I can make the camera move the way I want, but I need it to be confined to within the 3D hollow sphere that I created. Currently the player can fly the camera out of the game area.
I've tried parenting the camera to a spherical game object, but the camera still leaves the game area but the sphere stays inside.
This was my attempt at using the BoundingSphere method to keep the camera inside the sphere.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SphericalBoundary : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 pos;
public float r;
void Start()
private void FixedUpdate()
public void BoundingSphere()
pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
r = (100);
This is the script that makes the camera fly around. Works perfectly.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraFlight : MonoBehaviour
Desi Quintans (CowfaceGames.com), 17 August 2012.
Based on FlyThrough.js by Slin (http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/FlyThrough), 17 May 2011.
Free as in speech, and free as in beer.
WASD/Arrows: Movement
Q: Climb
E: Drop
Shift: Move faster
Control: Move slower
End: Toggle cursor locking to screen (you can also press Ctrl+P to toggle play mode on and off).
public float cameraSensitivity = 90;
public float climbSpeed = 4;
public float normalMoveSpeed = 10;
public float slowMoveFactor = 0.25f;
public float fastMoveFactor = 3;
private float rotationX = 0.0f;
private float rotationY = 0.0f;
void Start()
// Screen.lockCursor = true;
void Update()
rotationX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * cameraSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * cameraSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp(rotationY, -90, 90);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotationX, Vector3.up);
transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotationY, Vector3.left);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
transform.position += transform.forward * (normalMoveSpeed * fastMoveFactor) * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position += transform.right * (normalMoveSpeed * fastMoveFactor) * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime;
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl))
transform.position += transform.forward * (normalMoveSpeed * slowMoveFactor) * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position += transform.right * (normalMoveSpeed * slowMoveFactor) * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position += transform.forward * normalMoveSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position += transform.right * normalMoveSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { transform.position += transform.up * climbSpeed * Time.deltaTime; }
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { transform.position -= transform.up * climbSpeed * Time.deltaTime; }
//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.End))
// Screen.lockCursor = (Screen.lockCursor == false) ? true :][1]
No errors are showing up. During play the player can fly the camera out of the sphere but I want them confined to the sphere.
I think you must look your camera position on every frame and also check if it's going out of bound of the sphere here is some code which might help you(it is not tested)
public class TestScriptForStackOverflow : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform CameraTrans, SphereTrans;
private float _sphereRadius;
void Start() {
//if we are talking about sphere its localscale.x,y,z values are always equal
_sphereRadius = SphereTrans.localScale.x / 2;
void Update() {
if (IsOutsideTheSphere(_sphereRadius, CameraTrans.position, SphereTrans.position)) {
//lets find direction of camera from sphere center
Vector3 direction = (CameraTrans.position - SphereTrans.position).normalized;
//this is bound point for specific direction which is point is on the end of the radius
Vector3 boundPos = SphereTrans.position + direction * _sphereRadius;
//finally assign bound position to camera to stop it to pierce the sphere bounds
CameraTrans.position = boundPos;
private bool IsOutsideTheSphere(float sphereRadius, Vector3 cameraPosition, Vector3 sphereCenterPosition) {
//distance betweeen cameraPosition and sphereCenterPosition
float distanceBetween = (cameraPosition - sphereCenterPosition).magnitude;
//returns true if distance between sphere center and camera position is longer then sphere radius
return distanceBetween > sphereRadius;
If there is something you don't understand ask me in comments
I use this code to move and rotate my object, but it moves through the walls. Yes, I have colliders on object and walls, but my object doesn't collide with these walls.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class player_Control : MonoBehaviour {
public float upspeed;
public float downspeed;
public float rotationSpeed;
Transform myTrans;
Vector3 myPos;
Vector3 myRot;
float angle;
void Start() {
myPos = transform.position;
myRot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
void FixedUpdate() {
angle = transform.eulerAngles.magnitude * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { // ROTATE RIGHT
myRot.z -= rotationSpeed;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { // ROTATE LEFT
myRot.z += rotationSpeed;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { // UP
myPos.y += (Mathf.Cos(-angle) * upspeed) * Time.deltaTime;
myPos.x += (Mathf.Sin(-angle) * upspeed) * Time.deltaTime;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { // DOWN
myPos.y += (Mathf.Cos(-angle) * -downspeed) * Time.deltaTime;
myPos.x += (Mathf.Sin(-angle) * -downspeed) * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = myPos;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(myRot);
Your issue here is that you are bypassing the Unity's physics engine and altering the players position and rotation directly.
Unity's physics checks are built around usage of the Rigidbody component and has several specific functions for changing an objects position and rotation so that it collides correctly with other objects within the scene.
For your usage above I would look at the following two functions for changing position and rotation of your character:
I'm using this mouseorbit script attached to a camera.
The problem is when i move the camera with the mouse and rotating it so the camera is under the terrain.
I want that when it get to the terrain height then stop don't move down i mean don't get to this view under the character maximum to be in the terrain height..
To stop on terrain height i mean something like that when it's getting to this:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MouseOrbit : MonoBehaviour
/* These variables are what tell the camera how its going to function by
* setting the viewing target, collision layers, and other properties
* such as distance and viewing angles */
public Transform viewTarget;
public LayerMask collisionLayers;
public float distance = 6.0f;
public float distanceSpeed = 150.0f;
public float collisionOffset = 0.3f;
public float minDistance = 4.0f;
public float maxDistance = 12.0f;
public float height = 1.5f;
public float horizontalRotationSpeed = 250.0f;
public float verticalRotationSpeed = 150.0f;
public float rotationDampening = 0.75f;
public float minVerticalAngle = -60.0f;
public float maxVerticalAngle = 60.0f;
public bool useRMBToAim = false;
/* These variables are meant to store values given by the script and
* not the user */
private float h, v, smoothDistance;
private Vector3 newPosition;
private Quaternion newRotation, smoothRotation;
private Transform cameraTransform;
/* This is where we initialize our script */
void Start()
/* This is where we set our private variables, check for null errors,
* and anything else that needs to be called once during startup */
void Initialize()
h = this.transform.eulerAngles.x;
v = this.transform.eulerAngles.y;
cameraTransform = this.transform;
smoothDistance = distance;
/* We check for null errors or warnings and notify the user to fix them */
void NullErrorCheck()
if (!viewTarget)
Debug.LogError("Please make sure to assign a view target!");
if (collisionLayers == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Make sure to set the collision layers to the layers the camera should collide with!");
/* This is where we do all our camera updates. This is where the camera
* gets all of its functionality. From setting the position and rotation,
* to adjusting the camera to avoid geometry clipping */
void LateUpdate()
if (!viewTarget)
/* We check for right mouse button functionality, set the rotation
* angles, and lock the mouse cursor */
if (!useRMBToAim)
/* Check to make sure the game isn't paused and lock the mouse cursor*/
if (Time.timeScale > 0.0f)
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
h += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * horizontalRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
v -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * verticalRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
h = ClampAngle(h, -360.0f, 360.0f);
v = ClampAngle(v, minVerticalAngle, maxVerticalAngle);
newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(v, h, 0.0f);
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
/* Check to make sure the game isn't paused and lock the mouse cursor */
if (Time.timeScale > 0.0f)
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
h += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * horizontalRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
v -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * verticalRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
h = ClampAngle(h, -360.0f, 360.0f);
v = ClampAngle(v, minVerticalAngle, maxVerticalAngle);
newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(v, h, 0.0f);
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;
/* We set the distance by moving the mouse wheel and use a custom
* growth function as the time value for linear interpolation */
distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance - Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * 10, minDistance, maxDistance);
smoothDistance = Mathf.Lerp(smoothDistance, distance, TimeSignature(distanceSpeed));
/*We give the rotation some smoothing for a nicer effect */
smoothRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(smoothRotation, newRotation, TimeSignature((1 / rotationDampening) * 100.0f));
newPosition = viewTarget.position;
newPosition += smoothRotation * new Vector3(0.0f, height, -smoothDistance);
/* Calls the function to adjust the camera position to avoid clipping */
smoothRotation.eulerAngles = new Vector3(smoothRotation.eulerAngles.x, smoothRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0.0f);
cameraTransform.position = newPosition;
cameraTransform.rotation = smoothRotation;
/* This is where the camera checks for a collsion hit within a specified radius,
* and then moves the camera above the location it hit with an offset value */
void CheckSphere()
/* Add height to our spherecast origin */
Vector3 tmpVect = viewTarget.position;
tmpVect.y += height;
RaycastHit hit;
/* Get the direction from the camera position to the origin */
Vector3 dir = (newPosition - tmpVect).normalized;
/* Check a radius for collision hits and then set the new position for
* the camera */
if (Physics.SphereCast(tmpVect, 0.3f, dir, out hit, distance, collisionLayers))
newPosition = hit.point + (hit.normal * collisionOffset);
/* Keeps the angles values within their specificed minimum and maximum
* inputs while at the same time putting the values back to 0 if they
* go outside of the 360 degree range */
private float ClampAngle(float angle, float min, float max)
if (angle < -360)
angle += 360;
if (angle > 360)
angle -= 360;
return Mathf.Clamp(angle, min, max);
/* This is our custom logistic growth time signature with speed as input */
private float TimeSignature(float speed)
return 1.0f / (1.0f + 80.0f * Mathf.Exp(-speed * 0.02f));
It looks like the script i grabbed already handles terrain collision... i just need to make sure to set the collision layers on it to include the terrain. But not sure how to do it.
What i tried:
I added now a new layer in the inspector called it Terrain.
Then in the hierarchy on the Terrain i change it's layer to terrain.
Also in the script i selected Terrain. But it's still not working.
In the screenshot the top is the inspector of the camera with the script selected in Collision Layers Terrain.
In the bottom the terrain inspector selected Terrain as :Layer
Many answers to this question.
But here's my take on it since I am fairly certain this solution is interesting compared to all solutions you will find online related to unity 3rd person controllers.
In Unity, you could take the usual approach of having an empty object and having that be the parent of the camera, etc... But what people in the industry would typically do is use a mathematical formula called Spherical coordinates.
This, by far, is the best approach for 3rd person controllers from my experience and its the most elegant and beautiful approach. All you need to do after implementing this approach, is shoot a ray from the camera down a meter, and if it detects anything, then change a single value in your spherical coordinates formula which would make the sphere around the player smaller which gives the effect of collision
Here's a snippet of code which shows a single function needed to create the spherical coordinates formula.
private Vector3 sphericalCoordinates()
float m = distanceFromPlayer;
v = mouseY;
h = mouseX;
x = m * Mathf.Sin(v) * Mathf.Cos(h);
z = m * Mathf.Sin(v) * Mathf.Sin(h);
y = m * Mathf.Cos(v);
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
return pos;
m = magnitude.
You can think of this as the radius from the sphere, this is what you change to give the collision effect.
I later use this snippet to bind the player with the camera in trigger.
[NOTE: very unclean code, I just wanted to show you a basic concept, definitely make it cleaner later]
Vector3 getCamRotWORLD()
Vector3 camRotWORLD = new Vector3(0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
return camRotWORLD;
void adjustPlayerRot()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(player.transform.rotation.x, getCamRotWORLD().y, player.transform.rotation.z);
player.transform.Translate(0, 0, playerScript.speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(player.transform.rotation.x, getCamRotWORLD().y - 90, player.transform.rotation.z);
player.transform.Translate(0, 0, playerScript.speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(player.transform.rotation.x, getCamRotWORLD().y - 180, player.transform.rotation.z);
player.transform.Translate(0, 0, playerScript.speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(player.transform.rotation.x, getCamRotWORLD().y + 90, player.transform.rotation.z);
player.transform.Translate(0, 0, playerScript.speed * Time.deltaTime);
Here's how my update looks like in case you really would like to snatch the implementation instead of trying to experiment with it yourself.
private void Update()
mouseX -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * (sensitivity * Time.deltaTime);
mouseY -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * (sensitivity * Time.deltaTime);
playerCam.transform.position = new Vector3(
sphericalCoordinates().x + player.transform.position.x,
sphericalCoordinates().z + player.transform.position.z
I have a main camera in Unity3D that I want to rotate depending on mouse input, so it works as a first person video-game where you move the mouse depending on where do you want to look at.
The starting values of the camera (Transform tab in Inspector tab in Unity) are:
Position: X = -1, Y = 1, Z = -11.
Rotation: X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0.
Scale: X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1.
I added a Script component for the Main Camera. And it is the following class:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour {
float deltaRotation = 50f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") < 0){
//Code for action on mouse moving left
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0f, -deltaRotation, 0f) * Time.deltaTime);
else if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") > 0){
//Code for action on mouse moving right
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0f, deltaRotation, 0f) * Time.deltaTime);
if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") < 0){
//Code for action on mouse moving left
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (deltaRotation, 0f, 0f) * Time.deltaTime);
else if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") > 0){
//Code for action on mouse moving right
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (-deltaRotation, 0f, 0f) * Time.deltaTime);
However, when I play the scene the camera doesn't rotate like it should. The values of the rotation change in x-axis, y-axis and even for z-axis.
What am I doing wrong?
That's a problem with how Quaternion is calculated. This happens when multiple axis are being modified. If you comment all the x rotation or the y rotation, and only rotate in one axis at a time, you will realize that this problem will go away.
To properly rotate your camera with the mouse input, use the eulerAngles or localEulerAngles variables. The option between these two depends on what you are doing.
public float xMoveThreshold = 1000.0f;
public float yMoveThreshold = 1000.0f;
public float yMaxLimit = 45.0f;
public float yMinLimit = -45.0f;
float yRotCounter = 0.0f;
float xRotCounter = 0.0f;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
xRotCounter += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * xMoveThreshold * Time.deltaTime;
yRotCounter += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * yMoveThreshold * Time.deltaTime;
yRotCounter = Mathf.Clamp(yRotCounter, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-yRotCounter, xRotCounter, 0);
So far I have a player who moved forward left right and backwards, however how I have it set up it's forward as in forward on the grid, not forward where my player is looking. I have the camera set as FPS, with it following the player around. Now I want to have the player be able to look with my MouseLook script (works already) but based on that I want forward to be wherever the player is looking, not the primitive version I have. I'll post code below to let you know what I am talking about, ANY help is appreciated.
Player Script (movement)
void Update () {
if(Input.GetKey (moveU))
SetTransformZ((transform.position.z) + playerSpeed);
if(Input.GetKey (moveD))
SetTransformZ((transform.position.z) - playerSpeed);
if(Input.GetKey (moveL))
SetTransformX((transform.position.x) - playerSpeed);
if(Input.GetKey (moveR))
SetTransformX((transform.position.x) + playerSpeed);
rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
void SetTransformX(float n)
transform.position = new Vector3(n, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
void SetTransformZ(float n)
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, n);
MouseLook script (attached to Main Camera in Unity, this works witht he player so it goes whereever my mouse is looking, but the movement is off since my code to move is very primitive)
[AddComponentMenu("Camera-Control/Mouse Look")]
public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour {
public enum RotationAxes {
MouseXAndY = 0,
MouseX = 1,
MouseY = 2 }
public RotationAxes axes = RotationAxes.MouseXAndY;
public float sensitivityX = 15F;
public float sensitivityY = 15F;
public float minimumX = -360F;
public float maximumX = 360F;
public float minimumY = -60F;
public float maximumY = 60F;
float rotationY = 0F;
void Update ()
if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseXAndY)
float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.y + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;
rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp (rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, rotationX, 0);
else if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseX)
transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX, 0);
rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp (rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
void Start ()
//enabled = false;
// Make the rigid body not change rotation
//if (rigidbody)
//rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
Okay, so you want your player to move forward, left, right, back relative to where they are looking, as I understand it.
First, make sure that transform.forward is the right direction for your player. in the editor you can select your player gameObject and see if the blue arrow faces the same direction as your player. If not, check out this thread on the unity answers forum to see how to change it.
Here are some functions to put into your player controller script to move relative to player rotation rather than position.
(Note: check out Time.deltaTime)
private void moveForward(float speed) {
transform.localPosition += transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
private void moveBack(float speed) {
transform.localPosition -= transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
private void moveRight(float speed) {
transform.localPosition += transform.right * speed * Time.deltaTime;
private void moveLeft(float speed) {
transform.localPosition -= transform.right * speed * Time.deltaTime;
Note: transform.position vs transform.localPosition
In my game I have a camera and I want to have an FPS like rotation attached to this camera.
So if I move my cursor to the left, I want my cam to rotate to the left. If I move my cursor up, then the cam should look up, etc.
I currently have it partially working. I can look left and right, up, and down. The problem occurs when I look down and then move my cursor left and right. It then gives me a "Roll" effect.
See this video to see exactly what I mean:
Obviously when I look down I still want to have a "Yaw" effect instead of a "Roll" effect. Anyone any idea how to do that? This is what I have so far:
// Update is called once per frame
public override void update ()
this.camera.transform.rotation *=
Quaternion.AngleAxis( Time.deltaTime * sensitivityRoll * Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), Vector3.forward );
this.camera.transform.rotation *=
Quaternion.AngleAxis( Time.deltaTime * sensitivityYaw * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"), Vector3.up );
this.camera.transform.rotation *=
Quaternion.AngleAxis( Time.deltaTime * sensitivityPitch * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"), Vector3.left );
I just found my answer in this topic:
The code from that topic:
C# Mono code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/// MouseLook rotates the transform based on the mouse delta.
/// Minimum and Maximum values can be used to constrain the possible rotation
/// To make an FPS style character:
/// - Create a capsule.
/// - Add the MouseLook script to the capsule.
/// -> Set the mouse look to use LookX. (You want to only turn character but not tilt it)
/// - Add FPSInputController script to the capsule
/// -> A CharacterMotor and a CharacterController component will be automatically added.
/// - Create a camera. Make the camera a child of the capsule. Reset it's transform.
/// - Add a MouseLook script to the camera.
/// -> Set the mouse look to use LookY. (You want the camera to tilt up and down like a head. The character already turns.)
[AddComponentMenu("Camera-Control/Mouse Look")]
public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour {
public enum RotationAxes { MouseXAndY = 0, MouseX = 1, MouseY = 2 }
public RotationAxes axes = RotationAxes.MouseXAndY;
public float sensitivityX = 15F;
public float sensitivityY = 15F;
public float minimumX = -360F;
public float maximumX = 360F;
public float minimumY = -60F;
public float maximumY = 60F;
float rotationY = 0F;
void Update ()
if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseXAndY)
float rotationX = transform.localEulerAngles.y + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;
rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp (rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, rotationX, 0);
else if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseX)
transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX, 0);
rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp (rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotationY, transform.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
void Start ()
//enabled = false;
// Make the rigid body not change rotation
//if (rigidbody)
//rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
Simple Script, Not Sure it will work with you, might as well give it a try
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
public class mouse_lookat : MonoBehaviour
public float mouseSensitivity = 100f;
public Transform playerBody;
float xRotation = 0f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
float mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
float mouseY = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
xRotation -= mouseY;
xRotation = Mathf.Clamp(xRotation, -90f, 90f);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation, 0f, 0f);
playerBody.Rotate(Vector3.up * mouseX);
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraRotator : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Transform _head;
[SerializeField] private float _sensitivity;
[SerializeField] private bool _invertVertical;
private void Update()
var deltaMouse = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y");
Vector2 deltaRotation = deltaMouse * _sensitivity;
deltaRotation.y *= _invertVertical ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
float pitchAngle = _head.localEulerAngles.x;
// turns 270 deg into -90, etc
if (pitchAngle > 180)
pitchAngle -= 360;
pitchAngle = Mathf.Clamp(pitchAngle + deltaRotation.y, -90.0f, 90.0f);
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, deltaRotation.x);
_head.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(pitchAngle, 0.0f, 0.0f);
i created 2 scripts for my FPS project that work flawlessly for my movement (currently havnt added jump mechanics) and it seems like youve overcomplicated alot of things that can be quite simple and straight forward.
im also new to coding so please correct me if im wrong heres my code
// this is in the player script which i put on an empty parent object of the camera and player sprite
public class player : MonoBehaviour
[Header("player Movement")]
[SerializeField] float moveSpeed = 5f;
[SerializeField] public float mouseSensitivity = 5f;
Rigidbody rigidBody;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
void Update()
private void Move()
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * mouseSensitivity);
//this is the camera movement script which i put on the camera(will also use this script to add a function to change from 1st person to 3rd person for certain abilities)
player player;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
player = FindObjectOfType<player>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void MoveView()
transform.Rotate(Vector3.left * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * player.mouseSensitivity);