What is the Complexity of N-ary tree insertion and searching? - c#

I am implementing an N-1ry tree in C#. I am wondering how can I calculate the complexity of below methods. Here is my code:
public class Node
public int Value { get; set; }
public Node Children { get; set; }
public Node Sibilings { get; set; }
This method for searching:
public Node search(Node root, int data)
if (root == null)
return null;
if (data == root.Value)
return root;
Node t = search(root.Children, data);
if (t == null)
t = search(root.Sibilings, data);
return t;
This method for insertion:
public void Add(int[] data)
Node temp = null;
temp = search(ROOT, data[0]);
if (temp == null)
temp = new Node(data[0]);
if (this.ROOT == null)
ROOT = temp;
Node parent = temp;
for (int j = 1; j <= this.NoOfChildrens; j++)
// for first child
if (j == 1)
parent.Children = new Node(data[j]);
parent = parent.Children;
//for all other childs
parent.Sibilings = new Node(data[j]);
parent = parent.Sibilings;
Program entry point:
static void Main(string[] args)
NAryTree naryTree = new NAryTree(3);
// 1st element in each row is node Value,>=2nd....=>value of child
int[][] data = { new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, new int[] { 2, 1, 6,0 }, new int[] { 3, 8, 9, 10 }, new int[] { 4, 0, 0, 0 } };
naryTree.Add(new int[] {10,3,6,4});
What is the bigO complexity of these methods?

Let's see what we have in Search method. It is not a binary tree and we have recursion. So the Search method will call N times till we find a necessary value. So we can conclude that we have O(N) where N is the maximum(worst) number of iteration to find a value at the last iteration:
public Node search(Node root, int data)
if (root == null)
return null;
if (data == root.Value)
return root;
Node t = search(root.Children, data);
if (t == null)
t = search(root.Sibilings, data);
return t;
For Addition method is simpler as we have for statement and no nested loops. So we have O(N) for Addition method.
As Wisconsin university says:
So for loops for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sequence of statements } The loop executes N times, so the sequence of statements also executes N times. Since we assume the
statements are O(1), the total time for the for loop is N * O(1),
which is O(N) overall.


C# Increasing performance of a Linked List

I'm working on SPOJ problem where you have to write an algorithm that based on input string conditions outputs new string, but you can't exceede time limit.
problem link
The fastest i could get was by using two stacks, but time limit was still exceeded, now I tried implementing doubly linked list, but it's twice slower than when I used stack. Do you have any idea on how can I increase performance of implemented linked list, or maybe should I use other data structure for this problem? Thought of implementing Node as a structure but not really sure if you can do that.
using System;
namespace spoj
class LinkedList
private Node head;
private Node tail;
private int length;
public Node Head { get => head; }
public Node Tail { get => tail; }
public int Length { get => length; }
public LinkedList(Node head = null, Node tail = null, int length = 0)
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
this.length = length;
public void AddFirst(char value)
var addFirst = new Node(value);
addFirst.Next = head;
addFirst.Previous = null;
if (head != null)
head.Previous = addFirst;
head = addFirst;
public void Remove(Node node)
if (node.Previous == null)
head = node.Next;
head.Previous = null;
else if (node.Next == null)
tail = node.Previous;
tail.Next = null;
Node temp1 = node.Previous;
Node temp2 = node.Next;
temp1.Next = temp2;
temp2.Previous = temp1;
public void AddAfter(Node node, char input)
var newNode = new Node(input);
if (node.Next == null)
node.Next = newNode;
newNode.Previous = node;
Node temp1 = node;
Node temp2 = node.Next;
temp1.Next = newNode;
newNode.Previous = temp1;
newNode.Next = temp2;
temp2.Previous = newNode;
public string Print()
string temp = "";
if (head == null)
return temp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
temp += head.Value;
head = head.Next;
return temp;
class Node
private char value;
private Node next;
private Node previous;
public char Value { get => value; }
public Node Next { get => next; set { next = value; } }
public Node Previous { get => previous; set { previous = value; } }
public Node(char value)
this.value = value;
next = null;
previous = null;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int testNum = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < testNum; i++)
var list = new LinkedList();
string input = Console.ReadLine();
var node = list.Head;
for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
if ((input[j] == '<' && node == null) | (input[j] == '>' && (node == null || node.Next == null)) | (input[j] == '-' && (node == null || node.Previous == null)))
else if (input[j] == '<')
node = node.Previous;
else if (input[j] == '>')
node = node.Next;
else if (input[j] == '-')
node = node.Previous;
if (node == null)
node = list.Head;
list.AddAfter(node, input[j]);
node = node.Next;
An implementation using a linked list will not be as fast as one that uses StringBuilder, but assuming you are asking about a linked list based implementation I would suggest not to reimplement LinkedList. Just use the native one.
This means you don't have to change much in your code, just this:
Define the type of the list nodes as char: new LinkedList<char>();
Instead of .Head use .First
Instead of .Print use string.Join("", list)
However, there are these problems in your code:
When the input is >, you should allow the logic to execute when node is null. Currently you continue, but a null may mean that your "cursor" is in front of the non-empty list, so you should still deal with it, and move the "cursor" to list.First
When the input is -, you should still perform the removal even when node.Previous is null, because it is not the previous node that gets removed, but the current node. We should imagine the cursor to be between two consecutive nodes, and your removal logic shows that you took as rule that the cursor is between the current node and node.Next. You could also have taken another approach (with the cursor is just before node), but important is that all your logic is consistent with this choice.
When executing the logic for - -- in line with the previous point -- you should take into account that node.Previous could be null, and in that case you cannot do the removal as you have it. Instead, you could first assign the node reference to a temporary variable, then move the cursor, and then delete the node that is referenced by the temporary reference.
Here is the corrected code, using the native LinkedList implementation. I moved the logic for doing nothing (your continue) inside each separate case, as I find that easier to understand/debug:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Test
public static void Main()
int testNum = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < testNum; i++)
var list = new LinkedList<char>();
string input = Console.ReadLine();
var node = list.First;
for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
if (input[j] == '<')
if (node != null)
node = node.Previous;
else if (input[j] == '>')
if (node == null || node.Next != null)
node = node == null ? list.First : node.Next;
else if (input[j] == '-')
if (node != null) {
var temp = node;
node = node.Previous;
node = node == null ? list.AddFirst(input[j])
: list.AddAfter(node, input[j]);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", list));

SortedSet inserting element out of sort

I’ve written an implementation of A* that relies on sorting nodes by their F score in a sortedSet.
The sorting, in some cases, seems to insert a Node object at the 'Min' value when its compared 'F' value is actually the second lowest rather than the Min, as described. I'm completely baffled as to why this is happening. I believe it's causing the knock-on effect of causing nodeTree.Remove and nodeTree.RemoveWhere to fail, but that might be the actual cause of the issue, I'm honestly not sure - though I wouldn't know how to fix it if it is.
This is the comparer used. I assume it's relatively obvious that I'm not exactly sure how to implement these, but I think this should work as I intend.
public class FValueFirst : Comparer<PathfindingAgent.Node>
public override int Compare(PathfindingAgent.Node x, PathfindingAgent.Node y)
int result = x.F.CompareTo(y.F);
if (result == 0)
result = y.G.CompareTo(x.G);
if(x == y)
result = 0;
return result;
This is the Node object, for reference.
public class Node
public Cell cell;
public float G;
public float H;
public bool Opened;
public bool Closed;
public Node Previous;
public float F { get => G + H; }
This is the function it all occurs in. The result is deterministic, thankfully. Depending on the current destID and the particular layout of the grid's obstacles it will always get out of sort on the same iteration.
public void PathTo(Vector3Int destID)
SortedSet<Node> nodeTree = new SortedSet<Node>(new FValueFirst());
Vector3Int radius = PathfindingGrid.Instance.GridRadius;
NodeGrid = new Node[radius.x * 2 + 1, radius.y * 2 + 1, radius.z * 2 + 1];
Node startNode = new Node()
cell = PathfindingGrid.Cells[CurrentID.x, CurrentID.y, CurrentID.z],
G = 0,
H = 0
Node endNode = new Node()
cell = PathfindingGrid.Cells[destID.x, destID.y, destID.z],
G = 0,
H = 0
Vector3Int sID = startNode.cell.ID;
Vector3Int eID = endNode.cell.ID;
NodeGrid[sID.x, sID.y, sID.z] = startNode;
NodeGrid[eID.x, eID.y, eID.z] = endNode;
if (endNode.cell.IsOccupied) return;
int iterations = 0;
Node node;
node = nodeTree.Min;
node.Closed = true;
nodeTree.RemoveWhere(n => n == node);
if(node == nodeTree.Min)
throw new Exception($"Incorrect node was removed from the tree");
if (node == endNode)
List<Node> chain = BacktraceChain(node);
Debug.Log($"Path found from {CurrentID} to {destID} with score {endNode.G} traversing {chain.Count} cells in {iterations} iterations");
DrawLine(chain, Color.white);
List<Node> neighbours = GetNeighbours(node);
foreach(Node neighbour in neighbours)
if (neighbour == startNode || neighbour.Closed) continue;
float newg = Vector3Int.Distance(node.cell.ID, neighbour.cell.ID) + node.G;
if (!neighbour.Opened || newg < neighbour.G)
neighbour.G = newg;
neighbour.H = ManhattanHeuristic(neighbour, endNode);
neighbour.Previous = node;
neighbour.Opened = true;
nodeTree.RemoveWhere(n => n == neighbour);
For posterity, I solved the issue - it was due to my inexperience with the SortedList type.
This code, found near the end of the function was to blame
if (!neighbour.Opened || newg < neighbour.G)
neighbour.G = newg;
neighbour.H = ManhattanHeuristic(neighbour, endNode);
neighbour.Previous = node;
neighbour.Opened = true;
nodeTree.RemoveWhere(n => n == neighbour);
Specifically, an item in a tree cannot have its compared values modified to the point where it no longer compares correctly in that index. The item must first be removed from the list, modified, and readded.
My guess in hindsight is that, though removed immediately after modification, the tree is unable to be sufficiently traversed to access the target item due to the modification.
Thus my solution was to simply re-arrange the block so that the removal and addition occured on either side of the modification respectively, like so:
if (!neighbour.Opened || newg < neighbour.G)
if (neighbour.Opened)
if (!nodeTree.Remove(neighbour)) throw new Exception($"{neighbour} was not removed from tree");
neighbour.Opened = true;
neighbour.G = newg;
neighbour.H = ManhattanHeuristic(neighbour, endNode);
neighbour.Previous = node;

Prevent ' Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException' in C#

I have a program which builds a very large tree from input data and traverses it, both by recursion. I have tested the program on smaller inputs (and thus smaller trees) and it functions as intended. However when the input data is much larger i run into 'Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException'. I assume this is due to the stack running out of space. Is there any way to prevent this or do I have to switch to building the tree via iteration instead? Or perhaps I am missing a case of infinite recursion somewhere?
Here is the code:
class Program
static int[] tileColors;
static Color[] colors;
static int totalTiles;
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
string[] data = File.ReadAllLines("colors.txt");
totalTiles = int.Parse(data[0].Split(' ')[0]);
int totalColors = int.Parse(data[0].Split(' ')[1]);
string[] colorsRaw = data[1].Split(' ');
tileColors = new int[totalTiles];
for (int i = 0; i < totalTiles; i++)
tileColors[i] = int.Parse(colorsRaw[i]) - 1;
colors = new Color[totalColors];
for (int i = 3; i < data.Length; i++)
string[] raw = data[i].Split(' ');
int[] pair = new int[] { int.Parse(raw[0]) - 1, int.Parse(raw[1]) - 1 };
if (colors[pair[0]] == null)
colors[pair[0]] = new Color(pair[1]);
if (colors[pair[1]] == null)
colors[pair[1]] = new Color(pair[0]);
Tree t = new Tree();
t.root = new Node(0);
long ans = t.CountMatchingLeaves(t.root, totalTiles - 1) % 1000000007;
static void PopulateTree(Node root)
for (int i = root.tile + 1; i < totalTiles; i++)
if (colors[tileColors[i]] == null) continue;
if (colors[tileColors[i]].Compatible(tileColors[root.tile]))
var node = new Node(i);
class Color
public List<int> pairs = new List<int>();
public Color(int pair)
public bool Compatible(int c)
return pairs.Contains(c);
class Node
public List<Node> children = new List<Node>();
public int tile;
public Node(int tile)
this.tile = tile;
class Tree
public Node root;
public List<Node> GetMatchingLeaves(Node root, int match)
if (root.children.Count == 0)
if (root.tile == match)
return new List<Node>() { root };
return new List<Node>();
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
foreach(var c in root.children)
list.AddRange(GetMatchingLeaves(c, match));
return list;
public long CountMatchingLeaves(Node root, int match)
if (root.children.Count == 0)
if (root.tile == match)
return 1;
return 0;
long count = 0;
foreach (var c in root.children)
count += CountMatchingLeaves(c, match);
return count;
You can always rewrite recursion as iteration, usually by using a stack class rather than rely on your thread's stack. For your code it would look like this:
static void PopulateTree(Node start)
var nodes = new Stack<Node>();
while(nodes.Count != 0)
var root = nodes.Pop();
for (int i = root.tile + 1; i < totalTiles; i++)
if (colors[tileColors[i]] == null) continue;
if (colors[tileColors[i]].Compatible(tileColors[root.tile]))
var node = new Node(i);
The while loop checking for more items is the equivalent of your terminating condition in recursion.

How can I delete a node from a singly linked list?

I'm taking lines (I:3, I:6, D:5, etc) from a text file and splitting them on the colon. Then, taking the number after the colon and pushing it to a node in a linked list. Depending on the line, it will insert(I) or delete(D) the node. However, I'm having trouble deleting a node. I created a method called deleteNode()
I reference this method in my if statement to check whether or not the command in the file starts with I or D to be told whether it gets inserted or deleted or not. I'm having trouble on how to reference the node to be deleted in llist.deletenode();
public class LinkedList
Node head; // the head of list
public class Node
public int data;
public Node next;
// constructor
public Node(int d)
data = d;
next = null;
} // end of constructor
public void printList()
// traversing list and printing the contents starting from head(1)
Node n = head;
int count = 0;
while (n != null)
Console.Write("Node" + count + ":" + " " + n.data + " ");
n = n.next;
public void push(int new_data)
// ads node to list
Node new_node = new Node(new_data); //allocate new node, put in data
new_node.next = head; //make next of new node as head
head = new_node; //moving head to point to the new node
public static void deleteNode(Node node, Node n)
// deletes node from list
// find the previous node
Node prev = node;
while (prev.next != null && prev.next != n)
prev = prev.next;
// Check if node really exists in Linked List
if (prev.next == null)
Console.WriteLine("Given node is not" +
"present in Linked List");
// Remove node from Linked List
prev.next = prev.next.next;
// Free memory
// main method to create a linked list with 3 nodes
public static void Main(String[] args)
// starting with an empty list
LinkedList llist = new LinkedList();
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\\Users\project\text.txt");
foreach (string line in lines)
// splitting the lines on the colon
string[] bits = line.Split(':');
// taking the bit after the colon and parsing
// into an integer - the i is already parsed
int x = int.Parse(bits[1]); //the value after colon
if (bits[0] == "i")
else if (bits[0] == "d")
deleteNode(llist, existingNode); //error here
I think the logic should probably match that of the push method (not sure why push isn't called Add or Insert instead, though...), in that it should look for the first node whose data matches the data we want to delete.
If we start at the head, we first want to determine if the head should be deleted. If so, then we reset the head to head.next and we're done!
Otherwise, we examine head.Next to see if it's the one to delete. If it is, then we set head.Next equal to head.Next.Next, effectively removing head.Next from our list (no node is pointing to it anymore).
If head.Next is not the node to delete, then we move to the next node and continue the process.
Here's an example:
public void DeleteNode(int nodeData)
// First check if the head is the node to delete
if (head != null && head.data == nodeData)
// If it is, set the head to the next node (effectively removing it from the list)
head = head.next;
// Start at the head node
var current = head;
while (current != null)
// Get the next node
var next = current.next;
// See if the next node is the one to delte
if (next != null && next.data == nodeData)
// It is, so set the current node's Next pointer to the *next* node's
// Next pointer (effectively removing the Next node from the list)
current.next = next.next;
// Update our current node to the next one and keep looking
current = next;
There are a lot of issues with your code ranging from aesthetic (name casing), to syntax errors, to design errors (static functions instead of methods).
I am offering some cleanup and an example below. The result is
Print List:
Node1: 0 Node2: 1 Node3: 2 Node4: 3 Node5: 4 Node6: 5
Deleting 4
Print List:
Node1: 0 Node2: 1 Node3: 2 Node4: 3 Node5: 5
and the sample code. The main addition is a separate function that finds the previous node FindPrevious() and use the existing Head of the list in DeleteNode().
Also changed fields into properties and PascalCasing as recommended per C# design rules.
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Node
public int Data { get; set; }
public Node Next { get; set; }
// constructor
public Node(int data)
: this(null, data)
{ }
// always add a full constructor
public Node(Node next, int data)
this.Data = data;
this.Next = next;
public class LinkedList
public Node Head { get; set; }
public string PrintList()
// traversing list and printing the contents starting from head(1)
Node n = Head;
int count = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (n != null)
sb.Append("Node" + count + ":" + " " + n.Data + " ");
n = n.Next;
return sb.ToString();
// adds node to list
public void Push(int data)
//allocate new node, put in data
//and make next of new node as head
//moving head to point to the new node
Head = new Node(Head, data);
public Node FindPrevious(Node node)
Node n = Head;
while (n!=null)
if (n.Next == node)
return n;
n = n.Next;
return null;
public void DeleteNode(Node node)
if (node==null)
Node prev = FindPrevious(node);
if (prev!=null)
// skip over node
prev.Next = node.Next;
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
LinkedList llist = new LinkedList();
Console.WriteLine($"Print List:");
var existingNode = llist.Head.Next.Next.Next.Next;
Console.WriteLine($"Deleting {existingNode.Data}");
Console.WriteLine($"Print List:");
DeleteNode method takes in two arguments. You are using deleteNode as an extension method but it's a simple method with two inputs.
deleteNode(llist, nodeYouWantToDelete);
Also, your loop that checks for D isn't right
if (bits[0] == "i") { //loop that checks if command starts with i (for inserting)
} else if(bits[0] == "d") { // CHECK bits[0] not [1]
// Get the node that matches value
// check here if the node already exists then delete
deleteNode(llist, existingNode);
public void push(int new_data) { //ads node to list
Node new_node = new Node(new_data); //allocate new node, put in data
new_node.next = null; //next should always be null.
// start from head and find the node whose next = null, point that to new_node
public void deleteNode(Node nodeToDelete) { //deletes node from list
// start from head and keep going next until node.next = nodeToDelete
// set node.next = node.next.next;
Working Solution for you
public class LinkedList
Node head;
Node last;
public class Node
public int data;
public Node next;
public Node(int d)
data = d;
next = null;
} // end of constructor
public void print()
// traversing list and printing the contents starting from head(1)
Node n = head;
int count = 0;
while (n != null)
Console.Write("Node" + count++ + ":" + " " + n.data + " ");
n = n.next;
public void push(int new_data)
Node thisNode = new Node(new_data);
if (head == null)
head = thisNode;
last = head;
last.next = thisNode;
last = last.next;
public void delete(Node node)
if (head.data == node.data)
head = head.next;
Node iterate = head;
bool deleted = false;
while (iterate.next != null)
if (iterate.next.data == node.data && !deleted)
iterate.next = iterate.next.next;
deleted = true;
iterate.next = iterate.next.next;
last = iterate;
if (!deleted)
Console.WriteLine("Given node is not " +
"present in Linked List");
// Free memory
//and use it in the main like,
public static void Main(string[] args)
LinkedList llist = new LinkedList();
string[] lines = new[] { "i:1", "i:3", "d:3", "i:2", "i:1", "d:3" };
foreach(string line in lines)
string[] split = line.Split(':');
if (split[0] == "i") // INSERTS At the end of the list.
else if (split[0] == "d") // Deletes the "FIRST" occurence of said number
llist.delete(new LinkedList.Node(int.Parse(split[1])));

Dijkstra's Algorithm implementation giving incorrect results

I need some help implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm and was hoping someone would be able to assist me. I have it so that it is printing some of routes but it isn't capturing the correct costs for the path.
Here is my node structure:
class Node
public enum Color {White, Gray, Black};
public string Name { get; set; } //city
public List<NeighborNode> Neighbors { get; set; } //Connected Edges
public Color nodeColor = Color.White;
public int timeDiscover { get; set; }//discover time
public int timeFinish { get; set; } // finish time
public Node()
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
public Node(string n, int discover)
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
this.Name = n;
timeDiscover = discover;
public Node(string n, NeighborNode e, decimal m)
Neighbors = new List<NeighborNode>();
this.Name = n;
class NeighborNode
public Node Name { get; set; }
public decimal Miles { get; set; } //Track the miles on the neighbor node
public NeighborNode() { }
public NeighborNode(Node n, decimal m)
Name = n;
Miles = m;
Here is my algorithm:
public void DijkstraAlgorithm(List<Node> graph)
List<DA> _algorithmList = new List<DA>(); //track the node cost/positioning
Stack<Node> _allCities = new Stack<Node>(); // add all cities into this for examination
Node _nodeToExamine = new Node(); //this is the node we're currently looking at.
decimal _cost = 0;
foreach (var city in graph) // putting these onto a stack for easy manipulation. Probably could have just made this a stack to start
_algorithmList.Add(new DA(city));
_nodeToExamine = _allCities.Pop(); //pop off the first node
while (_allCities.Count != 0) // loop through each city
foreach (var neighbor in _nodeToExamine.Neighbors) //loop through each neighbor of the node
for (int i = 0; i < _algorithmList.Count; i++) //search the alorithm list for the current neighbor node
if (_algorithmList[i].Name.Name == neighbor.Name.Name) //found it
for (int j = 0; j < _algorithmList.Count; j++) //check for the cost of the parent node
if (_algorithmList[j].Name.Name == _nodeToExamine.Name) //looping through
if (_algorithmList[j].Cost != 100000000) //not infinity
_cost = _algorithmList[j].Cost; //set the cost to be the parent cost
_cost = _cost + neighbor.Miles;
if (_algorithmList[i].Cost > _cost) // check to make sure the miles are less (better path)
_algorithmList[i].Parent = _nodeToExamine; //set the parent to be the top node
_algorithmList[i].Cost = _cost; // set the weight to be correct
_cost = 0;
_nodeToExamine = _allCities.Pop();
This is what the graph looks like:
The graph list node is essentially
Node -- Neighbor Nodes
So for example:
Node = Olympia, Neighbor Nodes = Lacey and Tacoma
I think the problem is that
_cost = _algorithmList[j].Cost; //set the cost to be the parent cost
You do a direct assignment of cost, instead of an addition of old and new cost.
Also, the fact that you do
if (_algorithmList[j].Cost != 100000000) //not infinity
directly before it means that if the cost of the path is infinity, you do the very opposite - you add zero to the cost of the path, making it the least expensive instead of most expensive path.
If you want to check for infinity properly, you have to outright skip taking that path when you inspect its cost, not just skip calculating the cost.
I needed to rewrite the entire algorithm as it wasn't processing correctly:
public void DijkstraAlgorithm(List<Node> graph)
List<DA> _algorithmList = new List<DA>(); //track the node cost/positioning
DA _nodeToExamine = new DA(); //this is the node we're currently looking at.
bool flag = true; //for exting the while loop later
foreach (var node in graph)
_algorithmList.Add(new DA(node));
foreach (var children in _algorithmList[0].Name.Neighbors) //just starting at the first node
for (int i = 0; i < _algorithmList.Count; i++)
if (children.Name == _algorithmList[i].Name)
_algorithmList[i].Parent = _algorithmList[0].Name;
_algorithmList[i].Cost = children.Miles;
_algorithmList[0].Complete = true;
while (flag) //loop through the rest to organize
_algorithmList = _algorithmList.OrderBy(x => x.Cost).ToList(); //sort by shortest path
for (int i = 0; i < _algorithmList.Count; i++) //loop through each looking for a node that isn't complete
if (_algorithmList[i].Complete == false)
_nodeToExamine = _algorithmList[i];
if (i == 13) //if the counter reaches 13 then we have completed all nodes and should bail out of the loop
flag = false;
if (_nodeToExamine.Name.Neighbors.Count == 0) //set any nodes that do not have children to be complete
_nodeToExamine.Complete = true;
foreach (var children in _nodeToExamine.Name.Neighbors) //loop through the children/neighbors to see if there's one with a shorter path
for (int i = 0; i < _algorithmList.Count; i++)
if (children.Name == _algorithmList[i].Name)
if (_nodeToExamine.Cost + children.Miles < _algorithmList[i].Cost) //found a better path
_algorithmList[i].Parent = _nodeToExamine.Name;
_algorithmList[i].Cost = _nodeToExamine.Cost + children.Miles;
_nodeToExamine.Complete = true;
public void PrintDijkstraAlgoirthm(List<DA> _finalList)
foreach (var item in _finalList)
if (item.Parent != null)
Console.WriteLine("{0} ---> {1}: {2}", item.Parent.Name, item.Name.Name, item.Cost);

