I have strings like this:
RowKey = "Local (Automatic/Manual) Tests",
When I try to store in Windows Azure then this fails as I assume it does not accept the "/" as part of the row key.
Is there a simple way that I can encode the value before putting into RowKey?
Also once the data is in the table I get it out with the following:
var Stores = storeTable.GetAll(u => u.PartitionKey == "ABC");
Is there a simple way that I can get out the value of RowKey and decode it?
One possible way for handling is this by converting the PartitionKey and RowKey values in Base64 encoded string and save it. Later when you retrieve the values, you just decode it. In fact I have had this issue some days back in our tool and Base64 encoding was suggested to me on MSDN forums: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazuredata/thread/a20cd3ce-20cb-4273-a1f2-b92a354bd868. But again it is not fool proof.
I'm not familiar with Azure, so I don't know if there is an existing API for that. But it's not hard to code:
const string escapeChar='|';
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(s.Length);
bool escape=false;
foreach(char c in s)
else if(c==escapeChar)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid escape sequence "+escapeChar+c);
else if(c!=escapeChar)
return sb.ToString();
When a string is Base64 encoded, the only character that is invalid in an Azure Table Storage key column is the forward slash ('/'). To address this, simply replace the forward slash character with another character that is both (1) valid in an Azure Table Storage key column and (2) not a Base64 character. The most common example I have found (which is cited in other answers) is to replace the forward slash ('/') with the underscore ('_').
private static String EncodeToKey(String originalKey)
var keyBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalKey);
var base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(keyBytes);
return base64.Replace('/','_');
When decoding, simply undo the replaced character (first!) and then Base64 decode the resulting string. That's all there is to it.
private static String DecodeFromKey(String encodedKey)
var base64 = encodedKey.Replace('_', '/');
byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
Some people have suggested that other Base64 characters also need encoding. According to the Azure Table Storage docs this is not the case.
I need to apply the following transformation to a string:
convert the string in byte[]
apply the sha256 function
encode the result in base64
I wrote the following code:
string codeRaw = "C0643778W.EUC06AG978W.EUFWELP2014-11-2153.50000GBP24.00000MWh/h10YCB-EUROPEU--12015-01-012015-01-31";
byte[] utiCodeByteArr = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(codeRaw);
byte[] hashByteArr = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(utiCodeByteArr);
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashByteArr)
It works, but the result is a little bit different from was I should get: the string contains the chars '+', '/' and '=' instead of 'A', 'B' and 'C'.
"qWAIh1CgYAuvoRTGcvXKLBHC9UxRunSBRjRXlqhYh6gC" //expected result
"qW+Ih1CgYAuvoRTGcvXKLBHC9UxRunS/RjRXlqhYh6g=" //got result
I've solved with a replace
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashByteArr)?.Replace("+", "A")?.Replace("/", "B")?.Replace("=", "C");
There is a better way to get the right string without using the replaces?
I don't like them.
The manual with the requirements say: "The APIs used are the ones provided by .NET framework", but it doesn't contains the source code: maybe there is a way to get immediately the ABC chars, but I miss it.
The provider sent me the source code: there was a replace as the one I did.
They forgot to wrote that information in the manual.
I've handled base64 encoded images and strings and have been able to decode them using C# in the past.
I'm now trying on what looks to me like a base64 string, but the value I'm getting is about 98% accurate and I just don't understand what is affecting the output.
Here is the string:
And this is the decoded value:
That IS what it should be, but you can clearly see where there are artifacts and the decoded value isn't quite right.
Any idea why it's failing?
var data = Convert.FromBase64String(Faces[i].InfoData);
Faces[i].InfoData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
Thanks for your help.
The string is not encoded as UTF8, but instead as another encoding. Thus the same encoding must be used to decode it.
Use the following to decode it:
If ASCII isn't the correct encoding, here's some code that will iterate through available encodings and list the first 200 characters in order to manually select original encoding:
String encStr = "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";
var data = Convert.FromBase64String(encStr);
// Iterate over all encodings, and decode
foreach (EncodingInfo ei in Encoding.GetEncodings())
Encoding e = ei.GetEncoding();
Console.Write("{0,-15} - {1}{2}", ei.CodePage, e.EncodingName, System.Environment.NewLine);
Console.WriteLine(e.GetString(data).Substring(0, 200));
Console.Write(System.Environment.NewLine + "---------------------" + System.Environment.NewLine);
Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/LcV5s8
My controller is getting an uploaded image in the request object in this code:
public string Upload()
string fileName = Request.Form["FileName"];
string description = Request.Form["Description"];
string image = Request.Form["Image"];
return fileName;
The value of image (at least the beginning of it) looks a lot like this:
I tried to convert using the following:
byte[] bImage = Convert.FromBase64String(image);
However, that gives the System.FormatException: "The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters."
I get the feeling that the problem is that at least the start of the string isn't base64, but for all I know none of it is. Do I need to parse the string before decoding it? Am I missing something completely different?
It looks like you may just be able to strip out the "data:image/jpeg;base64," part from the start. For example:
const string ExpectedImagePrefix = "data:image/jpeg;base64,";
if (image.StartsWith(ExpectedImagePrefix))
string base64 = image.Substring(ExpectedImagePrefix.Length);
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
// Use the data
// Not in the expected format
Of course you may want to make this somewhat less JPEG-specific, but I'd try that as a very first pass.
The reason really is "data:image/jpeg;base64,", I'll suggest using this method for removing starting string from base64
var base64Content = image.Split(',')[1];
byte[] bImage = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Content);
This is Shortest solution and you don't have to use magic strings, or write a regex.
All of the passwords in our User DB look like this where we have == at the end:
So how can I tell if this is 64-bit encoded? It has to be because I can decode using a decode 64-bit routine I have.
I am trying now to figure out how to decode a literal string to 64-bit..back to the xxxxxxxx== and here is my code:
string passwordToEncrypt = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypt);
result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
I need the text test to come out in Base64 with the == at the end.
you have a typo in there - so the above code does not compile, try
string passwordToEncrypte = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypte);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
result contains now a "Base64"-encoded password and end with "=="...
BUT the above code works only for passwords containing ASCII... if you want it to work with UTF8 passwords then change it to :
string passwordToEncrypte = "test";
byte[] passwordToBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passwordToEncrypte);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(passwordToBytes);
to go back from Base64 to the original you need to do:
string Original = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (Convert.FromBase64String(result));
see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/86hf4sb8.aspx
and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.convert.tobase64string.aspx
and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.convert.frombase64string.aspx
Base64 encoded string doesn't always end with a =, it will only end with one or two = if they are required to pad the string out to the proper length.For more details checkout following link
I want to base64 encode data to put it in a URL and then decode it within my HttpHandler.
I have found that Base64 Encoding allows for a '/' character which will mess up my UriTemplate matching. Then I found that there is a concept of a "modified Base64 for URL" from wikipedia:
A modified Base64 for URL variant exists, where no padding '=' will be used, and the '+' and '/' characters of standard Base64 are respectively replaced by '-' and '_', so that using URL encoders/decoders is no longer necessary and has no impact on the length of the encoded value, leaving the same encoded form intact for use in relational databases, web forms, and object identifiers in general.
Using .NET I want to modify my current code from doing basic base64 encoding and decoding to using the "modified base64 for URL" method. Has anyone done this?
To decode, I know it starts out with something like:
string base64EncodedText = base64UrlEncodedText.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/');
// Append '=' char(s) if necessary - how best to do this?
// My normal base64 decoding now uses encodedText
But, I need to potentially add one or two '=' chars to the end which looks a little more complex.
My encoding logic should be a little simpler:
// Perform normal base64 encoding
byte[] encodedBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(unencodedText);
string base64EncodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encodedBytes);
// Apply URL variant
string base64UrlEncodedText = base64EncodedText.Replace("=", String.Empty).Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_');
I have seen the Guid to Base64 for URL StackOverflow entry, but that has a known length and therefore they can hardcode the number of equal signs needed at the end.
Also check class HttpServerUtility with UrlTokenEncode and UrlTokenDecode methods that is handling URL safe Base64 encoding and decoding.
Note 1: The result is not a valid Base64 string. Some unsafe characters for URL are replaced.
Note 2: The result differs from the base64url algorithm in RFC4648, it replaces the '=' padding with '0', '1' or '2' depending on how many equal signs it replaced to make the value safe for a query parameter.
/// Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet using UTF-8 character set.
///<param name="str">The origianl string</param>
///<returns>The Base64 encoded string</returns>
public static string Base64ForUrlEncode(string str)
byte[] encbuff = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
return HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(encbuff);
/// Decode Base64 encoded string with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet using UTF-8.
///<param name="str">Base64 code</param>
///<returns>The decoded string.</returns>
public static string Base64ForUrlDecode(string str)
byte[] decbuff = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(str);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decbuff);
This ought to pad it out correctly:-
base64 = base64.PadRight(base64.Length + (4 - base64.Length % 4) % 4, '=');
Not enough points to comment, but in case it helps, the code snippet that Sushil found in the link provided (JSON Web Signature ietf draft) works for when encoding Base 64 as a parameter in URL.
Copied snippet below for those that are lazy:
static string Base64UrlEncode(byte[] arg)
string s = Convert.ToBase64String(arg); // Regular base64 encoder
s = s.Split('=')[0]; // Remove any trailing '='s
s = s.Replace('+', '-'); // 62nd char of encoding
s = s.Replace('/', '_'); // 63rd char of encoding
return s;
static byte[] Base64UrlDecode(string arg)
string s = arg;
s = s.Replace('-', '+'); // 62nd char of encoding
s = s.Replace('_', '/'); // 63rd char of encoding
switch (s.Length % 4) // Pad with trailing '='s
case 0: break; // No pad chars in this case
case 2: s += "=="; break; // Two pad chars
case 3: s += "="; break; // One pad char
default: throw new System.Exception(
"Illegal base64url string!");
return Convert.FromBase64String(s); // Standard base64 decoder
I hit here while looking for code to do encode/decode for base64url encoding which is little different than base64 as explained in the question.
Found c# code snippet in this document. JSON Web Signature ietf draft
In comparison to the accepted answer, here is how you would fundamentally decode a base64 encoded url, using C#:
string codedValue = "base64encodedUrlHere";
string decoded;
byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(codedValue);
decoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);