GUI freezes when using async/await - c#

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the code below. I thought that using async and await lets me forget about GUI issues such as freezing because some long code is blocking the main thread.
After I click the button, the GUI is responsive until the call to longRunningMethod, as shown below:
private async void openButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//doing some usual stuff before calling downloadFiles
Task<int> result = await longRunningMethod(); // async method
//at this point GUI becomes unresponsive
//I'm using the result here, so I can't proceed until the longRunningMethod finishes
I can't proceed until the method finishes, because I need the result. Why this code freezes my app?

The problem is within longRunningMethod.
What the code is probably doing is some CPU-bound or blocking operation.
If you want to run some CPU-bound code on a background thread, you have to do so explicitly; async won't jump threads automatically:
int result = await Task.Run(() => longRunningMethod());
Note that if longRunningMethod is CPU-bound, it should have a synchronous - not asynchronous - signature.
If longRunningMethod is not CPU-bound (i.e., it's currently blocking), then you need to change the blocking method calls within longRunningMethod to be asynchronous, and call them via await. Then you can make longRunningMethod asynchronous and call it via await as well:
int result = await longRunningMethodAsync();


Better solution for sync/async problem in desktop app?

I have WinForms app where button click calls some async method of external library.
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await CallLibraryAsync();
private static async Task CallLibraryAsync()
var library = new Library();
await library.DoSomethingAsync();
The library looks like this:
public class Library
public async Task DoSomethingAsync()
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
// some other code
Before any asynchronous code there is some calculation simulated by Thread.Sleep call. In that case this call will block UI thread for 2 seconds. I have no option to change the code in DoSomethingAsync.
If I want to solve blocking problem, I could call the library in Task.Run like this:
private static async Task CallLibraryAsync()
var library = new Library();
// added Task.Run
await Task.Run(() => library.DoSomethingAsync());
It solves the problem, UI is not blocke anymore, but I've consumed one thread from ThreadPool. It is not good solution.
If I want to solve this problem without another thread, I can do something like this:
private static async Task CallLibraryAsync()
var library = new Library();
// added
await YieldOnlyAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await library.DoSomethingAsync();
// added
private static async Task YieldOnlyAsync()
await Task.Yield();
This solution works. Task.Yield() causes that method YieldOnlyAsync() always runs asynchronously and ConfigureAwait(false) causes that next code (await library.DoSomethingAsync();) runs on some ThreadPool thread, not UI thread.
But it is quite complicated solution. Is there any simpler?
If the library method looks like this
public class Library
public async Task DoSomethingAsync()
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(1000);
// some other code
UI thread would not be blocked and I do not need to do anything. But that's the problem that it is some implementation detail I do not see directly because that could be in some nuget package. When I see that the UI freezes in some situations, I may find this problem (mean CPU-bound calculation before any await in async method) just after some investigation. There is no Wait() or Result, that would be easy to find, this is more problematic.
What I would like is to be prepared for that situation if possible in some simpler way. And that's why I do not want to use Task.Run whenewer I call some third-party library.
If I want to solve blocking problem, I could call the library in Task.Run like this:
It solves the problem, UI is not blocke anymore, but I've consumed one thread from ThreadPool. It is not good solution.
This is exactly what you want to do in a WinForms app. CPU-intensive code should be moved to a separate thread to free up the UI thread. There isn't any downside to consuming a new thread in WinForms.
Use Task.Run to move it to a different thread, and wait asynchronously from the UI thread for it to complete.
To quote the Asynchronous programming article from Microsoft:
If the work you have is CPU-bound and you care about responsiveness, use async and await, but spawn off the work on another thread with Task.Run.
I have no option to change the code
People say that, but you might not actually be hamstrung thus..
Here's a simple app with the same problem you face:
It's definitely pretty sleepy:
So let's whack it into ILSpy with the Reflexil plugin loaded:
We can perhaps shorten that timeout a bit.. Right click, Edit..
Make it 1ms, Right click the assembly and Save As..
That's a bit quicker!
Have a play, NOP it out etc..
You wrote:
If I want to solve blocking problem, I could call the library in Task.Run like this:
private static async Task CallLibraryAsync()
var library = new Library();
// added Task.Run
await Task.Run(() => library.DoSomethingAsync());
It solves the problem, UI is not blocked anymore, but I've consumed one thread from ThreadPool. It is not good solution.
(emphasis added)
...and then you proceed with inventing a convoluted hack that does the same thing: offloads the invocation of the DoSomethingAsync method to the ThreadPool. So you either want to:
Invoke the DoSomethingAsync method without using any thread at all, or
Invoke the DoSomethingAsync method on a non-ThreadPool thread.
The first is impossible. You can't invoke a method without using a thread. Code runs on CPUs, not on thin air. The second can be done in many ways, with the easiest being to use the Task.Factory.StartNew method, in combination with the LongRunning flag:
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => library.DoSomethingAsync(), default,
TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap();
This way you will invoke the DoSomethingAsync on a newly created thread, which will be destroyed immediately after the invocation of the method has completed. To be clear, the thread will be destroyed when the invocation completes, not when the asynchronous operation completes. Based on the DoSomethingAsync implementation that you have included in the question (the first one), the invocation will complete immediately after creating the Task.Delay(1000) task, and initiating the await of this task. There will be nothing for the thread to do after this point, so it will be recycled.
Side notes:
The CallLibraryAsync method violates the guideline for not exposing asynchronous wrappers for synchronous methods. Since the DoSomethingAsync method is implemented as partially synchronous and partially asynchronous, the guideline still applies IMHO.
If you like the idea of controlling imperatively the current context, instead of controlling it with wrappers like the Task.Run method, you could check out this question: Why was SwitchTo removed from Async CTP / Release? There are (not very many) people who like it as well, and there are libraries available that make it possible (SwitchTo - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading).
When you use async/await for I/O or CPU-bound operations, your UI thread will not blocked. In your example, you use Thread.Sleep(2000);command for simulating your CPU-bound operations but this will block your thread-pool thread not UI thread. You can use Task.Delay(2000); for simulating your I/O operations without blocking thread-pool thread.

Await returns the control to caller- who executes synchronous code in the awaited task?

When await is encountered, control goes back to caller, while the awaited task runs (makes/waits for network request/response) in background. I know that awaiting task will not need thread when it is awaiting for network response as it is not really running anything but just waiting.
I want to ask - suppose in the awaited function, there is some synchronous code like Console.WriteLine, then because control has gone back to the caller, who executes the console.writeline?
Assume button click event does await Fn1();.
Example 1 :
async Task<string> fn1() {
string result = await NetworkCallAsync('http......');
return result;
In above example upon encountering await Fn1(), control goes back to the UI thread, while the network call is made. I understand this. When network call completes, the Ui thread will execute the rest of the code. That is - fetch the result and return.
Example 2:
async Task<string> fn1() {
Console.WriteLine("hello"); //or any other synchronous code like Thread.Sleep(10);
string result = await NetworkCallAsync('http......');
return result;
In above code, when the button click encounters the await Fn1() and has returned control to the UI thread, then who executes the Console.WriteLine (or Thread.Sleep(10)) as shown in above example)?
A task does not necessarily need any thread to execute. A task may represent an IO-operation, i.e. disk or network access. If so the task can use the asynchronous features in the OS to avoid using any thread at all while waiting.
If you are starting a task yourself you can specify a taskScheduler that determines what thread to use. Typically either the OS thread or an arbitrary threadpool thread.
It is also possible for tasks to complete synchronously, either because the result is already available, or because the method need to fulfill an API, and using real async IO is to much work.
As the user of a task you should in general not need to care how the task was run, just that it has completed.
The Console.WriteLine("hello"); will be invoked on the same thread where the Fn1() is invoked. The Fn1() will not return a Task<string> before executing all code that comes before the first await inside the Fn1. The Console.WriteLine("hello"); line is located before the first await, so it will run synchronously on the calling thread.

What's the difference between starting and awaiting a Task?

What's the difference between starting and awaiting? Code below taken from Stephen Cleary's blog (including comments)
public async Task DoOperationsConcurrentlyAsync()
Task[] tasks = new Task[3];
tasks[0] = DoOperation0Async();
tasks[1] = DoOperation1Async();
tasks[2] = DoOperation2Async();
// At this point, all three tasks are running at the same time.
// Now, we await them all.
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
I thought that the tasks begin running when you await them ... but the comments in the code seem to imply otherwise.
Also, how can the tasks be running after I just attributed them to an array of type Task. Isn't that just an attribution, by nature not involving action?
A Task returns "hot" (i.e. already started). await asynchronously waits for the Task to complete.
In your example, where you actually do the await will affect whether the tasks are ran one after the other, or all of them at the same time:
await DoOperation0Async(); // start DoOperation0Async, wait for completion, then move on
await DoOperation1Async(); // start DoOperation1Async, wait for completion, then move on
await DoOperation2Async(); // start DoOperation2Async, wait for completion, then move on
As opposed to:
tasks[0] = DoOperation0Async(); // start DoOperation0Async, move on without waiting for completion
tasks[1] = DoOperation1Async(); // start DoOperation1Async, move on without waiting for completion
tasks[2] = DoOperation2Async(); // start DoOperation2Async, move on without waiting for completion
await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // wait for all of them to complete
"doesn't await make an async operation... behave like sync, in this example (and not only)? Because we can't (!) run anything else in parallel with DoOperation0Async() in the first case. By comparison, in the 2nd case DoOperation0Async() and DoOperation1Async() run in parallel (e.g. concurrency,the main benefits of async?)"
This is a big subject and a question worth being asked as it's own thread on SO as it deviates from the original question of the difference between starting and awaiting tasks - therefore I'll keep this answer short, while referring you to other answers where appropriate.
No, awaiting an async operation does not make it behave like sync; what these keywords do is enabling developers to write asynchronous code that resembles a synchronous workflow (see this answer by Eric Lippert for more).
Calling await DoOperation0Async() will not block the thread executing this code flow, whereas a synchronous version of DoOperation0 (or something like DoOperation0Async.Result) will block the thread until the operation is complete.
Think about this in a web context. Let's say a request arrives in a server application. As part of producing a response to that request, you need to do a long-running operation (e.g. query an external API to get some value needed to produce your response). If the execution of this long-running operation was synchronous, the thread executing your request would block as it would have to wait for the long-running operation to complete. On the other hand, if the execution of this long-running operation was asynchronous, the request thread could be freed up so it could do other things (like service other requests) while the long-running operation was still running. Then, when the long-running operation would eventually complete, the request thread (or possibly another thread from the thread pool) could pick up from where it left off (as the long-running operation would be complete and it's result would now be available) and do whatever work was left to produce the response.
The server application example also addresses the second part of your question about the main benefits of async - async/await is all about freeing up threads.
Isn't that just an attribution, by nature not involving action?
By calling the async method you execute the code within. Usually down the chain one method will create a Task and return it either by using return or by awaiting.
Starting a Task
You can start a Task by using Task.Run(...). This schedules some work on the Task Thread Pool.
Awaiting a Task
To get a Task you usually call some (async) Method that returns a Task. An async method behaves like a regular method until you await (or use Task.Run() ). Note that if you await down a chain of methods and the "final" method only does a Thread.Sleep() or synchronous operation - then you will block the initial calling thread, because no method ever used the Task's Thread Pool.
You can do some actual asynchronous operation in many ways:
using Task.Run
using Task.Delay
using Task.Yield
call a library that offers asynchronous operations
These are the ones that come to my mind, there are probably more.
By example
Let's assume that Thread ID 1 is the main thread where you are calling MethodA() from. Thread IDs 5 and up are Threads to run Tasks on (System.Threading.Tasks provides a default Scheduler for that).
public async Task MethodA()
// Thread ID 1, 0s passed total
var a = MethodB(); // takes 1s
// Thread ID 1, 1s passed total
await Task.WhenAll(a); // takes 2s
// Thread ID 5, 3s passed total
// When the method returns, the SynchronizationContext
// can change the Thread - see below
public async Task MethodB()
// Thread ID 1, 0s passed total
Thread.Sleep(1000); // simulate blocking operation for 1s
// Thread ID 1, 1s passed total
// the await makes MethodB return a Task to MethodA
// this task is run on the Task ThreadPool
await Task.Delay(2000); // simulate async call for 2s
// Thread ID 2 (Task's pool Thread), 3s passed total
We can see that MethodA was blocked on the MethodB until we hit an await statement.
Await, SynchronizationContext, and Console Apps
You should be aware of one feature of Tasks. They make sure to invoke back to a SynchronizationContext if one is present (basically non-console apps). You can easily run into a deadlock when using .Result or .Wait() on a Task if the called code does not take measures. See
async/await as syntactic sugar
await basically just schedules following code to run after the call was completed. Let me illustrate the idea of what is happening behind the scenes.
This is the untransformed code using async/await. The Something method is awaited, so all following code (Bye) will be run after Something completed.
public async Task SomethingAsync()
await Something();
To explain this I add a utility class Worker that simply takes some action to run and then notify when done.
public class Worker
private Action _action;
public event DoneHandler Done;
// skipping defining DoneHandler delegate
// store the action
public Worker(Action action) => _action = action;
public void Run()
// execute the action
// notify so that following code is run
Now our transformed code, not using async/await
public Task SomethingAsync()
Hello(); // this remains untouched
// create the worker to run the "awaited" method
var worker = new Worker(() => Something());
// register the rest of our method
worker.Done += () => Bye();
// execute it
// I left out the part where we return something
// or run the action on a threadpool to keep it simple
Here's the short answer:
To answer this you just need to understand what the async / await keywords do.
We know a single thread can only do one thing at a time and we also know that a single thread bounces all over the application to various method calls and events, ETC. This means that where the thread needs to go next is most likely scheduled or queued up somewhere behind the scenes (it is but I won't explain that part here.) When a thread calls a method, that method is ran to completion before any other methods can be ran which is why long running methods are preferred to be dispatched to other threads to prevent the application from freezing. In order to break a single method up into separate queues we need to do some fancy programming OR you can put the async signature on the method. This tells the compiler that at some point the method can be broken up into other methods and placed in a queue to be ran later.
If that makes sense then you're already figuring out what await does... await tells the compiler that this is where the method is going to be broken up and scheduled to run later. This is why you can use the async keyword without the await keyword; although the compiler knows this and warns you. await does all this for you by use of a Task.
How does await use a Task tell the compiler to schedule the rest of the method? When you call await Task the compilers calls the Task.GetAwaiter() method on that Task for you. GetAwaiter() return a TaskAwaiter. The TaskAwaiter implements two interfaces ICriticalNotifyCompletion, INotifyCompletion. Each has one method, UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation) and OnCompleted(Action continuation). The compiler then wraps the rest of the method (after the await keyword) and puts it in an Action and then it calls the OnCompleted and UnsafeOnCompleted methods and passes that Action in as a parameter. Now when the Task is complete, if successful it calls OnCompleted and if not it calls UnsafeOnCompleted and it calls those on the same thread context used to start the Task. It uses the ThreadContext to dispatch the thread to the original thread.
Now you can understand that neither async or await execute any Tasks. They simply tell the compiler to use some prewritten code to schedule all of it for you. In fact; you can await a Task that's not running and it will await until the Task is executed and completed or until the application ends.
Knowing this; lets get hacky and understand it deeper by doing what async await does manually.
Using async await
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Question_Answer_Console_App
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static async void Test()
Console.WriteLine($"Before Task");
await DoWorkAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"After Task");
static public Task DoWorkAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DoWorkAsync)} starting...");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DoWorkAsync)} ending...");
//Before Task
//DoWorkAsync starting...
//DoWorkAsync ending...
//After Task
Doing what the compiler does manually (sort of)
Note: Although this code works it is meant to help you understand async await from a top down point of view. It DOES NOT encompass or execute the same way the compiler does verbatim.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Question_Answer_Console_App
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static void Test()
Console.WriteLine($"Before Task");
var task = DoWorkAsync();
var taskAwaiter = task.GetAwaiter();
taskAwaiter.OnCompleted(() => Console.WriteLine($"After Task"));
static public Task DoWorkAsync()
return Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DoWorkAsync)} starting...");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DoWorkAsync)} ending...");
//Before Task
//DoWorkAsync starting...
//DoWorkAsync ending...
//After Task
Note that the method in my example DoWorkAsync() is just a function that returns a Task. In my example the Task is running because in the method I use return Task.Run(() =>…. Using the keyword await does not change that logic. It's exactly the same; await only does what I mentioned above.
If you have any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.
With starting you start a task. That means it might be picked up for execution by whatever Multitasaking system is in place.
With waiting, you wait for one task to actually finish before you continue.
There is no such thing as a Fire and Forget Thread. You always need to come back, to react to exceptions or do somethings with the result of the asynchronous operation (Database Query or WebQuery result, FileSystem operation finished, Dokument send to the nearest printer pool).
You can start and have as many task running in paralell as you want. But sooner or later you will require the results before you can go on.

When do multiple awaits make sense?

I have some misunderstanding with c# async/await mechanism.
Is there any essential difference between
private async void Init()
await Task.Run(() => Do1());
await Task.Run(() => Do2());
private async void Init()
await Task.Run(() =>
The only difference I see: in the first sample Do1 and Do2 will be run in different threads while in the second sample - in the same thread. But again, what is the real benefit of it and when I should prefer the 1st approach over the second one and vice versa?
EDIT: The second case
What is the difference between
private async void Init()
await Task.Run(() => Do1());
private async void Init()
await Task.Run(() =>
The difference is:
First example:
You queue Do1 on a threadpool thread and asynchronously wait for it to complete, then do the exact same with Do2. These may run on different threads.
You queue Do1 and Do2 to execute synchronously one after the other on the same thread pool thread.
Second example:
Queue Do1 on the threadpool and asynchronously wait for it to complete, then invoke Do3 synchronously.
This is exactly the same as the second part of the first example.
Note that when you await, you asynchronously wait for the operation to complete, hence unless the method finishes it won't execute the next line of code.
I'm assuming you're asking yourself if one is preferable to the other, and as in most cases, it depends. If you're running inside a console app, and you're going to asynchronously wait for Do1 to complete anyway, then pass both methods to the same Task.Run invocation. If you're planning on doing this in a place where synchronization matters, such as a GUI application, then any operation which needs to interact with UI controls should be invoked on the UI thread.
Another option which is more common is when you have two operations which are independent of each other and you want to start them together and wait for both to complete. This is where you'd use Task.WhenAll:
var firstDo = Task.Run(() => Do1());
var secondDo = Task.Run(() => Do2());
await Task.WhenAll(firstDo, secondDo);
Side note:
Do not use async void in asynchronous methods with no return value, that is what async Task is for. The former is only meant to allow compatibility with event handlers, where I'm assuming this isn't the case.
if Do1() and Do2() are independent from each other you should run them separately. This is even more important if they're long-running / blocking processes
on the other hand if they're related and the first one does some operations that are required by the other then it is better to run them in one thread to reduce the threading overhead. After all, you know in advance they need to run sequentially

Winforms call to async method hangs up program

I have been working around this problem for a while, but now I would really like to understand what goes wrong. I have a rather simple application (it's a turtoise SVN plugin for youtrack, but I can reproduce the problem with a trivial winforms app).
I have an async method ResolveIssue
public async Task<bool> ResolveIssue(Issue issue, int revision, string[] pathList)
await Task.Delay(1000);
return true;
All I have to do to create a deadlock is call this async method in a Button event handler, and call Task.Wait or Task.Result, like this
private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var asyncResolvedIssue = api.ResolveIssue(issue, revision, pathList);
if (asyncResolvedIssue.Result) {} // <== deadlock!
Now I understand it's rather weird to have an async method and actively wait for it, but why would it generate a deadlock?!
Your problem is because you are blocking the UI thread when you call .Result and you told the continuation after Task.Delay to run on the UI thread. So you are blocking the UI waiting for a task that is blocked on waiting for the UI to become free, a classic deadlock.
Two solutions. First make the button click async too.
private async void buttonOk_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var asyncResolvedIssue = api.ResolveIssue(issue, revision, pathList);
if (await asyncResolvedIssue) {} // <== no deadlock!
Event handlers are the only place you are allowed to do async void.
The other option is tell Task.Delay it does not need to have the rest of its function run on the UI thread by setting ConfigureAwait(bool) to false.
public async Task<bool> ResolveIssue(Issue issue, int revision, string[] pathList)
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
return true;
Now the line of code after the Task.Delay will run on a threadpool thread instead of the UI thread and will not be blocked by the fact that the UI thread is currently blocked.

