The nested query is not supported - c#

I have a query that is similar to the following (my actual query has three sections like this and then Concats them together and applies some additional filters and sorting).
var articles = from p in Repository.Query<Product>()
let article = p.Article
let office = p.TariffCategory.Office
where p.IsDeleted == false
select new
OfficeId = office.Id,
Office = office.Name,
Category = p.TariffCategory.Description,
ArticleId = article.Id,
Article = article.Title,
Destinations = p.ProductDestinations.Select(d => new { Id = d.DestinationId, Name = d.Destination.Description }),
GlobalDestinations = p.AllDestinationsInOffice,
Everythings seems right except my assignment to Destinations. That line produces the following error.
The nested query is not supported. Operation1='UnionAll' Operation2='MultiStreamNest'
If I remove that line, everything works as expected. Is there any way to perform a query like this?

I had a bit of a think, and rather than doing a join as I suggested, it may make sense to start the query at ProductDestination. What we're interested in is a row for each product+destination combination, much like you'd see via regular SQL queries. Once we've got that, we can apply grouping to the result so that we're closer to the representation you had
var data = Repository.Query<ProductDestination>()
.Where(pd => !pd.Product.IsDeleted)
.Select(pd =>
new {
Product = pd.Product,
Destination = pd.Destination,
.GroupBy(pd => pd.Product)
//I'm not in a position to test if EF will successfully run the below, so .ToList()
//May not be required. However, the bulk of the work is done in the database, anyway.
.Select(g => new {
OfficeId = g.Key.TariffCategory.Office.Id,
Office = g.Key.TariffCategory.Office.Name,
Category = g.Key.TariffCategory.Description,
ArticleId = g.Key.Article.Id,
Article = g.Key.Article.Title,
Destinations = g.Select(gg => new { Id = gg.Destination.DestinationId, Name = gg.Destination.Description }),
GlobalDestinations = g.Key.AllDestinationsInOffice,
I'm pretty sure the above should work without the ToList(), but I'm not confident to say it 100% will work. However, as noted, the bulk of the work is done in the database, the final projection shouldn't be too intensive, even if it's done in memory. However, should the ToList() be required, we would need to modify the GroupBy to return all fields we select via Key, otherwise we're going to have issues with lazy loading and N+1 queries.


The entity or complex type ... cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

Why does one method work but not the other, when it seems they are both doing the same thing, i.e. constructing an entity. My question then, is there a way to construct the entity in a L2E query instead of having to use just Linq or indeed both?
This works fine...
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah
However, if i change...
var queryToList
model.AuthorisationChecks queryToList // Of type List<AuthorisationCheck>
i get the error in the Title...
The entity or complex type 'Model.AuthorisationCheck' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
In the model it is simply, nothing fancy here.
public List<AuthorisationCheck> AuthorisationChecks { get; set; }
Tidied this up a little to be (which works fine)...
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select ac).ToList()
.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah
EDIT2: My Solution
I wasn't happy with the anonymous type method and so went ahead and created a simple model containing only the properties I required to be used in the viewmodel.
Changed the type of model.AuthorisationChecks
List<AuthorisationCheck> // List of Entities
List<AuthorisationCheckModel> // List of models
which allows the following code to work, and without profiling it seems a lot quicker than using an anonymous type (and of course I don't cast to a list twice!).
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheckModel
Blah = x.Blah
P.S. I was once warned by a coworker (who used to work for Microsoft) that it isn't a good idea to directly use Entities in this manner, maybe this was one of the reasons he was thinking of, I've also noticed some odd behavior using Entities directly in other cases (mainly corruptions).
Note: I generally use lambda expression instead of Fluent API, but the root issue should be the same.
I have historically noticed LINQ is unable to use C# classes for Select statements if the original datasource (i.e. ctx for you) is accessed by translating your query into SQL.
In other words, there are issues when getting something from the database and casting it to a custom class in the same chain.
LINQ is smart enough that it actually doesn't immediately execute your chained calls. It simply internally builds a query, and when you actually access your results (i.e. retrieve the value from memory), it executes the query.
I assume this is also the reason why you are faced with this error, because LINQ translates everything (including the Select) to SQL, and fails because there's no SQL-way to express it. In short, LINQ can't do a built query half-SQL, half-code. It's either all in SQL, or all in code.
You can usually confirm that this is the case by first making a List<> of the database table, then run the exact same query on it.
var myTable = db.AuthorizationCheck.ToList();
var myResult = myTable. //query here
Note: That is not a solution!
Taking the entire table in memory is an overly intensive way to work around this. It just proves the point that the problem isn't encountered if the datasource is in memory, but the error does occur if it's in a database.
There are ways I've fixed this, although I've never found a uniform way to approach this problem (generally depends on the opinion of my code reviewer, whether he likes the fix or not)
Using anonymous types, you can select what you want, and later cast it to the correct class. You can use the exact same fields, making a later cast easier to understand.
//Simpler query for clarity's sake
var myAnonymousResult = ctx.AuthorizationChecks
.Where(x => x.IsActive)
.Select(x => new { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive })
var myCastResult = myAnonymousResult.Select(x => new Check() { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive }).ToList();
If you use lambda expressions instead of the fluent API, you can call .ToList() after applying the filters but before calling the .Select() method. This ensures the current query will be executed, retrieved from the database, and put into an actual List<> in memory. At that point, you can call the .Select() statement without running into the same problem.
//Simpler query for clarity's sake
var myCastResult = ctx.AuthorizationChecks
.Where(x => x.IsActive)
.Select(x => new Check() { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive });
Unfortunately though, my experience with this problem is anecdotal. I've never been able to officially confirm my suspicions as to the root cause of this issue; but the workarounds I mentioned should work as I've applied them numerous times in the past.
If anyone has an explanation of the root cause, I'd be very interested in hearing it!
If this query works fine:
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
then this should also work:
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
and in your first case you don't need to project again, you can directly assign it to model propeerty:
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList;
As it is Linq To Entities,you have to do something like this using anonymous type:
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new
Blah = ac.Blah
and then:
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah

Most recent records with 2 tables and take / skip

What I want to do, is basically what this question offers: SQL Server - How to display most recent records based on dates in two tables .. Only difference is: I am using Linq to sql.
I have to tables:
These are not very similar, but they both have a "LastUpdated" field. I want to get the most recent joined records. However, I also need a take/skip functionality for paging (and no, I don't have SQL 2012).
I don't want to create a new list (with ToList and AddRange) with ALL my records, so I know the whole set of records, and then order.. That seems extremely unefficient.
My attempt:
Please don't laugh at my inefficient code.. Well ok, a little (both because it's inefficient and... it doesn't do what I want when skip is more than 0).
public List<TempContentPlaceholder> LatestReplies(int take, int skip)
using (GKDBDataContext db = new GKDBDataContext())
var forumPosts = db.dbForumPosts.OrderBy(c => c.LastUpdated).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
var assignMents = db.dbUploadedAssignments.OrderBy(c => c.LastUpdated).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList();
List<TempContentPlaceholder> fps =
c =>
new TempContentPlaceholder()
Id = c.PostId,
LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated,
Type = ContentShowingType.ForumPost
List<TempContentPlaceholder> asm =
c =>
new TempContentPlaceholder()
Id = c.UploadAssignmentId,
LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated,
Type = ContentShowingType.ForumPost
return fps.OrderBy(c=>c.LastUpdated).ToList();
Any awesome Linq to SQl people, who can throw me a hint? I am sure someone can join their way out of this!
First, you should be using OrderByDescending, since later dates have greater values than earlier dates, in order to get the most recent updates. Second, I think what you are doing will work, for the first page, but you need to only take the top take values from the joined list as well. That is if you want the last 20 entries from both tables combined, take the last 20 entries from each, merge them, then take the last 20 entries from the merged list. The problem comes in when you attempt to use paging because what you will need to do is know how many elements from each list went into making up the previous pages. I think, your best bet is probably to merge them first, then use skip/take. I know you don't want to hear that, but other solutions are probably more complex. Alternatively, you could take the top skip+take values from each table, then merge, skip the skip values and apply take.
using (GKDBDataContext db = new GKDBDataContext())
var fps = db.dbForumPosts.Select(c => new TempContentPlaceholder()
Id = c.PostId,
LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated,
Type = ContentShowingType.ForumPost
.Concat( db.dbUploadedAssignments.Select(c => new TempContentPlaceholder()
Id = c.PostId,
LastUpdated = c.LastUpdated,
Type = ContentShowingType.ForumPost
.OrderByDescending( c => c.LastUpdated )
return fps;

c# only show numbers after decimal point with linq

I have a linq query that executes successfully, one of the columns returned is a decimal type that is used to represent prices in pounds and pence (there will never be any negative values)
I want to be able to strip out the pounds and pence into separate Properties of my projection, however when using functionality such as
var result= from j in context.Products
Price = t.Price,
PricePounds = Math.Truncate(t.Price)
I get an error that Math.truncate is not supported as it cannot be translated into a store expression. How can I get the pounds value from this query?
If you don't need to do anything else in the database after that, the simplest approach is just to perform the truncation client-side:
var query = context.Products
.AsEnumerable() // Everything from here is LINQ to Objects
.Select(p => new {
PricePounds = Math.Truncate(p.Price)
Note that you might also want to just cast to int - and that might be supported in EF already.
EDIT: As noted in comments, you may want to perform a projection first, e.g.
var query = context.Products
.Select(p => new { p.Price, p.SomethingElse })
.AsEnumerable() // Everything from here is LINQ to Objects
.Select(p => new {
PricePounds = Math.Truncate(p.Price),
(Where SomethingElse is another property you're interested in, as an example - I doubt that you only want the price.)
This will avoid the entire entity being fetched when you only want a few properties.
You may try:
var result= from j in context.Products
new {
Price = t.Price,
PricePounds = EntityFunctions.Truncate(t.Price, 0)
The case is Math.Truncate cannot be translated into SQL where EntityFunctions.Truncate should be.

Linq-to-SQL ToDictionary

I have the following LINQ query:
var allocations =
from ta in dc.TransactionAllocations
where ta.Allocated == false
group ta by new { ta.ReceiptReference, ta.Customer } into tag
select new
Customer = tag.Key.Customer,
ReceiptReference = tag.Key.ReceiptReference,
Invoices = tag.ToDictionary(a => new AllocationDictionaryKey()
ID = a.ID,
InvoiceReference = a.InvoiceReference
a => a.Amount)
But when I try to execute this, the ToDictionary call fails as it's not a supported LINQ-to-SQL operator. The only way around this I have seen is to call ToDictionary at the end of the query, but I only want one property of my anonymous type to be a dictionary!
Any ideas on how to go about doing this?
Have a look at using AsEnumerable. This is designed to get round operators that are not supported by a specific platform. It means that the data will be processed where the code is rather than where the data is though.
Invoices = tag.AsEnumerable().ToDictionary(a => new AllocationDictionaryKey() { ID = a.ID, InvoiceReference = a.InvoiceReference }, a => a.Amount)
Quite old, but here goes.
I solved my problem with
from ta in dc.TransactionAllocations.AsEnumerable()
i.e. directly making the datatable as Enumerable.

Entity Framework with LINQ aggregate to concatenate string?

This is easy for me to perform in TSQL, but I'm just sitting here banging my head against the desk trying to get it to work in EF4!
I have a table, lets call it TestData. It has fields, say: DataTypeID, Name, DataValue.
DataTypeID, Name, DataValue
1,"Data 1","Value1"
1,"Data 1","Value2"
2,"Data 1","Value3"
3,"Data 1","Value4"
I want to group on DataID/Name, and concatenate DataValue into a CSV string. The desired result should contain -
DataTypeID, Name, DataValues
1,"Data 1","Value1,Value2"
2,"Data 1","Value3"
3,"Data 1","Value4"
Now, here's how I'm trying to do it -
var query = (from t in context.TestData
group h by new { DataTypeID = h.DataTypeID, Name = h.Name } into g
select new
DataTypeID = g.Key.DataTypeID,
Name = g.Key.Name,
DataValues = (string)g.Aggregate("", (a, b) => (a != "" ? "," : "") + b.DataValue),
The problem is that LINQ to Entities does not know how to convert this into SQL. This is part of a union of 3 LINQ queries, and I'd really like it to keep it that way. I imagine that I could retrieve the data and then perform the aggregate later. For performance reasons, that wouldn't work for my app. I also considered using a SQL server function. But that just doesn't seem "right" in the EF4 world.
Anyone care to take a crack at this?
If the ToList() is part of your original query and not just added for this example, then use LINQ to Objects on the resulting list to do the aggregation:
var query = (from t in context.TestData
group t by new { DataTypeID = t.DataTypeID, Name = t.Name } into g
select new { DataTypeID = g.Key.DataTypeID, Name = g.Key.Name, Data = g.AsEnumerable()})
.Select (q => new { DataTypeID = q.DataTypeID, Name = q.Name, DataValues = q.Data.Aggregate ("", (acc, t) => (acc == "" ? "" : acc + ",") + t.DataValue) });
Tested in LINQPad and it produces this result:
Some of the Answers suggest calling ToList() and then perform the calculation as LINQ to OBJECT. That's fine for a little amount of data, but what if I have a huge amount of data that I do not want to load into memory too early, then, ToList() may not be an option.
So, the better idea would be to process/format the data in the presentation layer and let the Data Access layer do only loading or saving raw data that SQL likes.
Moreover, in your presentation layer, most probably you are filtering the data by paging, or maybe you are showing one row in the details page, so, the data you will load into the memory is likely smaller than the data you load from the database. (Your situation/architecture may be different,.. but I am saying, most likely).
I had a similar requirement. My problem was to get the list of items from the Entity Framework object and create a formatted string (comma separated value)
I created a property in my View Model which will hold the raw data from the repository and when populating that property, the LINQ query won't be a problem because you are simply querying what SQL understands.
Then, I created a get-only property in my ViewModel which reads that Raw entity property and formats the data before displaying.
public class MyViewModel
public IEnumerable<Entity> RawChildItems { get; set; }
public string FormattedData
if (this.RawChildItems == null)
return string.Empty;
string[] theItems = this.RawChildItems.ToArray();
return theItems.Length > 0
? string.Format("{0} ( {1} )", this.AnotherRegularProperty, String.Join(", ", theItems.Select(z => z.Substring(0, 1))))
: string.Empty;
Ok, in that way, I loaded the Data from LINQ to Entity to this View Model easily without calling.ToList().
IQueryable<MyEntity> myEntities = _myRepository.GetData();
IQueryable<MyViewModel> viewModels = myEntities.Select(x => new MyViewModel() { RawChildItems = x.MyChildren })
Now, I can call the FormattedData property of MyViewModel anytime when I need and the Getter will be executed only when the property is called, which is another benefit of this pattern (lazy processing).
An architecture recommendation: I strongly recommend to keep the data access layer away from all formatting or view logic or anything that SQL does not understand.
Your Entity Framework classes should be simple POCO that can directly map to a database column without any special mapper. And your Data Access layer (say a Repository that fetches data from your DbContext using LINQ to SQL) should get only the data that is directly stored in your database. No extra logic.
Then, you should have a dedicated set of classes for your Presentation Layer (say ViewModels) which will contain all logic for formatting data that your user likes to see. In that way, you won't have to struggle with the limitation of Entity Framework LINQ. I will never pass my Entity Framework model directly to the View. Nor, I will let my Data Access layer creates the ViewModel for me. Creating ViewModel can be delegated to your domain service layer or application layer, which is an upper layer than your Data Access Layer.
Thanks to moi_meme for the answer. What I was hoping to do is NOT POSSIBLE with LINQ to Entities. As others have suggested, you have to use LINQ to Objects to get access to string manipulation methods.
See the link posted by moi_meme for more info.
Update 8/27/2018 - Updated Link (again) -
And since I'm taking flack for a link-only answer from 8 years ago, I'll clarify just in case the archived copy disappears some day. The basic gist of it is that you cannot access string.join in EF queries. You must create the LINQ query, then call ToList() in order to execute the query against the db. Then you have the data in memory (aka LINQ to Objects), so you can access string.join.
The suggested code from the referenced link above is as follows -
var result1 = (from a in users
b in roles
where (a.RoleCollection.Any(x => x.RoleId = b.RoleId))
select new
UserName = a.UserName,
RoleNames = b.RoleName)
var result2 = (from a in result1.ToList()
group a by a.UserName into userGroup
select new
UserName = userGroup.FirstOrDefault().UserName,
RoleNames = String.Join(", ", (userGroup.Select(x => x.RoleNames)).ToArray())
The author further suggests replacing string.join with aggregate for better performance, like so -
RoleNames = (userGroup.Select(x => x.RoleNames)).Aggregate((a,b) => (a + ", " + b))
You are so very close already. Try this:
var query = (from t in context.TestData
group h by new { DataTypeID = h.DataTypeID, Name = h.Name } into g
select new
DataTypeID = g.Key.DataTypeID,
Name = g.Key.Name,
DataValues = String.Join(",", g),
Alternatively, you could do this, if EF doesn't allow the String.Join (which Linq-to-SQL does):
var qs = (from t in context.TestData
group h by new { DataTypeID = h.DataTypeID, Name = h.Name } into g
select new
DataTypeID = g.Key.DataTypeID,
Name = g.Key.Name,
DataValues = g
var query = (from q in qs
select new
DataValues = String.Join(",", q.DataValues),
Maybe it's a good idea to create a view for this on the database (which concatenates the fields for you) and then make EF use this view instead of the original table?
I'm quite sure it's not possible in a LINQ statement or in the Mapping Details.

