How can I make url path in Swashbuckle/Swaggerwork when api is served from inside another project? - c#

all. I am trying to document a WebApi 2 using Swashbuckle package.
All works great if the API is running by itself i.e. localhost/api/swagger brings me to ui and localhost/api/swagger/docs/v1 to json.
However the producation app initializes this same Webapi project by running webapiconfig method of this project from global.asax.cs in another - now web project (the main application one). So the api url looks like localhost/web/api instead of localhost/api.
Now swashbuckle doesn't work like that at all.
localhost/api/swagger generates error cannot load
'API.WebApiApplication', well of course
localhost/web/swagger = 404
localhost/web/api/swagger = 404
I tried to look everywhere, but all I found is workaround.
c.RootUrl(req => req.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/").TrimEnd('/'));
Unfortunately it doesn't work, now maybe it should and I just need to change something but I don't even know what exactly this property expects and what it should be set to.
May be it's not even applicable - maybe setup we have requires something else or some swashbuckle code changes.
I will appreciate any help you can provide. I really starting to like swagger (and swashbuckle) for rest documentation.

For Swashbuckle 5.x:
This appears to be set by an extension method of httpConfiguration called EnableSwagger. Swashbuckle 5.x migration readme notes that this replaces SwaggerSpecConfig. SwaggerDocConfig RootUrl() specifically replaces ResolveBasePathUsing() from 4.x.
This practically works the same as it did before, looks like the biggest change was that it was renamed and moved into SwaggerDocConfig:
public void RootUrl(Func<HttpRequestMessage, string> rootUrlResolver)
An example from the readme, tweaked for brevity:
string myCustomBasePath = #"";
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.RootUrl(req => myCustomBasePath);
// The rest of your additional metadata goes here
For Swashbuckle 4.x:
Use SwaggerSpecConfig ResolveBasePathUsing and have your lambda read your known endpoint.
public SwaggerSpecConfig ResolveBasePathUsing(Func<HttpRequestMessage, string> basePathResolver);
My API is behind a load balancer and this was a helpful workaround to providing a base address. Here's a dumb example to use ResolveBasePathUsing to resolve the path with a known base path.
string myCustomBasePath = #"";
SwaggerSpecConfig.Customize(c =>
c.ResolveBasePathUsing((req) => myCustomBasePath);
I hardcoded the endpoint for clarity, but you can define it anywhere. You can even use the request object to attempt to cleanup your request uri to point to /web/api instead of /api.
The developer commented on this workaround on GitHub last year:
The lambda takes the current HttpRequest (i.e. the request for a given
Swagger ApiDeclaration) and should return a string to be used as the
baseUrl for your Api. For load-balanced apps, this should return the load-balancer path.
The default implementation is as follows:
(req) => req.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + req.GetConfiguration().VirtualPathRoot.TrimEnd('/');
Re relative paths, the Swagger spec requires absolute paths because
the URL at which the Swagger is being served need not be the URL of
the actual API.
The lambda is passed a HttpRequestMessage instance ... you should be able to use this to get at the RequestUri etc. Another option, you could just place the host name in your web.config and have the lambda just read it from there.


Get Swashbuckle/Swagger route programmatically

I'm using Swashbuckle with ASP.NET Core 6. It serves Swagger at /swagger.
For diagnostic purposes I need to detect that path programmatically at runtime - i.e. assuming swashbuckle is serving swagger at /swagger, then I want to be able to get that path.
I've tried various approaches, but they just give me my own routes. I can't find a way to determine routes added by swashbuckle.
I tried:
// inject IEnumerable<EndpointDataSource>
// ...
var routes = _endpointDataSources.SelectMany(source => source.Endpoints);
var routes = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider>()
.Items.Where(x => x.AttributeRouteInfo != null)
.Select(x => x.AttributeRouteInfo?.Template);
In both cases it enumerates all of my routes - whether they are from RazorPages or WebApi. But the swagger route is not included, even though it is running.
How do I get that path?
Based on #lonix comment, Converting to Ans.
In case UseSwagger(), it does not create any endpoint but a middleware so when you call "/swagger", it checks request for swagger document and returns swagger document if found true. but in case of MapSwagger() it actually creates endpoint.
and yes you can swap it without breaking anything.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

I am writing a REST API in .net core. I am trying to test the API using Postman and I am getting an error saying
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
I know this error occurs when the route does not match. Not sure, what am I doing wrong with the route. Below is my code with the Route at the top:
namespace RecLoad.Controllers
public class RecLoadPrimeController : ControllerBase
public void insertRecLoadData(string RecStartDate, string RecEndDate)
RecLoadDataProvider dataProvider = new RecLoadDataProvider();
dataProvider.InsertCardsData(RecStartDate, RecEndDate);
The URL that I am trying to test in Postman is below:
I am very new to API, this is the first API that I am writing. Below is the image for application structure. Its extremely simple:
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
A 404 error means not found. This means Postman cant find the end point you are trying to hit.
Your [Route] attribute needs to be updated. The root of this endpoint (controller) it's RecLoadPrime. So get rid of that part. If you are just trying to test, update it to [Route("insert")].
Using ? in your URL means you are passing query parameters. Which are usually used on GET requests not on POST requests.
Web API expects you to use Model Binding for passing in parameters. Meaning map the post parameters to a strongly typed .NET object, not to single parameters. Alternatively, you can also accept a FormDataCollection parameter on your API method to get a name value collection of all POSTed values.
For example: Create a small class called Card, with the properties startDate, and endDate. Make them DateTime. Now use that in the method signature public void insertRecLoadData([FromBody]Card card)
In Postman, you are now going to use the Body option and create a JSON representation of this new class we created.
For example: { "startDate": "2020-03-23", "endDate": "2020-03-27" }
In the route, you are going to use: POST | https://localhost:44360/api/insertRecLoadData/insert
Make sure you set breakpoints in your controller. Not sure how you have setup your project but I'd suggest reading up more on how to setup a Web API using ASP.NET Core. Look into RESTful design to also get an idea on how to best setup these end points.
Good luck!
The current route configuration on your controller and on your action will result in duplicated section in your route. Specifically, the route the action will be associated with will be "api/RecLoadPrime/RecLoadPrime/insertRecLoadData/{RecStartDate}/{RecEndDate}".
Consider removing the RecLoadPrim/ prefix from your action route attribute as follows:

ASP.NET and C#: where do you store the rest client url?

I have my rest client url hard-coded in my code-behind, but upon peer-reviewing my code, I was asked to move that url to the config file so that it can be changed for each environment.
Visual Studio 2019 now complains because my rest client url has an invalid = sign as token in the url itself, and it expects ; as token instead.
Has anyone ever come across this, and is it correct to move the rest client to the config file? In theory that should not change.
Can't share the full url, but the part that is highlighted as error is this: version=2.0&details=true.
I found the answer. The problem is in the & symbol itself. Once converted to &, the errors Visual Studio was highlighting were gone and my solution worked again.
If i will do that i will save in config file only base url like this
"WebConfig": {
"SmsCenterApi": ""
and in code I can complete the link
string url = WebConficData.SmsCenterApi+"version=2.0&details=true";
andafter that I can use url to make some request. For multi-environments web.config and appsettings is avesome. You just change base url for each env and that's it.
I think the answer to your questions
where do you store the rest client url?
is it correct to move the rest url to the config file?
is dependent on how you implement the rest request to that url. As you do not show any information on how you implement the rest call, I would like to show you one possible way and hopefully give you an impression about which things you should consider when implementing a solution.
So we can basically (for the sake of completeness) split an rest-endpoint url into two parts which might affect our implementation.
The base url:
and the parameters
having this in mind, you could go the way and split them up, storing the base url and the parameters in two different nodes/attributes in a config file:
"BaseUrl" : "",
"UrlParams" : "?key1=value1&key2=value2"
Or in one node/attribute, or even split each single parameter pair ("key1=value1") into own fields. And so on, and so on......
Anyway, if we now jump into our C# code and implement the Rest call, we have a wide range of different possible solution. For this example I will show you how to use the RestSharp NuGet package and why it might influences our decision on the above question.
So one basic example:
// I will not show the implementation of ReadYourConfigStuff() because its fairly clear what should happen here
var config = ReadYourConfigStuff();
// Give the BaseUrl to our REST client
var restClient = new RestClient(config.BaseUrl);
// Just taking GET as we have some GET Parameters
var restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
so far so good. But we still miss our parameters right?
Let's go ahead:
// RestSharp gives us a very nice tool to add GET parameters to our request
restRequest.AddParameter("key1", "value1");
restRequest.AddParameter("key2", "value2");
That looks quite different to what we added to our config file, does it? Yes it does. As RestSharp gives us a tool at hand which allows to add parameters one by one, we are free to choose how to store and maintain those in our code. And if we have a look on the AddParameter defintion
public IRestRequest AddParameter(string name, object value);
we see that the second parameter can be any object. Amazing!
So my answer to your question is: Yes you can store it in the config file, but does it fit to your implementation? Are the parameters fix or do they change? How does your favorite tooling would like you to implement the rest request?
Based on the answers to these questions, I would take a decision rather to use a config file or not.

Attribute based webapi2 routing returns 404 for some methods

I'm presently working on a project that has been upgraded to Webapi2 from Webapi. Part of the conversion includes the switch to using attribute based routing.
I've appropriately setup my routes in the Global.asax (as follows)
GlobalConfiguration.Configure(config => config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes());
and removed the previous routing configuration.
I have decorated all of my API controllers with the appropriate System.Web.Http.RouteAttribute and System.Web.Http.RoutePrefixAttribute attributes.
If I inspect System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Routes with the debugger I can see that all my expected routes are registered in the collection. Likewise the appropriate routes are available within the included generated Webapi Help Page documentation as expected.
Even though all appears to be setup properly a good number of my REST calls result in a 404 not found response from the server.
I've found some notable similarities specific to GET methods (this is all I've tested so far)
If a method accepts 0 parameters it will fail
If a route overrides the prefix it will fail
If a method takes a string parameter it is likely to succeed
return type seems to have no affect
Naming a route seems to have no affect
Ordering a route seems to have no affect
Renaming the underlying method seems to have no affect
Worth noting is that my API controllers appear in a separate area, but given that some routes do work I don't expect this to be the issue at hand.
Example of non-functional method call
public class PostmanApiController : ApiController
[Route("all", Name = "GetPostmanCollection")]
[ResponseType(typeof (PostmanCollectionGet))]
public IHttpActionResult GetPostmanCollection()
return Ok(...);
I expect this to be available via http://[application-root]/api/postman/all
Interestingly enough a call to
Url.Link("GetPostmanCollection", null)
will return the above expected url
A very similar example of method calls within the same controller where some work and some do not.
public class MachineApiController : ApiController
[Route("byowner/{owner}", Name = "GetPostmanCollection")]
public IEnumerable<string> GetByOwner([FromUri] string owner)
public IEnumerable<OsAndVersionGet> GetOSes([FromUri] string osType)
Where a call to http://[application-root]/api/machineby/ownername succeeds and http://[application-root]/api/oses/osType does not.
I've been poking at this far too long, any idea as to what the issue may be?
Check that you configure your HttpConfiguration via the MapHttpAttributeRoutes method before any ASP.NET MVC routing registration.
In accordance to Microsoft's CodePlex entry on Attribute Routing in MVC and Web API the Design section states:
In most cases, MapHttpAttributeRoutes or MapMvcAttributeRoutes will be
called first so that attribute routes are registered before the global
routes (and therefore get a chance to supersede global routes).
Requests to attribute routed controllers would also be filtered to
only those that originated from an attribute route.
Therefore, within the Global.asax (or where registering routes) it is appropriate to call:
GlobalConfiguration.Configure(c => c.MapHttpAttributeRoutes()); // http routes
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(...); // mvc routes
In my case it was a stupid mistake, I am posting this so people behind me making the same mistake may read this before they check everything else at quantum level.
My mistake was, my controller's name did not end with the word Controller.
Happy new year

ODataClient MaxProtocolVersion V3

I am trying to consume OData from a windows forms. So, what i have done to now is create a new project, i added a web service reference to the OData service and try to consume it.
My code is:
var VistaEntities = new VrExternalEntities("serviceURI");
var query = VistaEntities.VRtblCinemaType
x =>
z =>
y =>
y.Session_dtmDate_Time > DateTime.Now
x =>
If i remove the Where clause it works. If i do it says that Any is not supported. I know i have to set MaxProtocolVersion to V3 but i do not know how to do it. I don't have an entity context or anything else. I only have what i have stated above.
Please provide steps on how to accomplish that.
Thanks in advance.
You must retrieve the configuration of your DataService and set the MaxProtocolVersion of its behavior to V3.
The best place to do this is certainly in the InitializeService static method you can define in your service class, which will be given the proper configuration object as its config parameter by the environment. It will only be invoked once, typically at the first request.
Note #1: You need WCF Data Services 5.0 or greater. The best way to get it is probably via the Server NuGet package.
Note #2: Oddly enough, the DataServiceProtocolVersion type, although in the Common namespace, is included in the Client assembly (Microsoft.Data.Services.Client, provided by the Client NuGet package). I suggested a better organization here.
public class Vista : DataService<VistaContext>
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3;
The client may indeed specify the desired version in the requests by using the DataServiceVersion HTTP header. It's currently recommended that you specify and support a range of versions using the MinDataServiceVersion and MaxDataServiceVersion headers if you can, for obvious reasons. Note however that the MinDataServiceVersion will be removed in OData 4.0 (see appendix E.1 of part 1 and "What's new" documents drafts).
The relevant documentation for the WCF Data Services 5.x implementation is available here. The documentation specific to the client seems pretty scarce, but looking at the reference you can see that you must use this constructor for the DataServiceContext to specify the maximum protocol version, and it looks like you cannot change it at any one point for subsequent requests without rebuilding a new context. You may attempt to fiddle with the headers directly, but I wouldn't expect it to work reliably (or at all).
So, to answer your question, you really need control over how you create the context for the client.

