Is there any library out there that can serialize objects with array properties to .csv?
Let's say I have this model:
public class Product
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public int InStock { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public string[] AvailableVariants { get; set; }
Would something like that be possible to do?
Edit: I need to present some data in a csv/excel format. The thing is, I'm not sure if there is a simple way of achieving what I want with CSV serialization libraries or if I should rather focus on writing an Excel native file.
An example of result I'm looking for:
Product Name In Stock Price Variants
ABC 241 200 Normal
CAB 300 300 Normal
CBA 125 100 Normal
ACB 606 75 Normal
What would be the most efficient way to do this?
I'm not aware of any libraries that will do this, here's a console example of how I'd approach writing/reading from a CSV:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace TestingProduct
class TestingProduct
public class Product
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public int InStock { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public string[] AvailableVariants { get; set; }
public override string ToString() => $"{ProductName},{InStock},{Price}{(AvailableVariants?.Length > 0 ? "," + string.Join(",", AvailableVariants) : "")}";
public static Product Parse(string csvRow)
var fields = csvRow.Split(',');
return new Product
ProductName = fields[0],
InStock = Convert.ToInt32(fields[1]),
Price= Convert.ToDouble(fields[2]),
AvailableVariants = fields.Skip(3).ToArray()
static void Main()
var prod1 = new Product
ProductName = "test1",
InStock= 2,
Price = 3,
AvailableVariants = new string[]{ "variant1", "variant2" }
var filepath = #"C:\temp\test.csv";
File.WriteAllText(filepath, prod1.ToString());
var parsedRow = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
var parsedProduct = Product.Parse(parsedRow);
var noVariants = new Product
ProductName = "noVariants",
InStock = 10,
Price = 10
var prod3 = new Product
ProductName = "test2",
InStock= 5,
Price = 5,
AvailableVariants = new string[] { "variant3", "variant4" }
var filepath2 = #"C:\temp\test2.csv";
var productList = new List<Product> { parsedProduct, prod3, noVariants };
File.WriteAllText(filepath2, string.Join("\r\n", productList.Select(x => x.ToString())));
var csvRows = File.ReadAllText(filepath2);
var newProductList = new List<Product>();
foreach (var csvRow in csvRows.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None))
This code will work with a class that has a single object array property. Do you need something that can handle an object with multiple array properties?
I have written some kind of library to write csv files, have a look:
public static class CsvSerializer
public static bool Serialize<T>(string path, IList<T> data, string delimiter = ";")
var csvBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var dataType = typeof(T);
var properties = dataType.GetProperties()
.Where(prop => prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CsvSerialize)) == null);
//write header
foreach (var property in properties)
if (property != properties.Last())
foreach (var dataElement in data)
foreach (var property in properties)
if (property != properties.Last())
File.WriteAllText(path, csvBuilder.ToString());
return true;
public class CsvSerialize : Attribute
Lets pretend you want to serialize following class:
public class MyDataClass
public string Item1 {get; set;}
public string Item2 {get; set;}
Then just do:
public void SerializeData(IList<MyDataClass> data)
CsvSerializer.Serialize("C:\\test.csv", data);
It takes a IList of your class and writes a csv.
It cant serialize arrays but that would be easy to implement.
Suppose I have data structures like this:
public class Foo
public Bar A {get;set;}
public Bar B {get;set;}
public int C {get;set;}
public class Bar
public int Value {get;set;}
and a CSV file with the contents
I would like to now map Column1 to A.Value and Column2 to B.Value and Column3 to C.
I'm restricted to runtime mapping.
For Column3 -> C, I can write
var type = typeof(Foo);
var customMap = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(DefaultClassMap<>).MakeGenericType(type)) as ClassMap;
customMap.Map(type, type.GetProperty("C")).Name("Column3");
How can I map columns 1 and 2?
Currently you can do this.
void Main()
var s = new StringBuilder();
var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
using (var reader = new StringReader(s.ToString()))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, config))
var fooType = typeof(Foo);
var barType = typeof(Bar);
var fooMapType = typeof(DefaultClassMap<>).MakeGenericType(fooType);
var barMapType = typeof(DefaultClassMap<>).MakeGenericType(barType);
var map = (ClassMap)ObjectResolver.Current.Resolve(fooMapType);
map.Map(fooType, fooType.GetProperty("C")).Name("Column3");
map.References(barMapType, fooType.GetProperty("A")).Data.Mapping.Map(barType, barType.GetProperty("Value")).Name("Column1");
map.References(barMapType, fooType.GetProperty("B")).Data.Mapping.Map(barType, barType.GetProperty("Value")).Name("Column2");
private class Foo
public Bar A { get; set; }
public Bar B { get; set; }
public int C { get; set; }
public class Bar
public int Value { get; set; }
I'm looking into ways to make this easier for people that want to create maps at runtime.
I have s Student class where each student record has a list of Results.
I need to export there results to CSV and I'm using CsvHelper.
public class Student
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Result[] Grades { get; set; }
public class Result
public string Subject { get; set; }
public decimal? Marks { get; set; }
I'm using Reference Maps to map the list of Results, but when exporting to CSV it throws and error.
Mapping Code
public sealed class StudentResultExportMap : ClassMap<Student>
public StudentResultExportMap ()
References<GradesMap>(m => m.Grades);
public sealed class GradesMap: ClassMap<Result>
public GradesMap()
Map(m => m.Subject);
Map(m => m.Marks);
Property 'System.String Subject' is not defined for type
'{namespace}.GetStudentResults+Result[]' Parameter name: property
Unfortunately References<GradesMap>(m => m.Grades); doesn't work for an array of Result. It would work for an individual result. I have one solution, which overrides the ToString() method of Result to flatten the grades. It might work for you, depending on what you need.
public class Result
public string Subject { get; set; }
public decimal? Marks { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"{Subject} = {Marks}";
Make a slight change to your StudentResultExportMap. You can set the 2nd number on .Index(2, 7) to handle the max number of grades you think a student might have.
public sealed class StudentResultExportMap : ClassMap<Student>
public StudentResultExportMap()
Map(m => m.Grades).Name("Grade").Index(2, 7);
You will then get Id, Name, Grade1, Grade2, Grade3, Grade4, Grade5, Grade6 with the toString() value of Result for each grade.
var records = new List<Student>
new Student{ Id = "1", Name = "First", Grades = new [] {
new Result { Subject = "Subject1", Marks = (decimal)2.5 } ,
new Result { Subject = "Subject2", Marks = (decimal)3.5 } }},
new Student{ Id = "2", Name = "Second", Grades = new [] {
new Result { Subject = "Subject1", Marks = (decimal)3.5 } ,
new Result { Subject = "Subject2", Marks = (decimal)4.0 } }}
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("path\\to\\StudentResults.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer))
i have to read from a textfile which contains the following formatting
The textfile contains 11 line and for each one of them i must store each eg. productid into one string, and productname into one string.
I have tried like this which only stores the length of each line..
List<string> list = new List<string>();
using (var reader = new StreamReader(#"Budget.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
EDIT: Created a class which hold the data
Create a class that rapresent your file line, like this:
public class Procuct {
public string ProductId {get;set;}
public string ProductName {get;set;}
public string CustomerId {get;set;}
public string CustomerName {get;set;}
public string Amount{get;set;}
Then create a list of product to store them:
List<Procuct> list = new List<Procuct>();
using (var reader = new StreamReader(#"Budget.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
var temp = line.Split(" ");
list.Add(new Product{
ProductId = temp[0],
ProductName = temp[1],
CustomerId = temp[2],
CustomerName = temp[3],
Amount = temp[4]
Once are stored you can use LINQ to get the information that you want.
You have to work with TextFieldParser Class it is used to parse delimited text lignes as columns
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;
class Program
static void Main()
using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser("C:\\csv.txt"))
parser.Delimiters = new string[] { " " };
while (true)
string[] parts = parser.ReadFields();
if (parts == null)
Console.WriteLine("{0} field(s)", parts.Length);
There is a useful examples in this Topic
You can use some code like below to get what you want
static void Main(String[] args) {
var allRecords = new List<Record>();
foreach (var line in File.ReadLines("Budget.txt")) {
allRecords.Add(new Record(line));
public class Record {
public string ProductId { get; private set; }
public string ProductName { get; private set; }
public string CustomerId { get; private set; }
public string CustomerName { get; private set; }
public decimal Amount { get; private set; }
public Record(string line) {
var items = line.Split();
ProductId = items[0];
ProductName = items[1];
CustomerId = items[2];
CustomerName = items[3];
Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(items[4]);
public override String ToString() {
return $"ProductId:{ProductId}, ProductName:{ProductName}, CustomerId:{CustomerId}, CustomerName:{CustomerName}, Amount:{Amount}";
As your question is not very clear, I assume that your file format is as demonstrated by the example below
10 Enchiladas 27 John Doe 15.00
11 HotDogs 27 John Doe 5.00
12 Burgers 29 Jane Doe 10.00
and so on
So I have the json below that I want to Deseralize into Classes so I can work with it. But the issues is that the top two fields are a different type to all the rest
"items": {
"averageItemLevel": 718,
"averageItemLevelEquipped": 716,
"head": { ... },
"chest": { ... },
"feet": { ... },
"hands": { ... }
Where ... is a the Item class below, but the problem is that 2 of the fields are ints and the rest are Item, there are about 20 fields in total. So what I'd like to do is put them into a Dictionary<string, Item> but the 2 int fields are preventing me from Deseralizing it into that. I'm using JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize<T>() to do this.
I could have each item as it's own class with the name of the item as the name of the class, but I find that to be very bad, repeating so much each time, also very hard to work with later since I cant iterate over the fields, where as I could a Dictionary. Any idea how I could overcome this?
public class Item
public ItemDetails itemDetails { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string icon { get; set; }
public int quality { get; set; }
public int itemLevel { get; set; }
public TooltipParams tooltipParams { get; set; }
public List<Stat> stats { get; set; }
public int armor { get; set; }
public string context { get; set; }
public List<int> bonusLists { get; set; }
Update: from the comments I came up with this solution
JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(json);
jsonObject["averageItemLevel"] = int.Parse(jsonObject["items"]["averageItemLevel"].ToString());
jsonObject["averageItemLevelEquipped"] = int.Parse(jsonObject["items"]["averageItemLevelEquipped"].ToString());
var finalJson = jsonObject.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
var character = _serializer.Deserialize<Character>(finalJson);
character.progression.raids.RemoveAll(x => != "My House");
return character
If I add these two classes to match your JSON I can serialize and deserialize the objects:
public class root
public Items items { get; set; }
public class Items
public int averageItemLevel { get; set; }
public int averageItemLevelEquipped { get; set; }
public Item head {get;set;}
public Item chest {get;set;}
public Item feet {get;set;}
public Item hands {get;set;}
Test rig with the WCF Serializer:
var obj = new root();
obj.items = new Items
averageItemLevel = 42,
feet = new Item { armor = 4242 },
chest = new Item { name = "super chest" }
var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(root));
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
ser.WriteObject(ms, obj);
Console.WriteLine("and deserialize");
ms.Position = 0;
var deserializeObject = (root) ser.ReadObject(ms);
And with the JavaScriptSerializer:
var jsser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsser.Serialize(obj);
Console.WriteLine("and deserialize");
var djson = jsser.Deserialize<root>(json);
Both serializers give the same result for your given JSON.
What I've got are two classes which each contain Lists of Classes with propperties of different types. The first list is an updated version of the second and i need to find all differences (deleted/added classes in lists and updated classes).
public class ClassOfKb
public List<Data> KbData {get;set;}
public List<Info> KbInfo {get;set;}
class Data
public Guid ID {get;set}
public byte[] file {get;set}
public string name {get;set}
class Info
public Guid ID {get;set}
public string text {get;set}
public DateTime date {get;set}
ClassOfKb KbA = new ClassOfKb();
ClassOfKb KbB = new ClassOfKb();
first KbA and KbB will be filled from the same DataSet, then i delete, add and modify some of KbA Child-Classes.
now i need to compare KbA with KbB to find out where the differences are. i need the ID of deleted or added classes in KbA and the exact changes of modified Child-Classes properties. How would i do this? Preffered with Linq.
I suggest that create two comparers one for Data and one for Info
class DataComparer : IEqualityComparer<Data>
public bool Equals(Data x, Data y)
//logic to compare x to y and return true when they are equal
public int GetHashCode(Data d)
//logic to return a hash code
class InfoComparer : IEqualityComparer<Info>
public bool Equals(Info x, Info y)
//logic to compare x to y and return true when they are equal
public int GetHashCode(Info i)
//logic to return a hash code
The you can use Intersect and Except LINQ methods
IEnumerable<Data> DataInAandNotInB = KbA.KbData.Except(KbB.KbData,new DataComparer());
IEnumerable<Info> InfoInAandInB = KbA.KbInfo.Intersect(KbB.KbInfo,new InfoComparer ());
For simplicity, I skipped comparison of the byte array and DateTime data membes, only left the IDs and the string data members, but to add them you will need some small modification.
The test is very-very basic, but shows all three of the changes options:
static void Main(string[] args)
ClassOfKb KbA = new ClassOfKb();
ClassOfKb KbB = new ClassOfKb();
// Test data --------
Data data1 = new Data() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), name = "111" };
Data data2 = new Data() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), name = "222" };
Data data2_changed = new Data() { ID = data2.ID, name = "222_changed" };
Data data3 = new Data() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), name = "333" };
Info info1 = new Info() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), text = "aaa" };
Info info2 = new Info() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), text = "bbb" };
Info info2_changed = new Info() { ID = info2.ID, text = "bbb_changed" };
Info info3 = new Info() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), text = "ccc" };
// end of test data ---------
// here is the solution:
var indexes = Enumerable.Range(0, KbA.KbData.Count);
var deleted = from i in indexes
where !KbB.KbData.Select((n) => n.ID).Contains(KbA.KbData[i].ID)
select new
Name = KbA.KbData[i].name,
KbDataID = KbA.KbData[i].ID,
KbInfoID = KbA.KbInfo[i].ID
foreach (var val in deleted)
var added = from i in indexes
where !KbA.KbData.Select((n) => n.ID).Contains(KbB.KbData[i].ID)
select new
Name = KbB.KbData[i].name,
KbDataID = KbB.KbData[i].ID,
KbInfoID = KbB.KbInfo[i].ID
foreach (var val in added)
var changed = from i in indexes
from j in indexes
where KbB.KbData[i].ID == KbA.KbData[j].ID &&
(//KbB.KbData[i].file != KbA.KbData[j].file ||
KbB.KbData[i].name != KbA.KbData[j].name ||
//KbB.KbInfo[i].date != KbA.KbInfo[j].date ||
KbB.KbInfo[i].text != KbA.KbInfo[j].text
select new
Name = KbA.KbData[j].name,
KbDataID = KbA.KbData[j].ID,
KbInfoID = KbA.KbInfo[j].ID
foreach (var val in changed)
public class ClassOfKb
public List<Data> KbData = new List<Data>();
public List<Info> KbInfo = new List<Info>();
public class Data
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public byte[] file { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public class Info
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
public DateTime date { get; set; }