (a.ConfigKey == b.ConfigKey)
return true;
return false;
public int GetHashCode(ConfigurationItem a)
//do some hashing here
//int hCode = IntegerField1 ^ IntegerField2;
return hCode.GetHashCode();
That is all you need.You can now run the UNION query and get your expected output.
var comparer = new ConfigEqualityComparer();
var result = Enumerable.Union<ConfigurationItem>(items, query, comparer);
I think the LINQ Union operator is what you want. You just need to create an class that implements the IEqualityComparer<T> interface for your item. Here is some demo code. Try the foreach without the comparer to see the dupes included, or as is to have them removed. I was running the code in LINQPad, if you're using Visual Studio you'll need to move the Main method into a class and call it.
void Main()
List<DataObject> set1 = new List<DataObject>();
List<DataObject> set2 = new List<DataObject>();
set1.Add(new DataObject("a"));
set1.Add(new DataObject("b"));
set1.Add(new DataObject("c"));
set1.Add(new DataObject("d"));
set1.Add(new DataObject("e"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("c"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("d"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("e"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("f"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("g"));
set2.Add(new DataObject("h"));
// try as
// foreach (DataObject d in set1.Union(set2)) {
// and dupes will be present
foreach (DataObject d in set1.Union(set2, new DOComparer())) {
// Define other methods and classes here
public class DataObject {
public DataObject(string value) {
Value = value;
public string Value {get;private set;}
public override string ToString() {
return Value;
public class DOComparer:IEqualityComparer<DataObject> {
public bool Equals(DataObject do1, DataObject do2) {
return do1.Value.Equals(do2.Value);
public int GetHashCode(DataObject d) {
return d.Value.GetHashCode();

Can anonymous class implement interface?

Is it possible to have an anonymous type implement an interface?
I've got a piece of code that I would like to work, but don't know how to do this.
I've had a couple of answers that either say no, or create a class that implements the interface construct new instances of that. This isn't really ideal, but I'm wondering if there is a mechanism to create a thin dynamic class on top of an interface which would make this simple.
public interface DummyInterface
string A { get; }
string B { get; }
public class DummySource
public string A { get; set; }
public string C { get; set; }
public string D { get; set; }
public class Test
public void WillThisWork()
var source = new DummySource[0];
var values = from value in source
select new
A = value.A,
B = value.C + "_" + value.D
public void DoSomethingWithDummyInterface(IEnumerable<DummyInterface> values)
foreach (var value in values)
Console.WriteLine("A = '{0}', B = '{1}'", value.A, value.B);
I've found an article Dynamic interface wrapping that describes one approach. Is this the best way of doing this?
No, anonymous types cannot implement an interface. From the C# programming guide:
Anonymous types are class types that consist of one or more public read-only properties. No other kinds of class members such as methods or events are allowed. An anonymous type cannot be cast to any interface or type except for object.
While the answers in the thread are all true enough, I cannot resist the urge to tell you that it in fact is possible to have an anonymous class implement an interface, even though it takes a bit of creative cheating to get there.
Back in 2008 I was writing a custom LINQ provider for my then employer, and at one point I needed to be able to tell "my" anonymous classes from other anonymous ones, which meant having them implement an interface that I could use to type check them. The way we solved it was by using aspects (we used PostSharp), to add the interface implementation directly in the IL. So, in fact, letting anonymous classes implement interfaces is doable, you just need to bend the rules slightly to get there.
Casting anonymous types to interfaces has been something I've wanted for a while but unfortunately the current implementation forces you to have an implementation of that interface.
The best solution around it is having some type of dynamic proxy that creates the implementation for you. Using the excellent LinFu project you can replace
select new
A = value.A,
B = value.C + "_" + value.D
select new DynamicObject(new
A = value.A,
B = value.C + "_" + value.D
Anonymous types can implement interfaces via a dynamic proxy.
I wrote an extension method on GitHub and a blog post http://wblo.gs/feE to support this scenario.
The method can be used like this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var developer = new { Name = "Jason Bowers" };
private static void PrintDeveloperName(IDeveloper developer)
public interface IDeveloper
string Name { get; }
No; an anonymous type can't be made to do anything except have a few properties. You will need to create your own type. I didn't read the linked article in depth, but it looks like it uses Reflection.Emit to create new types on the fly; but if you limit discussion to things within C# itself you can't do what you want.
The best solution is just not to use anonymous classes.
public class Test
class DummyInterfaceImplementor : IDummyInterface
public string A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
public void WillThisWork()
var source = new DummySource[0];
var values = from value in source
select new DummyInterfaceImplementor()
A = value.A,
B = value.C + "_" + value.D
public void DoSomethingWithDummyInterface(IEnumerable<IDummyInterface> values)
foreach (var value in values)
Console.WriteLine("A = '{0}', B = '{1}'", value.A, value.B);
Note that you need to cast the result of the query to the type of the interface. There might be a better way to do it, but I couldn't find it.
The answer to the question specifically asked is no. But have you been looking at mocking frameworks? I use MOQ but there's millions of them out there and they allow you to implement/stub (partially or fully) interfaces in-line. Eg.
public void ThisWillWork()
var source = new DummySource[0];
var mock = new Mock<DummyInterface>();
mock.SetupProperty(m => m.A, source.Select(s => s.A));
mock.SetupProperty(m => m.B, source.Select(s => s.C + "_" + s.D));
Another option is to create a single, concrete implementing class that takes lambdas in the constructor.
public interface DummyInterface
string A { get; }
string B { get; }
// "Generic" implementing class
public class Dummy : DummyInterface
private readonly Func<string> _getA;
private readonly Func<string> _getB;
public Dummy(Func<string> getA, Func<string> getB)
_getA = getA;
_getB = getB;
public string A => _getA();
public string B => _getB();
public class DummySource
public string A { get; set; }
public string C { get; set; }
public string D { get; set; }
public class Test
public void WillThisWork()
var source = new DummySource[0];
var values = from value in source
select new Dummy // Syntax changes slightly
getA: () => value.A,
getB: () => value.C + "_" + value.D
public void DoSomethingWithDummyInterface(IEnumerable<DummyInterface> values)
foreach (var value in values)
Console.WriteLine("A = '{0}', B = '{1}'", value.A, value.B);
If all you are ever going to do is convert DummySource to DummyInterface, then it would be simpler to just have one class that takes a DummySource in the constructor and implements the interface.
But, if you need to convert many types to DummyInterface, this is much less boiler plate.
Using Roslyn, you can dynamically create a class which inherits from an interface (or abstract class).
I use the following to create concrete classes from abstract classes.
In this example, AAnimal is an abstract class.
var personClass = typeof(AAnimal).CreateSubclass("Person");
Then you can instantiate some objects:
var person1 = Activator.CreateInstance(personClass);
var person2 = Activator.CreateInstance(personClass);
Without a doubt this won't work for every case, but it should be enough to get you started:
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Publisher
public static class Extensions
public static Type CreateSubclass(this Type baseType, string newClassName, string newNamespace = "Magic")
//todo: handle ref, out etc.
var concreteMethods = baseType
.Where(method => method.IsAbstract)
.Select(method =>
var parameters = method
.Select(param => $"{param.ParameterType.FullName} {param.Name}")
.ToString(", ");
var returnTypeStr = method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType.Name;
if (returnTypeStr.Equals("Void")) returnTypeStr = "void";
var methodString = #$"
public override {returnTypeStr} {method.Name}({parameters})
Console.WriteLine(""{newNamespace}.{newClassName}.{method.Name}() was called"");
return methodString.Trim();
var concreteMethodsString = concreteMethods
.ToString(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
var classCode = #$"
using System;
namespace {newNamespace}
public class {newClassName}: {baseType.FullName}
public {newClassName}()
classCode = FormatUsingRoslyn(classCode);
var assemblies = new[]
var assemblies = AppDomain
.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Location))
.Select(a => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(a.Location))
var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(classCode);
var compilation = CSharpCompilation
.WithOptions(new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var result = compilation.Emit(ms);
if (result.Success)
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(ms.ToArray());
var newTypeFullName = $"{newNamespace}.{newClassName}";
var type = assembly.GetType(newTypeFullName);
return type;
IEnumerable<Diagnostic> failures = result.Diagnostics.Where(diagnostic =>
diagnostic.IsWarningAsError ||
diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
foreach (Diagnostic diagnostic in failures)
Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", diagnostic.Id, diagnostic.GetMessage());
return null;
public static string ToString(this IEnumerable<string> list, string separator)
string result = string.Join(separator, list);
return result;
public static string FormatUsingRoslyn(string csCode)
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(csCode);
var root = tree.GetRoot().NormalizeWhitespace();
var result = root.ToFullString();
return result;

