How change data grid view datasource with ObjectDataSource? - c#

I have two ObjectDataSources in my form.i want change data grid view datasource with ObjectDataSources.
Button's eventhandler to change ObjectDataSource1 is :
protected void lbnChangeInfo1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
gdvList.DataSource = null;
gdvList.DataSource = odsWork1;
Button's eventhandler to change ObjectDataSource2 is :
protected void lbnChangeInfo2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
gdvList.DataSource = null;
gdvList.DataSource = odsWork2;
When executed, this error is thrown:
Additional information: Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined
on 'gdvList'. Remove one definition.

change code with :
protected void lbnChangeInfo1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
gdvList.DataSource = null;
gdvList.DataSourceID = null;
gdvList.DataSource = odsWork1;


How to cause a Control follow its DataSource?

At the beginning, when I assign my collection to a control's DataSource, it follows what is in the collection. During the execution of my program, when the collection changes, I don't see any change in the control's content. How can I make the control follow the latest changes of the collection?
What I have is:
private void FormEditImages_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
radListView1.DataSource = WebServiceHelper.Instance.CurrentSession.Images;
radListView1.DisplayMember = "Name";
radListView1.ValueMember = "Id";
private void radListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
var cameraOverlayImage = e.Item.DataBoundItem as CameraOverlayImage;
e.Item.Image = CreateThumbnail(cameraOverlayImage.Image, e.ListViewElement.ItemSize.Width - 12, e.ListViewElement.ItemSize.Height - 16, e.ListViewElement.BackColor);
e.Item.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
e.Item.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
e.Item.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
How can I change the ItemDataBound method when I change Load to:
private void FormEditImages_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var bindingSource = new BindingSource(WebServiceHelper.Instance.CurrentSession.Images, "Name");
radListView1.DataSource = bindingSource;

A little help in C# jumping from method to method

My problem is that I can get from page_load to show_books function
but I cant get from show_books to book_detail.
Every time I try to fire book_details it gets me to page_load.
my code is this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Here I create dynamic linkbuttons that calls datashow
lnk_button.Command += new CommandEventHandler(book_show);
protected void book_show(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Here I show all books from a category
//and I create dynamic linkbuttons that calls book_details
book_button.Command += new CommandEventHandler(book_details);
protected void book_details(object sender, EventArgs e)
//and Here I show the details of each book
I'm sorry if my question is annoyingly newbie
but I would like some help .
I just started to learn
well i don't understand why you need to do this,but code below works,hope it helps
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Here I create dynamic linkbuttons that calls datashow
lnk_button.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.book_show);
lnk_button.CommandName = "testClick";
lnk_button.CommandArgument = "1";
lnk_button.ID = "11";
lnk_button.Text = "blah";
book_button.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.book_details);
book_button.CommandName = "testClick2";
book_button.CommandArgument = "2";
book_button.ID = "22";
book_button.Text = "blah2";
protected void book_show(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Here I show all books from a category
//and I create dynamic linkbuttons that calls book_details
book_button.Command += new CommandEventHandler(this.book_details);
book_button.CommandName = "testClick2";
book_button.CommandArgument = "2";
book_button.ID = "22";
book_button.Text = "blah2";
protected void book_details(object sender, EventArgs e)
//and Here I show the details of each book
public void book_show()
book_details() ;
public void book_details()

C# checkedlistbox mouse enter/leave error

I want my checkedlistbox to expand to a certain size when the mouse enters and then go back to a its original size after mouse leaves. Below is the code is have. However, I receive an error when i have another program selected and my mouse goes over the checkedlistbox while the application is not active.
Any suggestions on how to fix?
private void checkedListBox1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
Search.ActiveForm.Height = 552;
checkedListBox1.Height = 130;
private void checkedListBox1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
Search.ActiveForm.Height = 452;
checkedListBox1.Height = 34;}
Error Code - Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.
Try this
private void checkedListBox1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
checkedListBox1.Size = new Size(Width,Height);
This of course would work so that no exception is thrown, but I hope it's also what you want:
private void checkedListBox1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(Search.ActiveForm == null) return;
Search.ActiveForm.Height = 552;
checkedListBox1.Height = 130;
private void checkedListBox1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(Search.ActiveForm == null) return;
Search.ActiveForm.Height = 452;
checkedListBox1.Height = 34;

C# combobox selected index changed fires old value in another combobox

I have found the closest reference of my problem on these links:
ComboBox has its old value after Clear()
Why selected index fires only once the Index of the ListItem is changed?
I have 4 comboboxes: cmbcountry, cmbstate, cmbdistrict and cmbcity. cmbcountry populates on load event by GetCountry() method. cmbstate populates by GetState(countryid) method, which takes cmbcountry's selectedvalue as argument and returns a list of relevant states and so on for cmbdistrict and cmbcity...
Problem is on selecting different item in cmbState, cmbDistrct is not populating with the proper items.
.E.g. states :"madhya pradesh", "Utter pradesh" , "Rajsthan"
For "Rajsthan", cmbdistrict is populating with relavent value, but for "Utter pradesh", cmbdistrict still has old value.
Here is the relevant code:
private void TestForm1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmbCountry.ItemSource = Lookups.Lookup.GetCountries();
private void cmbCountry_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmbState.Text = "";
cmbState.SelectedIndex = -1;
cmbState.SelectedItem = null;
int countryId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbCountry.SelectedValue);
cmbState.ItemSource = Lookups.Lookup.GetStates(countryId);
private void cmbState_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmbDistrict.Text = "";
cmbDistrict.SelectedIndex = -1;
cmbDistrict.SelectedItem = null;
int stateId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbState.SelectedValue);
cmbDistrict.ItemSource = Lookups.Lookup.GetDistricts(stateId);
private void cmbDistrict_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmbCity.Text = "";
cmbCity.SelectedIndex = -1;
cmbCity.SelectedItem = null;
int DistrictId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbDistrict.SelectedValue);
cmbCity.ItemSource = Lookups.Lookup.GetCities(DistrictId);
private void cmbBank_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
int bankId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbBank.SelectedValue);
cmbControlBranch.ItemSource = Lookups.Lookup.GetBranches(bankId);
I have all above methods to clear previous data in comboboxes ...and items.clear() is giving an error if i am using it.
Please tell me if there is any other relevant reference which I am missing .

DevExpress DataBinding, Add new Record

I am using DevExpress in my winform application, I have a gridview, data entry form, datanavigator, all bound to dataset.
I want to add new record, if using datanavigator "Add" it works good, how to do the same using a "New Record" button?
is not working, it usually does, but with devexpress its not working.
If you want to use binding then use your objects with binding source..
and use the binding list .AddingNew += new AddingNewEventHandler(listOfParts_AddingNew);
event to add new entity object ..
See the example of BindingList on MSDN.
void listOfParts_AddingNew(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs e)
e.NewObject = new Part(textBox1.Text, int.Parse(textBox2.Text));
DevExpress WinForm Controls works so fast with binding sources as compare to typed datasources etc... YOu can implement bindingSources using these example..
set gridview and the associcated controls datasource to bindsouce that you have created...
process your form with the this MSDN example..
have a look on this code snippet.. may be you will get some idea from this..
private void BindingLIstDemo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
listofEmp.AddingNew += new AddingNewEventHandler(listOfEmp_AddingNew);
listofEmp.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(listofEmp_ListChanged);
private void BindlstEmp()
lstEmpList.DataSource = listofEmp;
lstEmpList.DisplayMember = "Name";
void listofEmp_ListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
//throw new NotImplementedException();
//declare list of employees
BindingList<Emp> listofEmp;
private void InitializeListOfEmployees()
//throw new NotImplementedException();
// Create the new BindingList of Employees.
listofEmp = new BindingList<Emp>();
// Allow new Employee to be added, but not removed once committed.
listofEmp.AllowNew = true;
listofEmp.AllowRemove = true;
// Raise ListChanged events when new Employees are added.
listofEmp.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
// Do not allow Employee to be edited.
listofEmp.AllowEdit = false;
listofEmp.Add(new Emp(1, "Niranjan", 10000));
listofEmp .Add (new Emp (2,"Jai", 8000));
// Create a new Employee from the text in the two text boxes.
void listOfEmp_AddingNew(object sender, AddingNewEventArgs e)
e.NewObject = new Emp (Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Text), txtName.Text,Convert.ToInt32(txtSalary.Text));
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Emp empItem = listofEmp.AddNew();
txtId.Text = txtName.Text = txtSalary.Text = "";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form1 obj = new Form1();
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var sg = (from sc in listofEmp.ToList<Emp>() where sc.Name == ((Emp)lstEmpList.SelectedValue).Name select sc);
private void lstEmpList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Emp se = listofEmp[lstEmpList.SelectedIndex];
txtId.Text = se.Id.ToString();
txtName.Text = se.Name;
txtSalary.Text = se.Salary.ToString();
Here I am using BindingList as datasouce BindingList<Emp> listofEmp; and on the place of grid listing of records are shown in a listbox control.. but all same...try this with your gridview..

