I have the following LINQ query:
var allocations =
from ta in dc.TransactionAllocations
where ta.Allocated == false
group ta by new { ta.ReceiptReference, ta.Customer } into tag
select new
Customer = tag.Key.Customer,
ReceiptReference = tag.Key.ReceiptReference,
Invoices = tag.ToDictionary(a => new AllocationDictionaryKey()
ID = a.ID,
InvoiceReference = a.InvoiceReference
a => a.Amount)
But when I try to execute this, the ToDictionary call fails as it's not a supported LINQ-to-SQL operator. The only way around this I have seen is to call ToDictionary at the end of the query, but I only want one property of my anonymous type to be a dictionary!
Any ideas on how to go about doing this?
Have a look at using AsEnumerable. This is designed to get round operators that are not supported by a specific platform. It means that the data will be processed where the code is rather than where the data is though.
Invoices = tag.AsEnumerable().ToDictionary(a => new AllocationDictionaryKey() { ID = a.ID, InvoiceReference = a.InvoiceReference }, a => a.Amount)
Quite old, but here goes.
I solved my problem with
from ta in dc.TransactionAllocations.AsEnumerable()
i.e. directly making the datatable as Enumerable.
I have a query which I ran successfully in SQL Server Management Studio, which returns the table values shown in the screenshot
The query I used is:
SELECT tcoid, COUNT(*) ownleasetank
FROM TankProfile
WHERE ownleasetank = 3
GROUP BY tcoid
Now I'm using Entity Framework to make things easier in my sample project.
I used this method to return the table values as array object:
public async Task<Object> GetLeaseInformationPrincipal()
ISOTMSEntities context = new ISOTMSEntities();
var testleaseinfo = from d in context.TankProfiles
join f in context.TankOperators
on d.tcoid equals f.tcoId
where (d.ownleasetank == 3)
select new { f.tcoName, d.ownleasetank } into x
group x by new { x.tcoName } into g
select new
tconame = g.Key.tcoName,
ownleasetank = g.Select(x => x.ownleasetank).Count()
return testleaseinfo.ToList();
but it is not working properly. I also tried other ways, when I use where and groupby method in Entity Framework it doesn't working properly for me.
Does anybody know the solution for this?
It's very simple with LINQ methods:
.Where(t => t.ownleasetank = 3)
.GroupBy(t => t.tcoid)
.Select(g => new {g.Key, g.Count()})
I have no idea why in your C# version of the query you have such opeartions such join, while your SQL query is very simple. You have to rethink that :)
var c = from t in context.TankProfile
where t.ownleasetank == 3
group t by t.tcoid into g
select new { tcoid=g.Key, ownleasetank=g.Select(x => x.ownleasetank).Count() };
return c.ToList();
I have a query that is similar to the following (my actual query has three sections like this and then Concats them together and applies some additional filters and sorting).
var articles = from p in Repository.Query<Product>()
let article = p.Article
let office = p.TariffCategory.Office
where p.IsDeleted == false
select new
OfficeId = office.Id,
Office = office.Name,
Category = p.TariffCategory.Description,
ArticleId = article.Id,
Article = article.Title,
Destinations = p.ProductDestinations.Select(d => new { Id = d.DestinationId, Name = d.Destination.Description }),
GlobalDestinations = p.AllDestinationsInOffice,
Everythings seems right except my assignment to Destinations. That line produces the following error.
The nested query is not supported. Operation1='UnionAll' Operation2='MultiStreamNest'
If I remove that line, everything works as expected. Is there any way to perform a query like this?
I had a bit of a think, and rather than doing a join as I suggested, it may make sense to start the query at ProductDestination. What we're interested in is a row for each product+destination combination, much like you'd see via regular SQL queries. Once we've got that, we can apply grouping to the result so that we're closer to the representation you had
var data = Repository.Query<ProductDestination>()
.Where(pd => !pd.Product.IsDeleted)
.Select(pd =>
new {
Product = pd.Product,
Destination = pd.Destination,
.GroupBy(pd => pd.Product)
//I'm not in a position to test if EF will successfully run the below, so .ToList()
//May not be required. However, the bulk of the work is done in the database, anyway.
.Select(g => new {
OfficeId = g.Key.TariffCategory.Office.Id,
Office = g.Key.TariffCategory.Office.Name,
Category = g.Key.TariffCategory.Description,
ArticleId = g.Key.Article.Id,
Article = g.Key.Article.Title,
Destinations = g.Select(gg => new { Id = gg.Destination.DestinationId, Name = gg.Destination.Description }),
GlobalDestinations = g.Key.AllDestinationsInOffice,
I'm pretty sure the above should work without the ToList(), but I'm not confident to say it 100% will work. However, as noted, the bulk of the work is done in the database, the final projection shouldn't be too intensive, even if it's done in memory. However, should the ToList() be required, we would need to modify the GroupBy to return all fields we select via Key, otherwise we're going to have issues with lazy loading and N+1 queries.
Why does one method work but not the other, when it seems they are both doing the same thing, i.e. constructing an entity. My question then, is there a way to construct the entity in a L2E query instead of having to use just Linq or indeed both?
This works fine...
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah
However, if i change...
var queryToList
model.AuthorisationChecks queryToList // Of type List<AuthorisationCheck>
i get the error in the Title...
The entity or complex type 'Model.AuthorisationCheck' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
In the model it is simply, nothing fancy here.
public List<AuthorisationCheck> AuthorisationChecks { get; set; }
Tidied this up a little to be (which works fine)...
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select ac).ToList()
.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah
EDIT2: My Solution
I wasn't happy with the anonymous type method and so went ahead and created a simple model containing only the properties I required to be used in the viewmodel.
Changed the type of model.AuthorisationChecks
List<AuthorisationCheck> // List of Entities
List<AuthorisationCheckModel> // List of models
which allows the following code to work, and without profiling it seems a lot quicker than using an anonymous type (and of course I don't cast to a list twice!).
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheckModel
Blah = x.Blah
P.S. I was once warned by a coworker (who used to work for Microsoft) that it isn't a good idea to directly use Entities in this manner, maybe this was one of the reasons he was thinking of, I've also noticed some odd behavior using Entities directly in other cases (mainly corruptions).
Note: I generally use lambda expression instead of Fluent API, but the root issue should be the same.
I have historically noticed LINQ is unable to use C# classes for Select statements if the original datasource (i.e. ctx for you) is accessed by translating your query into SQL.
In other words, there are issues when getting something from the database and casting it to a custom class in the same chain.
LINQ is smart enough that it actually doesn't immediately execute your chained calls. It simply internally builds a query, and when you actually access your results (i.e. retrieve the value from memory), it executes the query.
I assume this is also the reason why you are faced with this error, because LINQ translates everything (including the Select) to SQL, and fails because there's no SQL-way to express it. In short, LINQ can't do a built query half-SQL, half-code. It's either all in SQL, or all in code.
You can usually confirm that this is the case by first making a List<> of the database table, then run the exact same query on it.
var myTable = db.AuthorizationCheck.ToList();
var myResult = myTable. //query here
Note: That is not a solution!
Taking the entire table in memory is an overly intensive way to work around this. It just proves the point that the problem isn't encountered if the datasource is in memory, but the error does occur if it's in a database.
There are ways I've fixed this, although I've never found a uniform way to approach this problem (generally depends on the opinion of my code reviewer, whether he likes the fix or not)
Using anonymous types, you can select what you want, and later cast it to the correct class. You can use the exact same fields, making a later cast easier to understand.
//Simpler query for clarity's sake
var myAnonymousResult = ctx.AuthorizationChecks
.Where(x => x.IsActive)
.Select(x => new { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive })
var myCastResult = myAnonymousResult.Select(x => new Check() { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive }).ToList();
If you use lambda expressions instead of the fluent API, you can call .ToList() after applying the filters but before calling the .Select() method. This ensures the current query will be executed, retrieved from the database, and put into an actual List<> in memory. At that point, you can call the .Select() statement without running into the same problem.
//Simpler query for clarity's sake
var myCastResult = ctx.AuthorizationChecks
.Where(x => x.IsActive)
.Select(x => new Check() { Name = x.Name, IsActive = x.IsActive });
Unfortunately though, my experience with this problem is anecdotal. I've never been able to officially confirm my suspicions as to the root cause of this issue; but the workarounds I mentioned should work as I've applied them numerous times in the past.
If anyone has an explanation of the root cause, I'd be very interested in hearing it!
If this query works fine:
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
then this should also work:
model.AuthorisationChecks = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = ac.Blah
and in your first case you don't need to project again, you can directly assign it to model propeerty:
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList;
As it is Linq To Entities,you have to do something like this using anonymous type:
var queryToList = (from ac in ctx.AuthorisationChecks
where wedNumbers.Contains(ac.WedNo)
orderby ac.WedNo, ac.ExpAuthDate, ac.ActAuthDate
select new
Blah = ac.Blah
and then:
model.AuthorisationChecks = queryToList.Select(x => new AuthorisationCheck
Blah = x.Blah
I understand that there are two different ways I can write LINQ code. Can someone show me the two ways for this simple code block. Which is the most commonly used or considered most easy to debug
var subTopics = _subTopicService.GetSubTopics(Id);
var subTopicsSelect = (from subTopic in subTopics
select new
id = subTopic.SubTopicId,
name = subTopic.Name
Since your query consists solely of a from and select clause, all you need to do to convert this to fluent syntax is call .Select.
In fluent syntax, that would be:
var subTopicsSelect = subTopics.Select(x =>
id = x.SubTopicId,
name = x.Name
Further Reading
How to: Write LINQ Queries in C#
You have displayed the first way "SQL-like syntax" the second would be "Lambda syntax":
subTopics.Select(s => new { id = s.SubTopicId, name = s.Name });
This really confuses me as I have a completely different way to select here are the two methods:
var emailsToSend = db.emailQueues.Where(
e => e.sent == false
var emailsToSend2 = from e2 in db.emailQueues
e => e.sent == false
select e2;
They both seem to do exactly the same thing but i prefer the syntax of the first method. Its easier to remember.
I want to write a query which should get an user object and the amount of messages the user has posted already. I did this the following way:
var query = (from u in _db.Repository<User>()
where u.IsDeleted != true
select new UserWithMessagecount()
User = u
MessageCount = GetUserMessageCount(u.Documents).Count(),
I'm using a method because some messages should be filtered out (in a dynamic way).
To keep things simple I'll post the function without sorting logic (which still produces the same error).
private EntitySet<Document> GetUserMessageCount(EntitySet<Document> set)
return set;
The error returned is:
Method 'x' has no supported translation to SQL.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
use this syntax instead:
var query = (from u in _db.Repository<User>()
let MessageCount = GetUserMessageCount(u.Documents).Count()
where u.IsDeleted != true
select new UserWithMessagecount()
User = u,
MessageCount = MessageCount
Linq-to-SQL will be trying to convert your entire statment into SQL, an of course there is no GetUserMessageCount() available.
You will need to take the results of the SQL query by enumerating it -- then apply the C# side logic.
What you need to do is to use grouping in your projection.
var query = from u in _db.Repository<User>()
where !u.IsDeleted
group u by u.UserId into g
select new UserWithMessageCount {
User = g.First(x => x.UserId == g.Key),
MessageCount = g.Sum(x => x.Messages.Count())
This should work.