I wanted to create different notification message. 1. Record successfully updated, 1. Updating Record Failed, 3. No changes were made in the record - c#

My previous codes was:
protected async void UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project project = (iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project)args.Item;
if (project != null)
project.Pic = null;//load the correct user based on the new PicUserId
await ProjectService.UpdateForOtherTables(project);
int i = Projects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == project.Id);
var updatedProject = await ProjectService.GetByProjectIdAsync(project.Id); //project;
int i2 = OriginalProjects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
var currentSelectedItems = new List<iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project>(SelectedItems);
int selectedItemIndex = currentSelectedItems.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
if (i != -1)
// update the selected items collection
currentSelectedItems[selectedItemIndex] = updatedProject;
SelectedItems = currentSelectedItems;
// The actual Update operation for the view-model data. Add your actual data source operations here
OriginalProjects[i2] = updatedProject;
Projects[i] = updatedProject;
NotificationService.Success("Record successfully updated.");
YAOptions = OriginalProjects.Select(p => p.Ya).Distinct().ToList();
catch (Exception e)
NotificationService.Error("Updating record failed.");
I am trying to modify with the codes below but I am always getting the success response even when I am not updating something.
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project project = (iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project)args.Item;
if (project != null)
bool isSuccessful = false;
bool isFailed = false;
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project originalProject = project;
project.Pic = null;//load the correct user based on the new PicUserId
await ProjectService.UpdateForOtherTables(project);
int i = Projects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == project.Id);
var updatedProject = await ProjectService.GetByProjectIdAsync(project.Id); //project;
int i2 = OriginalProjects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
var currentSelectedItems = new List<iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project>(SelectedItems);
int selectedItemIndex = currentSelectedItems.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
if (i != -1)
// update the selected items collection
currentSelectedItems[selectedItemIndex] = updatedProject;
SelectedItems = currentSelectedItems;
// The actual Update operation for the view-model data. Add your actual data source operations here
OriginalProjects[i2] = updatedProject;
Projects[i] = updatedProject;
// Check if any changes were made to the Project
bool changesMade = !Object.ReferenceEquals(originalProject, updatedProject);
if (changesMade)
isSuccessful = true;
catch (Exception e)
isFailed = true;
if (isSuccessful)
NotificationService.Success("Record successfully updated.");
else if (isFailed)
NotificationService.Error("Updating record failed.");
NotificationService.Error("No changes were made to the record.");
YAOptions = OriginalProjects.Select(p => p.Ya).Distinct().ToList();
both of the above code is always returning a response to success update. even when i am just triggering the row and not changing anything. I would really want to get three different notification message based on the condition i have provided above.


Count doesn't consider the newly inserted record

After inserting the first record, the count shows 0 even after the insert. I can see the the record inserted as soon as SaveContext()
is executed. So looks like userChangeRequestApprovalRepository isnt refreshed with the newly inserted data.
Is it appropriate to do count + 1 like the statement below instead
userChangeRequestApprovalRepository.Where(x => x.UserChangeRequestId == userChangeRequest.Id).Count() + 1;
var numberOfAprovals = userChangeRequestApprovalRepository.Where(x => x.UserChangeRequestId == userChangeRequest.Id).Count();
insert method
private void InsertUserChangeRequestApproval(UserChangeRequest userChangeRequest)
UserChangeRequestApproval userChangeRequestApproval = new UserChangeRequestApproval()
UserChangeRequestId = userChangeRequest.Id,
ApprovedByAuthUserId = userChangeRequest.ChangedByAuthUserId,
ApprovedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
IsActive = true
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
SaveContext method
public int SaveContext()
return _context.SaveChanges();
The code for the whole method
public IdentityResult ApproveUserChangeRequest(UserChangeRequest userChangeRequest, int approvedByAuthUserId, string authApplicationName)
var userChangeRequestRepository = UserChangeRequestRepository.GetAllAsList();
var userChangeRequestApprovalRepository = UserChangeRequestApprovalRepository.GetAllAsList();
var appSettingRepository = AppSettingRepository.GetAllAsList();
var clientCompanyContactRepository = ClientCompanyContactRepository.GetAllAsList();
var applicationUserRepo = ApplicationUserRepo.GetAllAsList();
// int approvedByAuthUserID = GetApprovedByUserId(authApplicationName, approvedByAuthUserName);
// Check if UserChangeRequest is still Pending
bool isUserChangeRequestPending = userChangeRequestRepository.Any(x => x.Id == userChangeRequest.Id && x.ChangeStatus == "Pending");
if (isUserChangeRequestPending && approvedByAuthUserId > 0)
// Inserting record in the UserChangeRequestApproval table
using (var userTransaction = Context.Database.BeginTransaction())
using (var securityTransaction = _securityContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
//Get the Number of approval required for Internal and External Users
int? internalApprovalsRequired = GetApprovals("InternalUserChangeRequestApprovalsRequired", appSettingRepository);
int? externalApprovalsRequired = GetApprovals("ExternalUserChangeRequestApprovalsRequired", appSettingRepository);
//Get the name of the application the auth user belongs to
var authUserApplicationName = GetApplicationName(userChangeRequest.AuthUserId);
//Get the Number of approvals for the request
var numberOfAprovals = userChangeRequestApprovalRepository.Where(x => x.UserChangeRequestId == userChangeRequest.Id).Count();
//If the number of approvals is equal or greater than the Approvals required then Update AppUser or Contact details
if ((authUserApplicationName == "ArgentexTrader" && numberOfAprovals >= internalApprovalsRequired) || (authUserApplicationName == "ArgentexClient" && numberOfAprovals >= externalApprovalsRequired))
//Updating the clientcontact table
UpdateClientContact(userChangeRequest, clientCompanyContactRepository);
//Updating the auth user table
//Updating the IdentityDB user table
UpdateIdentityDBUser(userChangeRequest, applicationUserRepo);
//Updating the UserChangeRequest table
userChangeRequest.ChangeStatus = "Approved";
return IdentityResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
return IdentityResult.Failed(new IdentityError { Description = ex.Message });
return null;

Unable to find entity while under a transaction

I'm having an issue with this data layer method
public async Task<(bool HasFailed, IList<string> ErrorMessages)> ApproveBillCancelRequest(IEnumerable<string[]> billsToApprove,
string userId, string operationId)
var callerInfo = Shared.CommonAcross.Helper.GetCaller();
InfoScope($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Started", operationId, userId);
var errorMessages = new List<string>();
using (var context = new FocusConnection())
var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();
foreach (var billToApprove in billsToApprove)
var targetBillNumber = billToApprove[0];
var targetPayModeId = int.Parse(billToApprove[1]);
var entityBill = context.BILL_INFO_CANCEL_REQUESTS
.SingleOrDefault(where =>
where.BILL_NUMBER == targetBillNumber &&
where.PAY_MODE_ID == targetPayModeId);
if (entityBill == null)
errorMessages.Add($"Bill #{billToApprove[0]}, payment #{billToApprove[1]} was not found for cancel approval");
entityBill.BILL_INFO.STAMP_DATE = DateTime.Now;
var cancelledBill = new BILL_INFO_CANCELED
// Add cancelled bill
// Remove cancellation request
where.BILL_NUMBER == cancelledBill.BILL_NUMBER && where.PAY_MODE_ID == cancelledBill.PAY_MODE_ID));
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception exp)
ErrorScope($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Exception [{exp.Message}]", exp, operationId, userId);
errorMessages.Add($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Exception [{exp.Message}]");
return (true, errorMessages);
return (errorMessages.Any(), errorMessages);
The issue is that in the ForEach loop, the first record is retrieved properly and processed. But the remaining records are never found (entityBill == null) but they are in the database. I believe it has something to do with the running transaction.
Can anyone help out?
This was a hard one to crack. It turns out that while String.Splitting() on the UI layer, there was an extra space being appended to the first index of the array within the List of arrays. So I fixed that by:
var targetBillNumber = billToApprove[0].Trim();
var targetPayModeId = int.Parse(billToApprove[1].Trim());

How to incorporate criteria in Where method?

I want to ask about the WHERE condition in my search command. I'm calling web service (API) during searching and I want to put WHERE statement in my code but there's an error.
private async Task CallApi(string searchText = null)
long lastUpdatedTime = 0;
long.TryParse(AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick, out lastUpdatedTime);
var currentTick = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
var time = new TimeSpan(currentTick - lastUpdatedTime);
if (time.TotalSeconds > 1) {
int staffFk = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
var result = await mDataProvider.GetComplaintList(lastUpdatedTime, mCts.Token, staffFk);
if (result.IsSuccess)
// Save last updated time
AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick = result.Data.Updated.ToString();
// Store data into database
if ((result.Data.Items != null) &&
(result.Data.Items.Count > 0))
var datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);
**if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
datas = datas.Where(i => i.Description.Contains(searchText)
&& (i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId))
|| (i.ProblemTypeName.Contains(searchText)));
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId));
Datas = new ObservableCollection<Complaint>(datas);
else if (result.HasError)
await mPageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", result.ErrInfo.Message, "OK");
Both assignments of datas in the if ... else causes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<ECS.Features.Complaints.Complaint>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ECS.Features.Complaints.Complaint>'. An explicit conversions exists (are you missing a cast?) compilation errors:
I don't know how to use the WHERE condition there. Please help me. Thank you in advance for your concern.
datas is a List<Complaint> but you try to reassign it to IEnumerable<Complaint> with the Where statement. Add a ToList() after the Where to maintain type,
Or you could just declare datas as IEnumerable<Complaint>
IEnumerable<Complaint> datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);
Issue is that datas is defined as being a List<Complaint>, and the return type of datas.Where(...) is an IEnumerable/IQueryable.
You could do:
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId)).ToList();
Complete code:
private async Task CallApi(string searchText = null)
long lastUpdatedTime = 0;
long.TryParse(AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick, out lastUpdatedTime);
var currentTick = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
var time = new TimeSpan(currentTick - lastUpdatedTime);
if (time.TotalSeconds > 1) {
int staffFk = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
var result = await mDataProvider.GetComplaintList(lastUpdatedTime, mCts.Token, staffFk);
if (result.IsSuccess)
// Save last updated time
AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick = result.Data.Updated.ToString();
// Store data into database
if ((result.Data.Items != null) &&
(result.Data.Items.Count > 0))
var datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
datas = datas.Where(i => i.Description.Contains(searchText)
&& (i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId))
|| (i.ProblemTypeName.Contains(searchText))).ToList();
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId)).ToList();
Datas = new ObservableCollection<Complaint>(datas);
else if (result.HasError)
await mPageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", result.ErrInfo.Message, "OK");
You will then also have an error on the next line, Datas = new ObservableCollection becasue Datas is not defined, and if you meant datas, again, it will not be the List<> that you initially defined.

How to prevent to change other column values into table while updating single column using Entity Framework?

Here i have a method in ASP.NET MVC. What i am doing is to update single column checking every column of table is not null. If null then IsModified property changing to false. I have to write statement for every column.
My Sample Method -
public int ServicesEdit(helplineservice _helplineservice)
int result = 0;
db.Entry(_helplineservice).State = EntityState.Modified;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_helplineservice.description))
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.description).IsModified = false;
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.description).IsModified = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_helplineservice.title))
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.title).IsModified = false;
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.title).IsModified = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_helplineservice.contactnumber))
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.contactnumber).IsModified = false;
db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.contactnumber).IsModified = true;
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_helplineservice.active.ToString()))
// db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.active).IsModified = false;
// db.Entry(_helplineservice).Property(p => p.active).IsModified = true;
result = 1;
catch (Exception ex)
result = 0;
return result;
Calling Above Method -
helplineservice _helplineservice = new helplineservice();
_helplineservice.helplineid =sectionid;
_helplineservice.allowedtoapp = allow;
result = _ftwCommonMethods.ServicesEdit(_helplineservice);
This code not look logical i think. Tell me better way to do this. How Can i Update Single Column of Table by not writing this much code? Thanks in Advance.
You can avoid all of the checking by loading the entity you want to update first.
var context = new DbContext();
// Load entity via whatever Id parameter you have.
var entityToUpdate = context.Set<Type>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == idToUpdate);
if(entityToUpdate != null)
entityToUpdate.Value1 = newValue1;
entityToUpdate.Value2 = newValue2;
Only Value1 and Value2 will be updated. All other existing values will remain unchanged.
In your case, what you are doing is creating a new empty entity, then setting its Key to something that already exists in the database. When you attach that entity to the context, EF has no choice but to assume that all the values in that entity are the new updated values. This is standard behavior for EF.

savechanges() saving one entity and not other

A weird situation has struck me this code was running successfully two days back, but i dont know why its not running as before now :
public static void ChangeStatus(int sessionID, int? participantID, Guid? temporaryParticipantID, int statustypeID)
using (EMSEntities entities = new EMSEntities())
using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = null;
CurrentSessionSeatsStatu sessionCurrentStatus = null;
if (participantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.ParticipantID == participantID)
else if (temporaryParticipantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.TemporaryParticipantID == temporaryParticipantID)
if (sessionParticipant != null)
sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID = statustypeID; // Status Changed here
**if (sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID == 2) // verified status
sessionCurrentStatus = entities.CurrentSessionSeatsStatus
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID)
if (sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft > 0)
sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft = sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft - 1;
catch (Exception ex)
The problem is that changes(in StatusTypeID) for sessionParticipant are not saved in database but sessionCurrentStatus changes are !
no error thrown nothing !
Edit: I have discovered that the change in sessionparticipant is happening in all cases except when the status is changed to verified.
ie. when the other table viz. sessioncurrentstatus is updated in the if block.
That is whenever it goes in this if block(bold in code) the problem takes place.
Finally i found the problem and i think its because of the below code however it would be good if someone can explain the exact reason:
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // the position of this code line can be found in the below code
below is the code which called the ChangesStatus method:
protected void ddlStatuses_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < gridViewEvents.VisibleRowCount; i++)
if (gridViewEvents.Selection.IsRowSelected(i))
EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = (EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant)gridViewEvents.GetRow(i);
EMS.DAL.Session session = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionById(sessionParticipant.SessionID);
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.ChangeStatus(sessionParticipant.SessionID, sessionParticipant.ParticipantID, sessionParticipant.TemporaryParticipantID, Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value));
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2" || ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // if accepted or rejected
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2") // verified/accepted
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Congratulations! your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been confirmed.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
// AT THIS POINT THE 'sessionParticipant' did not have the changed status which was set in the ChangeStatus method
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // culprit as per me
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail == null)
attendanceListDetail.AttendanceListID = a.ID;
attendanceListDetail.ParticipantID = sessionParticipant.ParticipantID.Value;
attendanceListDetail.IsPresent = false;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Added);
else if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // denied/rejected
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been denied.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Deleted);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>

