I'm trying to build serialization for my application that must export data in specific format, below is sample what is expected:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<table name="Test" diff="0" mode="db">
<items task="modify">
<item ID="OK" MY_NUMBER="two"/>
<item ID="NT" MY_NUMBER="two"/>
<table name="Second" diff="1" mode="x">
<items task="add">
<item ID="x" TYPE="c"/>
I was able to get similar results:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<table name="Test" diff="0" mode="db" task="modify">
<item d4p1:type="FirstItem" ID="OK" MY_NUMBER="two" xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<item d4p1:type="FirstItem" ID="NT" MY_NUMBER="two" xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
<table name="SecondTest" diff="1" mode="x" task="add">
<item d4p1:type="SecondItem" ID="x" TYPE="c" xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" />
But I get unwanted namespaces, I've tried searching SO for solutions (Omitting all xsi and xsd namespaces when serializing an object in .NET?, Remove Namespaces During XML Serialization) but without luck.
I have my classes defined like this:
namespace Sync.Models
public class Export
[XmlElement(ElementName = "table")]
public Table users { get; set; }
[XmlElement(ElementName = "table2")]
public Table items { get; set; }
public class Table
public string name { get; set; }
public int diff { get; set; }
public string mode { get; set; }
public List<string> Keys { get; set; }
public List<BaseItem> Items { get; set; }
public string Task { get; set; }
public class FirstItem:BaseItem
public string Number { get; set; }
public class SecondItem:BaseItem
public string Type { get; set; }
And finally my serialization functionality:
var testData = new Export
users = new Table
name = "Test",
diff = 0,
mode = "db",
Keys = new List<string> { "MY_NUMBER", "ID" },
Items = new List<BaseItem>
new FirstItem {Id = "OK", Number = "two"},
new FirstItem {Id = "NT", Number = "two"}
Task = "modify"
items = new Table
name = "SecondTest",
diff = 1,
mode = "x",
Keys = new List<string> { "ID" },
Items = new List<BaseItem>
new SecondItem{Id = "x",Type = "c"}
Task = "add"
var fileName_tmp = String.Format(#"{0}\xml1.xml", Application.StartupPath);
var fileName = String.Format(#"{0}\xml.xml", Application.StartupPath);
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Export));
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName_tmp))
serializer.Serialize(writer, testData, new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[] {XmlQualifiedName.Empty}));
using (FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(fileName_tmp))
using (StreamReader inputReader = new StreamReader(inputStream))
using (StreamWriter outputWriter = File.CreateText(fileName))
string tempLineValue;
while (null != (tempLineValue = inputReader.ReadLine()))
outputWriter.WriteLine(tempLineValue.Replace("table2", "table"));
1. I would like to remove unwanted namespaces and type attribute from nodes, but as I wrote before solution I found isn't working.
2. I need to have multiple nodes with same name (table), for now my only solution is to replace tag after serialization. I know I could use List to store tables, but during serialization this is giving me one extra unwanted level-can this be removed? Or custom serialization is only option?
3. Right now Task property from table is stored as attribute of table node in xml. Can I move it to items, to get desired result? Or do I must create custom serialization?
you can remove namesapces by add this code
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("FilePath",FileMode.Create))
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(YourClass));
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
ns.Add("", "");
serializer.Serialize(stream," Your Object to Serialize",ns);
I have an xml file as below:
<Message xsi:schemaLocation ="..">
I would like to create and object from this as History object.
public class History
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public List<Item> Items { get; set; }
var xElement = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
XElement body = (XElement)xElement.Root.LastNode;
XElement historyElement = (XElement)body.LastNode;
var history = new History
Name = (string)historyElement.Element("Name"),
Number = (string)historyElement.Element("Number"),
Items = (
from e in historyElement.Elements("Item")
select new Item
CraeteDate = DateTime.Parse(e.Element("CreateDate").Value),
Type = (string)e.Element("Type").Value,
Description = string.Join(",",
from p in e.Elements("Description") select (string)p.Element("Description"))
Why this does not work?
The values are always null.
It seems that "historyElement.Element("Name")" is always null even there is an element and value for the element.
Any idea what am I missing?
It's due to the namespace, try doing this:
XNamespace ns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1";// the namespace you have in the history element
var xElement = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var history= xElement.Descendants(ns+"History")
.Select(historyElement=>new History{ Name = (string)historyElement.Element(ns+"Name"),
Number = (string)historyElement.Element(ns+"Number"),
Items = (from e in historyElement.Elements(ns+"Item")
select new Item
CraeteDate= DateTime.Parse(e.Element(ns+"CreateDate").Value),
Type = (string) e.Element(ns+"Type").Value,
Description= string.Join(",",
from p in e.Elements(ns+"Description") select (string)p)
If you want to read more about this subject, take a look this link
A couple of minor things here, the xml was malformed here. So had to take a while to test and make it work.
You have an xsi in the front which I assume should be somewhere mentioned in the xsd.
Turns out you have to append the namespace if your xml node has a namespace attached to it as you are parsing the xml tree here:
My sample solution looked like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class History
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public List<Item> Items { get; set; }
public class Item
public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string xmlString =
<Name>History Name</Name>
<Type>Item 1 Type</Type>
<Description>Item 1 Description</Description>
<Type>Item 2 Type</Type>
<Description>Item 2 Description 1</Description>
<Description>Item 2 Description 2</Description>
XNamespace ns = "http://schemas.somewhere.com/types/history";
var xElement = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var historyObject = xElement.Descendants(ns +"History")
.Select(historyElement => new History
Name = historyElement.Element(ns + "Name")?.Value,
Number = historyElement.Element(ns + "Number")?.Value,
Items = historyElement.Elements(ns + "Item").Select(x => new Item()
CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(x.Element(ns + "CreateDate")?.Value),
Type = x.Element(ns + "Type")?.Value,
Description = string.Join(",", x.Elements(ns + "Description").Select(elem=>elem.Value))
If you dont wan't to care about finding the namespace, you might want to try the following:
var document = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var historyObject2 = document.Root.Descendants()
.Where(x=>x.Name.LocalName == "History")
.Select(historyElement => new History
Name = historyElement.Element(historyElement.Name.Namespace + "Name")?.Value,
Number = historyElement.Element(historyElement.Name.Namespace+ "Number")?.Value,
Items = historyElement.Elements(historyElement.Name.Namespace + "Item").Select(x => new Item()
//CreateDate = DateTime.Parse(x.Element("CreateDate")?.Value),
Type = x.Element(historyElement.Name.Namespace + "Type")?.Value,
Description = string.Join(",", x.Elements(historyElement.Name.Namespace + "Description").Select(elem => elem.Value))
I'm trying to deserialize simple xml file:
<thesaurus xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/thesaurus">
I'm using XmlSerializer like this:
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Thesaurus));
var thesaurus = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream);
My model looks like this:
[XmlRoot("thesaurus", Namespace = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/thesaurus")]
public class Thesaurus
public Metadata Metadata { get; set; }
public List<Entry> Entries { get; set; }
public class Metadata
public class Entry
public string Term { get; set; }
public String[] Synonym { get; set; }
So when I'm running this code, I get deserialized thesaurus object with parsed metadata and 1 entry with filled term and synonym fields. I can't get all of the entries here.
when I comment out Synonym field it starts giving me 2 entries in thesaurus object. I can't wrap entries in <entries> tag because it's some internal format of an application I'm feeding with this xml file.
Anyone has any ideas how to parse this xml file correctly? I tried searching for a solution, but this xml looks quite different than ones in examples.
Ok, so if you need to keep inside synonim field array of terms fields you need to change your Entry class to something like this:
public class Entry
public string Term { get; set; }
public Term[] Synonym { get; set; }
also you'll need to add additional one:
public class Term
public string Value { get; set; }
This way you'll have what you need.
So, additional hierarchy level was added by additional class.
Please find below code for your test:
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Thesaurus));
var r = new Thesaurus();
r.Entries = new List<Entry>();
r.Metadata = new Metadata();
r.Entries.Add(new Entry()
Synonym = new Term[] { new Term(){Value = "1"}, new Term() {Value = "2"}, },
Term = "Term1"
r.Entries.Add(new Entry()
Synonym = new Term[] { new Term() { Value = "3" }, new Term() { Value = "4" }, },
Term = "Term2"
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(#"c:\111.xml"))
xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, r);
using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(#"c:\111.xml"))
Thesaurus tt = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader) as Thesaurus;
I want to create an XML file from the following c# class and vice-verse. How can i do this?
public class Settings
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public string ParentId { get; set; }
public List<Settings> SubSettings { get; set; }
public bool IsRoot
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentId);
You can serialize a class in C# using XmlSerializer like this:
var s = new Settings()
Id = "id",
Name = "name",
ParentId = "parentId",
Value = "value",
SubSettings = new List<Settings>()
new Settings()
Id = "subId",
Name = "subName",
ParentId = "subParentId",
Value = "subValue",
SubSettings = new List<Settings>()
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
string fileName = "C:\\test.xml";
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.CreateNew))
serializer.Serialize(fs, s);
This is the result that I get:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<SubSettings />
You can then deserialize it back to an object like this:
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
Stream fs = new FileStream("C:\\test.xml", FileMode.Open);
Settings settings = (Settings)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
I have very simple Xml structure that I want to convert to list of objects. My code does work but I think this is not the correct way of doing this and since I never did this I think there might be simpler way of doing what I want.
Xml example
<name>Item 1</name>
<name>Item 2</name>
Code to gather xml and create list of objects
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Item> itemList = new List<Item>();
var url = "http://xmlurl.com/xml";
// Load xml data
XmlDocument myXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
// Select items and loop
var xmlItems = myXmlDocument.SelectNodes("/root/item");
foreach (XmlNode item in xmlItems)
var newItem = new Item();
foreach (XmlNode i in item)
// Since I cannot query them properly I need to check every item node
switch (i.Name)
case "name":
newItem.Name = i.InnerText;
case "price":
newItem.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(i.InnerText);
// Test it out
foreach (var item in itemList.OrderBy(x => x.Price))
Console.WriteLine(item.Name + " | " + item.Price);
class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
Using LINQ:
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("myXml.xml");
List<Item> items = (from item in xdoc.Descendants("item")
select new Item {
Name = item.Element("name").Value,
Price = item.Element("price").Value
You should use XmlSerializer, example:
public class Item {
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "root")]
public class ItemList : List<Item> {
Getting them from markup:
const string test = #"<root>
<name>Item 1</name>
<name>Item 2</name>
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ItemList));
List<Item> result;
using (var reader = new StringReader(test)) {
result = (List<Item>)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
You can define your class:
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
And then deserialize the Xml:
var xml = #"<root>
<name>Item 1</name>
<name>Item 2</name>
List<Item> items;
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Item>),
new XmlRootAttribute("root"));
using(var stream = new StringReader(xml))
items = (List<Item>)serializer.Deserialize(stream);
if(items != null)
foreach(var item in items)
I have class like this below shown. which contains the shopping items where the number can vary from 0 to n.
namespace SerializationPOC
public class ShoppingItems
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public List<Item> Items { get; set; }
public class Item
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Price { get; set; }
Is it possible to get the class serialized like to get the XML Schema like below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
I would like to know if this can be achieved by using the Serilization if not whats the best way to achieve this Schema?
There is no standard serializer that supports that layout. You will have to do it yourself. Personally, I would say "you're doing it wrong"; I strongly suggest (if it is possible) using a format like
<Item name="IceCream" Price="1$"/>
both of which would be trivial with XmlSerializer.
LINQ-to-XML is probably your best option, something like:
var items = new ShoppingItems
Address = "Walstreet,Newyork",
CustomerName = "John",
Items = new List<Item>
new Item { Name = "Milk", Price = "1$"},
new Item { Name = "IceCream", Price = "1$"},
new Item { Name = "Bread", Price = "1$"},
new Item { Name = "Egg", Price = "1$"}
var xml = new XElement("ShoppingItems",
new XElement("CustomerName", items.CustomerName),
new XElement("Address", items.Address),
new[] {
new XElement("Item" + (i + 1), item.Name),
new XElement("Price" + (i + 1), item.Price)}))
Can you please have a look on my article, [^]
As an example you can look into the below code. The Serialize method is given on the article.
var test = new ShoppingItems()
CustomerName = "test",
Address = "testAddress",
Items = new List<Item>()
new Item(){ Name = "item1", Price = "12"},
new Item(){Name = "item2",Price = "14"}
var xmlData = Serialize(test);
And it will return the string given below,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ShoppingItems xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">