Base64 string encoding contains +, / and = instead of A, B, C - c#

I need to apply the following transformation to a string:
convert the string in byte[]
apply the sha256 function
encode the result in base64
I wrote the following code:
string codeRaw = "C0643778W.EUC06AG978W.EUFWELP2014-11-2153.50000GBP24.00000MWh/h10YCB-EUROPEU--12015-01-012015-01-31";
byte[] utiCodeByteArr = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(codeRaw);
byte[] hashByteArr = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(utiCodeByteArr);
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashByteArr)
It works, but the result is a little bit different from was I should get: the string contains the chars '+', '/' and '=' instead of 'A', 'B' and 'C'.
"qWAIh1CgYAuvoRTGcvXKLBHC9UxRunSBRjRXlqhYh6gC" //expected result
"qW+Ih1CgYAuvoRTGcvXKLBHC9UxRunS/RjRXlqhYh6g=" //got result
I've solved with a replace
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashByteArr)?.Replace("+", "A")?.Replace("/", "B")?.Replace("=", "C");
There is a better way to get the right string without using the replaces?
I don't like them.
The manual with the requirements say: "The APIs used are the ones provided by .NET framework", but it doesn't contains the source code: maybe there is a way to get immediately the ABC chars, but I miss it.

The provider sent me the source code: there was a replace as the one I did.
They forgot to wrote that information in the manual.


Convert byte array to string has special characters C#

I am going to convert byte array into string using below method.
string data = Encoding.Default.GetString(e.Data);
But this string has the following special characters which I needed to avoid from the string itself.
As you can see in the data I am getting space before the '7h' and some '\rL' getting added after the text. I used trim() function. But it didn't work for the following case.
Please advice.
If you know exactly symbols you whant remove, just replace it:
var data = "⏩Some⏬String";
var clearedData = data.Replace("⏩", string.Empty).Replace("⏬", string.Empty);

How to perform mutliple Replace calls at once

I have a bit of a weird question here at hands. I have a text that's encoded in such a way that each character is replaced by another character and I'm creating an application that will replace each character with a correct one. But I've come across a problem that I have trouble solving. Let me show with an example:
Original text: This is a line.
Encoded text: (.T#*T#*%*=T50;
Now, as I said, each character represents another character, '(' is 'T', '.' is actually a 'h' and so on.
Now I could just go with
string decoded = encoded.Replace('(','T'); //T.T#*T#*%*=T50;
And that will solve one problem, but when I reach character 'T' that is actually encoded character 'i' I will have to replace all 'T' with 'i', which means that all previously decoded letter 'T's (that were once '(') will also change along with the encoded 'T'.
//T.T#*T#*%*=T50; -> i.i#*i#*%*=i50;
in this situation it's obvious that I should've just went the other way around, first change 'T' to 'i' and then '(' to 'T', but in the text I'm changing that kind of analysis is not an option.
What's the alternative here that I could do to perform the task correctly?
Thank you!
One possible solution is do not use replace string method at all.
Instead you can create method which for every encoded character will output decoded one, and then go through your string as through array of char and for every character in this array use "decryption" method to get decoded character - thus you'll receive decoded string.
For example (using StringBulder to create new string):
private static char Decode(char source)
if (source == '(')
return 'T';
else if (source == '.')
return 'h';
//.... and so on
string source = "ABC";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in source)
var result = builder.ToString();
Using .Replace() probably isn't the way to go in the first place, since as you're finding it covers the whole string every time. And once you've modified the whole string once, the encoding is lost.
Instead, loop over the string one time and replace characters individually.
Create a function that accepts a char and returns the replaced char. For simplicity, I'll just show the signature:
private char Decode(char c);
Then just loop over the string and call that function on each character. LINQ can make short work of that:
var decodedString = new string(encodedString.Select(c => Decode(c)).ToArray());
(This is freehand and untested, you may or may not need that .ToArray() for the string constructor to be happy, I'm not certain. But you get the idea.)
If it's easier to read you can also just loop manually over the string and perhaps use a StringBuilder with each successive char to build the final decoded result.
Without knowledge of your encryption algorithm, this answer assumes that it's a simple character translation akin to the Caesar Cipher.
Pass in your encrypted string, the method loops over each character, adjusting it by the value of shiftDelta and returns the resulting string.
private string Decrypt(string input)
const int shiftDelta = 10;
var inputChars = input.ToCharArray();
var outputChars = new char[inputChars.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < outputChars.Length; i++)
// Perform character translation here
outputChars[i] = (char)(inputChars[i] + shiftDelta);
return outputChars.ToString();

How to prevent conversion of Windows-1252 argument into a Unicode string?

I've written my first COM classes. My unit tests work fine, but my first use of the COM objects has hit a snag.
The COM classes provide methods which accept a string, manipulate it and return a string. The consumer of the COM objects is a dBASE PLUS program.
When the input string contains common keyboard characters (ASCII 127 or lower), the COM methods work fine. However, if the string contains characters beyond the ASCII range, some of them get remapped from Windows-1252 to C#'s Unicode. This table shows the mapping that takes place:
For example, if the dBASE program calls the COM object with:
oMyComObject.MyMethod("It will cost€123") where the € is hex 80,
the C# method receives it as Unicode:
public string MyMethod(string source)
// source is Unicode and now the Euro symbol is hex 20AC
I would like to avoid this remapping because I want the original hex content of the string.
I've tried adding the following to MyMethod to convert the string back to Windows-1252, but the Euro symbol gets lost because it becomes a question mark:
byte[] UnicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(source.ToString());
byte[] Win1252Bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), UnicodeBytes);
string Win1252 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(Win1252Bytes);
Is there a way to prevent this conversion of the "source" parameter to Unicode? Or, is there a way to convert it 100% from Unicode back to Windows-1252?
Yes, I'm answering my own question. The answer by "Jigsore" put me on the right track, but I want to explain more clearly in case someone else makes the same mistake I made.
I eventually figured out that I had misdiagnosed the problem. dBASE was passing the string fine and C# was receiving it fine. It was how I checked the contents of the string that was in error.
This turnkey builds on Jigsore's answer:
void Main()
string unicodeText = "\u20AC\u0160\u0152\u0161";
byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(unicodeText);
byte[] win1252bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), unicodeBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < win1252bytes.Length; i++)
Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", win1252bytes[i]); // output: 0x80 0x8A 0x8C 0x9A
// win1252String represents the string passed from dBASE to C#
string win1252String = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(win1252bytes);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nWin1252 string is " + win1252String); // output: Win1252 string is €ŠŒš
Console.WriteLine("looking at the code of the first character the wrong way: " + (int)win1252String[0]);
// output: looking at the code of the first character the wrong way: 8364
byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(win1252String[0].ToString());
Console.WriteLine("looking at the code of the first character the right way: " + bytes[0]);
// output: looking at the code of the first character the right way: 128
// Warning: If your input contains character codes which are large in value than what a byte
// can hold (ex: multi-byte Chinese characters), then you will need to look at more than just bytes[0].
The reason the first method was wrong is that casting (int)win1252String[0] (or the converse of casting an integer j to a character with (char)j) involves an implicit conversion with the Unicode character set C# uses.
I consider this resolved and would like to thank each person who took the time to comment or answer for their time and trouble. It is appreciated!
Actually you're doing the Unicode to Win-1252 conversion correctly, but you're performing an extra step. The original Win1252 codes are in the Win1252Bytes array!
Check the following code:
string unicodeText = "\u20AC\u0160\u0152\u0161";
byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(unicodeText);
byte[] win1252bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), unicodeBytes);
for (i = 0; i < win1252bytes.Length; i++)
Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", win1252bytes[i]);
The output shows the Win-1252 codes for the unicodeText string, you can check this by looking at the CP1252.TXT table.

Is this 64-bit Encoded?

All of the passwords in our User DB look like this where we have == at the end:
So how can I tell if this is 64-bit encoded? It has to be because I can decode using a decode 64-bit routine I have.
I am trying now to figure out how to decode a literal string to 64-bit..back to the xxxxxxxx== and here is my code:
string passwordToEncrypt = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypt);
result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
I need the text test to come out in Base64 with the == at the end.
you have a typo in there - so the above code does not compile, try
string passwordToEncrypte = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypte);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
result contains now a "Base64"-encoded password and end with "=="...
BUT the above code works only for passwords containing ASCII... if you want it to work with UTF8 passwords then change it to :
string passwordToEncrypte = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypte);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
to go back from Base64 to the original you need to do:
string Original = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (Convert.FromBase64String(result));
Base64 encoded string doesn't always end with a =, it will only end with one or two = if they are required to pad the string out to the proper length.For more details checkout following link

Encoding and decoding a string that may have slashes in it

I have strings like this:
RowKey = "Local (Automatic/Manual) Tests",
When I try to store in Windows Azure then this fails as I assume it does not accept the "/" as part of the row key.
Is there a simple way that I can encode the value before putting into RowKey?
Also once the data is in the table I get it out with the following:
var Stores = storeTable.GetAll(u => u.PartitionKey == "ABC");
Is there a simple way that I can get out the value of RowKey and decode it?
One possible way for handling is this by converting the PartitionKey and RowKey values in Base64 encoded string and save it. Later when you retrieve the values, you just decode it. In fact I have had this issue some days back in our tool and Base64 encoding was suggested to me on MSDN forums: But again it is not fool proof.
I'm not familiar with Azure, so I don't know if there is an existing API for that. But it's not hard to code:
const string escapeChar='|';
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(s.Length);
bool escape=false;
foreach(char c in s)
else if(c==escapeChar)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid escape sequence "+escapeChar+c);
else if(c!=escapeChar)
return sb.ToString();
When a string is Base64 encoded, the only character that is invalid in an Azure Table Storage key column is the forward slash ('/'). To address this, simply replace the forward slash character with another character that is both (1) valid in an Azure Table Storage key column and (2) not a Base64 character. The most common example I have found (which is cited in other answers) is to replace the forward slash ('/') with the underscore ('_').
private static String EncodeToKey(String originalKey)
var keyBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalKey);
var base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(keyBytes);
return base64.Replace('/','_');
When decoding, simply undo the replaced character (first!) and then Base64 decode the resulting string. That's all there is to it.
private static String DecodeFromKey(String encodedKey)
var base64 = encodedKey.Replace('_', '/');
byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
Some people have suggested that other Base64 characters also need encoding. According to the Azure Table Storage docs this is not the case.

