I want to communicate with tally server, I am sending this code for http request and response from tally server is:
ü ¦€.Yk{ê1±<á";…òò÷ÁŽ›¾±àBÃZe´z ú÷¨éß"íè„™ýÊwº3€åµª§µ¡5ÒÀýVÿX5¥OIdY©çÝ/Ì$ŠË¼Zœdí¼Ã%Ö Ýø®‘}}á–À†™;r?(Û„“?xS#%öDaÊʆ$“dÊ©V´ë†g2_FªÖ.·£Ð½†/ò
my code is given below
public void Test()
string url = "https://dev1.tallyenterprise.com";
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
byte[] requestInFormOfBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlMessage);
request.Method ="POST";
request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=utf-8";
request.ContentLength = requestInFormOfBytes.Length;
Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(requestInFormOfBytes, 0, requestInFormOfBytes.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader respStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.Default);
string receivedResponse = respStream.ReadToEnd();
Label1.Text = receivedResponse;
If anyone work on this please suggest me..
Try this
public void Test() {
string xmlMessage = "<ENVELOPE>
<SESSIONID>" .$session. "</SESSIONID>
<TOKEN>" .$token. "</TOKEN>
//Sending the request to Tally test URL address
string url = "www.xxxxxxx.com";
//create a request
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
request.Method = "POST";
string postData = xmlMessage;
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=utf-8";
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
request.Headers.Add("ID", "TPGETCOMPANIES");
request.Headers.Add("SOURCE", "EA");
request.Headers.Add("TARGET", "TNS");
request.Headers.Add("CONTENT-TYPE", "text/xml;charset=utf-8");
Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
StreamReader respStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
string receivedResponse = respStream.ReadToEnd();
Label2.Text = receivedResponse;
I want write a program in Windows Forms.I want log in in Instagram by HttpWebResponse in c#.
I use following code to log in:
HttpWebResponse Response;
HttpWebRequest Request;
CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
Uri url = new Uri("https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/si/fetch_headers/?challenge_type=signup&guid=");
Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
Request.Method = "GET";
Request.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
// Get the first response to obtain the cookie where you will find the "csrfmiddlewaretoken" value
Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();
textBox1.Text = cookieContainer.GetCookies(url)["csrftoken"].Value;
string PostData = string.Format("csrfmiddlewaretoken={0}&username=seyed&password=13859", cookieContainer.GetCookies(url)["csrftoken"].Value);
//textBox1.Text = PostData;
HttpWebRequest req;
req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/login/");
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.KeepAlive = true;
req.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
req.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PostData);
req.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
textBox1.Text = req.ContentLength.ToString();
Stream dataStream = req.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
HttpWebResponse webResp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream datastream = webResp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datastream);
string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (s.Contains("seyed"))
My username and password is correct but can not log in in it and print "Not" Message.
How fix it?
Trying to call WebService using HTTPWebRequest and posting data, it results in invalid request format, I have added http verbs post in both client and webservice, any ideas here ?
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost/WS/test.asmx/GetData");
String xmlString = "Montreal";
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] bytesToWrite = encoding.GetBytes(xmlString);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentLength = bytesToWrite.Length;
request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=UTF-8";
Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
newStream.Write(bytesToWrite, 0, bytesToWrite.Length);
newStream.Close(); //fails here with error message Request format is invalid: text/xml;charset=UTF-8.
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
I got to modify the approach, this worked for me.
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost/WS/test.asmx");
String xmlData = "Montréal";
String xmlString = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:tem=\"http://tempuri.org/\"><soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body><tem:GetData><tem:data>" + xmlData + "</tem:data></tem:GetData></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>";
byte[] bytesToWrite = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlString);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentLength = bytesToWrite.Length;
request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=UTF-8;";
Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream();
newStream.Write(bytesToWrite, 0, bytesToWrite.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
string msg = ex.Message;
Box.com's Enterprise User Provisioning API requires OAUTH2 token in the header of the request ("Authorization: Bearer faKE_toKEN_1234"). I've ran the code below against http://www.xhaus.com/headers, http://httpbin.org/post and http://www.cs.tut.fi/cgi-bin/run/~jkorpela/echo.cgi and observed packets with Microsoft Network Monitor and as far as I know my request header does not include the "Authorization" value I wish to include there.
Is the code below missing something (code or a point)?
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(API_URL);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string postData = Parameters;
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding ();
byte[] byte1 = encoding.GetBytes (postData);
request.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
Stream reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
reqStream.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
//This is puzzling me, why can't I see this header anywere
//when debugging with packet monitor etc?
request.Headers.Add("Authorization: Bearer " + access_token);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
string txtResponse = reader.ReadToEnd ();
return txtResponse;
I think you need to set the header before you write the postData and close the request stream. This appeared to work for me:
static void Main(string[] args)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.xhaus.com/headers");
request.Method = "POST";
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.Timeout = 10000;
request.Headers.Add("Authorization: Bearer_faKE_toKEN_1234");
string postData = "postData";
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byte1 = encoding.GetBytes(postData);
request.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
Stream reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
reqStream.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
string txtResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
HttpWebRequest req = null;
HttpWebResponse res = null;
const string url = http://localhost/MyService/EService.svc/CreateMethod";
req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
req.Headers.Add("App", "Application");
ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoder.GetBytes("{ itemlist: 'sasfs' }");
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream responseStream = res.GetResponseStream();
var streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
string txt = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
I have to use above code to consume service, but i am getting different errors-
1) You must provide a request body if you set ContentLength>0 ....
What is the code I am missing exactly here.
You missing few lines of code. You only setting ContentLength but you do not write content.
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
//Write request data(setting content of request)
Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream();
reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
I am trying to log in to instagram using web requests. I am having a bad time understanding what's going on. Getting this: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. What I have so far:
public static string csrf;
CookieContainer c1 = new CookieContainer();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string PostData = String.Format("csrfmiddlewaretoken={0}&username=ra123&password=ra12345678",getToken());
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/");
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.KeepAlive = true;
req.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
req.CookieContainer = c1;
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PostData);
req.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream dataStream = req.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
HttpWebResponse webResp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream datastream = webResp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datastream);
string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (s.Contains("ra123"))
string getToken()
string p = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" value=\"(.*)\"/>";
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/");
req.Method = "GET";
req.CookieContainer = c1;
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
Stream data = resp.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data);
string src = sr.ReadToEnd();
Match m = Regex.Match(src, p);
if (m.Success)
return (m.Groups[1].Value.ToString());
return false.ToString();
The problem with the login is that the request needs to set the cookie at the header, and the container is not setting it since is changes at every login when you access from an unknown explorer. Here is what you can do:
WebResponse Response;
HttpWebRequest Request;
Uri url = new Uri("http://thewebpage.com:port/login/");
CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
Request.Method = "GET";
Request.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
// Get the first response to obtain the cookie where you will find the "csrfmiddlewaretoken" value
Response = Request.GetResponse();
string Parametros = "csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + cookieContainer.GetCookies(url)["csrftoken"].Value + "&username=USER&password=PASSWORD&next="; // This whill set the correct url to access
Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); // it is important to use the same url used for the first request
Request.Method = "POST";
Request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Request.UserAgent = "Other";
// Place the cookie container to obtain the new cookies for further access
Request.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
Request.Headers.Add("Cookie",Response.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie")); // This is the most important step, you have to place the cookies at the header (without this line you will get the 403 Forbidden exception
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Parametros);
Request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream dataStream = Request.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Responseite(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
Response = Request.GetResponse();
FYI, this won't solve your problem, but you need to learn to place your Stream and other objects that implement IDisposable into using blocks:
public static string csrf;
CookieContainer c1 = new CookieContainer();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string PostData = String.Format("csrfmiddlewaretoken={0}&username=ra123&password=ra12345678", getToken());
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/");
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.KeepAlive = true;
req.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
req.CookieContainer = c1;
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PostData);
req.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
using (Stream dataStream = req.GetRequestStream())
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
string s;
using (HttpWebResponse webResp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse())
using (Stream datastream = webResp.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datastream))
s = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (s.Contains("ra123"))
string getToken()
string p = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" value=\"(.*)\"/>";
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("https://instagram.com/accounts/login/");
req.Method = "GET";
req.CookieContainer = c1;
string src;
using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse())
using (Stream data = resp.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data))
src = sr.ReadToEnd();
Match m = Regex.Match(src, p);
if (m.Success)
return (m.Groups[1].Value.ToString());
return false.ToString();