As a result of investigating this question: Rethrowing exception in Task doesn't make the Task to go to faulted state, I noticed some very odd behavior with the ThreadAbortException that I can't make sense of.
Now, I know that ThreadAbortException is a very special kind of exception to begin with. And the documentation is pretty clear about that when it says:
ThreadAbortException is a special exception that can be caught, but it will automatically be raised again at the end of the catch block.
Scenario #1: Documented behavior.
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception tae)
Console.WriteLine("caught exception: " + tae.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("will never be reached");
As expected, the ThreadAbortException is rethrown automatically, resulting in the following output:
caught exception: ThreadAbortException
Scenario #2: Where it gets interesting is when I decide to throw a different exception in the catch block:
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception tae)
Console.WriteLine("caught exception: " + tae.GetType().Name);
throw new ApplicationException(); // will ThreadAbortException take precedence?
Console.WriteLine("will never be reached");
In this case, I assumed that, despite the throwing of the ApplicationException, that the ThreadAbortException would be rethrown anyways to ensure that the documented behavior was preserved. To my surprise, this is the output that resulted:
caught exception: ThreadAbortException
Unhandled Exception: System.ApplicationException: Error in the application.
at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\projects\ConsoleApplication1\Program.cs:line 193
Did the ApplicationException actually replace and prevent the ThreadAbortException from being thrown?!?
Scenario #3: And finally, to make matters more interesting, I wrap my existing exception handling with one more try-catch layer:
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception tae)
Console.WriteLine("caught exception: " + tae.GetType().Name);
throw new ApplicationException();
catch (Exception outerEx)
Console.WriteLine("caught outer exception: " + outerEx.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("will never be reached");
Now I'm not too sure what to expect. Which exception will be caught in the outer catch block? Will it be ApplicationException? And if so, does that mean that I'll be able to swallow the exception and actually manage to print out the will never be reached string after all?
This is the actual output:
caught exception: ThreadAbortException
caught outer exception: ApplicationException
From the above output, it looks like the outer catch block does actually catch an ApplicationException. But by the end of that catch block, the ThreadAbortException now all of a sudden reappears out of thin air and gets rethrown?
Question(s): Can someone explain and reconcile scenarios #2 and #3? How is it that in scenario #2, it looks as though the ThreadAbortException is, unexpectedly, replaced by a different exception? Yet, in scenario #3, it looks like ThreadAbortException was still there all along? How is this happening? Is this behavior documented somewhere?
The behavior is implementation specific.
From Ecma-335 VI Annex E, Portability Considerations:
This clause gathers together information about areas where this Standard deliberately leaves leeway to implementations. This leeway is intended to allow compliant implementations to make choices that provide better performance or add value in other ways. But this leeway inherently makes programs non-portable. ...
and further (emphasis mine):
V I . E . 1 Uncontrollable Behavior
The following aspects of program behavior are implementation dependent. >Many of these items
will be familiar to programmers used to writing code designed for >portability (for example, the
fact that the CLI does not impose a minimum size for heap or stack).
Size of heap and stack aren't required to have minimum sizes
Behavior relative to asynchronous exceptions (see System.Thread.Abort)
Globalization is not supported, so every implementation specifies its culture information including such user-visible features as sort order for strings.
Threads cannot be assumed to be either pre -emptively or non-pre-emptively scheduled. This decision is implementation specific.
Locating assemblies is an implementation-specific mechanism.
Security policy is an implemenation-specific mechanism.
File names are implementation-specific.
Timer resolution (granularity) is implementation -specific, although the unit is specified.
assume we have following peace of code in C#:
throw new Exception1("exception1");
}catch(Exception exception){
throw new Exception2("exception2");
}catch(Exception exception){
is it possible in log point(outer catch) to access exception1 object and log that one as well?
Here are two reasonable examples of what I think you are talking about. They illustrate what I was trying to describe in the comments as well as what #Jonesopolis describes.
First, my case. Say you are writing a utility that calls some lower-level service that may throw. You may want to describe the behavior of the utility in a way that the exceptions that may bubble up have more meaning to the caller. In this case, I've documented that my utility will throw an ApplicationException if there is a problem.
I do this from two places, the first one when I check some pre-conditions (that the path name is neither null or empty and that it is a valid file name (I'm assuming that there is an IsValidFileName function I can call)).
But the other place is that if I try to do the operation and it throws (I haven't checked that File.ReadAllLines actually ever throws an IOException, but I'm guessing it can). In this case, I don't want to burden my users with catching a possible IOException, instead, I translated it into an ApplicationException that I document. I wrap the IOException with a catch and throw of my ApplicationException, but I include the IOException as the inner exception so that debugging and tracking down other issues works. The code looks like:
public IEnumerable<string> AccessFile(string pathName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathName) || !IsValidFileName(pathName))
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Path Name");
var result = File.ReadAllLines(pathName);
return result;
catch (IOException ex)
throw new ApplicationException("Error Accessing File", ex);
It's that second parameter to the ApplicationException that sets up the inner exception. This pattern is very common.
The other example is what #Jonesopolis describes.
Here I have a work function doing something. My application architecture demands that I do logging at the level of whatever the DoSomethingImportant function is at. So, it catches any exceptions that get thrown at a lower level. However, that code wants to bubble up any exceptions to the DoSomethingImportant function's caller. Here, it just uses the throw keyword with no argument. That rethrows the current exception and lets it bubble through.
It's important to use throw; with no arguments, and not throw ex;. The former allows the existing exception to bubble up. The latter unwinds the stack at the catch site, and then throws a new exception, losing all the stack information that might point to the faulting location.
This is the typical code that I'm talking about. It's also a very common pattern:
public void DoSomethingImportant()
catch (Exception ex)
In my current project, i am interacting with some 3rd party middleware that throws many different types of exceptions (around 10 exceptions or more).
My library that is using the 3rd party has a few methods, each one interacts with the 3rd party, however needs to be protected from the same set of 10 or more exceptions.
What i currently have is something like this in every method of my library:
// some code
catch (Exception1 e)
catch (Exception2 e2)
catch (ExceptionN eN)
The number of exceptions may increase as well.
How can i reduce the code duplication and uniformly handle all exceptions in a single place?
suppose that the handling in each method in my code is the same.
I would start by catching the base Exception type and then filtering with a white-list:
// Code that might throw.
catch (Exception e)
if(e is Exception1 || e is Exception2 || e is ExceptionN)
// Common handling code here.
else throw; // Can't handle, rethrow.
Now if you want to generalize the filter, you can write an extension:
public static bool IsMyCustomException(this Exception e)
return e is Exception1 || e is Exception2 || e is ExceptionN;
and then you can just use:
// Common handling code here.
else throw;
You can generalize the handler with a simple method:
private void HandleCustomException(Exception e)
// Common handling code here.
If you want to generalize the entire try-catch block, you're probably best off injecting a delegate into a method that wraps the operation, as mentioned by #vc 74.
You can either use a global exception handler, the implementation depends on your project type ( -> global.asax, WPF -> App.xaml...)
Or use something like the following :
private static void HandleExceptions(Action action)
catch (Exception1 e)
catch (Exception2 e2)
catch (ExceptionN eN)
which can be invoked the following way:
HandleExceptions(() => Console.WriteLine("Hi there!"));
If an exception was thrown during the Console.WriteLine execution, it would then be handled by your exception handling logic
Note that the code to execute might also modify external values:
int x = 2;
HandleExceptions(() => x = 2 * x);
If you prefer anonymous methods:
var x = 2;
x = x * 2;
I recommend using the Enterprise Library 5.0 Exception handling block. Basically, you define multiple exception types, categories and exception handlers that handle specific exception types. Ideally, you would define the exception type, hook it up to a formatter and then report the exception using the Logging block.
You can read all about it here...
how about use one function to handle these Exceptions:
//Some code here
catch(Exception e)
return null; //unhandled situation
private bool ErrorHandler(Exception e)
case Exception1:
//Handle the exception type here
return true;
case Exception2:
//Handle another exception type here
return true;
return false;
There are some semantic differences between catching and rethrowing an exception, versus not catching it. Exception filters are therefore very useful, since they allow one to e.g. "Catch Ex As Exception When IsNiceException(Ex)". Unfortunately, the only way to use them within a C# program is to use a DLL to wrap the necessary functionality (the DLL itself could be written in vb or some other language). A typical pattern might be something like:
() => {trycode;},
(Exception ex) => {codeWhichReturnsTrueForExceptionsWorthCatching;},
(Exception ex) => {codeToHandleException;},
(ExceptionStatus status, Exception ex) => {finallyCode;});
The ExceptionStatus parameter to the "finally" code would be an enumeration saying whether (1) no exception occurred, (2) an exception occurred, but was handled, (3) an exception occurred and was handled, but another exception was thrown, or (4) an exception occurred but CodeWhichReturnsTrueForExceptionsWorthCatching returned false; (5) an exception occurred which was not handled within trycode, nor handled by this block, but trycode completed anyhow (a rare situation, but there are ways it can happen). The Ex parameter will null in the first case, and contain the appropriate exception in others--potentially useful information to have if an exception occurs while processing the finally block (stifling an exception that occurs in a finally block may be bad, but if the earlier exception isn't logged or lost before the new exception escapes, all data from the earlier exception will generally be lost; if the same condition which caused the earlier exception caused the later one, the earlier exception might have more useful information about what went wrong).
BTW, a few notes with this pattern:
The code that decides whether to catch an exception will run before nested finally blocks execute; it may capture useful data for logging (the fact that finally blocks haven't run may make available for logging information which would get destroyed by nested finally blocks), but actual cleanup should typically be done after finally blocks have run.
At present, it seems like exceptions that would escape from filters get stifled, but I'm not sure that behavior is guaranteed. Operations which might leak exceptions should probably not be done within filters.
If the "trycode" contains a try-finally block that's nested within a try-catch block, an exception which occurs in the "try" part of that try-finally block is not handled by the TryCatchWhenFamily nor any nested scope, but is handled by an outer block, and the processing of the inner try-finally block throws an exception which the inner try-catch block handles, the exception which the outer block had decided it was going to catch might disappear without ever being caught. If the TryWhenCatchFinally method is coded to detect this condition, it could let its finally block code know about that (the finally block may or may not want to do anything about the condition, but it should probably at minimum be logged).
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
What are some of the most common mistakes you've seen made when handling exceptions?
It seems like exception handling can be one of the hardest things to learn how to do "right" in .Net. Especially considering the currently #1 ranked answer to Common programming mistakes for .NET developers to avoid? is related to exception handling.
Hopefully by listing some of the most common mistakes we can all learn to handle exceptions better.
What are some of the most common mistakes you've seen made when handling exceptions?
I can think of lots.
First read my article on categorization of exceptions into vexing, boneheaded, fatal and exogenous:
Some common errors:
Failure to handle exogenous exceptions.
Failure to handle vexing exceptions.
Construction of methods that throw vexing exceptions.
Handling exceptions that you actually cannot handle, like fatal exceptions.
Handling exceptions that hide bugs in your code; don't handle a boneheaded exception, fix the bug so that it isn't thrown in the first place
Security error: failure to the unsafe mode
result = CheckPassword();
if (result == BadPassword) throw BadPasswordException();
catch(BadPasswordException ex) { ReportError(ex); return; }
catch(Exception ex) { LogException(ex); }
See what happened? We failed to the unsafe mode. If CheckPassword threw NetworkDriverIsAllMessedUpException then we caught it, logged it, and accessed the user's data regardless of whether the password was correct. Fail to the safe mode; when you get any exception, assume the worst.
Security error: production of exceptions which leak sensitive information, directly or indirectly.
This isn't exactly about handling exceptions in your code, it's about producing exceptions which are handled by hostile code.
Funny story. Before .NET 1.0 shipped to customers we found a bug where it was possible to call a method that threw the exception "the assembly which called this method does not have permission to determine the name of file C:\foo.txt". Great. Thanks for letting me know. What is stopping said assembly from catching the exception and interrogating its message to get the file name? Nothing. We fixed that before we shipped.
That's a direct problem. An indirect problem would be a problem I implemented in LoadPicture, in VBScript. It gave a different error message depending upon whether the incorrect argument is a directory, a file that isn't a picture, or a file that doesn't exist. Which means you could use it as a very slow disk browser! By trying a whole bunch of different things you could gradually build up a picture of what files and directories were on someone's hard disk. Exceptions should be designed so that if they are handled by untrustworthy code, that code learns none of the user's private information from whatever they did to cause the exception. (LoadPicture now gives much less helpful error messages.)
Security and resource management error: Handlers which do not clean up resources are resource leaks waiting to happen. Resource leaks can be used as denial-of-service attacks by hostile partial trust code which deliberately creates exceptions-producing situations.
Robustness error: Handlers must assume that program state is messed up unless handling a specific exogenous exception. This is particularly true of finally blocks. When you're handling an unexpected exception, it is entirely possible and even likely that something is deeply messed up in your program. You have no idea if any of your subsystems are working, and if they are, whether calling them will make the situation better or worse. Concentrate on logging the error and saving user data if possible and shut down as cleanly as you can. Assume that nothing works right.
Security error: temporary global state mutations that have security impacts need to be undone before any code that might be hostile can run. Hostile code can run before finally blocks run! See my article on this for details:
Re-throwing exceptions like this:
// some code here
catch(Exception ex)
// logging, etc
throw ex;
This kills the stack trace, making is far less usable. The correct way to rethrow would be like this:
// some code here
catch(Exception ex)
// logging, etc
Catching all exceptions when in many cases you should attempt to catch specific exceptions:
try {
// Do something.
} catch (Exception exc) {
// Do something.
Rather than:
try {
// Do something.
} catch (IOException exc) {
// Do something.
Exceptions should be ordered from most specific to least.
Rethrowing an exception with a meaningless message.
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("An error ocurred when saving database changes").
You won't believe how often I see code like this running in production.
Nobody is talking about seeing empty catch blocks like these....
//do something
catch(SQLException sqex){
// do nothing
Also never use Exception handling for creating alternate method flows...
//do something
}catch(SQLException sqex){
//do something else
Not using using on IDisposable objects:
File myFile = File.Open("some file");
myFile does not get closed until myFile's finalizer is called (which may be never) because an exception was thrown before myFile.Close() was called.
The proper way to do this is
using(File myFile = File.Open("some file"))
This gets translated by the compiler into something like:
File myFile = File.Open("some file");
if(myFile != null)
myFile.Dispose(); //Dispose() calls Close()
So the file gets closed even in the face of exceptions.
Forget to set the inner exception when rethrowing a catched exception
catch (IOException ioException)
throw new AppSpecificException("It was not possible to save exportation file.")
// instead of
throw new AppSpecificException("It was not possible to save exportation file.", ioException);
When I posted this answer, I forget to mention that we should always consider when to include inner exception or not due to security reasons. As Eric Lippert pointed out on another answer for this topic, some exceptions can provide sensitive information about the implementation details of the server. Thus, if the caller who will be handling the exception is not trusted, it is not a good idea to include the inner exception information.
Empty catch:
//What's the point?
//Exceptions are for *adding* detail up the stack
catch (Exception ex)
{throw ex;}
Assuming an exception that covers many scenarios was something specific. A real life scenario was a web app where the exception handling always assumed all errors were session time outs and logged and reported all errors as session time outs.
Another example:
catch (SqlException e)
//oh this is a duplicate row, lets change to update
To log Exception.Message instead of Exception.ToString()
Many times, I see code logging only the exception message while it should log the return of ToString method. ToString provides much more information about the exception than the Message. It includes information like inner exception and stack trace besides the message.
Trying to catch OutOfMemoryException or StackOverflowException - those lead to a shutdown of the runtime, hence to way to catch them from within the same Process (or even from the CLR as a whole?)
OutOfMemoryException: The exception that is thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of a program.
"Starting with the .NET Framework version 2.0, a StackOverflowException object cannot be caught by a try-catch block and the corresponding process is terminated by default. Consequently, users are advised to write their code to detect and prevent a stack overflow."
Failing to catch possible exceptions inside a catch handler. This can cause the wrong exception to be propagated upwards.
For example:
What happens if Cleanup() throws an exception? You don't want to see an Exception pointing to the Cleanup() method in this catch handler. You want the original error. You could try to log the cleanup error, but even your logging code needs exception handling to avoid throwing exceptions from it.
// We did our best to clean up, and even that failed.
// If you try to log this error, the logging may throw yet another Exception.
// Do something stupid
// ignore the resulting error because I'm lazy, and later spend
// a week trying to figure out why my app is crashing all over
// the place.
/// do something silly.
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
/// respond, or log it.
catch (Exception e)
/// log it.
Using exceptions for normal flow control. Exceptions should exceptional. If it's a good / expected operation, use return values, etc.
I want to catch all exceptions raised (handled or unhandled) to log them. for unhandled i use ThreadExceptionEventHandler and UnhandledExceptionEventHandler but i want to catch and exceptions that are in try catch block with or without (Exception e). It's possible to inherit the exceptions class to create a general event?
Starting from Windows XP you can get notified about every raised exception, even before it's known to be handled or not.
This is available via so-called "vectored" exception handling, which is actually a little addition to the standard structured exception handling.
Call AddVectoredExceptionHandler to add your own handler. You'll get called right after the exception is raised, either by explicit throw/__CxxThrowException/RaiseException or implicitly by the processor (access violation or etc.)
You can log the exception in your handler (produce stack dump for instance), and return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH.
Inheriting from Exception to provide your own Exception class would work fine for exceptions you generate in your code, and you could use the inner exception constructor to carry built in exceptions up the chain.
If you were goig to try that, you'd need to replace all of your exception handling code, and probably add a chunk more as well. I don't think it'd be substantially better than Peter McG's approach, but it might allow you different options when preserving & examining the original exceptions and re-throwing, for example keeping a record of whether it has already been logged lower down the chain.
Just to be explicit, it is possible to use:
catch (Exception e)
which will rethrow the original exception.
Sounds like you've got the Unhandled Exceptions as covered as possible, for handled exceptions can't you just eventually...
catch (Exception e) {}
and call the same logging function with the instance.
If not and you really must have some instances where you have a catch but without catching an instance you can use...
catch { throw; }
to re-throw the exception to be eventually caught and logged as an un-handled exception.
C++ allows for catch(...) which catches all exceptions but doesn't really allow to analyze them in depth. (see using catch(...) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis )
I'm not sure if it will work in C# though.
No, thats not possible.
The only way this would be possible is using the debugging APIs (the managed version is named mdbg)
There's no way to catch an already caught exception except, may be, working with AddVectoredExceptionHandler.
Having said that, you can use a catch-and-rethrow approach:
catch(Exception e) {
catch(Exception e) {
bool rethrow = LoggerStrategy.Log(e);
if(rethrow) { throw; }
Better still, use the Logging Application Block.
What are your thoughts on code that looks like this:
public void doSomething()
// actual code goes here
catch (Exception ex)
The problem I see is the actual error is not handled, just throwing the exception in a different place. I find it more difficult to debug because i don't get a line number where the actual problem is.
So my question is why would this be good?
---- EDIT ----
From the answers it looks like most people are saying it's pointless to do this with no custom or specific exceptions being caught. That's what i wanted comments on, when no specific exception is being caught. I can see the point of actually doing something with a caught exception, just not the way this code is.
Depending on what quality you are looking at it is not throwing the exception in a different place. "throw" without a target rethrows the exception which is very different from throwing an exception. Primarily a rethrow does not reset the stack trace.
In this particular sample, the catch is pointless because it doesn't do anything. The exception is happily rethrown and it's almost as if the try/catch didn't exist.
I think the construction should be used for handling the exceptions you know you will be throwing inside your code; if other exception is raised, then just rethrow.
Take into account that
is different than
throw ex;
throw ex will truncate the stack to the new point of throwing, losing valuable info about the exception.
public void doSomething()
// actual code goes here
catch (EspecificException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
It wouldn't be, ideally the catch block would do some handling, and then rethrow, e.g.,
//do something
catch (Exception ex)
DoSomething(ex); //handle the exception
Of course the re-throw will be useful if you want to do some further handling in the upper tiers of the code.
Doing something like that is fairly meaningless, and in general I try not to go down the road of doing meaningless things ;)
For the most part, I believe in catching specific types of exceptions that you know how to handle, even if that only means creating your own exception with more information and using the caught exception as the InnerException.
Sometimes this is appropriate - when you're going to handle the exception higher up in the call stack. However, you'd need to do something in that catch block other than just re-throw for it to make sense, e.g. log the error:
public void doSomething()
// actual code goes here
catch (Exception ex)
LogException (ex); // Log error...
I don't think just rethrowing the error would be useful. Unless you don't really care about the error in the first place.
I think it would be better to actually do something in the catch.
You can check the MSDN Exception Handling Guide.
I've seen instances where generic exceptions are caught like this and then re-packed in a custom Exception Object.
The difference between that and what you're saying is that those custom Exception objects hold MORE information about the actual exception that happened, not less.
Well for starters I'd simply do
but basically if you were trapping multiple types of exceptions you may want to handle some locally and others back up the stack.
catch(SQLException sex) //haha
Depends on what you mean by "looks like this", and if there is nothing else in the catch block but a rethrow... if that's the case the try catch is pointless, except, as you say, to obfuscate where the exception occurred. But if you need to do something right there, where the error occurred, but wish to handle the exception furthur up the stack, this might be appropriate. But then, the catch would be for the specific exception you are handl;ing, not for any Exception
Generally having exception handling blocks that don't do anything isn't good at all, for the simple reason that it prevents the .Net Virtual Machine from inlining your methods when performance optimising your code.
For a full article on why see "Release IS NOT Debug: 64bit Optimizations and C# Method Inlining in Release Build Call Stacks" by Scott Hanselman