How to incorporate criteria in Where method? - c#

I want to ask about the WHERE condition in my search command. I'm calling web service (API) during searching and I want to put WHERE statement in my code but there's an error.
private async Task CallApi(string searchText = null)
long lastUpdatedTime = 0;
long.TryParse(AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick, out lastUpdatedTime);
var currentTick = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
var time = new TimeSpan(currentTick - lastUpdatedTime);
if (time.TotalSeconds > 1) {
int staffFk = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
var result = await mDataProvider.GetComplaintList(lastUpdatedTime, mCts.Token, staffFk);
if (result.IsSuccess)
// Save last updated time
AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick = result.Data.Updated.ToString();
// Store data into database
if ((result.Data.Items != null) &&
(result.Data.Items.Count > 0))
var datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);
**if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
datas = datas.Where(i => i.Description.Contains(searchText)
&& (i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId))
|| (i.ProblemTypeName.Contains(searchText)));
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId));
Datas = new ObservableCollection<Complaint>(datas);
else if (result.HasError)
await mPageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", result.ErrInfo.Message, "OK");
Both assignments of datas in the if ... else causes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<ECS.Features.Complaints.Complaint>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ECS.Features.Complaints.Complaint>'. An explicit conversions exists (are you missing a cast?) compilation errors:
I don't know how to use the WHERE condition there. Please help me. Thank you in advance for your concern.

datas is a List<Complaint> but you try to reassign it to IEnumerable<Complaint> with the Where statement. Add a ToList() after the Where to maintain type,
Or you could just declare datas as IEnumerable<Complaint>
IEnumerable<Complaint> datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);

Issue is that datas is defined as being a List<Complaint>, and the return type of datas.Where(...) is an IEnumerable/IQueryable.
You could do:
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId)).ToList();
Complete code:
private async Task CallApi(string searchText = null)
long lastUpdatedTime = 0;
long.TryParse(AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick, out lastUpdatedTime);
var currentTick = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
var time = new TimeSpan(currentTick - lastUpdatedTime);
if (time.TotalSeconds > 1) {
int staffFk = Convert.ToInt32(StaffId);
var result = await mDataProvider.GetComplaintList(lastUpdatedTime, mCts.Token, staffFk);
if (result.IsSuccess)
// Save last updated time
AppSettings.ComplaintLastUpdatedTick = result.Data.Updated.ToString();
// Store data into database
if ((result.Data.Items != null) &&
(result.Data.Items.Count > 0))
var datas = new List<Complaint>(result.Data.Items);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
datas = datas.Where(i => i.Description.Contains(searchText)
&& (i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId))
|| (i.ProblemTypeName.Contains(searchText))).ToList();
datas = datas.Where(i => i.SupervisorId.Equals(StaffId)).ToList();
Datas = new ObservableCollection<Complaint>(datas);
else if (result.HasError)
await mPageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", result.ErrInfo.Message, "OK");
You will then also have an error on the next line, Datas = new ObservableCollection becasue Datas is not defined, and if you meant datas, again, it will not be the List<> that you initially defined.


I wanted to create different notification message. 1. Record successfully updated, 1. Updating Record Failed, 3. No changes were made in the record

My previous codes was:
protected async void UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project project = (iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project)args.Item;
if (project != null)
project.Pic = null;//load the correct user based on the new PicUserId
await ProjectService.UpdateForOtherTables(project);
int i = Projects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == project.Id);
var updatedProject = await ProjectService.GetByProjectIdAsync(project.Id); //project;
int i2 = OriginalProjects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
var currentSelectedItems = new List<iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project>(SelectedItems);
int selectedItemIndex = currentSelectedItems.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
if (i != -1)
// update the selected items collection
currentSelectedItems[selectedItemIndex] = updatedProject;
SelectedItems = currentSelectedItems;
// The actual Update operation for the view-model data. Add your actual data source operations here
OriginalProjects[i2] = updatedProject;
Projects[i] = updatedProject;
NotificationService.Success("Record successfully updated.");
YAOptions = OriginalProjects.Select(p => p.Ya).Distinct().ToList();
catch (Exception e)
NotificationService.Error("Updating record failed.");
I am trying to modify with the codes below but I am always getting the success response even when I am not updating something.
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project project = (iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project)args.Item;
if (project != null)
bool isSuccessful = false;
bool isFailed = false;
iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project originalProject = project;
project.Pic = null;//load the correct user based on the new PicUserId
await ProjectService.UpdateForOtherTables(project);
int i = Projects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == project.Id);
var updatedProject = await ProjectService.GetByProjectIdAsync(project.Id); //project;
int i2 = OriginalProjects.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
var currentSelectedItems = new List<iLogBlazor.Domain.Models.Project>(SelectedItems);
int selectedItemIndex = currentSelectedItems.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedProject.Id);
if (i != -1)
// update the selected items collection
currentSelectedItems[selectedItemIndex] = updatedProject;
SelectedItems = currentSelectedItems;
// The actual Update operation for the view-model data. Add your actual data source operations here
OriginalProjects[i2] = updatedProject;
Projects[i] = updatedProject;
// Check if any changes were made to the Project
bool changesMade = !Object.ReferenceEquals(originalProject, updatedProject);
if (changesMade)
isSuccessful = true;
catch (Exception e)
isFailed = true;
if (isSuccessful)
NotificationService.Success("Record successfully updated.");
else if (isFailed)
NotificationService.Error("Updating record failed.");
NotificationService.Error("No changes were made to the record.");
YAOptions = OriginalProjects.Select(p => p.Ya).Distinct().ToList();
both of the above code is always returning a response to success update. even when i am just triggering the row and not changing anything. I would really want to get three different notification message based on the condition i have provided above.

Running a thread in the background when controller return to UI with full results - async call of a function from Controller method

Hi I have Controller method as below
public JsonResult Post(string vehiclesString, string Entity, int EntityId, ApplicationUser CurrentUser)
List<Vehicle> vehicles = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Vehicle>>(vehiclesString);
InputFieldController c = new InputFieldController();
var errors = new List<string>();
//let's get model for each of the input field
InputFieldController icController = new InputFieldController();
List<InputField> fields = icController.GetNamesValues("VehicleField", -1, "Vehicle", 0);
foreach (Vehicle vehicle in vehicles)
//convert array of strings into array of input fields
if (fields.Count != vehicle.ValueStrings.Count)
throw new Exception("Vehicle columns mismatch. Expected "
+ fields.Count + " fields, but received " + vehicle.ValueStrings.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
InputField field = fields[i];
string cell = vehicle.ValueStrings[i];
if ((cell != null || cell != String.Empty) && (field.Type == "radio" || field.Type == "dropdown"))
var f = field.InputDropdowns.Where(x => x.Name == cell).FirstOrDefault();
if (f != null)
field.InputValue.InputDropdownId = f.InputDropdownId;
field.InputValue.InputDropdownId = null;
field.InputValue.Value = cell;
vehicle.Blob = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vehicle.Values);
Vehicle v = new Vehicle();
if (vehicle.VehicleId == 0)
v = this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleManager.Create(vehicle, Entity, EntityId);
JsonResult data = Json(new
success = true,
List<Vehicle> vehiclesList = this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleManager.List(Entity, EntityId);
if (vehiclesList != null)
foreach (Vehicle v in vehiclesList)
if ((v != null) && (v.Blob != null))
v.Values = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<InputField>>(v.Blob);
//Task task = Task.Run(async () => await this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleInfoManager.CreateOrUpdate(Entity, EntityId));
* Here I have to call the this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleInfoManager.CreateOrUpdate(string Entity, int EntityId) asynchronously
* but return the data without waiting for the CreateOrUpdate to complete
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(async cancellationToken =>
await this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleInfoManager.CreateOrUpdate(vehiclesList, Entity, EntityId);
return data;
catch (Exception ex)
LogHandler.LogError(9000, "Error updating input fields", ex);
errors.Add("Error 9000:" + ex.Message);
return Json(new
error = ex.Message
And I have CreateOrUpdate method defined as below in VehicleInfoManager class
public async Task CreateOrUpdate(string Entity, int EntityId)
//do some stuff
var task = Task.Run(() => Test(Entity, EntityId));
//do other stuff
await task;
//some more stuff
And Test method is as follows
private void Test(string Entity, int EntityId)
List<VehicleInfo> addList; List<VehicleInfo> updateList;
this.GetAddAndUpdateList(Entity, EntityId, out addList, out updateList);
if ((addList != null) && (addList.Count > 0))
using (var cont = this.UnitOfWork.Context)
foreach (var a in addList)
if ((updateList != null) && (updateList.Count > 0))
using (var cont = this.UnitOfWork.Context)
foreach (var a in updateList)
var aa = cont.VehicleInfos?.Where(x => x.VehicleInfoId == a.VehicleInfoId)?.FirstOrDefault();
aa.Address_City = a.Address_City;
aa.Address_Country = a.Address_Country;
aa.Address_StateCode = a.Address_StateCode;
aa.Address_Street1 = a.Address_Street1;
aa.Address_Street2 = a.Address_Street2;
aa.Address_Zip = a.Address_Zip;
aa.ChassisYear = a.ChassisYear;
aa.EngineFamilyName = a.EngineFamilyName;
aa.Entity = a.Entity;
aa.EntityId = a.EntityId;
aa.InputFieldEntity = a.InputFieldEntity;
aa.InputFieldEntityId = a.InputFieldEntityId;
aa.InputFieldGroup = a.InputFieldGroup;
aa.LicensePlate = a.LicensePlate;
aa.Manufacturer = a.Manufacturer;
aa.ModelYear = a.ModelYear;
aa.PurchasedDate = a.PurchasedDate;
aa.RegHoldClearBy = a.RegHoldClearBy;
aa.RegHoldClearDate = a.RegHoldClearDate;
aa.RegHoldComment = a.RegHoldComment;
aa.RegHoldSet = a.RegHoldSet;
aa.RegHoldSetBy = a.RegHoldSetBy;
aa.RegHoldSetDate = a.RegHoldSetDate;
aa.TrailerPlate = a.TrailerPlate;
aa.UpdatedBy = a.UpdatedBy;
aa.UpdatedDate = a.UpdatedDate;
aa.VehicleId = a.VehicleId;
aa.VehicleOperator = a.VehicleOperator;
aa.VehicleOwner = a.VehicleOwner;
aa.VIN = a.VIN;
catch (Exception ex)
ARB.Logging.LogHandler.LogError(9001, "CreateOrUpdate(string Entity, int EntityId) in class VehicleInfoManager", ex);
throw ex;
What I want is, I want two things here
the Post method to call or start the CreateOrUpdate method as background call but instead of waiting until the CreateOrUpdate method finishes, it should return the result data to UI and continue the big task CreateOrUpdate in the background.
Is there anyway to start the background method CreateOrUpdate after sometime like (10 mins etc) post method returns to UI, if it can't be done, its OK we don't have to worry but just asking if there is anyway to trigger this from within the same application
When I implemented it in the above way, even after using System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem I am still getting the null http context at the following location
user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current is coming out as null.
and the application is breaking,
I chaned my async call to the following to use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem, still the same htt current context is coming out as null, any help please
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(async cancellationToken =>
await this.DomainLogicUnitOfWork.VehicleInfoManager.CreateOrUpdate(Entity, EntityId);
Thank you
System.Web.HttpContext.Current is maintained by the ASP.NET's SynchronizationContext.
When you start a new Task, the code will be executing on another thread pool thread without a SynchronizationContext and the value of System.Web.HttpContext.Current is not safe to use, whatever its value.
When the execution of the action method (Post) ends, the request will end and the HttpContext instance will be invalid, even if you mange to get a reference to it.
Also, there is no guarantee that that code you posted to the thread pool will run to complete, since it's out of ASP.NET control and ASP.NET won't be aware of it if IIS decides, for some reason, to recycle the application pool or the web application.
If you to post background work, use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem. Beware if its constraints.

Performance issue when performing operations on entity objects

Im facing performance issue in below code in multiple foreach loops. First im getting a list of ReturnDetails and then based on detail id get the HandlingInfo object. Then based on value of action, update the ReturnsDetail Object again.
It take more than a minute for loading 3000 records of ReturnsDetail. While debugging locally, it runs for infinite amount of time.
Please let me know in anyway i can refactor this code .
Thanks for your help.
lstReturnsDetail = dcReturnsService.GetReturnDetailsInfo(header_id);
List<HandlingInfo> lstHandlingInfo = null;
foreach (ReturnsDetail oReturnsDetail in lstReturnsDetail)
using (DCReturns_Entities entities = new DCReturns_Entities())
lstHandlingInfo = entities.HandlingInfoes.Where(f => f.detail_id ==;
if(lstHandlingInfo != null)
foreach (HandlingInfo oHandlingInfo in lstHandlingInfo)
if (oHandlingInfo.action == "DST")
oReturnsDetail.destroy += Convert.ToInt32(oHandlingInfo.qty);
else if (oHandlingInfo.action == "SHP")
oReturnsDetail.to_shop += Convert.ToInt32(oHandlingInfo.qty);
else if (oHandlingInfo.action == "RBX")
oReturnsDetail.in_stock += Convert.ToInt32(oHandlingInfo.qty);
oReturnsDetail.received_qty = oReturnsDetail.destroy + oReturnsDetail.to_shop + oReturnsDetail.in_stock;
dgReturnsDetail.DataSource = lstReturnsDetail.OrderByDescending(g =>;
Session[DCReturnsConstants.Returns_Detail_Entity] = lstReturnsDetail;
this is su-do code! but you should get the jist.
//modify this to return all of them into mem, and then filter on this...
//if it can not be done here then do below..
var lstReturnsDetail = dcReturnsService.GetReturnDetailsInfo(header_id);
//then create a list here which fetches all,
List<[type]> somelist
List<int> listId =>;
using (var db = new DCReturns_Entities())
somelist = db.HandlingInfoes.Where(f => listId.Contains( f.detail_id)).ToList();
foreach (ReturnsDetail oReturnsDetail in lstReturnsDetail)
//performance issue is here
//using (DCReturns_Entities entities = new DCReturns_Entities())
// lstHandlingInfo = entities.HandlingInfoes.Where(f => f.detail_id ==;
//insead fetach all before, into mem and filter from that list.
var lstHandlingInfo = somelist.Where(f => f.detail_id ==;
//code ommited for reaablity
//code ommited for reaablity

Unable to find entity while under a transaction

I'm having an issue with this data layer method
public async Task<(bool HasFailed, IList<string> ErrorMessages)> ApproveBillCancelRequest(IEnumerable<string[]> billsToApprove,
string userId, string operationId)
var callerInfo = Shared.CommonAcross.Helper.GetCaller();
InfoScope($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Started", operationId, userId);
var errorMessages = new List<string>();
using (var context = new FocusConnection())
var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();
foreach (var billToApprove in billsToApprove)
var targetBillNumber = billToApprove[0];
var targetPayModeId = int.Parse(billToApprove[1]);
var entityBill = context.BILL_INFO_CANCEL_REQUESTS
.SingleOrDefault(where =>
where.BILL_NUMBER == targetBillNumber &&
where.PAY_MODE_ID == targetPayModeId);
if (entityBill == null)
errorMessages.Add($"Bill #{billToApprove[0]}, payment #{billToApprove[1]} was not found for cancel approval");
entityBill.BILL_INFO.STAMP_DATE = DateTime.Now;
var cancelledBill = new BILL_INFO_CANCELED
// Add cancelled bill
// Remove cancellation request
where.BILL_NUMBER == cancelledBill.BILL_NUMBER && where.PAY_MODE_ID == cancelledBill.PAY_MODE_ID));
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception exp)
ErrorScope($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Exception [{exp.Message}]", exp, operationId, userId);
errorMessages.Add($"{LayerName} -> {callerInfo.MethodName} -> Exception [{exp.Message}]");
return (true, errorMessages);
return (errorMessages.Any(), errorMessages);
The issue is that in the ForEach loop, the first record is retrieved properly and processed. But the remaining records are never found (entityBill == null) but they are in the database. I believe it has something to do with the running transaction.
Can anyone help out?
This was a hard one to crack. It turns out that while String.Splitting() on the UI layer, there was an extra space being appended to the first index of the array within the List of arrays. So I fixed that by:
var targetBillNumber = billToApprove[0].Trim();
var targetPayModeId = int.Parse(billToApprove[1].Trim());

Multithreaded c# console app to scrape data from sites

I have written an app that goes through our own properties and scraps the data. To make sure I don't run through the same URLs, I am using a MySQL database to store the URL, flag it once its processed. All this was being done in a single thread and it's fine if I had only few thousand entries. But I have few hundred thousand entries that I need to parse so I need to make changes in the code (I am newbie in multithreading in general). I found an example and was trying to copy the style but doesn't seem to work. Anyone know what the issue is with the following code?
EDIT: Sorry didn't mean to make people guess the issue but was stupid of me to include the exception. Here is the exception
"System.InValidCastException: 'Specified cast is not valid.'"
When I start the process it collects the URLs from the database and then never hits DoWork method
//This will get the entries from the database
List<Mappings> items = bot.GetUrlsToProcess(100);
if (items != null)
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var token = tokenSource.Token;
Worker.Done = new Worker.DoneDelegate(WorkerDone);
foreach (var item in items)
WaitingTasks.Enqueue(new Task(id => new Worker().DoWork((int)id, item.Url, token), item.Url, token));
static async void LaunchTasks()
// keep checking until we're done
while ((WaitingTasks.Count > 0) || (RunningTasks.Count > 0))
// launch tasks when there's room
while ((WaitingTasks.Count > 0) && (RunningTasks.Count < MaxRunningTasks))
Task task = WaitingTasks.Dequeue();
lock (RunningTasks) RunningTasks.Add((int)task.AsyncState, task);
await Task.Delay(300); // wait before checking again
UpdateConsole(); // all done
static void UpdateConsole()
Console.Write(string.Format("\rwaiting: {0,3:##0} running: {1,3:##0} ", WaitingTasks.Count, RunningTasks.Count));
static void WorkerDone(int id)
lock (RunningTasks) RunningTasks.Remove(id);
public class Worker
public delegate void DoneDelegate(int taskId);
public static DoneDelegate Done { private get; set; }
public async void DoWork(object id, string url, CancellationToken token)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return;
Content obj;
int tries = 0;
bool IsUrlProcessed = true;
DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;
string articleDate = string.Empty;
ScrapeWeb bot = new ScrapeWeb();
SearchApi searchApi = new SearchApi();
SearchHits searchHits = searchApi.Url(url, 5, 0);
if (searchHits.Hits.Count() == 0)
obj = await bot.ReturnArticleObject(url);
if (obj.Code != HttpStatusCode.OK)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\r Status is {0}", obj.Code));
tries = itemfound.UrlMaxTries + 1;
IsUrlProcessed = false;
itemfound.HttpCode = obj.Code;
string title = obj.Title;
string content = obj.Contents;
string description = obj.Description;
Articles article = new Articles();
article.Site = url.GetSite();
article.Content = content;
article.Title = title;
article.Url = url.ToLower();
article.Description = description;
string strThumbNail = HtmlHelper.GetImageUrl(url, obj.RawResponse);
article.Author = HtmlHelper.GetAuthor(url, obj.RawResponse);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strThumbNail))
//This condition needs to be added to remove ?n=<number> from EP thumbnails
if (strThumbNail.Contains("?"))
article.ImageUrl = strThumbNail.Substring(0, strThumbNail.IndexOf("?")).Replace("http:", "https:");
article.ImageUrl = strThumbNail.Replace("http:", "https:");
article.ImageUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strThumbNail) ? article.Url.GetDefaultImageUrls() : strThumbNail.Replace("http:", "https:");
articleDate = HtmlHelper.GetPublishDate(url, obj.RawResponse);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(articleDate))
article.Pubdate = DateTime.Now;
article.Pubdate = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
var client = new Index(searchApi);
var result = client.Upsert(article);
itemfound.HttpCode = obj.Code;
if (result)
itemfound.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
itemfound.DateModified = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
tries = itemfound.UrlMaxTries + 1;
IsUrlProcessed = false;
itemfound.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
itemfound.DateModified = DateTime.Parse(articleDate) == null ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
UpdateItem(itemfound, tries, IsUrlProcessed);
tries = itemfound.UrlMaxTries + 1;
IsUrlProcessed = true;
itemfound.HttpCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
itemfound.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
itemfound.DateModified = DateTime.Parse(articleDate) == null ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
catch (Exception e)
tries = itemfound.UrlMaxTries + 1;
IsUrlProcessed = false;
itemfound.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
itemfound.DateModified = DateTime.Parse(articleDate) == null ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse(articleDate);
DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\r Total time taken to process items is {0}", (dtEnd - dtStart).TotalSeconds));
catch (Exception e)
All this code is based from Best multi-thread approach for multiple web requests this link. Can someone tell me how to get this approach running?
I think the problem is in the way you're creating your tasks:
new Task(id => new Worker().DoWork((int)id, item.Url, token), item.Url, token)
This Task constructor overload expected Action<object> delegate. That means id will be typed as object and you need to cast it back to something useful first.
Type: System.Action<Object>
The delegate that represents the code to execute in the task.
Type: System.Object
An object representing data to be used by the action.
Type: System.Threading.CancellationToken
-The CancellationToken that that the new task will observe.
You decided to cast it to int by calling (int)id, but you're passing item.Url as the object itself. I can't tell you 100% what the type of Url is but I don't expect Url-named property to be of type int.
Based on what #MarcinJuraszek said I just went back to my code and added an int as I couldn't find another way to resolve it. Here is the change I made
int i=0
foreach (var item in items)
WaitingTasks.Enqueue(new Task(id => new Worker().DoWork((string)id, item.Url, token), item.Url, token));

