C# - YouTube API v3, Get likes count - c#

I'm trying to get likes count using Google API v3 in C#.
SearchResource.ListRequest listRequest = service.Search.List("snippet");
listRequest.Q = args;
listRequest.MaxResults = 5;
IList<SearchResult> searchListResponse = (await listRequest.ExecuteAsync()).Items;
But that only give me generic information (like video ID, snippet, etc...)
I found some similar questions like this one
Get comment or likes count for YouTube video using API 3.0
But they only tell how to do it using HTTP request and not using the .NET library
I tried adding the statistic keyword in the Search.List thing like that
But it return me a 400 error
snippet statistics [400]
Errors [
Message[snippet statistics] Location[part - parameter]
Reason[unknownPart] Domain[youtube.part]
So my question is how do I get likes count using Google API v3 in C# ?

I'm not familiar with .NET but I can tell you the likeCount is in statistics but that is not available through the Search endpoint. You must use the Videos endpoint and request statistics that way. Hopefully that will point you in the right direction.


Download Twilio Recordings using C#

I am working on one small utility using Twilio API which intend to download the recording of the call as soon as call ends ( can be done using webhooks ? ). I am not sure if twilio supports this kind of webhooks or not.
The second approach that i have in mind is to create nightly job that can fetch all the call details for that day and download the recordings.
Can anyone suggest me which is the best approach to follow. I checked the webhooks but i am not sure if they provide the call ended event.
I would appreciate if anyone can provide me code sample on how to get the recordings for particular date and download them using C# from twilio.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can get recording webhooks, but how you do so depends on how you record the call.
Using <Record>
Set a URL for the recordingStatusCallback attribute on <Record> and when the recording is ready you will receive a webhook with the link.
Using <Dial>
If you record a call from the <Dial> verb using the record attribute set to any of record-from-answer, record-from-ringing, record-from-answer-dual, record-from-ringing-dual then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Using <Conference>
If you record a conference then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Recording an outbound dial
If you record the call by setting Record=true on an outbound call made with the REST API then you can also set a webhook URL by setting a RecordingStatusCallback parameter in the request.
Retrieving recordings from the REST API
You can also use your second option and call the REST API to retrieve recordings. To do so, you would use the Recordings List resource. You can restrict this to the recordings before or after a date using the list filters.
Here is a quick example of how you would use the Twilio C# library to fetch recent recordings:
using System;
using Twilio;
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at twilio.com/user/account
string AccountSid = "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056";
string AuthToken = "your_auth_token";
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
var recordings = twilio.ListRecordings(null, null, null, null);
foreach (var recording in recordings.Recordings)
// Download recording.Uri here
Let me know if this helps at all.

Facebook API get subsribers of a page?

I've been searching the Graph API Explorer and documentation for a long time, but I really can't find anything.
I need a simple GET request like the me/subscribes just with page-id/subscribers or something like that. Does anyone know the get I must send to get a Count of subscribers of a page?
BTW I'm using Facebook SDK and I'm using this as GET:
var fb = new FacebookClient(useraccesstoken);
dynamic result = fb.Get("i want to get subscribers of a page id what to do??");
The /me/subscribers end-point was available to users' only, and has since been removed with Graph API 2.0, along with the user_subscriptions permission.
You can get a count of the subscribers / likes for a page as follows:
This will return an a count for the total number of likes for a given {page-id}:
"likes": 123456,
"id": "{page-id}"
Trying to access the subscribers of a page is the same as trying to access all the users that have liked the page, which Facebook doesn't allow.

Get facebook feed for particular users C#

I am developing a server application that should be able to react to the amount of likes for some of the posts in the user's feed.
I need to get post from users wall.
I'm using Facebook library version 6.4.2
I use the following code to get the posts:
var apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apiKey"];
var secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["secret"];
var client = PostHandler.CreateFacebookClient(apiKey, secret);
var get = client.Get(string.Format("/{0}/feed", pageId));
and/or (both return the same info)
var token =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"];
var get = client.Get(string.Format("/{0}/feed?access_token={1}", pageId, token));
The problem is that using the same set of permissions the json returned from the request above is different from the json returned from json returned from Graph API Explorer methog GET 100000481752436/feed
In my opinion the json returned from my request is missing some posts and the one from the Geaph API all contains the posts from my feed.
Could you please advice, what could I have missed ?
If you are missing some posts in the feed it is most likely that you'll have to check the permissions set again.
Based on the type of posts you are missing you maybe have to add the user_status, user_activities, user_friends, user_checkins or user_games_activity permissions. Please make sure that you're using the correct set of the permissions for your particular task.
If you'll specify the type of the posts you are missing you may get much more helpful answers.

post items from to amazon.com using API

What API I should use to post items from asp.net (C#) web application to amazon.com ?
please guide me to proper documentation and steps.
What I am looking for is how to add new item into certain category and pass the item title/description/pictures/price etc... -- plz advice
You're question is a bit vague, but this was the most useful link I found when researching into how to interface with Amazon using C# -
You need the Marketplace Web Services API. Found at http://developer.amazonservices.com.
You then need the flat file feed specifications to send the flat file in the correct format to the MWS. That can be found after you're logged into your seller central account:
From there, you can simply send to the MWS the data you need. Here is a snippet of my code:
SubmitFeedRequest req = new SubmitFeedRequest();
req.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(feedContent);
feedContent.Position = 0;
req.FeedContent = feedContent;
req.PurgeAndReplace = false;
req.Marketplace = MarketPlaceId;
req.Merchant = MerchantId;
return Service.SubmitFeed(req);
Assuming that by 'posting' you mean posting new items into the amazon marketplace, you can use
this api https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/advertising/api/detail/main.html
Also google works wonders for searching
It sounds to me like you need the Amazon Market Place Feeds API.
You can use SubmitFeed to send product and inventory information to Amazon

How can I use Google Search in my C# project?

i build mini Question Answering System in C#. I need retrieve document by google Search.
What is google tools name, i can use it in my project?
One possibility is to set up a custom Google search engine. Then you also need to create a developer key, which I believe is done under the console.
After setting that up, you can make REST style call with code such as the following, which retrieves the results as JSON:
WebClient w = new WebClient();
string result;
string uri;
string googleAPIKey = "your developer key";
string googleEngineID = "your search engine id";
string template = "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key={0}&cx={1}&q={2}&start={3}&alt=json";
int startIndex = 1;
int gathered = 0;
uri = String.Format(template, googleAPIKey, googleEngineID, "yoursearchstring", startIndex);
result = w.DownloadString(uri);
For extracting the information from the JSON results, you can use something like Json.NET. It makes it extremely easy to read the information:
JObject o = JObject.Parse(result);
Then you can directly access the desired information with a single line of code.
One important piece of information is that the search API free usage is extremely limited (100 requests per day). So for a real-world application it would probably be necessary to pay for the search. But depending on how you use it, maybe 100 requests per day is sufficient. I wrote a little mashup using the Google search API to search for Stackoverflow site information of interest and then used the StackExchange API to retrieve the information. For that personal use, it works very well.
I've never used it before (and it's alpha), but take a look at Google APIs for .NET Framework library.

