How to generate SqlFunctions.DateDiff dynamically - c#

I have a table with multiple columns of type DateTime. I want to generate dynamically the following Expression
filter= p => SqlFunctions.DateDiff("day", p.CreatedDate.Date, date) > 0;
when I know the name of column and the operator (the operator can be =, >=, <= and etc... .
Please, keep in mind that I want to ignore the time part form Datetime

Well, if you use SqlFunctions.DateDiff, that must mean that you're working in linq to entities. So I don't think you can use p.CreatedDate.Date, but you'll have to use EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(p.CreatedDate).
You could go for something like that (just the general idea, this should be of course improved).
assuming that p type is Employee
public static class ExpressionHelper {
//we create a Dictionary to manage the comparison operators,
//which will probably make things easier when calling the main method.
public static Dictionary<string, ExpressionType> Comparators = new Dictionary<string, ExpressionType>
{">", ExpressionType.GreaterThan},
{">=", ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual},
{"<", ExpressionType.LessThan},
{"<=", ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual}
public static Expression<Func<Employee, bool>> BuildFilterExpression(string datePart, DateTime date, string comparisonOperator)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Employee), "p");
Expression member = parameter;
//the property is a string here, it could be passed as parameter
//or managed another way
member = Expression.Property(member, "CreatedDate");
//let's find the dateDiffMethod
var dateDiffMethod = typeof (SqlFunctions).GetMethod("DateDiff", new[] {typeof (string), typeof (DateTime), typeof(DateTime)});
//same for TruncateTime method
var truncateTimeMethod = typeof (EntityFunctions).GetMethod("TruncateTime", new[] {typeof (DateTime)});
//first call truncateTime method (to keep only "Date" part)
var truncateExpression = Expression.Call(truncateTimeMethod, member);
//call dateDiff method on that
var dateDiffExpression = Expression.Call(dateDiffMethod, Expression.Constant(datePart), truncateExpression, Expression.Constant(date, typeof(DateTime?)));
//find the comparison operator
var comparator = Comparators[comparisonOperator];
//apply the comparison
var finalExpression = Expression.MakeBinary(comparator, dateDiffExpression, Expression.Constant(0, typeof(int?)));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Employee, bool>>(finalExpression, new []{parameter});
usage, with your code would be something like that
filter = ExpressionHelper.BuildFilterExpression("day", date, ">")


How do I use reflection to get a property and use it in a query?

I have a generic method and I want to add a search capability to my method. as parameter I get the name of property(string) and the value(string) it should search for in the list. how can I achieve this?
**This code is not the exact code I have so it may seem that I can use other options like Expression functions which is not possible in my case cause it should be consumed in an Api Controller
**I use unit of work with repository pattern in real project and for sake of simplicity I have tryed to add it up in one simple function
public async Task<ActionResult<List<T>>> GetAll(string? filterProperty = null, string? filterValue = null)
IQueryable<T> query = dbSet;
if (filterProperty != null)
PropertyInfo property = typeof(T).GetProperty(filterProperty);
query = query. Where(u=>;
return await query.ToListAsync();
For IQueryable you'll want to create a LambdaExpression for the filter predicate. (For IEnumerable you can compile that expression into an appropriate Func<>.)
This all works by building an expression tree that represents the action you want to perform. In this case you're calling Contains on the result of getting the property value, passing a constant for the filter value.
Let's start with the Contains method, which you can reuse. Rather than basic reflection, here's how you can get it using an expression:
static readonly MethodInfo _contains =
(((Expression<Func<string, bool>>)(s => s.Contains("a"))).Body as MethodCallExpression)
While that might look a little confusing, it's leveraging the compiler to do the reflection work for us. Sometimes it's easier than searching for the right version of a method with multiple overloads, or when it's not obvious which extension method is involved. The result here is that _contains gets initialized with the method info we need.
You've already got the property info for the target property, so let's put them together:
// The parameter for the predicate
var row = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "row");
// Constant for the filter value
var filter = Expression.Constant(filterValue);
// Get the value of the property
var prop = Expression.Property(property);
// Call 'Contains' on the property value
var body = Expression.Call(prop, _contains, filter);
// Finally, generate the lambda
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>(body, row);
// Apply to the query
query = query.Where(predicate);
Or in slightly more compact form:
var row = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "row");
var predicate =
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>
Expression.Property(row, property),
When you're working on data via IEnumerable<T> instead, predicate.Compile() will produce a working Func<T, bool> to pass to IEnumerable.Where():
private static readonly MethodInfo _tostring = typeof(Object).GetMethod("ToString");
static readonly MethodInfo _compare = (((Expression<Func<string, bool>>)(s => s.Contains(""))).Body as MethodCallExpression).Method;
public static IEnumerable<T> Search<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, string propertyName, string filterValue)
var property = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
var row = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "row");
// Let's make sure we're actually dealing with a string here
Expression prop = Expression.Property(row, property);
if (property.PropertyType != typeof(string))
prop = Expression.Call(prop, _tostring);
var func =
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>
return items.Where(func);
Expressions are pretty versatile, and there are a lot of places where they come in handy. It can be more efficient to compose a function and call it multiple times than to go through reflection all the time, and you can do interesting things with merging expressions and so on.

convert list of Column names to select Lambda expression [duplicate]

In C# 3.0 you can use Expression to create a class with the following syntax:
var exp = Expression.New(typeof(MyClass));
var lambda = LambdaExpression.Lambda(exp);
object myObj = lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke();
But how do you use Expression to create an Anonymous class?
//anonymousType = typeof(new{ Name="abc", Num=123});
Type anonymousType = Expression.NewAnonymousType??? <--How to do ?
var exp = Expression.New(anonymousType);
var lambda = LambdaExpression.Lambda(exp);
object myObj = lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke();
You're close, but you have to be aware that anonymous types don't have default constructors. The following code prints { Name = def, Num = 456 }:
Type anonType = new { Name = "abc", Num = 123 }.GetType();
var exp = Expression.New(
anonType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }),
var lambda = LambdaExpression.Lambda(exp);
object myObj = lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke();
If you don't have to create many instances of this type, Activator.CreateInstance will do just as well (it's faster for a few instances, but slower for many). This code prints { Name = ghi, Num = 789 }:
Type anonType = new { Name = "abc", Num = 123 }.GetType();
object myObj = Activator.CreateInstance(anonType, "ghi", 789);
You can avoid using DynamicInvoke which is painfully slow. You could make use of type inference in C# to get your anonymous type instantiated generically. Something like:
public static Func<object[], T> AnonymousInstantiator<T>(T example)
var ctor = typeof(T).GetConstructors().First();
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object[], T>>
(x, i) => Expression.Convert
Expression.ArrayIndex(paramExpr, Expression.Constant(i)),
), paramExpr).Compile();
Now you can call,
var instantiator = AnonymousInstantiator(new { Name = default(string), Num = default(int) });
var a1 = instantiator(new object[] { "abc", 123 }); // strongly typed
var a2 = instantiator(new object[] { "xyz", 789 }); // strongly typed
// etc.
You could use the AnonymousInstantiator method to generate functions to instantiate any anonymous type with any number of properties, just that you have to pass an appropriate example first. The input parameters have to be passed as an object array. If you worry boxing performance there then you have to write a custom instantiator which accepts just string and int as input parameters, but the use of such an instantiator will be a bit more limited.
Since an anonymous type doesn't have a default empty constructor, you cannot use the Expression.New(Type) overload ... you have to provide the ConstructorInfo and parameters to the Expression.New method. To do that, you have to be able to get the Type ... so you need to make a "stub" instance of the anonymous type, and use that to get the Type, and the ConstructorInfo, and then pass the parameters to the Expression.New method.
Like this:
var exp = Expression.New(new { Name = "", Num = 0 }.GetType().GetConstructors()[0],
Expression.Constant("abc", typeof(string)),
Expression.Constant(123, typeof(int)));
var lambda = LambdaExpression.Lambda(exp);
object myObj = lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke();

Nhibernate QueryOver helper for date range without passing field name

I have custom DateRange class and want to simplify adding new critera for QueryOver, by creating new helper method and passing lambda which contains the field I need and a date range. But I can't understand how to transfer and transform expression.
public static IQueryOver<tRoot, tSubType> AddDateRangeCritery<tRoot,tSubType>(this IQueryOver<tRoot, tSubType> query,
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<tSubType, object>> expr, DatesRange range)
if (range?.minDate != null)
query.Where(??? >= range.minDate.Value);
I tried compile expression, but I feel it's not best idea + can't understand how to get passed to expression params. Is it possible to make this without ICriterion? Don't want to go this way because we can pass property and not field name, which more stable design.
If you change a little the signature of the method it becomes quite easy:
public static IQueryOver<tRoot, tSubType> AddDateRangeCritery<tRoot, tSubType>(
this IQueryOver<tRoot, tSubType> query,
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<tSubType, DateTime>> expr,
DatesRange range)
if (range?.minDate != null)
var propr = expr.Body;
var value = Expression.Constant(range.minDate.Value);
var cmp = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(propr, value);
var expr2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<tSubType, bool>>(cmp, expr.Parameters);
return query;
I've changed the expression to Func<tSubType, DateTime>. If you really need it to be , object then it becomes two or three lines more of code.

How to Call a Generic Method using "Expression.Parameter" and "Expression.Call" APIs

Using the Expression Tree API I want to generate code for code that looks like this:
FieldInfo enumFieldInfo = enumFieldInfoSet.SingleOrDefault(fieldInfo => fieldInfo.Name == enumName);
I have written this code but it's not working:
var enumerableType = typeof(Enumerable);
var enumerableGenericType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(FieldInfo));
var predicateGenericType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Func<FieldInfo, bool>));
ParameterExpression fieldInfoSource = Expression.Parameter(enumerableGenericType, "fieldInfoSource");
ParameterExpression predicateSource = Expression.Parameter(predicateGenericType, "funcPredicateOnFieldInfo");
var arrayOfTypes = new Type[] { enumerableGenericType, predicateGenericType };
MethodCallExpression SingleOrDefaultMethodCall = Expression.Call(enumerableType, "SingleOrDefault",arrayOfTypes, fieldInfoSource, predicateSource);
Here is the runtime error: No generic method 'SingleOrDefault' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic.
I have tried a number of combinations of type coercion but still have not stumbled on the right combination. I know that the SingleOrDefault is an Extension method on the Enumerable class and that it needs two parameters; I've look at the code via the debugger and have written to code inspect its properties at run-time; what am I missing.
The problem is that you are using the Expression.Call overload which takes a type, and for a static method you need an overload with MethodInfo.
void Main()
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<FieldInfo>, Func<FieldInfo,bool>, FieldInfo>> singleOrDefaultExpr = (l,p) => l.SingleOrDefault(p);
var callSource = (MethodCallExpression)singleOrDefaultExpr.Body;
var method = callSource.Method;
var collectionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IEnumerable<FieldInfo>), "enumFieldInfoSet");
var enumNamePredicateParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Func<FieldInfo,bool>), "enumNamePredicate");
var body = Expression.Call(method, collectionParameter, enumNamePredicateParameter);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<IEnumerable<FieldInfo>, Func<FieldInfo, bool>, FieldInfo>>(body, collectionParameter, enumNamePredicateParameter);
var f = lambda.Compile();
Console.WriteLine(f(typeof(Apple).GetFields(), fi => fi.Name == "color").Name);
class Apple
public string color;
Also, you can use another method to find the required MethodInfo:
var method = typeof(Enumerable)
.Single(m => m.Name == "SingleOrDefault" && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(new[] {typeof(FieldInfo)});
There is actually a simpler method, and you were on the right track, but your code had en error.
var collectionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IEnumerable<FieldInfo>), "enumFieldInfoSet");
var enumNamePredicateParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Func<FieldInfo,bool>), "enumNamePredicate");
var body = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "SingleOrDefault", new[] { typeof(FieldInfo)}, collectionParameter, enumNamePredicateParameter);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<IEnumerable<FieldInfo>, Func<FieldInfo, bool>, FieldInfo>>(body, collectionParameter, enumNamePredicateParameter);
The problem was that SingleOrDefault has only one generic type parameter: 'FieldInfo' in this case:
Don't mix it up with the method parameters, there are two of them:
this IEnumerable<GenericParameter> firstMethodParameter,
Func<GenericParameter, bool> secondMethodParameter
George did a great job in getting me on the right track and did provide me a partial answer; I re-fashion my code so that is was clear to me. This is an example of code that I wanted to machine generate in testing our Meta-programming runtime. I am providing more code than is necessary for the specific problem but I wanted the others to see the greater context.
// Code to Generate Enum Field Metadata ...
string enumName = Enum.GetName(theEnumType, theOrdinalEnumValue);
Array enumValues = Enum.GetValues(theEnumType);
object enumValue = enumValues.GetValue(theOrdinalEnumValue);
object enumObject = Enum.ToObject(theEnumType, theOrdinalEnumValue);
// Create Local variables of the types targeted for assignment expressions that we will make in the generated code
var enumVariables = Expression.RuntimeVariables(Expression.Variable(typeof(string), "gcEnumName"),
Expression.Variable(typeof(Array), "gcEnumValues"),
Expression.Variable(typeof(object), "gcEnumValue"),
Expression.Variable(theEnumType, "gcEnumObject"),
Expression.Variable(typeof(FieldInfo), "gcFieldInfoOnEnum"));
// Setup the Input Parameters for calls into Enum and Array Types in preperation for Assignments
ParameterExpression theInputOfEnumType = Expression.Variable(typeof(Type), "theInputOfEnumType");
ParameterExpression theEnumFieldNameValue = Expression.Variable(typeof(string), "theEnumFieldNameValue");
ParameterExpression aEnumObjectIndexValue = Expression.Variable(typeof(int), "aEnumObjectIndexValue");
ParameterExpression anArrayOfEnumObjects = Expression.Variable(typeof(Array), "anArrayOfEnumObjects");
ParameterExpression anEnumerableObject = Expression.Variable(typeof(Enumerable), "anEnumerableObject");
ParameterExpression directEnumTypeResolved = Expression.Variable(theEnumType, "directEnumTypeResolved");
ParameterExpression fieldInfoOnEnum = Expression.Variable(typeof(FieldInfo), "fieldInfoOnEnum");
var fieldInfoEnumerableRepresentation = typeof(Enumerable);
In perpetration of making calls to "Expression.Call" we need to get some MethodInfo data
// We need to generate MethodInfo on the Methods we want to call in the generated code. This is metadata
// we need to call the Expression.Call API.
MethodInfo enumGetNameMethodInfo = enumMetadata.GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(info => info.Name == "GetName");
MethodInfo enumGetValuesMethodInfo = enumMetadata.GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(info => info.Name == "GetValues");
MethodInfo enumGetValueMethodInfo = arraryMetadata.GetMethods()
.FirstOrDefault(methodInfo => (methodInfo.Name == "GetValue") && methodInfo.GetParameters().Any(param =>param.ParameterType == typeof(int)));
MethodInfo enumToObjectMethodInfo = enumMetadata.GetMethods()
.FirstOrDefault(info => info.Name == "ToObject");
// We know that there exist a number of polymorphic instances of the "SingleOrDefault" Extension method
// so we use the name of the parameter named "predicate" to locate our method. **FYI Can't use the MethodInfo data in a call to Expression.Call - It's a generic definition**.
MethodInfo enumerableSingleOrDefaultInfo = fieldInfoEnumerableRepresentation.GetMethods()
.FirstOrDefault(methodInfo => (methodInfo.Name == "SingleOrDefault") &&
.Any(param => param.Name == "predicate"));
Here is the final code that works in making a call to a Generic Method:
// An approach to setup a Generic method call that will be used in an Expression.Assign call
// I decompose this code so for debugging purposes
// I create the "inputOfTSourceType" as a Generic Type because in the Definition of "SingleOrDefault" method there is only one Generic Parameter;
// also, take special note that in the assemblage of Expression.Call methods any of the methods that take a MethodInfo instance you can't pass in
// a "Generic" method definition. If you take a look at the code that is called it will throw and exception if it detects the IsGenericMethodDefinition
// flag is true.
var inputOfTSourceType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(FieldInfo)); // This is the type on the "source" TSource parameter
var predicateOfFuncType = typeof(Func<FieldInfo, bool>); // This is the type on the "predicate" parameter
// Take note there that we only define one(1) type here ("inputParameterType"); this is the type we wish apply to the Generic Type TSource
// declaration: public static TSource SingleOrDefault<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate);
var inputParameterType = new[] {typeof(FieldInfo)}; // This is the type we must match to "source" parameter
// The "SingleOrDefault" method can take two parameters and in this case I need to pass in a lambda expression as the predicate.
// Se we need two parameters.
ParameterExpression fieldInfoSource = Expression.Parameter(inputOfTSourceType, "fieldInfoSource"); // This is: this IEnumerable<TSource>
ParameterExpression predicateSource = Expression.Parameter(predicateOfFuncType, "funcPredicateOnFieldInfo"); // This is: Func<TSource, bool> predicate
MethodCallExpression SingleOrDefaultMethodCall =
Expression.Call(fieldInfoEnumerableRepresentation, // This is the Object Instance for which the
"SingleOrDefault", // The Name of the Generic Method
inputParameterType, // The Generic Type
fieldInfoSource, // this is the "this" source parameter
predicateSource); // this the "predicate" parameter
Expression localEnumNameAssignment =
Expression.Assign(enumVariables.Variables[0], EnumGetNameMethodCall);
Expression localEnumObjectsAssignment =
Expression.Assign(enumVariables.Variables[1], EnumGetValauesMethodCall);
Expression localEnumObjectAssignment =
Expression.Assign(enumVariables.Variables[2], ArrayGetValueMethodCall);
Expression localEnumTypeAssignment =
Expression.Assign(enumVariables.Variables[3], Expression.Convert(EnumToObjectMethodCall, theEnumType));
Expression localFieldInfoAssignment =
Expression.Assign(enumVariables.Variables[4], Expression.Convert(SingleOrDefaultMethodCall, typeof(FieldInfo)));
BlockExpression blockExpression =
Here's the generated code:
$gcEnumName = .Call System.Enum.GetName(
$theInputOfEnumType, $gcEnumName = (System.String)$theEnumFieldNameValue)
$gcEnumValues = .Call System.Enum.GetValues($theInputOfEnumType)
$gcEnumValue = .Call $anArrayOfEnumObjects.GetValue((System.Int32) $theOrdinalEnumValue)
$gcEnumObject = (WorkflowMessagingCommands).Call System.Enum.ToObject(
// Here is the generated code to call "SignleOrDefault"
$gcFieldInfoOnEnum = .Call System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault(

Dynamically generate predicate at runtime

Not sure if this is entirely possible; I've found some stuff about expression and predicate builders, but so far nothing that lets you run arbitrary queries without knowing them in advance.
Basically, I have a collection of objects from a large SQL database, and I'm building a webpage (ASP.NET MVC 4) to allow a user to display and filter these objects. The queries the users will be entering will vary in complexity. The simplest and neatest way to let them enter these queries is something like the way the Visual Studio TFS plugin lets you search work items: a table of conditions, where you can keep adding rows. You select "and" or "or" for the join condition, then select a field, enter a value, and select whether you want things that do or do not match it:
1. show items where [Field] [is|is not] [value]
2. [and|or] [Field] [is|is not] [value]
3. [and|or] [Field] [is|is not] [value]
What's the simplest way to turn that into something LINQ-ish that I can stick a .ToList() on the end of? The only solution I've come up with so far has involved a rather large and ugly switch block with cases to match the various fields and tack on a .Where(), but to allow the user to select "or" for a condition then I end up doing something like this:
While condition is AND:
use big switch to match the field
query = query.Where(ThisField == value);
When you hit a condition that is OR:
append current results to temporary list
new query from full unfiltered list
use big switch to match the field
query = fullList.Where(ThisField == value);
continue as before
When you run out of conditions, append your current result set to the temporary list you've been using all along, and return that list.
This seems less elegant than I'd like.
You can do it like this:
class Program
public enum Operator
public class Condition
public Operator Operator { get; set; }
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public class DatabaseRow
public int A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var conditions = new List<Condition>
new Condition { Operator = Operator.And, FieldName = "A", Value = 1 },
new Condition { Operator = Operator.And, FieldName = "B", Value = "Asger" },
new Condition { Operator = Operator.Or, FieldName = "A", Value = 2 },
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (DatabaseRow), "x");
var currentExpr = MakeExpression(conditions.First(), parameter);
foreach (var condition in conditions.Skip(1))
var nextExpr = MakeExpression(condition, parameter);
switch (condition.Operator)
case Operator.And:
currentExpr = Expression.And(currentExpr, nextExpr);
case Operator.Or:
currentExpr = Expression.Or(currentExpr, nextExpr);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<DatabaseRow, bool>>(currentExpr, parameter).Compile();
var input = new[]
new DatabaseRow {A = 1, B = "Asger"},
new DatabaseRow {A = 2, B = "Hans"},
new DatabaseRow {A = 3, B = "Grethe"}
var results = input.Where(predicate).ToList();
static BinaryExpression MakeExpression(Condition condition, ParameterExpression parameter)
return Expression.Equal(
Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, typeof (DatabaseRow).GetMember(condition.FieldName)[0]),
This assumes you have a class as a model of the database row with the correct types. You can then parse your conditions into a list of the typed condition shown above via regex and the provided code can convert that to an expression tree. The resulting expression can either be compiled and run (as shown) or converted to SQL (just stuffing the predicate into the IQueryable.Where instead).
You can use PredicateBuilder from LINQKit to do this. Using its And() and Or() extension methods, you can build an expression tree for your query. Then you can use that expression tree as the condition of your Where(). You will also need to either call AsExpandable() or your query, or call Expand() on the created expression.
You can use Dynamic Linq to dynamically add criteria.
I have modified #asgerhallas answer to use child properties denoted with . and to convert to appropriate types as necessary
static BinaryExpression MakeExpression(Condition condition, ParameterExpression parameter)
var memberPath = condition.FieldName.Split(".");
var left = Expression.Property(parameter, memberPath[0]);
foreach (var mp in memberPath.Skip(1))
left = Expression.Property(left, ((PropertyInfo)left.Member).PropertyType.GetProperty(mp));
var rightType = ((PropertyInfo)left.Member).PropertyType;
var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(rightType);
if (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))) throw new NotSupportedException();
var rightValue = converter.ConvertFrom(condition.Value);
return Expression.Equal(
Then you can use "SomeProperty.SomeThing" and "anystring" and it'll create an expression based on child contents and, if it can be, convert a string to the appropriate value type.

