Auto-complete a switch-case in Visual Studio Code - c#

I am a student learning Game design as well as Programming in C# and have been using Visual Studio for a while. I recently switched back to Visual Studio Code for a recent project and i have been annoyed by a a certain lacking auto complete feature.
Using Visual Studio Code, how does one auto complete a switch case in the same way like Visual Studio does?
I have searched the Extension Market in Visual Studio Code and i have found no single extension that achieves this. I have also searched (although not in depth) Microsoft's documentation about Visual Studio Code for this feature yet nothing has come up in my findings about this.
If there is not any official method, is there at least any way possible to achieve a similar effect?


How can I achieve the Visual Studio 2019 'theme' in WPF?

I'm currently building an application in WPF and wanted to get the same look and feel as Visual Studio 2019. I did some reading up on it and found that Visual Studio 2019 was actually, itself, written in WPF. That meant they had to have some XAML files to style the UI. So, I dug through the managed libraries hoping to find some XAML files but couldn't find any :/. I also searched for any themes or recreations of Visual Studio in WPF but couldn't find anything other than old, outdated ones with limited controls. I'm asking all this because I know it's possible to get what I want to achieve as dnSpy has Visual Studio 2019's theme. I'm not sure how they did it, whether they decompiled it or not, but I'd be very grateful if someone could help me out. Thanks! :).
Visual Studio 2019's UI/Theme:
dnSpy's Theme:

Can you auto generate step definitions in Visual Studio Code

I have currently created a noddy google search program as Gherkin Feature file using Specflow in Visual Studio Community. Using Visual Studio (or community) you have the option to right click and auto generate the step definition skeleton.
Does anyone know if you can also auto generate when in Visual Studio Code (or is there a plugin to allow it)? Initial investigation I don't get that option and trying to google for an answer was less than helpful
Resolved if anyone is interested. This add on does the trick.
#Greg Burghardt

XNA Game Studio and Visual Studio 2012--Wrong Language

I just managed to get XNA Game Studio to work with Visual Studio 2012 by following these
steps. However, it appears to have only installed in C# language. It is only a template in C#. How can I get it to be a template in Visual Basic? I really need to program in VB, not VCS. Any ideas of how I can fix this?
I get this question so often? How can I install XNA with the latest version of Visual Studio.
The question generally comes from UK Academics still teaching XNA here the latest up to date how to use XNA and Visual Studio 2015.
Thanks to the Open Source Project MXA, XNA now works fine with Visual Studio 2015
XNA is a great framework for creating games, and we use it as a tool to motivate students to learn how to program whilst creating great games at extra-curricular events such as the three thing game.
Many academic still stress
A tool like XNA is an invaluable intrinsic motivator – inspiring students to want to learn to code, as opposed to being motivated because we said so, or because they will get better grades.
1- Download the latest version of this package MXA - XNA 4.0 Refresh for Visual Studio MXA XNA Supports VS2010-2015 see

Block schema in Visual Studio

I am novice and work with Visual Studio, .Net, C#.
Could you please help me with the following question:
If I already created a solution
How can I create and view its block-schema in Visual Studio?
I mean diagram showing iteraction between mthods and variables etc
When you mean creating UML Class Diagrams from code then look here:
Also there is set of videos about modeling features of Visual Studio
But architecture explorer feature is present only in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Also look at Visualization and Modeling Feature Pack
When you have no Ultimate version of VS, maybe NClass will be good free alternative for you in this case.
Right click on your project, "View class diagram". This is available only in Ultimate edition.
What you're describing sounds more like a "Sequence Diagram". If you have Visual STudio 2010 Ultimate, you and right-click within any method and select "Generate Sequence Diagram".
But, sequence diagrams don't show all interactions with local variables; just method (and optionally property) invocations.

Tools for Testing and Debugging in .NET (VS2010)

I am using VS2010 and to that I am also using WCF. Now for testing and Debugging purpose, what are the tools available online for free or paid?
Please share your experience too. Thank you :)
You're looking for the Visual Studio debugger.
If you use visual studio express that will allow you to debug. It sounds like you are just using the compiler. This puts a nice IDE, although stripped down for you to use, and is much cheaper than full visual studio.
My experience is visual studio is a great IDE and I'd be loathe to go to a 3rd party.
The links below are visual basic and visual studio.
However if your question did mean what to use in visual studio then please check out the links on msdn, as they are very thorough.

