Trying to copy file from device to desktop, here is a command:
adb pull sdcard/log.txt Users/admin/Desktop
But this command creates a folder Users/admin/Desktop inside platform-tools folder where adb is located. How to pull file to my desktop ?
Use a fully-qualified path to the desktop (e.g., /home/mmurphy/Desktop).
Example: adb pull sdcard/log.txt /home/mmurphy/Desktop
Judging by the desktop folder location you are using Windows. The command in Windows would be:
adb pull /sdcard/log.txt %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\
Be root, Define file on device and define new filename.
adb root
adb pull /data/data/.../databases/launcher.db launcher.db
On Windows, start up Command Prompt (cmd.exe) or PowerShell (powershell.exe). To do this quickly, open a Run Command window by pressing Windows Key + R. In the Run Command window, type "cmd.exe" to launch Command Prompt; However, to start PowerShell instead, then type "powershell". If you are connecting your Android device to your computer using a USB cable, then you will need to check whether your device is communicating with adb by entering the command below:
# adb devices -l
Next, pull (copy) the file from your Android device over to Windows. This can be accomplished by entering the following command:
# adb pull /sdcard/log.txt %HOME%\Desktop\log.txt
Optionally, you may enter this command instead:
# adb pull /sdcard/log.txt C:\Users\admin\Desktop\log.txt
List item
Use following command to pull data from ADB
adb pull data/user/0/project package name/files/.local/share/dbname C:\Users\vijayalaxmi.k
data/user/0/project package name/files/.local/share/dbname this path you will get when you debug application. i.e database path
project package name example => com.example
instead of C:\Users\vijayalaxmi.k user your own path where you want to save your file. for example, c:\documents
do adb pull \sdcard\log.txt C:Users\admin\Desktop
I want to uninstall Windows Service from command prompt but that is not working getting below error
'installutil' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This way I have tried command
D:\backup\WindowsService\WindowsService1\WindowsService1\obj\Debug>installutil -u TestService.exe
D:\backup\WindowsService\WindowsService1\WindowsService1\obj\Debug>installutil -u "TestService.exe"
How can I uninstall service?
After your comment, your issue seems related to %PATH%.
There is no such thing as "installutil" on your Windows. I believe "installutil" has created by you right?
Let's assume that binary resides at C:\Myproject\installutil.exe
There are two ways to execute it.
C:\users\username> cd C:\Myproject
C:\Myproject> .\installutil.exe -u "bla bla bla bla".
Go to your start menu and search for "environment". Open "Edit the system variables" under "System properties". At the "Advanced" tab, you'll see "Environment Variables". You'll see a variable named "Path". Edit it's value and add your own .exe path at the end.
When you execute "echo %PATH" at command prompt, you should see your binary's folder. Otherwise, command prompt will not be able to find it.
So yeah, there is one such thing called installutil.exe and it can be used by the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio.
Command to uninstall service: installutil -u "AirwatchService.exe"
Are you sure you're using the right command prompt? Do you have the absolute path of this binary?
Please check this:
When I tried to create dispatch-Model for my bot., I am getting following error - 'dispatch' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.Before using dispatch command, I installed botdispatch using npm install -g botdispatch. But still I am getting this error.
Can you check your NPM folder to see if there is anything with dispatch there? Assuming you're on Windows, this is typically in AppData\Roaming\npm.
dir $home\AppData\Roaming\npm
dir %homepath%\AppData\Roaming\npm.
If dispatch (dispatch.cmd) is there, then it might be a pathing issue. Check your path variables to make sure that that path is there:
echo %path%
So I was having this same issue, it turns out I needed to add the path of the NPM folder C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\npm to my path for Powershell7.
$env:Path += ";C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\npm"
Where xxxxxx is your userid. After adding this command to Powershell the npm modules began to work.
If you do not see this path by running this command below, then you need to add it with the one above.
All of these should be ran inside of a PS7 window, I ran them with Administrator rights when I launched the Powershell 7 window.
I have a c# code that installs rabbitmq 3.7.4, erlang 20.2 on windows server 2012 R2 and I need to know when the application (not the service) has started. After running rabbitmq-service install and rabbitmq-service start I'm looking for a command line that will indicate that the application is running. I'm aware of the wait pid_file, wait --pid pid command but can't locate the pid file on my machine. The documantaion says:
This command will wait for the RabbitMQ application to start at the node. It will wait for the pid file to be created if pidfile is specified
specified where?
rabbitmq-echopid.bat returns:
The system cannot find the path specified.
On Windows, RabbitMQ does not create a PID file by default, so you have to discover the PID and then pass it as an argument: rabbitmqctl.bat wait -P PID
To discover the PID, you can run the following using the name of your RabbitMQ node:
.\rabbitmq-echopid.bat rabbit#my-hostname
At this time, there is a bug where The system cannot find... will be echoed before the PID is echoed. I filed this bug and will have a fix in soon, but in the meantime you can edit the rabbitmq-echopid.bat script to change !TDP0! to %TDP0%.
You can also use any other Windows tool to find the PID of the erl.exe process running RabbitMQ - see the script for an example of wmic.exe, or you could use tasklist, or Powershell, etc.
On windows, you can run the following batch script:
START /B rabbitmq-server
START /wait cmd /c "rabbitmq-echopid.bat -n rabbit#`hostname` > rabbitmq_pid.txt"
set /p PID=<rabbitmq_pid.txt
echo %PID%
del rabbitmq_pid.txt
cmd /c "rabbitmqctl wait -P %PID%"
Note that for the rabbitmq-echopid command to work, you have to add an -n before the nodename.
Moreover, in the above batch script, the nodename is dynamically generated by combining "rabbit#" withe the hostname windows command (inside backticks).
Im trying to use the integrated cluster rendering for unity. In order to do so I need to run my application from a batch file with certain command line options.
Here is he documentation
I tried to open the app in -batchmode using the command line however this wasn't what the documentation meant. So i'm struggling to understand how to do this.
The command i tried is open ~/Desktop/PP/NewUnityProject/ -server 2 *:8888 *:* 10000
I am using mac
I am a new C# programmer. I made a setup file of an application in Inno setup, but when I use this application after installation, the application crashes when it tries to access (read) an existing folder in the computer (which the user has permission to access otherwise). This folder does not contain any program file, or logs. It just contains some media files which are already in the computer.
I saw the Inno script format, but it shows only how to give permission to access program files/folders only, what about the files which are already there in the computer? Shouldn't the application should have access to files which the user (who installed it)has access to ?
To set permissions on existing files or folders, you can use the Windows cacls command in the [Run] section.
Filename: "{sys}\cacls.exe"; Parameters: """C:\My Folder\My File.ext"" /t /e /g ""Everyone"":f ""Power Users"":f ""Users"":f ""Authenticated Users"":f "; StatusMsg: "Configuring Windows settings..."; Flags: runhidden
Type cacls /? at a command prompt for all available switches and syntax.
It worked when I used
"Permissions: users-modify" in [Dirs] section.