NFS SetAttr for ModifiedDate - c#

I've using nekodrive library.
And i need to add functionality to change last modified date of file. Found method SetAttr. NFSv3.cs And apply similar to SetFileSize function to set modified date:
public void SetLastModifiedDate(string FileFullName, DateTime LastModified)
if (_ProtocolV3 == null)
{ throw new NFSConnectionException("NFS Client not connected!"); }
if (_MountProtocolV3 == null)
{ throw new NFSMountConnectionException("NFS Device not connected!"); }
NFSAttributes Attributes = GetItemAttributes(FileFullName);
SetAttributeArguments dpArgSAttr = new SetAttributeArguments();
NFSTimeValue lastModified = new NFSTimeValue();
lastModified.Seconds = (int)(LastModified - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
dpArgSAttr.Handle = new NFSHandle(Attributes.Handle, V3.RPC.NFSv3Protocol.NFS_V3);
dpArgSAttr.Attributes = new MakeAttributes();
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.LastAccessedTime = new NFSTimeValue();
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.ModifiedTime = lastModified;
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.SetModifiedTime = TimeHow.SET_TO_CLIENT_TIME;
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.Mode = Attributes.Mode;
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.UserID = -1;
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.GroupID = -1;
dpArgSAttr.Attributes.SetSize = false;
dpArgSAttr.GuardCreateTime = new NFSTimeValue();
dpArgSAttr.GuardCheck = false;
ResultObject<SetAttributeAccessOK, SetAttributeAccessFAIL> pAttrStat =
if (pAttrStat == null || pAttrStat.Status != NFSStats.NFS_OK)
if (pAttrStat == null)
{ throw new NFSGeneralException("NFSPROC3_SETATTR: failure"); }
Unfortunately i get an error: Update synchronization mismatch was detected during a SETATTR operation. Error Code is NFSERR_NOT_SYNC = 10002
Exports file:
/home/nfs *(rw)
Can anyone advice on what could be wrong? may be just NFS configuration?


system missing method exception. why this happening

I was wondering if some one can help here. I have a project as a general which includes 5 layout. Now I'm trying to write api with dotnet core which use data access and commone Lay out of this general. so I added these 2 dll as assembly reference(they are using dotnet framwork) and in my api I call their classes:
public IActionResult login(LoginDto user)
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission.stcLoginInfo _LI = new cLoadUserPermission.stcLoginInfo();
if (user.UserName.ToLower() == "adminy" && user.Password.ToLower()== "rddddlad91")
_LI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_LI.UserID = "d56d79f4-1f06-4462-9ed7-d4292322555d";
_LI.UserName = "مدير سيستم";
_LI.UserLoginName = "adminy";
_LI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_LI.IsSupervisor = false;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserPLE = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserName = _LI.UserName;
_LI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound;
//DateTime _t = General.Common.cPersianDate.GetDateTime("1364/02/03");
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission _cLUP = new General.Common.cLoadUserPermission();
_LI = _cLUP.login(user.UserName, user.Password, 0);
switch (_LI.LoginError)
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError:
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_PasswordIncorrect:
return BadRequest("كلمه عبور نادرست ميباشد");
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound:
return BadRequest("نام كاربري يافت نشد");
cCurrentUser.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
cCurrentUser.CurrentPersonelID = _LI.PersonelID;
cCurrentUser.CurrentUserLoginName = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserPLE = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserName = _LI.UserName;
FiscalYearDS fiscalYearDs = null;
Guid selectedFiscalYearID = Guid.Empty;
using (IFiscalYear service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
fiscalYearDs = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(user.FiscalYear.ToString());
selectedFiscalYearID = fiscalYearDs.tblFiscalYear[0].FiscalYearID;
Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = fiscalYearDs;
this.InternalSelecteDoreh = new YearData(selectedFiscalYearID);
Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = this.SelectedDoreh;
General.Common.Data.FiscalYearDS generalfiscalyearDS = null;
using (General.Common.IFiscalYear service = General.Common.FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
generalfiscalyearDS = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(user.FiscalYear.ToString());
General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = generalfiscalyearDS;
General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = new General.Common.YearData(selectedFiscalYearID); ;
Sales.Common.YearData _SMSYearData = new Sales.Common.YearData(General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear.FiscalYearID);
Sales.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = _SMSYearData;
Sales.Common.Data.FiscalYearDS fiscalyearSMSDS = null;
selectedFiscalYearID = Guid.Empty;
using (Sales.Common.IFiscalYear service = Sales.Common.FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
fiscalyearSMSDS = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear.FiscalYearID.ToString());
//selectedFiscalYearID = fiscalyearDS.FiscalYear[0].FiscalYearID;
Sales.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = fiscalyearSMSDS;
return Ok();
the main part is here :
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission _cLUP = new General.Common.cLoadUserPermission();
_LI = _cLUP.login(user.UserName, user.Password, 0);
This is my login method in general.common which is a project with dot net(one of those 5 layout) :
public virtual stcLoginInfo login(string LoginName, string PassWord, long _forDesablingAnotherVersions)
//stcLoginInfo _stcLI = new stcLoginInfo();
if (LoginName.ToLower() == "admin" && PassWord == "rdssolad91")
_stcLI.UserID = new Guid("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D").ToString();
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322555D","user"+"GUID");
_stcLI.UserLoginName = "adminy";
_stcLI.UserName = "مدير سيستم";
_stcLI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
return _stcLI;
if (LoginName.ToLower() == "admin" && PassWord == "dddddd")
_stcLI.UserID = new Guid("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D").ToString();
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D","user"+"GUID");
_stcLI.UserLoginName = "admin";
_stcLI.UserName = "**مدير سيستم**";
_stcLI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
_stcLI.IsSupervisor = true;
return _stcLI;
UsersDS _ds = new UsersDS();
UsersDS.vwUsersDataTable tbl;
_stcLI.UserID = Guid.Empty.ToString();
using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService())
SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter();
sf.AndFilter(new FilterDefinition(_ds.vwUsers.LoginNameColumn, FilterOperation.Equal, LoginName));
tbl = service.GetUsersByFilter(sf);
enmLoginError _LoginError = CheckedUser(tbl, PassWord);
switch (_LoginError)
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError:
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String(tbl[0].UserID.ToString(), "user" + "GUID");
_stcLI.UserID = tbl[0].UserID.ToString();
_stcLI.PersonelID = tbl[0].PrincipalLegalEntityRef; //tbl[0].PersonelRef;
_stcLI.UserName = tbl[0].UserName;
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_PasswordIncorrect:
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound:
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_AccessDenied:
_stcLI.UserID = Guid.Empty.ToString();
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserName = "";//tbl[0].UserName;
_stcLI.LoginError = _LoginError;
_stcLI.UserLoginName = LoginName;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
return _stcLI;
the main part and the problem happen here :
using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService()) // here I got error
SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter();
sf.AndFilter(new FilterDefinition(_ds.vwUsers.LoginNameColumn, FilterOperation.Equal, LoginName));
tbl = service.GetUsersByFilter(sf);
in this line using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService()) I get this error :
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Object System.Activator.GetObject(System.Type, System.String)'.
at General.Common.FacadeFactory.GetUsersService()
at General.Common.cLoadUserPermission.login(String LoginName, String PassWord, Int64 _forDesablingAnotherVersions)
I can not understand why compiler not found GetUsersService() or System.Object System.Activator.GetObject(System.Type, System.String) in that method. this facadfactory is a class in General.common assembly and the code is here:
public class FacadeFactory
public static FacadeFactory Instance
if (InternalFacade == null)
InternalFacade = new FacadeFactory();
return InternalFacade;
public IUsers GetUsersService()
string typeName = "General.Facade.UsersService";
IUsers temp = null;
if (Configuration.Instance.RemoteMode)
return new UsersClientProxy((IUsers)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IUsers), GetClientTypeURL(typeName)));
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Configuration.Instance.DllPath + FacadeObjects[typeName]);
temp = new UsersClientProxy((IUsers)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName));
return temp;
I read and try all these here (method not found) . but non of them works, even clean and rebuild. thanks for reading this.
The method Activator.GetObject(Type, String) does not exist on .NET Core as you can see in the documentation for the Activator class. Refer to this comment for some more information.
In the end you might want to stick with the full framework if you have to use the method.

Trying to get data from wsdl using c#

I have this c# code where i am trying to get data from a wsdl in visual studio .
The code is okay but when i try to get the data to written on notepad it just shows an empty space :
WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.GetModifiedBookingsOperationResponse getModbkgsResp;
using (var proxy = new WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.InventoryServiceClient())
int noofBookings = 1;
getModbkgsResp = proxy.GetModifiedBookings(getModBkgsReq);
WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.Booking[] bookings = new WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.Booking[noofBookings];
getModbkgsResp.Bookings = new WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.Booking[noofBookings];
getModbkgsResp.Bookings = bookings;
if (getModbkgsResp.Bookings != null)
for (int i = 0; i < bookings.Length; i++)
Booking bk = new WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.Booking();
getModbkgsResp.Bookings[i] = bk;
if (bk != null )
bookingSource = bk.BookingSource;
if (bk.BookingId == Bookingcode)
this.WriteToFile("Booking Source =" + bookingSource + "");
this.WriteToFile("Sorry could not find your source of booking");
this.WriteToFile("Looks like source is null " );
this.WriteToFile("ERROR: Booking details not returned from GetModifiedBookings! " +StartDate);
I'm not sure why you are using the new keyword to create items that should have been retrieved from the service. Naturally anything created with new will be initialized with default values and will not contain any data that was retrieved from the service.
My guess is your code should look more like this:
using (var proxy = new WindowsService1.ServiceReference1.InventoryServiceClient())
var response = proxy.GetModifiedBookings(getModBkgsReq);
if (response.Bookings == null)
this.WriteToFile("ERROR: Booking details not returned from GetModifiedBookings! " +StartDate);
var booking = response.Bookings.SingleOrDefault( b => b.BookingId == bookingCode);
if (booking == null)
this.WriteToFile("Sorry could not find your source of booking");
var bookingSource = booking.BookingSource;
this.WriteToFile("Booking Source =" + bookingSource + "");

VerifyCommitted - Transaction has not been committed error on plugin

I am writing a plugin for Dynamics 2017 on premise using C#. The plugin is supposed to run synchronously post operation on the win of an opportunity. When I mark an opportunity as won, I receive the following error:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<faultstring xml:lang="en-US">VerifyCommitted - Transaction has not been committed</faultstring>
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns=""
<ErrorDetails xmlns:a=""/>
<Message>VerifyCommitted - Transaction has not been committed</Message>
<ExceptionSource i:nil="true"/>
<InnerFault i:nil="true"/>
<OriginalException i:nil="true"/>
<TraceText i:nil="true"/>
I've tried profiling the plugin so I can debug what is happening here, but it doesn't appear that the plugin is successfully profiling the action. Why am I receiving this error and why is my plugin not profiling correctly?
private void ExecutePostOpportunityWin(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
Entity wonOpportunityEntity = context.InputParameters.Contains("OpportunityClose") ?
(Entity)context.InputParameters["OpportunityClose"] :
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to load OpportunityClose Input Parameter. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists please contact IT Support.");
EntityReference wonOpportunityReference = wonOpportunityEntity.Attributes.Contains("opportunityid") ?
(EntityReference)wonOpportunityEntity.Attributes["opportunityid"] :
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to load opportunityid. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists please contact IT Support.");
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
if (wonOpportunityReference != null)
Opportunity wonOpportunity = (Opportunity)service.Retrieve(
new Guid(wonOpportunityReference.Id.ToString()),
new ColumnSet(new String[] {
if (wonOpportunity != null)
Boolean isNewClient = wonOpportunity.NewClient == true;
Boolean isNewContract = wonOpportunity.NewContract == true;
if (isNewClient && isNewContract)
Client newClient = CreateClient(wonOpportunity, service);
Contract newContract = CreateContract(wonOpportunity, newClient, service);
AssociateOpportunityToContract(wonOpportunity.Id, newContract.Id, service);
wonOpportunity.Client = newClient;
wonOpportunity.Contract = newContract;
else if (isNewClient && !isNewContract)
Client newClient = CreateClient(wonOpportunity, service);
AssociateOpportunityToContract(wonOpportunity.Id, wonOpportunity.Contract.Id, service);
wonOpportunity.Client = newClient;
else if (!isNewClient && isNewContract)
Entity entity = service.Retrieve(
new ColumnSet(new String[] { "ccseq_clientid", "ccseq_masterclientid" })
Client newClient = (Client)entity;
if (newClient.MasterClient != null)
entity = service.Retrieve(
new ColumnSet(new String[] { "ccseq_clientid", "ccseq_masterclientid" })
newClient = (Client)entity;
Contract newContract = CreateContract(wonOpportunity, newClient, service);
AssociateOpportunityToContract(wonOpportunity.Id, newContract.Id, service);
wonOpportunity.Contract = newContract;
else if (!isNewClient && !isNewContract)
AssociateOpportunityToContract(wonOpportunity.Id, wonOpportunity.Contract.Id, service);
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to process Client and Contract Information. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists please contact IT Support.");
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to load Opportunity. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists please contact IT Support.");
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to load Opportunity. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists please contact IT Support.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.Message);
private void AssociateOpportunityToContract(Guid opportunityID, Guid contractID, IOrganizationService service)
new Relationship("ccseq_ccseq_contract_opportunity_ContractID"),
new EntityReferenceCollection(
new EntityReference[] { new EntityReference("opportunity", opportunityID) }
private Contract CreateContract(Opportunity opportunity, Client clientGroup, IOrganizationService service)
Contract newContract = new Contract();
newContract.ApprovingPartner = opportunity.SalesLead;
newContract.Preparer = opportunity.SalesLead;
newContract.Description = opportunity.Topic;
newContract.Executed = false;
newContract.ContractStatus = Contract.eContractStatus.Draft;
newContract.ClientGroup = clientGroup;
newContract.Id = newContract.Save(service);
ContractLine newContractLine = new ContractLine();
newContractLine.Contract = newContract;
newContractLine.Id = newContractLine.Save(service);
ContractRevenue newContractRevenue = new ContractRevenue();
newContractRevenue.Contract = newContract;
newContractRevenue.Id = newContractRevenue.Save(service);
ContractRevenueByContractLine newContractRevenueByContractLine = new ContractRevenueByContractLine();
newContractRevenueByContractLine.ContractLine = newContractLine;
newContractRevenueByContractLine.ContractRevenue = newContractRevenue;
newContractRevenueByContractLine.Id = newContractRevenueByContractLine.Save(service);
ContractJob newContractJob = new ContractJob();
newContractJob.ContractLine = newContractLine;
newContractJob.Id = newContractJob.Save(service);
return newContract;
private Client CreateClient(Opportunity opportunity, IOrganizationService service)
Client newClient = new Client();
newClient.Name = opportunity.AssociationOrContact.Name;
newClient.Originator = opportunity.Originator;
newClient.Preparer = opportunity.SalesLead;
newClient.ClientPartner = opportunity.SalesLead;
newClient.ClientStatus = Client.eClientStatus.Draft;
if (opportunity.AssociationOrContact != null)
if (opportunity.AssociationOrContact.LogicalName == "account")
Association association = null;
association = (Association)service.Retrieve(
new ColumnSet(new String[]
if (association != null)
newClient.Association = association;
newClient.FiscalYearEndMonth = association.FiscalYearEndMonth != null ? (Client.eMonthOfYear)association.FiscalYearEndMonth : (Client.eMonthOfYear?)null;
//client.ClientType = (Client.eClientType)association.EntityType; // These two option sets are different
newClient.SameAsClientAddress = true;
newClient.Address1 = association.Address1_Street1;
newClient.Address2 = association.Address1_Street2;
newClient.Address3 = association.Address1_Street3;
newClient.City = association.Address1_City;
newClient.State = association.Address1_State_Province;
newClient.Zip = association.Address1_ZIP_PostalCode != null ? Convert.ToInt32(association.Address1_ZIP_PostalCode) : (int?)null;
newClient.Country = association.Address1_County;
newClient.BillingAddress1 = association.Address1_Street1;
newClient.BillingAddress2 = association.Address1_Street2;
newClient.BillingAddress3 = association.Address1_Street3;
newClient.BillingCity = association.Address1_City;
newClient.BillingState = association.Address1_State_Province;
newClient.BillingZip = association.Address1_ZIP_PostalCode != null ? Convert.ToInt32(association.Address1_ZIP_PostalCode) : (int?)null;
newClient.BillingCountry = association.Address1_County;
Contact contact = (Contact)service.Retrieve(
new ColumnSet(new String[]
if (contact != null)
newClient.Name = contact.LastName + " Household";
newClient.BillingContactName = contact.FirstName + " " + contact.LastName;
newClient.BillingContactEmail = contact.PrimaryEmail;
// Address Information doesn't quite line up
newClient.Id = newClient.Save(service);
return newClient;
Plugin Configuration
As #HenkvanBoeijen said in the comments on this question the issue was that I was trying to update the opportunity record that had been locked by the system. When I made this plugin a pre-operation plugin and set the values I needed in the target the error went away.

C# Create Profile Issue

The following code is charging the card, however it is not creating the profile....any tips? I'm assuming I'm missing something, or using the wrong Type...
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
id = userID.ToString()
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = true
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
Since apparently OpaqueData is not allowed, I changed it to make the profile manually. I am getting the following Error: "Error: I00001 Successful."
// Add Payment method to Customer.
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
var request2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = userID.ToString()
var controller2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(request2);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse response2 = controller2.GetApiResponse();
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
Update #2
Very confused as documentation says this code means why don't I see the CIM payment method created??? RESPONSE CODE DOCS
Update #3
So I was printing out the main response message instead of the CIM request message, duh. The actual error was: "E00114 Invalid OTS Token."
Based on the the documentation, that error is usually from a used Key, so I am now generating 2 keys (One to process and One to store via CIM) but am now getting this error: "E00040 The record cannot be found."....Any ideas?
So the answer to this question is:
You can not auto create a payment profile using opaque card data, so the answer is to make it manually once you have a successful charge.
You can not use the same opaque card data to charge and store, as they are one time use, so for my web method I ended up passing 2 opaque data keys.
You have to make different calls for setting up a brand new customer and an existing customer just adding a new card. I have pasted an excerpt of my end solution below:
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION : AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX);
// define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id)
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType()
name = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID-SandBox"]),
ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey,
Item = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey-SandBox"])
if (paymentNonce.Trim() != "")
//set up data based on transaction
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = false
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
string merchID = "STORED AUTHORIZE.NET CUSTOMERID, return blank string if none!";
var opaqueData2 = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce2 };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType2 = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData2 };
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType2;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
if (merchID == "")
List<customerPaymentProfileType> paymentProfileList = new List<customerPaymentProfileType>();
customerProfileType customerProfile = new customerProfileType();
customerProfile.merchantCustomerId = "YOUR_DB_USERID";
customerProfile.paymentProfiles = paymentProfileList.ToArray();
var cimRequest = new createCustomerProfileRequest { profile = customerProfile, validationMode = validationModeEnum.none };
var cimController = new createCustomerProfileController(cimRequest); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service
createCustomerProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
// STORE cimResponse.customerProfileId IN DATABASE FOR USER
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("New Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
var cimRequest = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = merchID.Trim()
var cimController = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(cimRequest);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Add Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;
customerProfilePaymentType profileToCharge = new customerProfilePaymentType();
profileToCharge.customerProfileId = CustomerID;
profileToCharge.paymentProfile = new paymentProfile { paymentProfileId = PaymentID };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(),
amount = paymentAmount,
profile = profileToCharge
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the collector that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;

How can I search Notes by sequence number

I use Evernote C# API. I understand how filters working.
ENNoteStoreClient store = ENSessionAdvanced.SharedSession.PrimaryNoteStore;
SyncState currentState = store.GetSyncState();
int currentUpdateCount = currentState.UpdateCount;
if (currentUpdateCount > latestUpdateCount)
latestUpdateCount = currentUpdateCount;
// Here synchronization code
I have latestUpdateCount and how I can get notes with sequence number >= this number?
You'll want to use GetFilteredSyncChunk using code something like the following:
List<SyncChunk> syncBlocks = new List<SyncChunk>();
int maxEntries = 250;
// These are sample filter settings; you should use what's appropriate for you based on
// what data you want returned in your note objects.
SyncChunkFilter filter = new SyncChunkFilter();
filter.IncludeNotes = true;
filter.IncludeNoteAttributes = true;
filter.IncludeNotebooks = true;
filter.IncludeTags = false;
filter.IncludeSearches = false;
filter.IncludeResources = false;
filter.IncludeLinkedNotebooks = false;
filter.IncludeExpunged = false;
filter.IncludeNoteApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
filter.IncludeNoteResourceApplicationDataFullMap = false;
SyncChunk chunk = store.getFilteredSyncChunk(currentUpdateCount, maxEntries, filter);
if (chunk == null)
return null; // This can happen if there is a "503 - Service unavailable" error accessing this person's Evernote info
currentUpdateCount = chunk.ChunkHighUSN;
} while (currentUpdateCount < serverSyncState.UpdateCount);
foreach (SyncChunk chunk in syncBlocks)
if (chunk != null && chunk.Notes != null)
foreach (Note chunkNote in chunk.Notes)
// do something with the retrieved chunkNote object

