In Xamarin Form mobile development, I created one apk and uploaded on Google Playstore.
Apk current version = 12;
Apk in mobile =11;
I want to compare my installed version of apk(11) with current version of apk on Playstore(12) and want to force to update apk.
I got coding for find installed version of apk by
Context context=this.ApplicationContext;
int code = context.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(context.PackageName, 0).VersionCode;
How to find the current version of apk on playstore using xamarin c#. Thanks advance.
There is no official google api to get the version number of your app from playstore. Programmatically check Play Store for app updates
To achieve this you can maintain a table in your server and whenever the user logs in you can check the current installed version with the version number in your server and if it does not match then call an intent to the playstore.
Android programmatically update application when a new version is available
I have looked through the Microsoft documentation but everything seems to want you to run everything with the development code. I used a bitbar tutorial to help start my C# xamarinui test framework. I have the emulators working I just want the apk and ios apps to install as the first test. I know how to drag and drop and put the app on the phone manually. I am looking for a way to get the app to install and launch through test code or by some operation. I do not have access to the source.
Only for the Android case, google for the apk, usually they are available on sites like apk pure etc. If the apk has executables for x86 inside you could install in on android simulator using just drag and drop.
For iOS this seems not possible as the installer has to be signed with appropriate profiles that only app developer has in his possession.
I have an existing android application which is written in Xamarin Android. when I Adhoc distribute the APK I am able to install the APK on an emulator. However when I try to install the apk on a device I get the following error
Starts installing and then Application cannot be installed. USB debugging enabled and allow application from unknown sources is enabled.
My project properties look like this
Package signing is blank i.e, default
When I do build acrhive and save the apk. I can take the apk and run on an emulator on a different machine however when i try to install the apk on a device it fails with error 'Application not installed'
I am really new to this guys, any help is greatly appreciated. I bet i am missing something simple.
You should sign your APK. Unsigned APK cannot be installed on the real device. Check here how to sign Xamarin Android app.
I figured it out guys. You have to go into play store settings and click play protect and settings. Disable the slider and the app installs.
Good morning,
I Need some help to solve an issue that I found on my android application.
I have created an android application that has device administrator permission using a PC A
now I have moved to a different PC, B and when I open the same project on my visual studio and generate the apk from the new PC, if I try to reinstall it by opening the apk on the android device where there is already install the application it fails.(application not installed)
If I open the same project on my old pc, I can generate the apk and reinstall on it (application installed).
I have checked and all option on android are the same.same sdk version same min sdk etc.
Do you know if the are some "key" to copy from my old pc?
the only solution that I have is format the android device and reinstall the application because when the android application is device administrator I can't uninstall it.
thanks and regards,
I'm working on UWP version of the application which currently in the Store but for Windows Phone 8. The WP8 version have some local data which I need to convert to new format when UWP version starting. How can I debug that process ?
I've tried to associate UWP version with same store app name and then deployed package on the device where WP8 version was. But new version has not replaced old one.
I see one way: create fake app in the store, upload old package, install on device, then upload new package and update. But it too painfull...
You have to update the package identity in de Package.appxmanifest to the one of your WP8 app. When a user upgrades Windows 10 Mobile they will get the UWP version update of your app when they have the WP8 version installed.
You need to copy ProdictId from old WMAppManifest.xml to PhoneProductId in new Package.appxmanifest. After that new UWP package replaces old WP8 one.
And yes, files in local storage were created with old WP8 Silverlight app will be accessible from UWP app.
I've been having this problem for a few days, and can't find any solution.
I made my app with Xamarin Studio. I am trying to upload an update for my it to iTunes Connect through Xcode. But when trying to validate the app I get the following error: "This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public." Dissecting this error it makes it sound like it thinks I'm using a beta SDK, which I'm not (full system specs below). Even weirder is that if I go through Xamarin Studio's Archive validation it tells me everything is fine. But when I go through Application Loader it tells me the following:
"ERROR ITMS-9000: This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of Xcode 5.1.1 or higher and iOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software." Obviously this is the same error as before, just a little more detailed. But the system specs it outlines, are exactly the same as I am using.
Hopefully someone out there can lend me a hand! :D
System Specs:
Mac OSX 10.9.3
Xcode 5.1.1 (Downloaded from the Mac App Store)
iOS 7 SDK, building for iOS 7.1
Xamarin Studio 5.0
Application Loader 2.9.1
Thanks in advance!
Open your project in Xamarin Studio, then double click on Info.plist. Click on Use Asset Catalogs for both sections: Universal Icons & Universal Launch Images. It should create two new folders:
Go to AppIcons.appiconset folder and make sure that you have the following file names:
Rename your icons if you don't have them and double click on Content.json to assign them.