How to debug migration from Windows Phone 8 to UWP - c#

I'm working on UWP version of the application which currently in the Store but for Windows Phone 8. The WP8 version have some local data which I need to convert to new format when UWP version starting. How can I debug that process ?
I've tried to associate UWP version with same store app name and then deployed package on the device where WP8 version was. But new version has not replaced old one.
I see one way: create fake app in the store, upload old package, install on device, then upload new package and update. But it too painfull...

You have to update the package identity in de Package.appxmanifest to the one of your WP8 app. When a user upgrades Windows 10 Mobile they will get the UWP version update of your app when they have the WP8 version installed.

You need to copy ProdictId from old WMAppManifest.xml to PhoneProductId in new Package.appxmanifest. After that new UWP package replaces old WP8 one.
And yes, files in local storage were created with old WP8 Silverlight app will be accessible from UWP app.


Force to update apk on playstore

In Xamarin Form mobile development, I created one apk and uploaded on Google Playstore.
Apk current version = 12;
Apk in mobile =11;
I want to compare my installed version of apk(11) with current version of apk on Playstore(12) and want to force to update apk.
I got coding for find installed version of apk by
Context context=this.ApplicationContext;
int code = context.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(context.PackageName, 0).VersionCode;
How to find the current version of apk on playstore using xamarin c#. Thanks advance.
There is no official google api to get the version number of your app from playstore. Programmatically check Play Store for app updates
To achieve this you can maintain a table in your server and whenever the user logs in you can check the current installed version with the version number in your server and if it does not match then call an intent to the playstore.
Android programmatically update application when a new version is available

Retarget to Windows Phone 8.1

The app is live on the Windows Store and has a 8.0 version. If I re-target to Windows Phone 8.1 and publish with new features, will it be available for Windows Phone 8.0 users?
Most of our users are still on 8.0.
The user (OS/Store) downloads the most suitable package of the app. If user has WP8.1 and your app has a 8.1 package, then this will be installed, otherwise 8.0 app package will be downloaded.
From what you have written, you already have a working WP8.0 version of the app, now if you want to add some new features from 8.1 then, once you retarget the app, you have to add new package to your app when you are updating it. Do not replace the old working 8.0 package. Once you have added new package and it has passed certification, all users that have 8.0 version of your app and 8.1 OS version, will be prompted that there is an update available.
What is important:
you can retarget to both 8.1 Silverlight and Runtime (of course the second option needs some more changes and some things to be rewritten),
IsolatedStorage is preserved,
when you retarget to Runtime, you will have to parse IsoalatedStorageSettings from file in LocalStorage.
I've done similar thing with WP8.0 -> WP8.1 Runtime, I also recommend to test it on beta app, so you will be sure how it works.
If you re-target the app to Windows Phone 8.1, it'll be available to only Windows Phone 8.1 users. If you submit such an app to Store, it'll be displayed only in devices running Windows Phone 8.1.
However, you can submit two packages for same app in Windows Phone Store. So while submitting an update for your app, instead of replacing the existing Windows Phone 8.0 package, you can add another package for the Windows Phone 8.1 version which will have new features. The Windows Phone Store will ensure that it shows the correct XAP to correct OS version. This way, Windows Phone 8.1 users will be able take advantage of the new features, while Windows Phone 8.0 users will still be able to access the old app.
Going forward, if you want to support both OS versions, I'll suggest to keep a copy of Windows Phone 8.0 project before re-targeting to Windows Phone 8.1.
Yes, if you just re-target the project! But make sure you aren't using native WP 8.1 features, as they wouldn't work on WP8.

Installing latest Xamarin on Windows 8.1

We are evaluating Xamarin Forms for our next project to develop the same application for the three major platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone.
As we mostly work with WP and Windows apps within the company, we have a well working base setup for work environment. It consists of a Windows 8.1 Pro/Enterprise install, Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 with both WP 8.0 and 8.1 emulators and targets, and all the rest of the packages (e.g. Office Development packages, etc.).
So I grabbed such a laptop, and installed Xamarin on it, using the official download URL on their site. It installed fine, but when I tried to create a new Forms project, it only created the Android part of it, no WP or iOS projects were created.
After checking the settings and all, it turns out that Xamarin Studio won't load the iOS and WP parts which would make it possible to create the projects.
How could I make it see those extensions?
You will need to download the Windows phone SDK update and that will create Windows phone project for you

what appx ( x86/ARM ) to upload on windows phone store with SQLite

I am having a confusion uploading my Windows Phone 8.1 app.
What type of appx(x86/ARM) I need to upload on Windows Phone store to make my app work on all devices ?
Note that I am using SQLite in my project so I can't select AnyCPU.
I have tried uploading more than 1 package on store like 1 appx for ARM and another appx for x86 but store does not allow to have more than 1 package.
Windows Phone only supports ARM packages, x86 is for emulator.
So, only ARM package is needed to upload on Windows Phone store.

problem to run my project in windows phone 7.1 update

I was trying some code for push notification(which has sender windows phone client and wcf service) in windows phone 7.0.
I then install windows phone 7.1 beta update
and run the same code
but i m getting
"Connection failed because of invalid command-line arguments."
I want to know how to solve this issue......
It seems like you have either have a misconfigured project or a failed installation of the updated SDK.
Your first choice would be creating a new WP7 application that targets 7.0 systems (if still needed). See if you can launch it through the emulator (which I am assuming is the issue). Try reloading the same project again.
In the most extreme case, remove everything WP7 dev-related and re-install the dev tools.

