I'm using Ackara/Plaid.NET (https://github.com/Ackara/Plaid.NET) but for lack of documentation, I'm stuck on how to get the Routing # and Account #.
Have anyone implemented Plaid with .Net willing to share?
Tried to use the code below but didn't work
var request = await client.FetchAccountInfoAsync(new Acklann.Plaid.Auth.GetAccountInfoRequest()
AccessToken = accessToken.AccessToken,
ClientId = "<clientid>",
Secret = "<secret>",
Options = new Acklann.Plaid.Auth.GetAccountInfoOptions
AccountIds = bankId
Sorry I should have been more specific when I said it didn't work. This is the error message I got but I'm lost on how to make it work.
Error Message:
You are passing a string as an AccountId. AccountID is an array of strings. I changed the following line and it worked for me.
AccountIds = new string[] { "xxxxxxxxxxx" }
I use asp.net MVC webapi, and have been using facebook login for a long time. But suddenly there is an error as below:
bellow my code: Startup.Auth.cs
FacebookAuthenticationOptions options = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions();
options.AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FBappId"];
options.AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FBappSecret"];
string[] FBScopes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FBScope"].ToString().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string s in FBScopes)
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.Messages.RequestToken request = new Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.Messages.RequestToken();
options.Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = async context =>
//Get the access token from FB and store it in the database and
//use FacebookC# SDK to get more information about the user
new System.Security.Claims.Claim("FacebookAccessToken", context.AccessToken));
options.SignInAsAuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie;
//options.SignInAsAuthenticationType = Microsoft.Owin.Security.AppBuilderSecurityExtensions.GetDefaultSignInAsAuthenticationType(app);
So far it's working fine and no such error ever appeared. Anyone know why this happens?
Have there been any security changes by facebook?
Advice me please.
I had the same problem, in my case, the solution was to remove android aplication in the facebook.
In my case, it was the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" property which was set to an old redirect URI I had set before.
Once I changed it to the current port, it worked correctly.
This setting is in the "Products=>Facebook Login" section.
I am using the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Facebook NuGet package. I would like to exchange a regular token for the extended access token (the one that replaced the offline_access permission).
From Googling around I found the URL should be in this format:
So I use the following code:
var longToken = await context.Client.PostTaskAsync("/oauth/access_token",
client_id = fbApp.AppId,
client_secret = fbApp.AppSecret,
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = context.AccessToken
This returns a null. No error or anything. Just a null value.
Edit: Also tried the following, which also did not work. But a GET seems more logical than a POST anyway.
dynamic result = context.Client.Get("oauth/access_token",
client_id = fbApp.AppId,
client_secret = fbApp.AppSecret,
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = context.AccessToken
var longToken = result.access_token as string;
I have successfully done this as a GET request, not a POST :) Just put the necessary parameters into the URL and request it as a GET request and the response returns the long term access token.
When you get the result from this, you should parse the query string first (am not sure in C# but maybe you could use this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms150046(v=vs.110).aspx).
After that try to get the access_token property and I got it right on my end. I was doing it in node.js though, but essentially the same flow.
Every Example I can find is either very outdated or always comes back 401.
Can anyone at all provide a working example of posting a status update to twitter?
Even the below always fails.
I get redirected to twitter - great. I can confrim the access codes are correct and match my application, but on acutally posting the update - error is unknown...
What on earth is wrong here? Does matter what app I use or which twitter account.
Using Twitteriser2.dll
if (Request["oauth_token"] == null)
OAuthTokenResponse reqToken = OAuthUtility.GetRequestToken(
string requestToken = Request["oauth_token"].ToString();
string pin = Request["oauth_verifier"].ToString();
var tokens = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(
OAuthTokens accesstoken = new OAuthTokens()
AccessToken = tokens.Token,
AccessTokenSecret = tokens.TokenSecret,
ConsumerKey = oauth_consumer_key,
ConsumerSecret = oauth_consumer_secret
TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> response = TwitterStatus.Update(
"Testing!! It works (hopefully).");
if (response.Result == RequestResult.Success)
Response.Write("we did it!");
Response.Write("it's all bad.");
The TwitterRepsonse object has an "ErrorMessage" property. You should probably start by looking at the information in there to give you some guidance.
Why don't you use Tweetinvi. Tweetinvi will allow you to post in 1 line and get error messages in line too. Here is an example.
TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials("Access_Token", "Access_Token_Secret", "Consumer_Key", "Consumer_Secret");
var tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet("Hello!");
if (tweet == null)
var exceptionDetails = ExceptionHandler.GetLastException().TwitterExceptionInfos.First().Message;
You can find the documentation here : https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/documentation
Also have a look at https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/536895 if you are using it with ASP.NET.
Got it working eventually.
The fault isn't exactly known as I didn't have to change the code but what I did was re-download Twitterizwer and Built it (Required adding a ref to C++ components for what ever reason) and it then worked so I can only see that it was somehow faulty the first time round.
So I've looked at all the of the suggestions from the Linq to Twitter documentation regarding 401 statuses with Oauth and I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong.
var auth = new PinAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"],
ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"],
//OAuthToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterOAuthToken"], //don't include this
//AccessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterAccessToken"] //or this for new users.
UseCompression = true,
GoToTwitterAuthorization = pageLink => Process.Start(pageLink),
GetPin = () =>
Console.WriteLine("/nAfter twitter authorizes your application you will be returned here or something/n");
Console.Write("Enter Pin here:");
return Console.ReadLine();
using (var twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth, "https://api.twitter.com/1/",
twitterCtx.Log = Console.Out;
Console.WriteLine("Please provide tweet text");
string tweet = Console.ReadLine();
catch (Exception e)
I've ran this using the Pin Authentication method as well as the single user method (providing the oauth keys with config file). I'm able to query tweets but I can't update my status or send direct messages (I receive a 403 forbidden when I try to DM). I've provided a callback URL (albeit fake) so I can't think of why this isn't working. Any help would be appreciated.
PS this runs in Main, not sure if that matters
All you need is this overload of the TwitterContext ctor and it will use the proper base URLs:
new TwitterContext(auth)
The example you're using is for v1.0 URLs and LINQ to Twitter is on Twitter API v1.1 now. It will default to the proper base URLs.
If you're querying okay, but getting errors on update and DM, double check to make sure you aren't trying to tweet the same text. That's why I append a DateTime.Now to the end of test tweets - to guarantee uniqueness.
I'm struggling with the final part of getting my first bit of code working with the AWS - I have got this far, I attached the web reference in VS and this have this
amazon.AWSECommerceService service = new amazon.AWSECommerceService();
// prepare an ItemSearch request
amazon.ItemSearchRequest request = new amazon.ItemSearchRequest();
request.SearchIndex = "DVD";
request.Title = "scream";
request.ResponseGroup = new string[] { "Small" };
amazon.ItemSearch itemSearch = new amazon.ItemSearch();
itemSearch.AssociateTag = "";
itemSearch.Request = new ItemSearchRequest[] { request };
itemSearch.AWSAccessKeyId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AwsAccessKeyId"];
itemSearch.Request = new ItemSearchRequest[] { request };
ItemSearchResponse response = service.ItemSearch(itemSearch);
// write out the results
foreach (var item in response.Items[0].Item)
Response.Write(item.ItemAttributes.Title + "<br>");
I get the error
The request must contain the parameter Signature.
I know you have to 'sign' requests now, but can't figure out 'where' I would do this or how? any help greatly appreciated?
You have to add to the SOAP request headers including your Amazon access key ID, a timestamp, and the SHA256 hash of the request operation and the timestamp. To accomplish that, you would need access to the SOAP message just before it is going to be sent out. There's a walkthrough and a sample project I put together at http://flyingpies.wordpress.com/2009/08/01/17/.
For the record:
Another reason to get this error is due to keywords with spaces in it.
It should be:
PHP solution:
$Keywords = str_replace(' ', '%20', $Keywords);
$Keywords = urlencode($Keywords);