VS for Mac not showing local git file diff - c#

I typically develop on Windows, but I've recently been using the new Visual Studio for Mac 2022 release, which has a "Git Changes" window. Whenever I open my git repository in VS, in the Git Changes window it will say something like "this directory doesn't contain a Git repository" and offers to initialize one for me (which of course does nothing). From Googling around, it seems to be a "safe directories" issue, which I can get around with adding the directory to safe directories in Git config. This isn't always respected though, and half the time it will only show if I go to Git -> Commit or Stash, and then it will realize I'm in a git repo.
The bigger issue is that it almost never shows me the local file of the diff, like in this picture. It seems to know that there is a diff though, as you can see it does say "2 lines removed" at the top. Sometimes, randomly, if I click around and change the views it will actually show the correct diff. But it's impossible to reproduce, it will just randomly decide to show it or not. I would say maybe 1 out of 20 times it will work.
It's also showed me incorrect information in the Git Changes window, such as saying I deleted 6 local files, but I didn't, and once when I double-clicked a "deleted" file in the window, it opened the correct diff! You can see it falsely flagging the files as being deleted here.
I've tried restarting my Mac without any luck, and I've messed with the file/directory permissions quite a bit but it has no impact on how VS acts. I couldn't find anything in the logs that seemed to mean anything. I also tried re-cloning the git repo and that didn't solve it either.
I also can't seem to find anyone else with this issue. I'm on the newest version of VS for Mac, with macOS 12.5.1.
Any ideas??


Load Failed error on a project (of multiple projects in a Solution), after Checking out a git branch from SourceTree

I was trying to Checkout a remote branch (ModuleA) on Source-tree to my Local Repo. The checkout was successful, however one of the Projects of the Solution (the solution contains 17 projects in all) did not check out correctly. when I open the solution on my Visual Studio 2019, it shows the Project Load Failed. it is missing the .csproj file in the physical location. And when i try to Reload it says
"Value Does not fall within the expected range"
I tried to use the Pull and Fetch options again, but no luck. Is there any way I can pull that particular project from the remote? Is there a workaround?
I have tried various suggestions mentioned online, but it mostly asks me to Delete branch and try again. And I am new to SourceTree (and clearly do not like it, for all the unclear messages it shows, without hinting on how to fix it), So please ignore my lack of knowhow on this.
Note: If it helps, I was earlier having issues with this Branch (ModuleA), with Commit and Push of some code i had done, which was not important and had tried to discard / Reset also. But in vain, so I had deleted the whole Branch. And now when I'm trying to start afresh by checking out the branch from remote, I have this issue. Also Note I had two other branches, which were also deleted.

Error or Azure DevOps Error: TF402484 The personnel team project has been deleted

VS2019 with the most recent update... Version: 16.2.5
Main error: TF402484 The personnel team project has been deleted
Also : TF10175 The personel team project does not exist.
As far as I understand so far, TFS new name seams to be "Azure DevOps". Some error say TFS while others "Azure DevOps" but it sounds like it is the same.
It got many errors in many projects (into at least 4 different solutions):
There is 3 to 4 kind of different dialog box errors, depending on where and what action I do related to TFS. All errors are about TF402484 error. The error is about a deleted project which nobody has deleted. Most of the time or always, the project has never been part of the solution.
I did not do anything else than updating my VS2019 to the most recent version.
I red: Visual studio 2013 team project has been deleted
About suggestion from previous link: "Undo any pending changes", yes it could seems to temporarily fix the bug BUT there is something that happen that put me in this situation, that seems to happen very often, intermitently and that's very anoying.
In fact, why do I have many items from other projects (not in my current solution) that appear in the Pending Changes window of my current solution?
Starting Source Control Explorer give me many TF402484 DlgBox error (at least 4) and it show "Working..." and stay like that forever. IT just freeze.
Also, I'm using many instances of VS2019 open at the same time. Could it cause the error?
What's going wrong??? What do I have to turn on/off or set, in order to prevent this behavior which is going to kill me in a near future?
Also, perhaps there is no connection, but the only other thing that also changed on my machine: I'm using Cobian Backup to do my backup and perhaps it touches (changes file time) to all or somes solution files.
The error the Undo any pending changes to that project or branches from that project in your local workspace. indicate clearly. You could give a try with below two ways:
Delete the workspace and created a new one, then check it again.
Team Explorer Home --> Under Solution --> Click the arrow down
behind workspace --> Manage Workspaces... --> Select the specific
workspace then Remove
Note: This will remove all your local mappings. Therefore you should check in all changes before deleting it. or back up
Look at Excluded Changes section under Pending Changes and check
if there are any files which belong to a deleted folder/deleted project. If yes,
right click at the file name and choose Undo.
Besides, you could try to clear TFS cache, which may do the trick.
Also reference this similar thread :
Visual Studio TFS: TF10175 During Add Solution To Source Control in
Visual Studio How To Fix
TF10175: The team project does not exists

Git with Visual Studio 2015 not allowing my partner to create a new project

Git, used with VS 2015, as the title indicates, is having issues; we're creating a large application that so far has 16 projects for separation of concerns.
The majority of the time, git is fine, although sometimes it does untrack things we don't want it to. Probably, it's just because we're so busy doing things, we don't realize sometimes that new files aren't always tracked by Git by default. Whatever.
But now, my partner has created a new project for our API services, and it untracks the project and class files; but when he adds them back into the commit and commits the entire thing, it will either not let him commit, or it will say it's committed, and then I cannot get it from syncing with him. It's like Git just doesn't want the project to exist.
I can upload projects just fine. I uploaded a new project and added references to a couple of our other projects, and committed, and everything worked fine when he sync'd up. But for some reason, he can't create this one project. We're not sure why.
And, we can't seem to access the command prompt on his machine because he has a separate drive for his data, he stores everything on his D: drive. Command prompt will not access his D: drive for some reason. We can probably look up that issue and figure it out quickly, if we need to use command prompt with Git to fix this issue. But we're simply wondering why Git is doing this and what we can do to fix it. We have researched it and found nothing.
The only proposed solution was using the command prompt with Git to use git add -u and add the files manually, but we'd need to add the folder design as well, not just individual files. We need to add the entire project and directory.
Any ideas?

Why does Rebuild ALL Fail after moving solution folder to a different location?

I have a C# web application that I've been working on which has built properly since I began working with it. I moved the entire solution into a different folder, and now, when I try to build it says "Rebuild All failed" with no other errors. I have reviewed the verbose output from build; but, I don't see anything that jumps out at me as causing the problem. If I move the solution back to the original location, it will build again. Anyone know why the new location breaks the build?
The most likely cause of this error is that the location you are moving the solution to is not trusted.
For example, if you move the solution to a protected folder like C:\Program Files or C:\Windows or a network location.
If this is not the case, please advise where you are moving the file too and perhaps share any errors from your build log.
I believe I found it- turns out, moving it several directories deeper may have blown the maximum path size for NTFS (see this question: VS2010 - same soltuion (IE SVN checkout), different locations, one builds, one fails any ideas?). I moved my project to a root directory in c: and now it's compiling normally in VS2010.
A friendlier error would have been nice; but, hey, what can you do?

TFS on VS2010, merging code issues

Recently we have been having problems with TFS and our code base. We have a section of tests that use Webdriver, and a section that use Coded UI. Lately, we've been having problems merging our code after a new build has been pushed out. Some folders show up as a white outline of a folder, which we can right click and select "include in project". We also notice some files missing, and we can't "get latest" to grab them. We have to go some round about way to do it (shelve code, delete local files, get latest, merge code). Even when we do that we still have some issues.
But the main issue we are having is that our Coded UI maps are breaking. Instead of being the normal structure such as:
When we merge in the new code, the UI maps break out like:
I opened the .csproj in notepad++ and noticed that both the .cs and .designer.cs files no longer have a dependancy of the .uitest file. Now the .cs file has no dependancy, and the .designer is dependant on the .cs file. We can fix it with relative ease, but it keeps breaking in every build and we have several maps we need to fix. What exactly could the problem be here? Also, referring to my frist problems of files not being included in the project, what could the issue be there?
I asked the same question on the MSDN forums, but the suggestions I have received I have already tried, like creating a new workspace since the other might be corrupt. Still didn't work.
Thanks in advance
Edit: Had a suggestion on the MSDN forums to run VS as administrator. That didn't work either. Not really sure what could be causing this issue. It doesn't seem to be causing problems for everybody because some new builds cause issues for some people but not others. Some more info would be I run on Windows 7 64bit and Visual Studio Ultimate 2010.
In the past I've had issues with TFS that sound similar, 2 of our developers seemed to periodically create problems when merging files into the data store, folders and files would show as not included while the project file would make it in (breaking everything after get latest). Eventually the problem went away but we never truly found the source. I believe it had something to do with our network - maybe a switch issue in combo with the way we mapped working folders to network drives pointing to a shared dev server. Also one of the workstations seemed to have a problem with windows explorer not seeing file updates on the dev server share... developer would have to hit \servername\C$\sharefolder then hit his mapped network drive again before updates would refresh. (And his check in's created the most problems) ... we ran VS2008, TFS2010
Just some ideas...

