Develop a EA-BaseliningMerge workflow in C# - c#

I want to develop a workflow to merge a baseline in EA as described via GUI:
Right click on a package and select "Package Control" > "Package
Baseline" (STRG + ALT + B)
Click "Compare Model To File"
Select a XMI file
After comparing...
Select package (in "Model elements" and not in the "Project browser") > right-click -> "Merge from Baseline (with options)"
I think that I have to use the following methods (like described in EA Class API) but I have no idea how to use these:
EA.App eaApp = new EA.App();
EA.Repository repository = null;
if (eaApp.Repository.OpenFile2(/*FileOrDB*/"...", /*User*/"...",/*PWD*/"...")){
repository = eaApp.Repository;
Can someone post me an example to execute these steps in C#?

Looking at the documentation of both DoBaseLine... methods it seems that you can only use these with baselines that are actually stored in the (or another) model.
There is nothing in the API that allows you to compare with an xmi file.
But there is a workaround. You can import the xmi file into another model, create a baseline for it there using ProjectInterface.CreateBaseline or ProjectInterface.CreateBaselineEx.
Once you have this baseline you can compare it with the package in your model and merge it.


V1APIConnector deprecated

I'm getting a warning while building my project that V1APIConnector is deprecated and requesting me to use VersionOneAPIConnector.
Using the new VersionOneAPIConnector I had to do the following to get a child projects:
build a string (ex:'FOO'&sel=Children.Name) for the data we require and then pass it on to GetData method.
read the returned stream and then create an xml.
Read the xml to extract the required data.
Retrieving data using V1APIconnector was much simpler.
create a IMetaModel and services instance
query the appropriate assettype (GetAssetType method) and the attributes
Is the above approach still valid using VersionOneAPIConnector?
If yes do we have any example on how to get the childprojects of a project?
The compilation warnings that you are getting are because VersionOne.SDK.APIClient is currently using internally V1APIconnector, and this warnings are only shown because, I guess, you are including VersionOne.SDK.APIClient inside your project, this approach is, sometimes, not advisable because you may miss updates. The best thing to do should be to use nuget. Add to VS a reference (Tools -> Options -> Packate Manager -> Package Sources) to V1 gallery on (, in this way you'll have your DLLs updated.
Regarding your questions:
There's no need for you to directly use VersionOneAPIConnector, but here you have two examples of listing child projects: one using Metamodel as you mention that you were using, and another using VersionOneAPIConnector.
//Example 1: Listing all child projects of 'Foo' with MetaModel
var assetType = _context.MetaModel.GetAssetType("Scope");
var query = new Query(assetType);
//Filter Attribute
var parentNameAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("Parent.Name");
var filter = new FilterTerm(parentNameAttribute);
query.Filter = filter;
var result = _context.Services.Retrieve(query);
Example 2: Listing all child projects of 'Foo' with VersionOneAPIConnector and V1 user and password.
Stream streamResult = new VersionOneAPIConnector("").WithVersionOneUsernameAndPassword("usr","pwd").GetData();

Cannot add icon in shell extension with C#

I've found a very nice tutorial and i am trying to understand something that is not in this tutorial (because the tut itself works fine)
When you look at applications like WinRar, TortoiseSVN, Antivirus-apps and many more, there is an icon next to the Shell Extension Item.
I would like to know how this is done. (Programmatically with C#)
Adding a separator works, adding a submenu works and click+action also works, but i'm struggling with the icon. This cannot be so hard. Can somebody help me?
And please don't say that Microsoft doesn't longer support this in .NET 4.0, because it is not guaranteed and therefore they don't supply samplecode. If all those other apps can do it, then it is possible.
Please supply me some sample code, some tutorials or maybe even a working piece of code.
Please have a look at the following article, it uses .NET 4.0 it to create Windows Shell Extensions using the SharpShell nuget package.
NET Shell Extensions - Shell Context Menus
Using this library, you can set the image directly while creating the contextmenustrip as shown below
protected override ContextMenuStrip CreateMenu()
// Create the menu strip.
var menu = new ContextMenuStrip();
// Create a 'count lines' item.
var itemCountLines = new ToolStripMenuItem
Text = "Count Lines...",
Image = Properties.Resources.CountLines
// When we click, we'll count the lines.
itemCountLines.Click += (sender, args) => CountLines();
// Add the item to the context menu.
// Return the menu.
return menu;
You only have to add to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers
and here is the code:
string TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
string key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\Winrar";
string valueName = "MyWinrar";
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(key, valueName, HERE WHAT YOU WANT TO START, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);
i hope it works for you!
All the apps you listed use COM and unmanaged code to create overlay icon handlers. There is even a special project TortoiseOverlays that provides a common library for drawing icons for TortoiceCSV, TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGIT. You can take a look at it's source code to find out how it is done. If you want to draw similar icons, you should probably just reuse it.
Using .Net for this type of extensions is not recommended, because when multiple extensions, built against different .Net versions would attempt to load in explorer process, they will crash the explorer.

C# - What is the Select Source dialog as it applies to the GetDevice method?

I am trying to use a method that is described like this:
public Device GetDevice(string productName)
The productName is the name of the device as it appears in the Select Source dialog.
What is the Select Source dialog that's being referred to?
As this link mentions (look for the "Showing the “Select Source” dialog" heading), this is a dialog that allows users to select an ISIS device. It's part of the DotImage framework, called with ShowSelectSource and is used like this:
IsisDevice dev = null;
if (this.acquisition.ShowSelectSource(this)) dev = this.acquisition.Devices.Default;
I would guess that this works similarly to a FolderBrowserDialog. The user selects the device of his choosing and you can then use his selection to retrieve the Device itself with GetDevice.
I had to use Google to find out which library you are using.
Anyway: open the atalasoft documentation, once there, click search, and search for 'select AND source AND dialog'. Click the secondd hit '2: Getting Started with DotTwain' and read 'Showing the "Select Source" dialog'

How to read in text from the visual studio debug output window

I've read several articles that tell you how to add text to the output window in visual studio from within an Add-On (specifically, a visual studio 2008 integration package, via the visual studio 2008 SDK 1.1), but no examples of how to read text from the output window. My goal is to parse text from the debug output window while debugging a certain application (TRACE output and possibly stdin/stdout). The IVsOutputWindowPane interface has no methods for reading in text from the output window. The documentation seems to imply that it is possible, but it doesn't provide an example:
Quote: In addition, the OutputWindow and OutputWindowPane objects add some higher-level functionality to make it easier to enumerate the Output window panes and to retrieve text from the panes.
Preferably I'd like to be able to subscribe to an event that fires when a new line of text arrives, similar to a StreamReader's asynchronous reads.
It is possible, it is just a long winding path to get to it:
ServiceProvider -> IVsOutputWindow -> GetPane( debugwindow ) -> IVsUserData -> GetData( wpftextviewhost ) -> IWpfTextViewHost -> IWpfTextView -> TextBuffer -> Changed event.
Presuming you have a VS IServiceProvider from somewhere else (vsix extension/whatever, global service provider), and without any error checking, it looks like this:
IVsOutputWindow outWindow = ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow)) as IVsOutputWindow;
Guid debugPaneGuid = VSConstants.GUID_OutWindowDebugPane;
IVsOutputWindowPane pane;
outWindow.GetPane(ref debugPaneGuid, out pane);
// from here up you'll find in lots of other stackoverflow answers,
// the stuff from here down is interesting to this question
IVsUserData userData = (IVsUserData)pane;
object o;
Guid guidViewHost = DefGuidList.guidIWpfTextViewHost;
userData.GetData(ref guidViewHost, out o);
IWpfTextViewHost viewHost = (IWpfTextViewHost)o;
IWpfTextView textView = viewHost.TextView;
textView.TextBuffer.Changed += YourTextChangedHandlerHere;
Your text changed handler will then get called every time the output window gets more data. you won't necessarily get it line by line, but you'll probably more likely than not get big chunks you'll need to deal with on your own.
It is highly likely that some of the above did not even exist in VS in 2010. But it exists now!
The default behavior (when you don’t set the listener explicitly) of VS is to display trace massages in the debugger output window, which you appreciate if you want a simple solution and do no other actions with the massages.
Unfortunately this is not your case. So you have to define a trace listener to send (and store) your trace massages where you then will be able to read them. The trace listener could be a file (for example XML) or you can create a custom listener by deriving a class from the base class TraceListener if you don't want to bother yourself with an additional file.
I don't know that what you ask is possible. But, you can register your add-in as a debugger for your application so that you get the output the trace messages. These are typically routed to OutputDebugString, and can be captured as described in this article: It does not give you the normal output, only debug, but it does not depend on the technology of the debugged application.
The solution on this page selects the text in order to read it. I'm hoping there's a better way.
Automatically stop Visual C++ 2008 build at first compile error?
Private Sub OutputWindowEvents_OnPaneUpdated(ByVal pPane As OutputWindowPane) Handles OutputWindowEvents.PaneUpdated
Dim Context As String = pPane.TextDocument.Selection.Text
End Sub

How do I get latest clearcase label programmatically from C#?

I am trying to put version information to my C# GUI framework retrieved from the latest ClearCase label. This was originally done from Visual Soursafe as below.
vssDB = new VSSDatabaseClass();
vssDB.Open( databaseName, "vssadmin", "vssadmin" );
VSSItem item = vssDB.get_VSSItem( #"$\BuildDCP.bat", false );
foreach(VSSVersion vssVersion in item.get_Versions(0))
// Pull the first non-blank label and use that
if ( vssVersion.Label != "" )
labelID = vssVersion.Label.ToString();
I am trying to do something similar using ClearCase since we changed our source code control from VSS to CC. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe this could be better achieved through a script, which would be called from your C# program.
But you may be able to directly call some COM objects, through the CAL interface provided with ClearCase.
The documentation for the interface can be accessed through ClearCase help (Start>Programs>Rational ClearCase>ClearCase Help), where there's an entry for "ClearCase Automation Library (CAL)". An alternate path is to look in the ClearCase/bin directory for "cc_cal.chm".
In VB, with CAL API, that would give something like:
Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application
Dim labelID As String
Set aVersion = CC.Version("[Path-To]\BuildDCP.bat");
Set someLabels = Ver.Labels;
If (someLabels.Count > 0) Then
' the first label listed is the most recently applied
labelID = someLabels.Item(1).Type.Name
I really wish that the COM interfaces had better documentation, or were more obvious. Or that the code to ClearCase Explorer or Project Explorer were open source.
I've done a few cool things, but I pretty much started by adding COM references to my C# project, and then started screwing around with the interfaces I found.
Good luck!

