How to enable the Push Notification on Enterprise Network - c#

Case i) I got an exception while running the below code connected with enterprise network running on virtual machine.
{ PushNotificationChannel channel = null;
channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
i.e Timeout error while requesting for the Channel URI for push notification.
Case ii) Tried to get the url/server address which might be blocked by the enterprise network while connecting with WNS using fiddler but unfortunately was not successful.
Note: If I use open network the above code works as charm .
Looking for help, to fix the push notification issue on enterprise network. Also, if anyone knows how to get the WNS Server path/url which is being called when we requested for push channel uri.

I have replied this issue in this thread, you should make sure that your enterprise network do not have any policy which may block the following URLs. You can contact your network administrator to check the firewall settings.
1: The URL for Creating Channel URI:
2: The URL for getting token:


How to debug connection to MQTT server using Xamarin System.Net.Mqtt on Android?

I'm trying to build a simple MQTT application using Xamarin, and testing it on both an Android emulator and a phone. Unfortunately, I'm struggling to make a connection with CreateAsync, and at a loss how to debug it.
I've checked I can connect to my RabbitMQ server as follows:
using System.Net.Mqtt;
Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect...");
var configuration = new MqttConfiguration();
var client = MqttClient.CreateAsync("", configuration).Result;
var sessionState = await client.ConnectAsync(new MqttClientCredentials(clientId: "test", userName:"mqtt", password:"mqtt"));
Console.WriteLine(" worked.");
As the code tells me... it worked. :o) RabbitMQ shows the connection. I tried it with "localhost", the hostname and IP of my PC to check they all work, and an incorrect host name to see what exception gets thrown ("Socketexception: No such host is known").
My troubles start when I try to do this in the actual app. The connection code is fundamentally the same, but run in a separate task as I read you shouldn't do it in the GUI thread:
private async Task<SessionState> Connect(string BrokerHostName, Action<MqttApplicationMessage> publishEventHandler)
MqttConfiguration config = new MqttConfiguration();
_client = MqttClient.CreateAsync(BrokerHostName, config).Result;
SessionState sessionState = await _client.ConnectAsync(
new MqttClientCredentials(clientId: Id, userName: "mqtt", password: "mqtt")
await _client.SubscribeAsync("common", MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOnce);
return sessionState;
Called by:
var task = Connect(BrokerHostName, publishEventHandler);
But nothing happens - the code reaches this line and just hangs. If I set a break, continuing just continues to do nothing. I've made sure the INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions are ticked in the Android manifest (though it makes no apparent difference).
This is what I've tried after some hours of Googling:
Using the hostname or IP address of my PC with the Android device, running with and without debug, and also unplugged from PC and run on its own.
Using and running on the emulator, as I understand this is the equivalent of localhost or
Setting the proxy address on the emulator to the same as my PC and port 1883. Even though the 'Apply' button teases with a "Proxy status: success", it still doesn't connect.
It feels like a networking problem since I can put any old rubbish as the host address and it behaves the same, but I've totally run out of ideas for what to try next or how to see what's going on. Any advice very gratefully received!
I now have this working. Here's the steps I took, in case it helps someone else:
I wrote some test apps to check TCP communication. First a client and server in Windows to check they work, then a Xamarin client app. This worked and proved the network connections were OK.
Installed an MQTT Tester on the Android emulator to prove it was possible to connect to RabbitMQ.
Tried a different MQTT framework: MQTTnet.
Similar problem but different symptoms: the code would get stuck on the .Wait() rather than inside the task itself. Then I removed all the asynchronous code and then it connected.
My conclusion is that the problem may be my lack of understanding of asynchronous programming. System.Net.Mqtt seems to require it while MQTTnet does not, so all's well that ends well!

How to connect Remote RabbitMQ Server

I am going to build application ( C#) to connect RabbitMQ server which is in another country.
So my question is how to connect that server.
I already installed RabbitMQ Client from NuGet Packages.
Is that needed to run RabbitMQ service in my local machine ?
Need to install RabbitMQ Server in my local machine?
From Client some of the parameters i got like
UserName, Password, HostName, Certificate with private key.
I am curious to know which are the basic steps to connect that server from my localhost application.
Can someone provide blog to refer ?
I already tried with different steps but not able to connect.
string vCertSubjectName = "CN=DevRepo, OU=IT, O=OLX, L=KTM, S=Surrey, C=UK";
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.AuthMechanisms = new AuthMechanismFactory[] { new ExternalMechanismFactory() };
factory.HostName = "";
factory.Port = 5673;
factory.Ssl.Certs = getCertificate(vCertSubjectName);
factory.Ssl.ServerName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
factory.Ssl.Enabled = true;
factory.Ssl.Version = SslProtocols.Tls12;
IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
Error coming like connection.start was never received, likely due to a network timeout."
There are very good simple examples of how to write code to send and receive messages to/from RabbitMQ on their site.
Get those examples; set up a RabbitMQ server on your local network; build the examples and verify they work. Once you know how to send/receive to/from a known instance, you can change the connection properties in your send program to point it to the RabbitMQ instance elsewhere.
I would also suggest you do a ping to the IP address of the foreign RabbitMQ server to get an idea of actual transit times. That should give you some idea if the network timeout is a valid issue.
PS. You will need a valid login and password for the RabbitMQ server before it will accept any messages from you. When you build the example programs above as long as you are on the same physical machine where RabbitMQ is running, you can use the default login and password of guest/guest. By default this will NOT work from another machine due to default security configuration of RabbitMQ.

Web job throws Smtp exception on Azure website

I've a web job that is trying to send an email when it reads something from the Azure poision q.
public static void ProcessPoisonNotification(
[QueueTrigger("parkingticketnotification-poison")] ParkingTicketNotificationBO notificationBo,
TextWriter log)
var message = "xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx => POISON message: " + notificationBo.Dump();
The Email notifier is using code from the main web applicaiton, which can send emails. but the Web job throws the following exception. Is it because the web application is blocking port 25?
The Email notifier is using code from the main web applicaiton, which can send emails. but the Web job throws the following exception.
Base on my experience, as the Web application and WebJob are in the same environment, if it is worked in the Web application, it should be also worked in the Azure WebJob.
If WebJob is worked locally, please have a try to remote debug the WebJob. More details about how to remote debug the webjob, please refer to the tutorials.
Note: Click the Settings tab, and change Configuration to Debug, before it is published.
Besides,we also can use Azure SendGrid to send email easily.
That looks like Windows Socket Error Code 10013. You can find out more about it here.
Microsoft has two suggestions - you likely either have insufficient permissions or another service is bound to the target port. If you know that traffic on port 25 is not open on your host, it seems likely that this is the cause. However, you may instead have some other service listening to that port.

How to access web service on ServiceStack from android device?

I have an android application that's supposed to send a request to a simple HelloWorld C# webservice I made on ServiceStack but I am not able to connect. My application crashes when I try to connect. Here is my code on Eclipse, trying to access the ServiceStack service:
String base = "";
String str = editTextField.getText().toString();
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(base + str);
String result = "";
HttpClient hc = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url.toString());
HttpResponse r = hc.execute(httpget);
int status = r.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status == 200) {
HttpEntity e = r.getEntity();
String data = EntityUtils.toString(e);
JSONObject o = new JSONObject(data);
result= o.getString("result");
My C# service code for ServiceStack:
//Request DTO
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
//Response DTO
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }
//Can be called via any endpoint or format, see: //
public class HelloService : Service
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Helloooo, " + request.Name };
My service works fine on my laptop when I go to localhost:62938/json/reply/Hello?Name="arbitraryName"
but it does not work when I try to replace localhost with my laptop's ip address and access the service from an android device. It also does not work if I replace localhost with my IP address and try it on my browser on my laptop. Note: I want to make it work from a real android device, not an emulator.
Is there something different with ServiceStack services where I cannot access it normally from another device? I have already tried opening port 62938 and it did not work.
I appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
It also does not work if I replace localhost with my IP address and try it on my browser on my laptop.
If you have tried accessing the ServiceStack service through the local IP address of in your computer's web browser and it is also unreachable, then the issue isn't isolated to Android.
This is issue is likely the result of one or more of these problems:
Check you are listening on the correct IPs:
Your ServiceStack service isn't configured to listen for requests on any other interfaces other than localhost. Select your relevant hosting option:
Self Hosting:
This can happen if you are self hosting and you have configure the app host to start with appHost.Start("http://localhost:62938/");. You would need to replace localhost with a + symbol to have it listen on all local addresses.
IIS Express:
By default IIS Express is used by Visual Studio during development, unless manually configured to use IIS, and is restricted to localhost requests only. You should see this answer as to how to configure IIS Express to allow non-local access as well.
This tutorial by Scott Hanselman is also very good, and provides great step-by-step instructions for configuring IIS Express.
You can confirm the IP addresses that you server is configure to listen on by following these instructions. They provide instructions for both IIS6 and IIS7+.
Your computer may have a firewall preventing you accessing that port, or accepting outside traffic. Note your firewall may be built into antivirus software you run. You should add an exception rule for http traffic on port 62938.
Correct IP:
You are trying to access on You should confirm that IP address is in fact correct. Most home networks are configured to provide a dynamic IP address by the network router. The IP address may have changed since you last checked it. You should try running a ping to the IP from your development machine.
Until you can successfully access the service through your web browser on your development machine, at the local network IP starting 192.168.1.X then I wouldn't attempt to access from Android. It's not an Android issue if other systems can't access your service also.
I hope that helps. If you provide more information about your specific environment, I may be able to provide more specific instructions. If I had to guess, I would say IIS Express issue.
Now that you can access the service in the web browser of your android device but not in the application, we know the service is remotely accessible. This means your connectivity issue is isolated now to your application. The first thing I would check, is that your application has permission to make network requests. In your AndroidManifest.xml you need to ensure that android.permission.INTERNET is included
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
If you have that permission then you should be able to make the request successfully. If it continues to fail, then the reason need to be diagnosed from the exception that is causing the application to crash. In which case you should wrap the data request in a try { ... } catch(Exception exception) { } and log the exception.
As the Android emulator is considered to be running on a different device, to refer to the loopback IP ( on our local development machine we need to use the special alias.
Other special device IP's can be found in Andorid's documentation.

Configuring mq websphere 7 with .net

I am trying to connect to a remote queue using c#.
I tried many ways to connect to the remote queue but it always fails with common errors like: MQRC_CHANNEL_CONFIG_ERROR or MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE.
What I am doing is this:
string channel = "QM_TEST.SVRCONN";
string hostname = "<serverIp>";
string queueName = "QM_TEST";
string port = 1414;
props.Add(MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, hostname);
props.Add(MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, channel);
props.Add(MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, port );
MQQueueManager mqQueue = new MQQueueManager(queueName, props);
I have tried changing this but all failed.
I think that my problem is the server configurations..
can you point me to a full guide to how to configure a server and connect to it with .net?
My problem is connecting to a REMOTE server using .net and not to a local server.
Thank you!
The problem was that the CCSID between the client and the server were different.
On the client side I had to put
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MQCCSID", "437");
Thats why I got:
I'm guessing the problem (or at least a problem) is here:
MQQueue mqQueue = new MQQueueManager(queueName, props);
This should be
queueManager = new MQQueueManager(queueManagerName, properties);
If you have installed the WebSphere MQ client to the default location, there are many sample programs under the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\tools\dotnet\samples\cs\base\
There are a number of sample programs there for various tasks. If you have the latest V7.1 client installed then you will see the following programs:
There are also WCF and XMS samples.
If you need the client code, please see my response to another SO question here for links.
Here's the normal diagnostic process.
If the WMQ components were installed by relocating libraries or classes from somewhere else, perform an install using the full vendor-supplied client media. This includes troubleshooting utilities such as trace, dspmqver, etc. It also resolves any library or class mismatch issues.
Use the pre-compiled client programs to test the connection. The amqsputc, amqsgetc and amqsbcgc programs require the MQSERVER environment variable as described here. The Q program from SupportPac MA01 is a separate download but has the advantage of NOT requiring any environment variables, CCDT files or other dependencies.
If the sample programs fail, check the QMgr's error logs at [WMQ install]/qmgrs/[QMgr name]/errors/AMQERR01.LOG for messages. Also check for FDC files and errors in [WMQ install]/errors.
If no errors on the QMgr side, attempt the connection again while using a client-side trace as described here and here.
Most client problems are resolved through installation of the full WMQ client as supplied by IBM. (Conversely that implies most people are installing by grabbing DLL or JAR files.) If the problem persists, error log inspection on the QMgr and client side usually reveals the underlying cause. If these do not work then tracing usually diagnoses the remaining issues.
Per the error messages posted at, the channel has a security exit set. A security exit is external code that the channel calls out to when starting a channel. There is no way to know what the exit expects or does without having access to the code or docs of the exit. If the exit is written in-house, you'll need to talk to the programmer to figure out what it requires. If the exit is a commercial product then you will need to get the documentation for it.
Alternatively, alter the channel so that SCYEXIT is blank to disable the exit.
The data posted at was as follows:
MQ9575: DCE Security: failed to get the user's login name.
System call to get the login name of the user running WebSphere
MQ client application process 5 failed with error value -1. This occurred in
security exit function create_cred. The exit will now attempt to open channel
using the DCE default login context.
If you wish to run using the DCE default login context take no action. If you
wish to run using the user's login name as the DCE security exit principal
examine the documentation for the operating system on which you are running MQ
clients and reconfigure the operating system as necessary to allow the call to succeed.
Note that it states the call is failing in the security exit.

