linq and DTO property interpolation - c#

In the below query I order by "Category1":
var ExampleValues = (from values in ExampleAllRecorsds
group values by new { values.Category1, values.Date.Value.Month } into x
orderby x.Key.Category1
select new ExamplesDto()
ExampleId = exampleId,
Row = x.Key.Category1,
Month = x.Key.Month,
I have other properties that I want to order my query by, depending on another variable. It could be ordering by Category2, Category3, etc.
What I want to do is change the ordering of this query between my CategoryX properties without needing to wholesale repeat the query in a switch statement.
For example, this is how I would think to do it with a switch. Notice that this is repeating a lot of code.
case "Category1":
var ExampleValues = (from values in ExampleAllRecorsds
group values by new { values.Category1, values.Date.Value.Month } into x
orderby x.Key.Category1 // the only change
select new ExamplesDto()
ExampleId = exampleId,
Row = x.Key.Category1,
Month = x.Key.Month,
case "Category2":
var ExampleValues = (from values in ExampleAllRecorsds
group values by new { values.Category1, values.Date.Value.Month } into x
orderby x.Key.Category2 // the only change
select new ExamplesDto()
ExampleId = exampleId,
Row = x.Key.Category2,
Month = x.Key.Month,
How do I not repeat myself?

If you don't mind using an extra library and are on .net Core you could try:
I'm pretty sure there is a System.linq.dynamic for Framework as well, you can check nuget for both


How to simplify LINQ query just to filter out some special rows

I am very unfamiliar with Entity Framework and LINQ. I have a single entity set with some columns where I want to filter our some special rows.
4 of the rows are named Guid (string), Year (short), Month (short) and FileIndex (short). I want to get all rows which have the maximum FileIndex for each existing combination of Guid-Year-Month.
My current solution looks like this:
var maxFileIndexRecords = from item in context.Udps
group item by new { item.Guid, item.Year, item.Month }
into gcs
select new { gcs.Key.Guid, gcs.Key.Year, gcs.Key.Month,
gcs.OrderByDescending(x => x.FileIndex).FirstOrDefault().FileIndex };
var result = from item in context.Udps
join j in maxFileIndexRecords on
select item;
I think there should be a shorter solution with more performance. Does anyone have a hint for me?
Thank you
You were close. It's not necessary to actually select the grouping key. You can simply select the first item of each group:
var maxFileIndexRecords =
from item in context.Udps
group item by new { item.Guid, item.Year, item.Month }
into gcs
select gcs.OrderByDescending(x => x.FileIndex).FirstOrDefault();

How to assign values to a list by linq without for or foreach statements?

I want to compare two lists and assign 1st list to another in case of requirement.
var getdetail=_readonlyservice.getdetail().ToList();
foreach(var item in docdetail)
var temp=getdetail.firstordefualt(i=>i.Id=item.Id)
if(temp==null) continue;
I want to implement top statements in linq .any help ?
Think so..
var getdetail=_readonlyservice.getdetail().ToList();
var tempList = from dd in context.docdetail
join g in context.getdetail on dd.Id equals g.Id
select new // Your type
// Columns...
Code = g.Code
I believe you are trying to do like the way I did, although I was going to join table.
var result = (from e in DSE.employees
join d in DSE.departments on e.department_id equals d.department_id
join ws in DSE.workingshifts on e.shift_id equals ws.shift_id
select new
FirstName = e.FirstName,
LastName = e.LastName,
Gender = e.Gender,
Salary = e.Salary,
Department_id = e.department_id,
Department_Name = d.department_name,
Shift_id = ws.shift_id,
Duration = ws.duration,
// TODO utilize the above result
I was using DTO method to do this. And then you return result(as this case is result).
You may view the whole question and solution here.
As this case, you are not required to put foreach loop, as the query said from every row in yourdatabase.table

C# LINQ Query

I have some data in a List of User defined types that contains the following data:
name, study, group, result, date. Now I want to obtain the name, study and group and then a calculation based onthe result and date. The calculation is effectively:
log(result).where max(date) minus log(result).where min(date)
There are only two dates for each name/study/group, so the result from the maximum data (log) minus the result from the minumum date (log). here is what I have tried so far with no luck:
var result =
from results in sortedData.AsEnumerable()
group results by results.animal
into grp
select new
animal = results.animal,
study =,
groupNumber = results.groupNumber,
TGI = System.Math.Log(grp.Select(c => c.volume)
- System.Math.Log(grp.Select(c => c.volume)
.Where(grp.Min(c => c.operationDate)))
Anybody any pointers? Thanks.
It isn't entirely clear how the grouping relates to your problem (what sense does it make to extract a property from a range variable after it has been grouped?), but the part you're having difficult with can be solved easily with MaxBy and MinBy operators, such as the ones that come with morelinq.
var result = from results in sortedData.AsEnumerable()
group results by results.animal into grp
select new
animal = grp.Key,
study = ??,
groupNumber = ??,
TGI = Math.Log(grp.MaxBy(c => c.operationDate).volume)
- Math.Log(grp.MinBy(c => c.operationDate).volume)
Otherwise, you can simulate these operators with Aggregate, or if you don't mind the inefficiency of sorting:
var result = from results in sortedData.AsEnumerable()
group results by results.animal into grp
let sortedGrp = grp.OrderBy(c => c.operationDate)
select new
animal = grp.Key,
study = ??,
groupNumber = ??,
TGI = sortedGrp.Last().volume - sortedGrp.First().volume
You have a few syntax problems, you cannot use the results parameter after your into grp line. So my initial attempt would be to change your statement like so
var result =
from results in sortedData.AsEnumerable()
group results by new
Animal = results.animal,
Study =,
GroupNumber = results.groupNumber
into grp
select new
animal = grp.Key.Animal,
study = grp.Key.Study,
groupNumber = grp.Key.GroupNumber,
TGI = System.Math.Log(grp.OrderByDescending(c=>c.operationDate).First().volume)
- System.Math.Log(grp.OrderBy(c=>c.operationDate).First().volume)

how to only query newest version?

The following query gives me a barcode, version no of that barcode and an appcode. I would need the query to filter out duplicate barcodes and only keep the highest version number of that barcode.
I've been thinking along the way of merging the barcode field and the version field and only keep the highest but that seems dirty. Is there a cleaner solution?
select Barcode, MAX(versionNo) vn, Appcode from Mailsort
where Created between '01/26/2011' and '01/27/2011'
group by Barcode, AppCode;
The reason for this query is to get a LINQ statement.This does a count for every appcode regardless of the barcodes or the version at thye moment.
var results = from p in dataContext.GetTable<mailsortEntity>()
where p.Created > datetime && p.Created < datetime.AddDays(1)
group p by new { p.AppCode } into g
select new AppCodeCountEntity
AppCode = g.Key.AppCode,
Count = g.Count()
Is there a better solution than this LINQ code above?
var maxQuery =
from rh in MailSort
group rh by rh.BarCode into latest
select new { BarCode = latest.Key, MaxVersion = latest.Max(l => l.Version) }
var query =
from rh2 in MailSort
join max in maxQuery on new {rh2.BarCode, Version = rh2.Version }
equals new { max.BarCode, Version = max.MaxVersion }
select new { rh2.BarCode, rh2.Version, rh2.AppCode }
var barCodes = query.ToList();

LINQ group by month question

I'm new to LINQ to SQL and I would like to know how to achieve something like this in LINQ:
Month Hires Terminations
Jan 5 7
Feb 8 8
Marc 8 5
I've got this so far, and I think there is something wrong with it but I'm not sure:
from term1 in HRSystemDB.Terminations
group term1 by new { term1.TerminationDate.Month, term1.TerminationDate.Year } into grpTerm
select new HiresVsTerminationsQuery
Date = Criteria.Period,
TerminationsCount = grpTerm.Count(term => term.TerminationDate.Month == Criteria.Period.Value.Month),
HiresCount = (from emp in HRSystemDB.Persons.OfType<Employee>()
group emp by new { emp.HireDate.Month, emp.HireDate.Year } into grpEmp
select grpEmp).Count(e => e.Key.Month == Criteria.Period.Value.Month)
Thanks in advance.
I'm not quite sure where does the Criteria.Period value come from in your sample query.
However I think you're trying to read both hires and terminations for all available months (and then you can easily filter it). Your query could go wrong if the first table (Termination) didn't include any records for some specified month (say May). Then the select clause wouldn't be called with "May" as the parameter at all and even if you had some data in the second table (representing Hires), then you wouldn't be able to find it.
This can be elegantly solved using the Concat method (see MSDN samples). You could select all termniations and all hires (into a data structure of some type) and then group all the data by month:
var terms = from t in HRSystemDB.Terminations
select new { Month = t.TerminationDate.Month,
Year = term1.TerminationDate.Year,
IsHire = false };
var hires = from emp in HRSystemDB.Persons.OfType<Employee>()
select new { Month = emp.HireDate.Month,
Year = emp.HireDate.Year
IsHire = true };
// Now we can merge the two inputs into one
var summary = terms.Concat(hires);
// And group the data using month or year
var res = from s in summary
group s by new { s.Year, s.Month } into g
select new { Period = g.Key,
Hires = g.Count(info => info.IsHire),
Terminations = g.Count(info => !info.IsHire) }
When looking at the code now, I'm pretty sure there is some shorter way to write this. On the other hand, this code should be quite readable, which is a benefit. Also note that it doesn't matter that we split the code into a couple of sub-queries. Thanks to lazy evalutation of LINQ to SQL, this should be executed as a single query.
I don't know if it shorter but you can also try this version to see if it works better with your server. I don't know exactly how these two answers turn into SQL statements. One might be better based on your indexs and such.
var terms =
from t in Terminations
group t by new {t.Month, t.Year} into g
select new {g.Key, Count = g.Count()};
var hires =
from p in Persons
group p by new {p.Month, p.Year} into g
select new {g.Key, Count = g.Count()};
var summary =
from t in terms
join h in hires on t.Key equals h.Key
select new {t.Key.Month, t.Key.Year,
Hires = h.Count, Terms = t.Count};

