ASP.NET and C#: where do you store the rest client url? - c#

I have my rest client url hard-coded in my code-behind, but upon peer-reviewing my code, I was asked to move that url to the config file so that it can be changed for each environment.
Visual Studio 2019 now complains because my rest client url has an invalid = sign as token in the url itself, and it expects ; as token instead.
Has anyone ever come across this, and is it correct to move the rest client to the config file? In theory that should not change.
Can't share the full url, but the part that is highlighted as error is this: version=2.0&details=true.

I found the answer. The problem is in the & symbol itself. Once converted to &, the errors Visual Studio was highlighting were gone and my solution worked again.

If i will do that i will save in config file only base url like this
"WebConfig": {
"SmsCenterApi": ""
and in code I can complete the link
string url = WebConficData.SmsCenterApi+"version=2.0&details=true";
andafter that I can use url to make some request. For multi-environments web.config and appsettings is avesome. You just change base url for each env and that's it.

I think the answer to your questions
where do you store the rest client url?
is it correct to move the rest url to the config file?
is dependent on how you implement the rest request to that url. As you do not show any information on how you implement the rest call, I would like to show you one possible way and hopefully give you an impression about which things you should consider when implementing a solution.
So we can basically (for the sake of completeness) split an rest-endpoint url into two parts which might affect our implementation.
The base url:
and the parameters
having this in mind, you could go the way and split them up, storing the base url and the parameters in two different nodes/attributes in a config file:
"BaseUrl" : "",
"UrlParams" : "?key1=value1&key2=value2"
Or in one node/attribute, or even split each single parameter pair ("key1=value1") into own fields. And so on, and so on......
Anyway, if we now jump into our C# code and implement the Rest call, we have a wide range of different possible solution. For this example I will show you how to use the RestSharp NuGet package and why it might influences our decision on the above question.
So one basic example:
// I will not show the implementation of ReadYourConfigStuff() because its fairly clear what should happen here
var config = ReadYourConfigStuff();
// Give the BaseUrl to our REST client
var restClient = new RestClient(config.BaseUrl);
// Just taking GET as we have some GET Parameters
var restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
so far so good. But we still miss our parameters right?
Let's go ahead:
// RestSharp gives us a very nice tool to add GET parameters to our request
restRequest.AddParameter("key1", "value1");
restRequest.AddParameter("key2", "value2");
That looks quite different to what we added to our config file, does it? Yes it does. As RestSharp gives us a tool at hand which allows to add parameters one by one, we are free to choose how to store and maintain those in our code. And if we have a look on the AddParameter defintion
public IRestRequest AddParameter(string name, object value);
we see that the second parameter can be any object. Amazing!
So my answer to your question is: Yes you can store it in the config file, but does it fit to your implementation? Are the parameters fix or do they change? How does your favorite tooling would like you to implement the rest request?
Based on the answers to these questions, I would take a decision rather to use a config file or not.


Is Request.Cookies["value"] in c# controller some static reference

I am having difficulty to understand some code from GitHub (I am learning angular, however this is server side code written in c#)
The code is available on GitHub code).
I can't completely understand the very first line of code var refreshToken = Request.Cookies["refreshToken"]; Where does Request.Cookies come from? It is not a variable and it looks like a static call to some array Cookies. How does the element of that array happen to contain "refresh-token" item?
Could someone please explain this? (this code comes from the class derived from BaseController)
public ActionResult<AuthenticateResponse> RefreshToken()
var refreshToken = Request.Cookies["refreshToken"];
var response = _accountService.RefreshToken(refreshToken, ipAddress());
return Ok(response);
When you work in an HTTP application, .NET manages some context for you. A bunch of stuff you write, like your POST action, is provided with an HTTP context, which has properties that provide information about the request. This includes headers, cookies, etc.
When you use Request within an MVC controller (or some other HTTP context) you'll get access to the HttpContext and Request that relates to the specific single request. It feels like magic, but it's the framework doing the work for you.
A bit more information on context.
You need to check other serverside codes which set the cookie,Cookie is created in serverside firstly and sent to User Agent,often stored in your time you send a request,your request may contain the cookie
you could check the codes like:Response.Cookies.Append(....)

How can I make url path in Swashbuckle/Swaggerwork when api is served from inside another project?

all. I am trying to document a WebApi 2 using Swashbuckle package.
All works great if the API is running by itself i.e. localhost/api/swagger brings me to ui and localhost/api/swagger/docs/v1 to json.
However the producation app initializes this same Webapi project by running webapiconfig method of this project from global.asax.cs in another - now web project (the main application one). So the api url looks like localhost/web/api instead of localhost/api.
Now swashbuckle doesn't work like that at all.
localhost/api/swagger generates error cannot load
'API.WebApiApplication', well of course
localhost/web/swagger = 404
localhost/web/api/swagger = 404
I tried to look everywhere, but all I found is workaround.
c.RootUrl(req => req.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/").TrimEnd('/'));
Unfortunately it doesn't work, now maybe it should and I just need to change something but I don't even know what exactly this property expects and what it should be set to.
May be it's not even applicable - maybe setup we have requires something else or some swashbuckle code changes.
I will appreciate any help you can provide. I really starting to like swagger (and swashbuckle) for rest documentation.
For Swashbuckle 5.x:
This appears to be set by an extension method of httpConfiguration called EnableSwagger. Swashbuckle 5.x migration readme notes that this replaces SwaggerSpecConfig. SwaggerDocConfig RootUrl() specifically replaces ResolveBasePathUsing() from 4.x.
This practically works the same as it did before, looks like the biggest change was that it was renamed and moved into SwaggerDocConfig:
public void RootUrl(Func<HttpRequestMessage, string> rootUrlResolver)
An example from the readme, tweaked for brevity:
string myCustomBasePath = #"";
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.RootUrl(req => myCustomBasePath);
// The rest of your additional metadata goes here
For Swashbuckle 4.x:
Use SwaggerSpecConfig ResolveBasePathUsing and have your lambda read your known endpoint.
public SwaggerSpecConfig ResolveBasePathUsing(Func<HttpRequestMessage, string> basePathResolver);
My API is behind a load balancer and this was a helpful workaround to providing a base address. Here's a dumb example to use ResolveBasePathUsing to resolve the path with a known base path.
string myCustomBasePath = #"";
SwaggerSpecConfig.Customize(c =>
c.ResolveBasePathUsing((req) => myCustomBasePath);
I hardcoded the endpoint for clarity, but you can define it anywhere. You can even use the request object to attempt to cleanup your request uri to point to /web/api instead of /api.
The developer commented on this workaround on GitHub last year:
The lambda takes the current HttpRequest (i.e. the request for a given
Swagger ApiDeclaration) and should return a string to be used as the
baseUrl for your Api. For load-balanced apps, this should return the load-balancer path.
The default implementation is as follows:
(req) => req.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + req.GetConfiguration().VirtualPathRoot.TrimEnd('/');
Re relative paths, the Swagger spec requires absolute paths because
the URL at which the Swagger is being served need not be the URL of
the actual API.
The lambda is passed a HttpRequestMessage instance ... you should be able to use this to get at the RequestUri etc. Another option, you could just place the host name in your web.config and have the lambda just read it from there.

ajax submit to WebAPI controller

I'm not sure of the best way to accomplish my goal. Looking for insight. I'm familiar with WebAPI services consumed through WPF and Silverlight but this is my first run at ASP and MVC.
I am building a site to verify contents of a shipment against an electronic manifest (EDI 856). I have a page that displays the shipping data and I need the users to scan each item barcode in the container. I would then like to pass that barcode to a service, verify the item belongs in that shipment and then update the page to show as much.
My plan was to have a single text box into which the user could scan/type the barcode and then submit that data to a WebAPI service which would verify the information and then probably use SignalR to send a message back to the page and update a grid with the item data.
If this is a decent way to go, I'm just not quite sure how to use ajax to call the WebAPI endpoint and provide the data I need.
I would advise against using SignalR in this situtation. What you need, judging from your description, is the most basic use case of submitting an ajax request and receiving a response.
You are not designing a system where you need the server to initiate communication with the browser or anything like that, where sockets (and SignalR as an abstraction over sockets with fallbacks to less suitable protocols) is a huge overkill.
Don't worry, your use case is rather simple.
It's a little out of scope to describe how to setup a WebApi project, how to configure routing, action names, etc. Simple google searches will surely provide ample quality tutorials on getting started.
I'll just try to explain what the general idea is, with some code samples, to get you thinking in the right direction.
You need to create an ApiController.
The simplest version of that Controller will probably look something like this:
public class ShipmentVerificationController : ApiController
//this is the response object you will be sending back to the client website
public class VerificationResult
public bool Valid;
public VerificationResult GetIsItemValid(string BarCode)
bool itemIsValid;
// Implement checks against the BarCode string here
itemIsValid = true;
return new VerificationResult { Valid = itemIsValid };
Note that the inner class represents the response you will be sending back. It should be properly filled out with additional info if needed and probably put into a separate .cs file in the "Models" folder or where ever you see fit.
I have declared it inside the controller for demonstration purposes only
Once you have a WebApi service deployed, it's really easy to send it data from your website and receive the feedback.
To simplify Ajax requests, jQuery is often used.
Once the user inputs the barcode into a textbox, you can hook up an event to check for return key being pressed (most barcode scanners send the return key command after they input the barcode data) and then write something along the lines of:
var barcode = $("#input-field").val();
$.getJSON( "<url_to_your_webapi_service>/api/ShipmentVerification/GetIsItemValid/" + barcode, function( data ) {
if (data.Valid) {
// great, highlight the item as valid
else {
//better indicate an error with the scanned item
Please note that for simplicity I have not included any error handling, url parameter encoding, and most importantly, zero authorization.
Authorization is very important if you deploy the web service to the open web but still do not want anyone to be able to call it.
You will have to research these topics yourself, but I hope I have presented you the core concepts and logic behind a simple service such as this, so you have a base to start with.
If you come up with specific problems and questions post a new question.
I actually found a more simple way to do this. I nixed the idea of using a WebAPI endpoint and just went with a normal controller. I used ajax to prevent the page from refreshing with the new view, since that view is actually just json data with my return values in it.

Why Request.Url.Authority is returning the internal path and not my domain

I'm working through the final issues of an application set to go live this week. I need help to either modify my code or explain to our hosters what they need to fix in the IIS/DNS configurations to make this code work as expected.
Here is the code:
public string BaseSiteUrl
var c = this.ControllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext;
string baseUrl = c.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + c.Request.Url.Authority
+ c.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + '/';
return baseUrl;
I make a call to this in my Controller, to generate a url that gets persisted to a database.
It works fine when I run on my local machine. However, it does not work when it is run on the beta server.
Expected results on beta. On the beta server this is an application named dr405
The actual result on beta. (I changed the server/domain names to what you see in CAPS for security's sake)
I don't think you need the method you wrote. There is a UrlHelper class that adds extension methods. To get the base URL for your site you should be using the Content() method like this:
var baseUrl = Url.Content("~/");
In your example, it looks like the http://SERVERNAME1.GROUP1.SUBGROUP.local/dr405/ result is an internal host name. On your development machine the internal host matches your public facing one. Your hosting provider is unlikely to be able to modify this for you, especially if it's a shared hosting solution.
If you're behind a load balancer or similar, it might be worth checking server variables. In our case we do something like this:
string hostName = Request.Headers["x-forwarded-host"];
hostName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostName) ? Request.Url.Host : hostName;
This question I asked a while ago might be of interest: mvc 301 redirect from to
Due to time constraints, and the need to get this project out the door, I had to resort to hardcoding the main part of the url into the application. After I made the change I felt stupid for trying to make it dynamic in the first place. I mean how often should our domain name change?

Mvc 3 - Controller as image handler, how to pass a path?

I am trying to use a controller as an image handler, but how do i pass in a path to it?
Right now it looks like this (works for images without a path):
public void GetImage(string parameter)
var imageHandler = UnityGlobalContainer.Container.Resolve<IImageHandler>();
But if i try to send in the path folder1\folder2\folder3\picture.jpg then it fails.
#Html.ActionLink("Show", "GetImage", "Utility", new { parameter = #"folder1\folder2\folder3\picture.jpg" }, new { })
produces this:
and that leads to:
HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request.
How can i pass in a path to the controller using the normal mvc approach?
(I am using backward slashes and not forward slashes)
I have also tested using HttpUtility.UrlEncode on the parameter.
According to your code: The produced link in the html page should be:
and the parameter variable should be correctly set to "folder1\folder2\folder3\picture.jpg" in the action method.
Notice that you might be vulnerable to directory traversal here.
In .NET 4.0 beta 2, the CLR team has offered a workaround.
Add this to your web.config file:
<add name="http" genericUriParserOptions="DontUnescapePathDotsAndSlashes" />
This causes the Uri class to behave according to the RFC describing URIs, allowing for slashes to be escaped in the path without being unescaped. The CLR team reports they deviate from the spec for security reasons, and setting this in your .config file basically makes you take ownership of the additional security considerations involved in not unescaping the slashes.
Can you not just decode the parameter?
Instead of calling the filename parameter 'parameter', and defining it in your route, call it 'filename' and DON'T define it in your route.
Your action code will be the same, but the filename will stop being part of the route and just be an ordinary URL parameter.
If you're afflicted by this season's fashion for disliking URL parameters, then you might find this repugnant, but that's just fashion and can safely be ignored.
Personally, I wouldn't pass paths like this into a web app, because I would be absolutely paranoid about creating traversal threats by mistake - I only ever pass in path-free filenames, validate them against a list and then fetch the file.

