Passing values from c# to actionscript 3 and crossdomain questions - c#

I have a c# console application that I want to use for a game server
the client is being written is as3.
I am going to embed the swf into a c# form later.
I have a couple questions, I'm really hoping someone can help me figure this out.
Currently I have it set up to send a request to log in to the server, at which point the server checks information you put in the username and password fields
and verifies the information.
If you are authenticated you get connected.
My issue is I can't figure out how to send specific information back to flash, such as a string or int.
I want to do this for things like displaying user stats for example.
I looked at many tutorials but most are about using a flash application that is embedded in a c# server application, and does not operate the same way I need it to.
I just want to send a string or int from my c# server to my flash application that I have retrieved from mysql.
so if anyone can just show me how to send a string or int to flash as a raw value please let me know :)
If you can please post a snippet of code... I am still very new as3 c# communication.
also if you need the source please contact me on skype
Skype = Serifaz2
I don't want to just publicly post it ... sorry :(

Nevermind I figured it out. It was actually pretty simple.
Socket socket = TcpClient.Client;
string UserTest = "" + Username;
{ // sends the text with timeout 10s
UserInfo.Send(socket, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(UserTest), 0, UserTest.Length, 1000000);
catch (Exception ex) { /* ... */ }
var str:String = this.socket.readUTFBytes(this.socket.bytesAvailable);
myTrace("you have something");


how do I hide email information in a .net application

I am creating a free program that has a support request page. This will send me an email and a log file so I can see what is going on.
I have created the email class, but like any email program/class it will require a username, password, email address, etc.
Now, once I put this out, I know that, with the right programs, you can view the code behind on .Net, which I really thing is completely absurd.
Anyhow, I don't want this information out there because it's a support email address and is sensitive information.
What is the best way for me to send an email but not include my sensitive information for all the nosy people out there or hide it so they cannot get to it?
Here is an example of the code I'm referring to:
var emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.Body = richTextBox_Message.Text;
emailSettings.BodyIsHtml = false;
emailSettings.EmailServerEnableSsl = true;
emailSettings.EmailServerPassword = "";
emailSettings.EmailServerPort = 25;
emailSettings.EmailServerUsername = "";
emailSettings.EmailSmtpServer = "";
emailSettings.FromEmailAddress = new MailAddress(textBox_EmailAddress.Text);
emailSettings.Subject = comboBox_TypeOfRequest.Text;
Scary stuff in there :D
Just to clarify, this is a free app so I cannot afford a program to hide the code. :(
It's not safe to use this method to send error reports. Consider using a .php file on a web server to send yourself errors, or some other method.
PHP Email Tutorial
But if you really want to, I believe you might be able to use System.Security.Cryptography to protect your data, I'm not 100% sure on that though, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Minecraft 1.6.2 Custom Launcher

I am making a launcher for Minecraft. 1.6.2 changed a lot, so the way you login is different. If any of you have any knowledge of logging into minecraft using C#, I would appreciate it.
wClient.DownloadString("" + strUsername + "&password=" + strPassword + "&version=13");
I believe this used to be a valid way of doing it, but I am not quite sure anymore. Help is appreciated, thanks.
In reply to TheUnrealMegashark's comments to Rhys Towey's Answer. I have been working really hard to get it to launch, but. Its throwing me off a bit. The very next update will include a 1.6 fix. Just got to figure it out.
The proper answer to your question is that the web link that fetches the Session is still currently in use. Nothing new there.
Beware! You must know that your
"" + strUsername + "&password=" +
strPassword + "&version=13"
Is unsafe. It sends the password of the user through the internet in plain text. it can be subject to "Man in the Middle" attacks.
One of the proper ways to encrypt the connection is to use HTTPS with POST. Using POST, I avoid sending all of the data in the request URL and send the data through POST. Using HTTPS, I encrypt any data sent after the request URL returns. HTTPS makes POST encrypted, thus removing "Man in the Middle" attacks.
You can use GET with HTTPS and it still be secure (from what i have read). But, it is considered an unsafe practice. Although it is safe in all accounts between your computer and the connected device, anywhere else it might be seen and be subject to "Man behind you Attack". What I mean is that when you send this URL, it is possible for your computer to record the URL in some sort of history, or, display it in an address bar in plain text. Although, sense your not making a web browser and the URL is not displayed, this could possibly all be forgotten.
But, If it were me, I would still play it safe and just use the safer strategy.
To use HTTPS with POST.
Here is a sample of code i use in my "AtomLauncher." This code will send the POST data to the URL and return a string. Goto to get more info on the string that is returned.
string mcURLData = "Error";
using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) // Get Data from Minecraft with username and password
// This a Text control for my Program, ignore this commented line if you wish.
// this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { homeLabelTop.Text = "Connecting to"; }));
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection urlData = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
urlData.Add("user", "UserName");
urlData.Add("password", "MYPa22w0rd");
urlData.Add("version", "13");
byte[] responsebytes = client.UploadValues("", "POST", urlData);
mcURLData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);
if (!System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
mcURLData = "Internet Disconnected.";
mcURLData = "Can't connect to";
To use HTTPS with GET
just simply change the
in your code to
In other news.
I have fixed my code. Feel free (when its uploaded) to use it.
For your information, you need to know that when 1.6.X launches it creates a natives folder of which it starts using immediately. What I have done to fix this was to run 1.6.2 and copy the natives folder it created and removed the number.
Created "version/1.6.2/1.6.2-natives-###"
Copied it to "version/1.6.2/1.6.2.natives"
Point my program to "natives" folder I created.
What I'll end up doing in the future is automatically checking for the natives folder and if it doesn't exist, I'll have it download natives from the internet.
(I would love to know where minecraft is getting its current natives so i can essentially do the same thing. Unless, what it does is download it from the internet every time it launches. If true, that's kind of ugly. Seeing as I have bandwidth usage limits.)

C# PHP Connection Flood Protection

So let's say I created a feedback form in C#.
It sens the feedback to my PHP Page and my PHP Page adds it to my MySQL Database.
private void PostFeed(string Params)
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
wc.Headers["Accept"] = #"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
wc.Headers["Accept-Language"] = #"en-US,en;q=0.5";
string HtmlResult = wc.UploadString("http://website/feedtest.php", "POST", Params);
On my PHP I have a code that looks similar to:
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$desc = $_REQUEST['description'];
post result...
close connection
The question I have is: is there a way to protect against flood ? I understand anyone can just spam/flood it by sending feedback continuously or even creating a third party app that sends like 1000 post request per second. I was thinking of implementing some sort of check on the PHP side, for example: if the connection password from the c# app matches, then continue if not, exit.
Basically, I dont want people to take advantage of the feedback method and spam me.
Can anyone suggest a method ? or Should I not even worry about this ?
Any help is appreciated.
A typical technique is to have some kind of submissions per X unit of time limit where you have a last_submitted_at column in a table associated with some kind of identifier. For example, you might associate it with a user if you have a fairly robust user registration system, or you might associate it with an IP if you don't.
This is the system that Stack Overflow uses if you try and vote, post, or as questions too often. Each of these has a separate timer which probably translates to a separate last_X_at column in the database somewhere.
If the last time is less than some threshold, present an error instead of accepting the submission.

Using Commands in my IRC Client

im currently trying to make a simple IRC Gui Client. Im using the SmartIrc4net as a base, as it seems to be the most supportive out of all of them, found here:
Now What I am having problem with is the action commands. For example to make yourself an oper, you would type
/oper admin password or to changehost, would be /sethost mynewhost
My problem is that when I pass that value through a TextBox, instead of making me admin, or changing my host. My input just gets displayed as text in the chat.
Here is my code:
string[] serverlist;
serverlist = new string[] { "" };
int port = 6667;
string channel = "#MyChannel#";
irc.Connect(serverlist, port);
irc.Login("SmartIRC", "SmartIrc4net Test Bot");
irc.SendMessage(SendType.Message, channel, "/oper admin mypass");
irc.SendMessage(SendType.Action, channel, "/sethost mynewhost");
But when I pass those values, all it does is just display what I typed in the chat, without actually making me oper, or changing my sethost.
Is there anyway that I could actually make it pass commands through to the IRC server, instead of just displaying the raw text on the chat?
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
This is because you are explicitly sending a message. IRC itself has no notion of /commands, this is done all in the client. What you are doing is to just send a message with a specific text that happens to start with /. I.e. what the server receives is
PRIVMSG #channel :/oper admin mypass
instead of
OPER admin mypass
You just need to figure out a way of sending raw IRC commands to the server. The page you linked to doesn't offer much documentation on that part, though. But judging from the layers this should be in either Layer 2 or Layer 1.
There is a lot of more options then SendMessages.
You have example irc.RfcOper(username, pasword) for Oper.
If you want to send raw data command for things it does not support on the fly example sethost you can just send a WriteLine directly.
irc.WriteLine("sethost mynewhost")
Open the IrcCommands.cs to see a list of commands and Rfc2812.cs to see how they are transfered.
I however recommend you to read or at least peek at Rfc2812 standard that you can find here

Best way to implement a flash website banner

I am a c# developer and need to implement a number of flash website banners. Previously for static image banners I have implemented on_click code behind or javascript to log the banner has been clicked back to a database and process the re-direction.
I don't have much knowledge of flash other than I know that a flash program can handle on-click events of the program.
Therefore, can somebody suggest the best solution for capturing and processing on-click events of a flash object on a webpage.
Many thanks,
You can talk to Flash objects with JavaScript via Mootools' Swiff component:
However, for simple things like clickable banners, all you may need is swfobject:
A decent but simple XML driven Flash banner rotator can be had for free here:
Hope that helps!
You can communicate in multiple ways with Flash and your Server Side Code.
1.) Use JavaScript to communicate to/from your SWF file and the page it is embedded in.
This can be combined with AJAX to send data to the server.
2.) Directly send variables to a Server Side File (using GET or POST) within Flash
var submitListener:Object = new Object(); = function(evt:Object) {
var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
result_ta.text = result_lv.welcomeMessage;
} else {
result_ta.text = "Error connecting to server.";
var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = name_ti.text;
send_lv.sendAndLoad("", result_lv, "POST");
submit_button.addEventListener("click", submitListener);
You can have a Server Side Page (ASP.NET, PHP, etc...) to increment the Database hit count.

