API WiktionaryNET - c#

I am trying to use the Wiktionary's API trying to know if some words are defined or not.
I have seen the open source's WiktionaryNET and they use this code:
In my console code:
var word = Wiktionary.Define("clean");
foreach (var def in word.Definition)
In the app.config:
<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" />
I use the same things but the result is always "Definition.Count = 0"
Someone know, how can I use or set up to get results?
Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm the implementer of this library. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll try to explain what happened and what can you do if you really need this fixed right now.
The wiktionary response is in JSON format but it's terrible to parse. It's actually one single blub of text. What happened is that the JSON response from wiktionary was modified since the wiktionaryNET was implemented. It now contains an additional field. The wiktionaryNET parser mistakenly interprets this as the content it was supposed to parse in the first place. The result is an empty response from the library.
You can download the project from GitHub. Then go to WiktionaryJsonQuery.cs and modify the AddQuery statements to include the rawcontinue:
AddQuery("rawcontinue"); // <-- add this line
AddQuery("titles=" + word);
Build the project and add the resulting dll to your project.
Please note this is only in beta.


Custom Column(s) with MsSqlServer Sink and AppSettings

I've got an application that runs without problem with the File and Console Sinks and now I'm trying to add the MSSqlServer Sink.
Looking at the documentation on Github I've got my application to write to the SQL Database as well as the other sinks.
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.connectionString" value="Server=servername;Database=databasename;User Id=userid;Password=password;"/>
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.tableName" value="Logs"/>
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.autoCreateSqlTable" value="true"/>
One improvement is I'd like to add a custom column to the Logs table that Serilog uses to store a number indicating a unique RunId for my application. The idea being that a simple query would allow grouping by RunId to see all messages for that one run.
So I added the following, based on the documentation (and I haven't been able to find any other examples) as it seemed logical:
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.columnOptions.ColumnName" value="RunId"/>
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.columnOptions.PropertyName" value="RunId"/>
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.columnOptions.DataType" value="SqlDbType.Int"/>
<add key="serilog:write-to:MSSqlServer.columnOptions.DataLength" value="32"/>
and then in my code all I need to do is:
Log.Information("{RunId}{Message}", RunId, Message);
to see a new entry with {RunId} in the RunId column and {Message} in the Message column... however everytime I do this nothing is written to the RunId column, it remains as NULL whereas every log message the console/file has is also duplicated in the Table.
So it seems logging is working, it must be the keys wrong and I'm really not sure what should be used.
Would anyone be able to point me in the direction I need to be going or where I've gone wrong?
Thank you.
Logging definitely was working but some digging and finally I found out I had two issues:
Permissions on database where insuffident for the user serilog was using, and
AppSettings settings I was using were wrong
#1 was easy enough to fix, I created a dedicated Serilog account for this database and fixed the permissions as per documentation.
#2 however was very frustrating but eventually I was able to get the following to work:
<section name="MSSqlServerSettingsSection" type="Serilog.Configuration.MSSqlServerConfigurationSection, Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer"/>
<MSSqlServerSettingsSection DisableTriggers="false" ClusteredColumnstoreIndex="false" PrimaryKeyColumnName="Id">
<!-- SinkOptions parameters -->
<TableName Value="Logs"/>
<add ColumnName="RunId" DataType="int"/>
On compile and execution my program will now create the Logs table in the database and then create a RunId column which I have been able to populate with a {RunId} expression in my Log.Debug() calls.
FWIW: I hope this will be helpful and if I can work out how I'll see if I can add this to documentation as an example of using AppSettings for this use case. Searching this question most people seem to be using JSON and not AppSettings.

BizTalk Dynamic Disassembler Problems - The body part is NULL

I started with the solution here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/20547.biztalk-server-dynamic-schema-resolver-real-scenario.aspx
which matches my scenario perfectly except for the send port, but that isn't necessary. I need the receive port to choose the file and apply a schema to disassemble. From their the orchestration does the mapping, some of it custom, etc.
I've done everything in the tutorial but I keep getting the following error.
"There was a failure executing the receive pipeline... The body part is NULL"
The things I don't get from the tutorial but don't believe they should be an issue are:
I created a new solution and project to make the custompipeline component (reference figure 19) and thus the dll file. Meaning it is on it's own namespace. However, it looks like from the tutorial they created the project within the main biztalk solution (ie the one with the pipeline and the orchestration) and thus the namespace has "TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver." in it. Should I make the custompipeline component have the namespace of my main solution? I'm assuming this shouldn't matter because I should be able to use this component in other solutions as it is meant to be generic to the business rules that are associated with the biztalk application.
The other piece I don't have is Figure 15 under the "THEN Action" they have it equal the destination schema they would like to disassemble to but then they put #Src1 at the end of "http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SRC1_FF#Src1". What is the #Src1 for?
In the sample you've linked to, the probe method of the pipeline component is pushing the first 4 characters from the filename into a typed message that is then passed into the rules engine. Its those 4 characters that match the "SRC1" in the example.
string srcFileName = pInMsg.Context.Read("ReceivedFileName", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/file-properties This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. ").ToString();
srcFileName = Path.GetFileName(srcFileName);
//Substring the first four digits to take source code to use to call BRE API
string customerCode = srcFileName.Substring(0, 4);
//create an instance of the XML object
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml(string.Format(#"<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0='http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. '>
</ns0:Root>", customerCode));
//retreive source code in case in our cache dictionary
if (cachedSources.ContainsKey(customerCode))
messageType = cachedSources[customerCode];
TypedXmlDocument typedXmlDocument = new TypedXmlDocument("TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE", xmlDoc);
Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy policy = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy("SchemaResolverPolicy");
So the matching rule is based on the 1st 4 characters of the filename. If one isn't matched, the probe returns a false - i.e. unrecognised.
The final part is that the message type is pushed into the returned message - this is made up of the namespace and the root schema node with a # separator - so your #src1 is the root node.
You need to implement IProbeMessage near to class
I forgot to add IProbeMessage in the code of article. It is updated now.
but it is there in sample source code
Src1 is the the root node name of schema. I mentioned that in article that message type is TargetNamespace#Root
I recommend to download the sample code
I hope this will help you

Web.Config encoding problems

Wanted to let you know that I've tried to solve my problem before turning to the community for help.
I need to send a request with a couple of query parameters to a web service from which I should get an XML in the response which I need to parse and populate image source and image link with the values.
let's assume the the url for the website is:
When i type this in a browser I could see the XML i should get as a response.
I place the value in appSettings in a web.Config file like so:
<add key="GetImageUrl" value="http://domain.com/user=1&passwd=2&param=u"/>
However, this would not compile because the compiler cannot understand '&' so I used the encoded version like this:
<add key="GetImageUrl" value="http://domain.com/user=1&passwd=2&param=u"/>
However, when I type this I see the XML with "Error" values which is one of the expected values to be returned if wrong parameters are sent.
How should I proceed?
Thank you very much!
Wanted to let you know that I've also tried "&;amp;" and "%26"
The web.config file is an XML file, so you must encode & as &.
When reading the value in your program, you will get a &.
I don't know wha tyou mean by:
when I type this I see the XML with "Error" values which is one of the expected values to be returned if wrong parameters are sent
Where is this happening? Sending where?

web.config in asp.net

I've got the function for changing the values in web.config
but my problem is it is not getting the path of web.config correctly and throwing
"Could not find file 'C:\Users\maxnet25\Web.config'"
It was giving error on xmlDoc.Load() function.
My code:
public void UpdateConfigKey(string strKey, string newValue)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\Web.config");
if (!ConfigKeyExists(strKey))
throw new ArgumentNullException("Key", "<" + strKey + "> not find in the configuration.");
XmlNode appSettingsNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings");
foreach (XmlNode childNode in appSettingsNode)
if (childNode.Attributes["key"].Value == strKey)
childNode.Attributes["value"].Value = newValue;
xmlDoc.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\Web.config");
Label1 .Text ="Key Upated Successfullly";
What error messsage is being given?
Either way, you're not really going about modifying web.config in the right way. You should probably take a look at the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager class as this provides programmatic access to the web.config file in a structured manner. Note that to access this class you need to add a reference to System.Configuration.dll to your project to bring the ConfigurationManager into scope.
If you look at the example code for the GetSection method, it shows how to create/add settings in the appSettings section of a .net config file, so that example should be enough to get you where you want to go.
If you definately want to use this approach to manipulate your web.config file, I suspect that:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\Web.config")
is incorrect, based on the path that you've shown in the error message. Try removing the ..\..\ and seeing if that works. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory should be pointing at the location of your web.config file without modification.
Assuming this is indeed an ASP.NET website, instead of this:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "..\\..\\Web.config"
Use this:
On a side note, please be aware that anytime you make a change to web.config, your web application restarts. You might not need to worry about that depending on what your web app does though.
Try using Server.MapPath() to resolve the location of your web.config. If you're in a page, Server is one of the page properties. If not, you can find it in HttpContext.Current.
As an example...
...should return the physical path to the web.config at the top of your web application.
Now, you're probably much better off using the WebConfigurationManager, as shown in this post. The approach is much cleaner, but requires a reference to System.Configuration.
Have you added a web.config to your web site?
You should use either:
for app.config files, or:
for web.config files.
You can actually use System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager with web.config files as well, and to be honest, I'm not actually sure if there's any benefit for using one over the other.
But either way, you should not be using the Xml namespaces and writing/modifying the raw XML.

WorkflowMarkupSerializer doesn't keep positions in a state machine workflow

I am using WorkflowMarkupSerializer to save a statemachine workflow - it saves the states OK, but does not keep their positions. The code to write the workflow is here:
using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(fileName))
WorkflowMarkupSerializer markupSerializer
= new WorkflowMarkupSerializer();
markupSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, workflow);
The code to read the workflow is:
DesignerSerializationManager dsm
= new DesignerSerializationManager();
using (dsm.CreateSession())
using (XmlReader xmlReader
= XmlReader.Create(fileName))
//deserialize the workflow from the XmlReader
WorkflowMarkupSerializer markupSerializer
= new WorkflowMarkupSerializer();
workflow = markupSerializer.Deserialize(
dsm, xmlReader) as Activity;
if (dsm.Errors.Count > 0)
WorkflowMarkupSerializationException error
= dsm.Errors[0]
as WorkflowMarkupSerializationException;
throw error;
Open Control Panel -> "Regional and language options" and set list separator to ',' (comma)
and workflow serializer will use ',' (comma) as separator for X,Y coordinates for struct SizeF
then select ';' and workflow serializer will use ';' (semicolon) as separator.
This really stupid that serializer use regional setting for serialize markup.
The position of all the states is kept in a separate file. You'll need to drag it around with the markup of the workflow itself. Luckily, it's just XML as well, so you might be able to reuse most of the code you have up there. If memory serves, I believe it's simply NameOfYourWorkflow.layout.
I agree with x0n - the designer is really bad in Visual Studio.
OK, this tutorial gives good information on how to do it - although so far I am only able to save the layout, I haven't been able to correctly use the layout. The information in question is about 2/3rds down (or just do a search for .layout)
(How does one close his own question?)
Note that there is a bug in either the serialize or deserialize of the XML created (named in the example with an extension of .layout.)
It produces the following xml as the first line of the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><StateMachineWorkflowDesigner xmlns:ns0="clr-namespace:System.Drawing;Assembly=System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" Name="New" Location="30, 30" Size="519, 587" AutoSizeMargin="16, 24" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/workflow">
When reading this back in, the size attribute causes an exception. I removed Size="519, 587" from the file and the workflow is loaded back correctly. Right now, I write the file, open it and remove the size, then close it. I need to think about a more elegant solution, but at least I am now saving and restoring a state machine workflow.
Hah, even the workflow designer hosted in Visual Studio 2008 loses the positions of states randomly. This tells me it's probably not an easy task, and is information external to the Activities that comprise it. I'd dig more around the host for information; if I find something, I'll post back.

