i'm having a problem with mediator pattern in mvvm
I'l describe almost all classes for better understanding of my problem.
I'v got MainWindow and ViewModel for it, it is very simple and auctually doing nothing but holding one of my UserControls, there is a UserControl property in ViewModel that is binded to ContentControl.Content in MainWindow.
UserControls are identical there is only a single button in each of them,
and allso there are two ViewModels with commands to handle clikcs.
Class Mediator is a singletone and i tried to use it for iteraction between my ViewModel
So what i'm trying to do is to switch between UserControls, not creating them and their ViewModel inside a MainWindowViewModel. Switching must take place after i'm clicking a buttons. For example if i click on the button on FirstUserControl then ContentControl of the MainWindow should switch to SecondUserControl.
The probleam appears in UserControlsViewModels where i should pass UserControls object as a parameters in Mediator NotifyCollegue() function, but i have no acces to them
(of course, that is one of the principles of MVVM), and that is the problem of user types, because with standart types that should not be a problem (for example to pass int or string...).
i found this solutin here
And why i can't swith UserControls in MainWindowViewModel, because i want the MainWindow to be clear of everything except current UserControl binded to ContentControl.
What may be possible solutions to this problem, should i make another singletone class and collect all the userControls references there and use them inside UserControlsViewModels, or maybe something else?
I hope that I have clearly described my problem, and that there is some kind of solution.
I will be glad to answer any question and very grateful for the help!!!
oh, and that is not the real app, i just want to get the idea(concept) of mesaging system between ViewModels, not mixing ViewModel and not creation Views and their ViewModels inside of other ViewModels...
Thanks again!
<Window x:Class="TESTPROJECT.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="500" Width="750">
<ContentControl Grid.Row="1" Content="{Binding PagesControl}"/>
MainView ViewModel
class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
private UserControl _pagesControl;
public UserControl PagesControl
//Property that switches UserControls
_pagesControl = value;
return _pagesControl;
public MainWindowViewModel()
//Method that will be listening all the changes from UserControls ViewModels
(object obj) =>
PagesControl = obj as UserControl;
}, ViewModelMessages.UserWroteSomething);
<UserControl x:Class="TESTPROJECT.FirstUserControl"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Button Command="{Binding GetCommand}">
hello, i'm first user control!
FirstUserControl ViewModel
class FirstUserControlViewModel : ViewModelBase
//command that is binded to button
private DelegateCommand getCommand;
public ICommand GetCommand
if (getCommand == null)
getCommand = new DelegateCommand(param => this.func(param), null);
return getCommand;
//method that will handle button click, and in it i'm sending a message
//to MainWindowViewModel throug Mediator class
//and that is allso a problem place because in theory i should
//pass the opposite UserControl object , but from here i have no
//acces to it
private void func(object obj)
<UserControl x:Class="TESTPROJECT.SecondUserControl"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Button Command="{Binding GetCommand}">
Hello, i'm second user control!
SecondUserControl ViewModel
class SecondUserControlViewModel : ViewModelBase
//command that is binded to button
private DelegateCommand getCommand;
public ICommand GetCommand
if (getCommand == null)
getCommand = new DelegateCommand(param => this.func(param), null);
return getCommand;
//method that will handle button click, and in it i'm sending a message
//to MainWindowViewModel throug Mediator class
//and that is allso a problem place because in theory i should
//pass the opposite UserControl object , but from here i have no
//acces to it
private void func(object obj)
Class Mediator
enum ViewModelMessages
//this enum holding some kind of event names fro example UserWroteSomething
// is a name of switching one UserControl to another
public enum ViewModelMessages { UserWroteSomething = 1 };
class Mediator
//Singletone part
private static Mediator instance;
public static Mediator Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new Mediator();
return instance;
private Mediator() { }
//Singletone part
//collection listeners that holds event names and handler functions
List<KeyValuePair<ViewModelMessages, Action<Object>>> internalList =
new List<KeyValuePair<ViewModelMessages, Action<Object>>>();
//new listener registration
public void Register(Action<object> callBack, ViewModelMessages message)
new KeyValuePair<ViewModelMessages, Action<Object>>(message, callBack));
// notifying all the listener about some changes
// and those whose names fits will react
public void NotifyColleagues(ViewModelMessages message, object args)
foreach(KeyValuePair<ViewModelMessages, Action<Object>> KwP in internalList)
if(KwP.Key == message)
App starting point
public partial class App : Application
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
FirstUserControl first = new FirstUserControl() { DataContext = new FirstUserControlViewModel() };
SecondUserControl second = new SecondUserControl() { DataContext = new SecondUserControlViewModel() };
new MainWindow()
DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel() { PagesControl = first }
If I understand you correctly, you want to navigate to another view (or view model respectively) when a certain action on the currently active view model happens (e.g. you press a button).
If you want to use your mediator for this, you could structure it like this:
public class Mediator
// These fields should be set via Constructor Injection
private readonly MainWindowViewModel mainWindowViewModel;
private readonly Dictionary<ViewModelId, IViewFactory> viewFactories;
public void NotifyColleagues(ViewModelId targetViewModelId, ViewModelArguments arguments)
var targetFactory = this.viewModelFactories[targetViewModelId];
var view = targetFactory.Create(viewModelArguments);
this.mainWindowViewModel.PagesControl = view;
// other members omitted to keep the example small
You would then create a factory for every view - view model combination. With the ViewModelArguments, you can pass information into the newly created view models that originate from other view models. ViewModelId can be a simple enum like your ViewModelMessage, instead you can also use the Type of the view model (which I would advise you to pursue).
Furthermore, I would advise you to not use a private constructor on the Mediator class because otherwise you cannot pass in the mainWindowViewModel and the dictionary for the view factories. You should be able to configure this in your Application-Startup method.
Also, please note that there are many other ways to structure MVVM applications, like e.g. using Data Templates to instantiate the view for a view model - but I think that is a bit too stretched for your little example.
In one hand I have my model which had to collect data from several files and build a oriented object database, and in another I have my interface in which I want to display data from my database . So I use binding but my ComboBox, etc.. remain empty. I have the feeling that my database is built then erased when the interface is launched. Here's the code of my Main defined in the App.xaml.cs:
public partial class App : Application
public static void Main()
var application = new App();
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo("P:\\....");
Model model = new Model(dir);
Code for binding in MainWindow.xaml:
<ComboBox x:Name="critereComboBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Criteres}"/>
In EntityBox.cs:
private List<string> _criteres = new List<string>();
public void initialize()
public List<string> Criteres
get{ return _criteres; }
You need to initialize combobox inside context class, because when you use XAML to bind your data context, the context class is created independently by XAML, the model creation in Main function has literally no effect to your Control.
You also need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged to your Model (ViewModel?) class. I am also suggest you to step into MVVM approach.
I suppose it's a one-way binding. A short answer is to use ObservableCollection
private ObservableCollection<string> _criteres = new ObservableCollection<string>();
As it will notify when you call Add, but you might need to call them in UIDispatcher.
How to perform XAML conversion (eg whole grid or viewbox) to png file?
I need to do this from the ViewModel level.
Link to the example function that I can not call in ViewModel because I do not have access to the object.
Is there a simple and pleasant way?
The view will be responsible for actually exporting the elements that you see on the screen according to the answer you have linked to.
The view model should initialize the operation though. It can do so in a number of different ways.
One option is to send a loosely coupled event or message to the view using an event aggregator or a messenger. Please refer to the following blog post for more information on subject: http://blog.magnusmontin.net/2014/02/28/using-the-event-aggregator-pattern-to-communicate-between-view-models/.
Another option is to inject the view model with a loose reference to the view. The view implements an interface and uses either constructor injection or property injection to inject itself into the view model, e.g.:
public interface IExport
void Export(string filename);
public partial class MainWindow : Window, IExport
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new ViewModel(this);
public void Export(string filename)
public class ViewModel
private readonly IExport _export;
public ViewModel(IExport export)
_export = export;
public void DoExport()
This way the view model only knows about and have a depdenceny upon an interface. It's has no dependency upon the view and in your unit tests you could easily provide a mock implementation of the IExport interface.
The view model will and should never have any access to the actual elements to be exported though. These belong to the view.
You need something like Interaction - a way for VM to take something from view. If you don't want to install a whole new framework for that, just use Func property:
Your VM:
public Func<string, Bitmap> GetBitmapOfElement {get;set;}
//in some command
var bmp = GetBitmapOfElement("elementName");
Then, in your view you have assign something to that property:
ViewModel.GetBitmapOfElement = elementName =>
var uiElement = FindElementByName(elementName); // this part you have figure out or just always use the same element
return ExportToPng(FrameworkElement element); // this is the function form the link form your answer modified to return the bitmap instead of saving it to file
If you need it async, just change property type to Func<string, Task<Bitmap>> and assign async function in your view
What about dependency properties? Consider the following class that is used to passing data (the data may be a stream or whatever you want):
public class Requester
public event Action DataRequested;
public object Data { get; set; }
public void RequestData() => DataRequested?.Invoke();
Then you create a usercontrol and register a dependency property of type Requester:
public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty RequesterProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("Requester", typeof(Requester), typeof(MainWindow),
new PropertyMetadata(default(Requester), OnRequesterChanged));
public MyUserControl()
public Requester Requester
get => (Requester) GetValue(RequesterProperty);
set => SetValue(RequesterProperty, value);
private static void OnRequesterChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
=> ((Requester) e.NewValue).DataRequested += ((MyUserControl) d).OnDataRequested;
private void OnDataRequested()
Requester.Data = "XD";
And your view model would look something like this:
public class MainWindowViewModel
public Requester Requester { get; } = new Requester();
public void RequestData() => Requester.RequestData();
In XAML you simply bind the dependency property from your control to the property in your view model:
<Window x:Class="Test.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<local:MyUserControl Requester="{Binding Requester}"/>
I'm implementing code from the excellent answer to this question WPF + Castle Windsor + MVVM: Locator-DataContext. I'm not sure how to get the value from ShowDialog() though without resorting to code behind (which breaks testability), anyone have any ideas?
I was using this class with the MVVM Light Messenger class and it was working fine, but entails using the Service Locator anti-pattern.
The current code I have that isn't working is
public DataSourcePicker(IDataSourcePickerViewModel viewModel)
_viewModel = viewModel;
DataContext = viewModel;
Closed += (s, a) => RaiseDismissed();
public event Action OnDismissed;
private void RaiseDismissed()
if (OnDismissed != null)
in DataSourcePicker.xaml
<Button IsDefault="True" .../>
in MainViewModel.cs
public void NewDataSource()
var viewModel = _dspViewModelFactory.ResolveDataSourcePickerViewModel();
var view = _dspFactory.ResolveDataSourcePicker(viewModel);
view.OnDismissed += () => NewDataSourceImplementation(viewModel);
I need some way to set the IsAccepted property on the DataSourcePickerViewModel to true when the user clicks the button
Because you have neglected to show your implementation of "ShowDialog" or explain how your DataSourcePicker shows up in the application, it is difficult to give you a clear solution; So, here are two options depending on your implementation of DataSourcePicker:
In the unlikely event that your DataSourcePicker.ShowDialog method simply invokes MessageBox.Show, your solution is simple.
public void NewDataSource()
var viewModel = _dspViewModelFactory.ResolveDataSourcePickerViewModel();
var view = _dspFactory.ResolveDataSourcePicker(viewModel);
var result = view.ShowDialog();
if (result.HasValue)
viewModel.IsAccepted = result.Value;
However, if you have implemented your DataSourcePicker as a custom Modal dialog window, or you do not close the dialog window immediately after ShowDialog has executed, the solution becomes more complex.
In this scenario, you will have to add an ICommand to your viewmodel.
class DataSourcePickerViewModel : IDataSourcePickerViewModel
public bool IsAccepted { get; set; }
public ICommand NewDataSourceCommand { get; private set; }
public DataSourcePickerViewModel()
NewDataSourceCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
IsAccepted = true;
Then, you will have to update your DataSourcePickerView with:
<Button Command="{Binding NewDataSourceCommand}"
Otherwise, you will need to Use one of the following solutions for binding commands to events:
MVVM Light - EventToCommand
MSDN - EventToCommand
Marlon Grechs AttachedCommandBehavior
Then, you would update the view like so (If using the AttachedCommandBehavior library):
<ModalControl x:Class="_24318313.DataSourcePicker"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance local:DataSourcePickerViewModel}"
local:CommandBehavior.Command="{Binding NewDataSourceCommand}"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"/>
If you feel this doesn't solve you issue, please let me know and I will update in response to your feedback; Otherwise, please mark an answer as accepted.
Okay. So what I need to do is to initialize a ViewModel using a constructor. The problem is I can't create the constructor due lack of knowledge. I'm new to MVVM (or c# in general for that matter) and had to get some help to implement this code:
public class ViewModel
private static ViewModel instance = new ViewModel();
public static ViewModel Instance
return instance;
However, I fail to create a constructor to place this code.
DataContext = ViewModel.Instance
It is meant to go into two different pages to pass a value between TextBoxes.
I'm also confused as to whether I should put the ViewModel in both the main window and the page or in just one of the two.
So, anyone can help?
Follow this pattern:
This part is how your model classes should look like,
Even if you use entity framework to create your model they inherit INPC.. so all good.
public class Model_A : INotifyPropertyChanged
// list of properties...
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
// etc...
each view model is a subset of information to be viewed, so you can have many view models for the same model class, notice that in case your make the call to the parameter-less c-tor you get auto instance of a mock model to be used in the view model.
public class ViewModel_A1 : INotifyPropertyChanged
public Model_A instance;
public ViewModel()
instance = new instance
{ //your mock value for the properties..
FirstName = "Offer",
LastName = "Somthing"
public ViewModel(Model_A instance)
this.instance = instance;
And this is for your view, if you view in the ide designer you will have a mock view model to show.
public class View_For_ViewModelA1
public View_For_ViewModel_A1()
//this is the generated constructor already implemented by the ide, just add to it:
DataContext = new ViewModel_A1();
public View_For_ViewModel_A1(ViewModel_A1 vm)
DataContext = vm;
XAML Side:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.View_For_ViewModel_A1"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance ViewModel:ViewModel_A1, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<TextBox Text="{Binding FirstName}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding LastName}" />
In a more advanced scenario you would want to have a single view model class to relate to several model classes.. but you always should set a view to bind to a single view model.
if you need to kung-fu with your code - make sure you do that in your view model layer.
(i.e. creating a view-model that have several instances of different model types)
Note: This is not the complete pattern of mvvm.. in the complete pattern you can expose command which relate to methods in your model via your view-model and bind-able to your view as well.
Good luck :)
I basically follow this pattern:
public class ViewModelWrappers
static MemberViewModel _memberViewModel;
public static MemberViewModel MemberViewModel
if (_memberViewModel == null)
_memberViewModel = new MemberViewModel(Application.Current.Resources["UserName"].ToString());
return _memberViewModel;
To bind this to a page is:
DataContext = ViewModelWrappers.MemberViewModel;
And if I'm using more than 1 ViewModel on the page I just bind to the wrapper.
DataContext = ViewModelWrappers;
If you or anybody else, who's new to the MVVM, gets stuck here, for example at the "INotifyPropertyChanged could not be found". I recommend trying some example-MVVM's or tutorials.
Some I found useful:
I'm new to Caliburn.Micro (and MVVM for that matter) and I'm trying to Activate a screen with my conductor located in ShellViewModel from a button within a sub-viewmodel (one called by the conductor). All the tutorials I've seen have buttons in the actual shell that toggle between so I'm a little lost.
All the ViewModels share the namespace SafetyTraining.ViewModels
The ShellViewModel (first time ever using a shell so I might be using it in the wrong manner)
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<object>.Collection.OneActive, IHaveDisplayName
public ShellViewModel()
public void ShowMainView()
ActivateItem(new MainViewModel());
ShellView XAML
<UserControl x:Class="SafetyTraining.Views.ShellView"
<ContentControl x:Name="ActiveItem" />
MainViewModel - the main screen (does correctly display).
public class MainViewModel : Screen
public void ShowLoginPrompt()
LoginPromptViewModel lg = new LoginPromptViewModel();//This does happen
MainView XAML
<Button cal:Message.Attach="[Event Click] = [ShowLoginPrompt]">Login</Button>
public class LoginPromptViewModel : Screen
protected override void OnActivate()
MessageBox.Show("Hi");//This is for testing - currently doesn't display
EDIT Working Code:
Modified Sniffer's code a bit to properly fit my structure. Thanks :)
var parentConductor = (Conductor<object>.Collection.OneActive)(this.Parent);
parentConductor.ActivateItem(new LoginPromptViewModel());
You are doing everything correctly, but you are missing one thing though:
public void ShowLoginPrompt()
LoginPromptViewModel lg = new LoginPromptViewModel();//This does happen
You are creating an instance of LoginPromptViewModel, but you are not telling the conductor to activate this instance, so it's OnActivate() method is never called.
Now before I give you a solution I should suggest a couple of things:
If you are using the MainViewModel to navigate between different view-models then it would be appropriate to make MainViewModel a conductor itself.
If you aren't using it like that, then perhaps you should put the button that navigates to the LoginPromptViewModel in the ShellView itself.
Now back to your problem, since your MainViewModel extends Screen then it has a Parent property which refers to the Conductor, so you can do it like this:
public void ShowLoginPrompt()
LoginPromptViewModel lg = new LoginPromptViewModel();//This does happen
var parentConductor = (Conductor)(lg.Parent);