MongoDb + C# - get functions of the database - c#

Good day all,
The questions is: How could I access functions' definitions from the MongoDb database object?
const string connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
// Create a MongoClient object by using the connection string
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
//Use the MongoClient to access the server
MongoServer server = client.GetServer();
// Use the server to access the 'local' database
var database = server.GetDatabase("local");
//What next?

If you mean get them as in get the value of the function code itself, they are stored in the system.js collection for a database. Get them all as with any other collection:
In C#:
var database = server.GetDatabase("databaseName");
var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("system.js");
var filter = new BsonDocument();
var count = 0;
using (var cursor = await collection.FindAsync(filter))
while (await cursor.MoveNextAsync())
var batch = cursor.Current;
foreach (var document in batch)
// process document
If you mean call them within code, if system.js contains an object { _id: "two", value: "function(x, y) { return x + y; }" }, you can call the function by doing as follows in the loop:


Mongo DB in c#: Transaction not working - what I'm doing wrong?

I have a situation like this:
var mongoClient = new MongoClient("connection-bla-bla");
var mongoDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("db-name");
using (var session = mongoDB.Client.StartSession())
var collection = mongoDB.GetCollection<Rec>("collectionName");
collection.InsertOne(new Rec() { Name = "Record1" });
collection.InsertOne(new Rec() { Name = "Record2" });
This code works quite fine, Record1 and Record2 are written.
However, when i try this ...
var mongoClient = new MongoClient("connection-bla-bla");
var mongoDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("db-name");
using (var session = mongoDB.Client.StartSession())
var collection = mongoDB.GetCollection<Rec>("collectionName");
collection.InsertOne(new Rec() { Name = "Record1" });
if (DateTime.UtcNow > DateTime.MinValue) throw new Exception("Bad things happens");
collection.InsertOne(new Rec() { Name = "Record2" });
... Record1 is written, even the transaction is not comitted. I guess I miss here something, but have no clue what.
Thanks for code correction.
In order to use the transaction, you need to specify the session when calling the insert commands:
var mongoClient = new MongoClient("connection-bla-bla");
var mongoDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("db-name");
using (var session = mongoDB.Client.StartSession())
var collection = mongoDB.GetCollection<Rec>("collectionName");
collection.InsertOne(session, new Rec() { Name = "Record1" });
if (DateTime.UtcNow > DateTime.MinValue) throw new Exception("Bad things happens");
collection.InsertOne(session, new Rec() { Name = "Record2" });
There are overloads for various write commands that accept the session. See this link for details.

How to use findOne from mongoDB in C#

I used to use this command FindOne to query the result from mongoDB with C# in the past and it can be used at that time. But now I use the same code but it doesn't work. What should I use instead of FindOne?
My code is like this:
var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var database = client.GetDatabase("extend");
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("user");
var query = Query<Entity>.EQ(e => e.user_id, int.Parse(targetUser.CurrentUser));
var entity_TargetUser = collection.FindOne(query);
When I try to run it, I got this error
Error CS1061: 'IMongoCollection<Entity>' does not contain a definition for 'FindOne' and no extension method 'FindOne' accepting a first argument of type 'IMongoCollection<Entity>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS1061)
What command that I can use instead of FindOne?
You are dealing with an id, so I assume each one is unique - if they aren't, they should be. Assuming user_id is unique then I would do the following
public static class MongoDataService
public static async Task<List<BsonDocument>> GetDocumentCollectionAsync(
MongoClient client, FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> filter,
string databaseName, string collectionName, CancellationToken token,
int? limit = null)
return await Task.Run(async () =>
long i = 1;
List<BsonDocument> items = new List<BsonDocument>();
var collection = GetCollection<BsonDocument>(client, databaseName, collectionName);
using (var cursor = await collection.FindAsync(filter))
while (await cursor.MoveNextAsync())
var batch = cursor.Current;
foreach (var doc in batch)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested || i == limit)
return items;
return items;
}, token);
This method with the correct filter will return single documents, or can be used to return batches of documents again according to the imposed filter. Calling this method for your case, you can do
var filterBuilder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;
var filter = filterBuilder.Eq("user_id", int.Parse(targetUser.CurrentUser));
var documents = await MongoDataService.GetDocumentCollectionAsync(client, filter, "extend", "user", token, null);
There are other methods to do what you want, but this should do what you want.
Note, I am assuming you are using the offical MongoDB.Driver.
you can do something like this:
var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var database = client.GetDatabase("extend");
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("user");
var query = Query<Entity>.EQ(e.user_id,int.Parse(targetUser.CurrentUser));
var entity_TargetUser = collection.AsQueryable().where(query).single();
var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
var client = new MongoClient(connectionString);
var database = client.GetDatabase("extend");
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("user");
var entity_TargetUser = collection.AsQueryable().where(e=>e.user_id ==

SAS Provider for OLE DB (SAS.IOMProvider) doesn't work with ObjectPool

I'm using the SAS Integration Technologies COM components to connect to SAS Server from a C# .NET project. I want to submit statements to a SAS Workspace then load the output dataset from SAS using the OLE DB provider (SAS.IOMProvider). I am able to do this successfully using code like this:
static int Main(string[] args)
var keeper = new ObjectKeeper();
var factory = new ObjectFactoryMulti2();
var server = new ServerDef()
MachineDNSName = "",
Protocol = Protocols.ProtocolBridge,
Port = 8591,
BridgeSecurityPackage = "Negotiate",
var workspace = (IWorkspace)factory.CreateObjectByServer("Workspace1", true, server, null, null);
keeper.AddObject(1, workspace.UniqueIdentifier, workspace);
using (var conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SAS.IOMProvider.1; Data Source=iom-id://" + workspace.UniqueIdentifier))
// success
catch (Exception ex)
return 1;
return 0;
However, when I try using the ObjectPool feature of ObjectFactoryMulti2, the OLE DB connection doesn't work. It always throws "The object could not be found; make sure it was previously added to the object keeper." Here is the code that does not work:
static int Main(string[] args)
var keeper = new ObjectKeeper();
var factory = new ObjectFactoryMulti2();
var server = new ServerDef()
MachineDNSName = "`",
Protocol = Protocols.ProtocolBridge,
Port = 8591,
BridgeSecurityPackage = "Negotiate",
MaxPerObjectPool = Environment.ProcessorCount,
RunForever = true,
RecycleActivationLimit = 100,
var login = new LoginDef();
var pool = factory.ObjectPools.CreatePoolByServer("Pool1", server, login);
var lease = pool.GetPooledObject(null, null, 5000);
var workspace = (IWorkspace)lease.SASObject;
keeper.AddObject(1, workspace.UniqueIdentifier, workspace);
using (var conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SAS.IOMProvider.1; Data Source=iom-id://" + workspace.UniqueIdentifier))
// throws System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'The object 1EFCE532-99BA-4A27-AF37-574EAE1CD04C could not be found; make sure it was previously added to the object keeper.'
catch (Exception ex)
return 1;
return 0;
Is there a way to use SAS connection pooling with the SAS OLE DB provider?
Got a good answer to this question from SAS Support. When using a connection pool, you have to cast the workspace to IServerStatus and connect using its ServerStatusUniqueID property instead of IWorkspace.UniqueIdentifier.
var pool = factory.ObjectPools.CreatePoolByServer("Pool1", server, login);
var lease = pool.GetPooledObject(null, null, 5000);
var workspace = (IWorkspace)lease.SASObject;
var status = (IServerStatus)lease.SASObject;
keeper.AddObject(1, workspace.UniqueIdentifier, workspace);
using (var conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SAS.IOMProvider.1; Data Source=iom-id://" + status.ServerStatusUniqueID))
// success

Executing multiple requests xrm sdk [duplicate]

I am using ExecuteMultipleResponse method to insert 10 account records at a time using SSIS.
List<Entity> _Accounts = new List<Entity>();
// Check the batch size and process
public override void InputAccount_ProcessInput(InputAccountBuffer Buffer)
//List<int> personIDs = new List<int>();
int index = 0;
while (Buffer.NextRow())
if (index == 10)
index = 0;
private void ImportBatch()
if (_Accounts.Count > 0)
var multipleRequest = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
ContinueOnError = true,
ReturnResponses = true
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
foreach (var profContact in _Accounts)
CreateRequest reqCreate = new CreateRequest();
reqCreate.Target = profContact;
reqCreate.Parameters.Add("SuppressDuplicateDetection", false);
ExecuteMultipleResponse multipleResponses = (ExecuteMultipleResponse)organizationservice.Execute(multipleRequest);
var responses = (ExecuteMultipleResponseItemCollection)multipleResponses.Results["Responses"];
foreach (var response in responses)
if (response.Fault != null)
// A fault has occurred, handle it here
//IEnumerator f = multipleResponses.Responses.GetEnumerator();
Above code is working fine, however, I now need to read and store Guids from response to a List. This information is essential for the next step in the package. I know, if I am creating single record I can simply say,
Guid newRecord = _service.Create(account);
I even managed to get down to check if the response have 'Fault' or not and if it doesn't have fault then Guid value should exist in the response.
Running response.Response.Results.Values in QuickWatch shows me the guid but I just can't find a way to read it directly and store it as a Guid.
The guid of a created record should be stored in the OrganizationResponse which can be found inside the ExecuteMultipleResponseItem
Try the following to get the guid as a string:
string id = response.Response.Results["id"].ToString()
If it works as expected you should also be able to instantiate a guid, if needed:
Guid guid = new Guid(id);

CRM Dynamics 2013 SDK Update Current Accounts With 2 Values

I have a scenario in CRM where I need to update existing accounts with their Vat and Registration number. There is well over 30 thousand accounts in the system. I am trying to update using the CRM SDK API but I am battling to figure out how to perform the actual update. The vat number and reg have been provided to me in a spreadsheet with their corresponding number, please note that the accounts are already in CRM so I just need to update the correct account with its Vat and Reg number, How can I do this in CRM, please advice on my code below:
public static void UpdateAllCRMAccountsWithVATAndRegistrationNumber(IOrganizationService service)
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression();
qe.EntityName = "account";
qe.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("account", "new_vatno", "new_registrationnumber");
qe.Criteria.AddCondition("accountnumber", ConditionOperator.In,"TA10024846", "TA10028471", "TA20014015", "TA4011652", "TA4011557");
EntityCollection response = service.RetrieveMultiple(qe);
foreach (var acc in response.Entities)
acc.Attributes["new_vatno"] = //this is where I am struggling to figure out how I am gong to match the records up,
acc.Attributes["new_registrationnumber"] = //this is where I am struggling to figure out how I am gong to match the records up,
How am I going to ensure that I update the correct records. I have the vat and reg numbers for the accounts in a spreadsheet, please see example image below. Can I please get advised here. Thanks.
I would load the list of VAT updates from the spreadsheet into a dictionary and then load the 30k record from CRM into memory. Then I would match them up and use ExecuteMultipleRequest to do the updates. Alternatively, you could query CRM using the account numbers (if the list is small enough.) I made the assumption you had thousands of updates to do across the record set of 30k. Note, if the Account record size was very large and couldn't be loaded into memory you would need to do account number queries.
Here is the rough code for the basic solution (I haven't tested, method should be split up, and there is minimal error handling):
public class VatInfo
public string RegistrationNumber;
public string TaxNumber;
public static Dictionary<string, VatInfo> GetVatList()
//TODO: Implement logic to load CSV file into a list. Dictionary key value should be Account Number
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class UpdateVatDemo
public const int maxBatchSize = 100;
public static void RunVatUpdate(IOrganizationService conn)
var vats = VatInfo.GetVatList();
var pagingQuery = new QueryExpression("account");
pagingQuery.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("accountnumber");
Queue<Entity> allEnts = new Queue<Entity>();
while (true)
var results = conn.RetrieveMultiple(pagingQuery);
if (results.Entities != null && results.Entities.Any())
if (!results.MoreRecords) break;
pagingQuery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = results.PagingCookie;
ExecuteMultipleRequest emr = null;
while (allEnts.Any())
if (emr == null)
emr = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
ContinueOnError = true,
ReturnResponses = true
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
var ent = allEnts.Dequeue();
if (vats.ContainsKey(ent.GetAttributeValue<string>("accountnumber")))
var newEnt = new Entity("account", ent.Id);
newEnt.Attributes.Add("new_vatno", vats[ent.GetAttributeValue<string>("accountnumber")].TaxNumber);
newEnt.Attributes.Add("new_registrationnumber", vats[ent.GetAttributeValue<string>("accountnumber")].RegistrationNumber);
emr.Requests.Add(new UpdateRequest() { Target = newEnt });
if (emr.Requests.Count >= maxBatchSize)
var emResponse = (ExecuteMultipleResponse) conn.Execute(emr);
foreach (
var responseItem in emResponse.Responses.Where(responseItem => responseItem.Fault != null))
responseItem.RequestIndex, responseItem.Fault);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception during ExecuteMultiple: {ex.Message}");
emr = null;
private static void DisplayFault(OrganizationRequest organizationRequest, int count,
OrganizationServiceFault organizationServiceFault)
"A fault occurred when processing {1} request, at index {0} in the request collection with a fault message: {2}",
count + 1,
Updating the fetched entity is bound to fail because of its entity state, which would not be null.
To update the fetched entities, you need to new up the entity:
foreach (var acc in response.Entities)
var updateAccount = new Entity("account") { Id = acc.Id };
updateAccount .Attributes["new_vatno"] = null; //using null as an example.
updateAccount .Attributes["new_registrationnumber"] = null;
Code below shows how I managed to get it righy. forst let me explain. I imported my records into a seperate SQL table, in my code I read that table into a list in memory, I then query CRM accounts that need to be updated, I then loop though each account and check if the account number in CRM matches the account number from my sql database, if it matches, I then update the relevant Reg no and Vat no, See code below:
List<Sheet1_> crmAccountList = new List<Sheet1_>();
//var crmAccount = db.Sheet1_.Select(x => x).ToList().Take(2);
var crmAccounts = db.Sheet1_.Select(x => x).ToList();
foreach (var dbAccount in crmAccounts)
CRMDataObject modelObject = new CRMDataObject()
ID = dbAccount.ID,
Account_No = dbAccount.Account_No,
Tax_No = dbAccount.Tax_No.ToString(),
Reg_No = dbAccount.Reg_No
//Tarsus_Country = dbAccount.Main_Phone
var officialDatabaseList = crmAccounts;
foreach (var crmAcc in officialDatabaseList)
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression();
qe.EntityName = "account";
qe.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("accountnumber", "new_vatno", "new_registrationnumber");
qe.Criteria.AddCondition("accountnumber", ConditionOperator.In,'list of account numbers go here'
EntityCollection response = service.RetrieveMultiple(qe);
foreach (var acc in response.Entities)
if (crmAcc.Account_No == acc.Attributes["accountnumber"].ToString())
//acc.Attributes["new_vatno"] = crmAcc.VAT_No.ToString();
acc.Attributes["new_registrationnumber"] = crmAcc.Reg_No.ToString();

