C# Best practices - Set readonly model property value from BLL - c#

Consider the below:
public class Project.Model.ModelName : BaseClass
private int _id;
private string _name;
public int ID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
public string Name
get { return _name; }
public class Project.BLL.ModelName
public static string ComputeName(Model.ModelName m)
// Determine value using complex business logic
return "Whatever";
public static bool SetName(Model.ModelName m)
string Name = ComputeName(m);
// How can I set the ModelName.Name value here?
m.Name = ??? // No set accessor
I have a model with a string property that only has a get accessor, we do not want the value to be set directly.
The value for the property is computed in the BLL, a different library.
What's the best way to set the value of the property without using reflection?
For clarification, the challenge is that the Name value needs to be immutable. The same model is frequently accessed and modified. We did not want to risk someone assigning a value to it after the fact. I guess I'm looking for a best practice to maintain immutability.

ModelName.Name property only have a getter specified on _name. There is no way you it can be altered as it is. The only way to do it while preventing the other to do the same is through access modifier.
If Project.BLL and Project.Model is within the same assembly, you can use the internal modifier to restrict the access from other assembly. or apply a [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Project.BLL")] on Project.Model.ModelName
//1. Add a setter on the property, or :
public string Name
get { return _name; }
internal set { _name = value; }
//2. Add a setter method for _name :
internal void SetName(string value)
_name = value;


CS0188 Error in Structure

Take a look at this code.
public struct Customer
private int _id;
private string _name;
public int Id
get { return this._id; }
set { this._id = value; }
public Customer(int Id, string Name)
this.Id = Id; // Error - CS0188: The 'this' object cannot be used before all of its fields are assigned to.
this._name = Name;
Why do I get this error on the above line.
Now look at this code.
public struct Customer
private string _name;
public int Id { get; set; }
public Customer(int Id, string Name)
this.Id = Id; // No error recieved.
this._name = Name;
In the above code I implemented Id as an Auto-Implemented property.
This time I don't get any errors. Why?
Just to make it clear following link does not have my answer.
Compilation error. Using properties with struct
You need to initialize all the fields of struct first. When you assign a value to an Auto-Implemented property it always sets the backing field, however, with custom setters, it's not always guaranteed. That's why you don't get any error
For custom properties:
public struct Customer
private int _id;
private string _name;
public int Id
get { return this._id; }
set { this._id = value; }
public Customer(int Id, string Name)
this._name = Name;
this.Id = Id; // This will work now
Under C# 5, both methods should generate an error. From Automatically Implemented Properties:
This restriction also means that definite assignment of struct types with auto-implemented properties can only be achieved using the standard constructor of the struct, since assigning to the property itself requires the struct to be definitely assigned. This means that user-defined constructors must call the default constructor.
However, C# 6 introduced read-only auto-implemented properties and introduced this language (whilst removing the above language):
a getter-only auto-property can also be assigned to in the body of a constructor of the enclosing class. Such an assignment assigns directly to the readonly backing field of the property.
I suspect that they changed all assignments for Automatically Implemented Properties (not just for readonly) in constructors to assign to the backing field rather than use the accessor. This is known to be "safe" since the accessor doesn't contain any custom code - unlike the situation in your first example where the set accessor could do anything, including leaking the not-definitely-assigned this outside of the current struct.

What's the difference between a property with a private setter and a property with no setter?

If I want a read-only property, I write it like:
public int MyProperty { get { //Code goes here } }
However, the Microsoft example (and a few other examples I've seen) are written like:
public int MyProperty { get; private set; }
Is there any difference between these two, and should I start writing properties like this?
As you can see in your second sample, you can leave out the implementation for a property. .NET will then automatically create a local variable for the property and implement simple getting and setting.
public int MyProperty { get; private set; }
is actually equivalent to
private int _myProperty;
public int MyProperty {
get { return _myProperty; }
private set { _myProperty = value; }
public int MyProperty { get; }
does not work at all, as automatic properties need to implement a getter and a setter, while
public int MyProperty { get; private set; }
leaves you with a property that may return any int, but can only be changed within the current class.
public int MyProperty { get { ... } }
creates a read-only property.
Question is: what do you need? If you already have a member variable that's used within your class and you only want to return the current value using a property, you're perfectly fine with
public int MyProperty { get { return ...; }}
However, if you want a read-only property, which you need to set within your code (but not from other classes) without explicitly declaring a member variable, you have to go with the private set approach.
With private setter you can only assign property value inside of instance when property is without setter you can't set its value anywhere.
If you don't use an explicit member assignment in the property, you'll have to declare a private set at least in order to be able to set a value to this property. Otherwise, you'll get a warning at compile-time saying that your property cannot be assigned.
If you use an explicit member, you'll be able to assign a value to this member directly, without needing to add a private set:
private int member ;
public int MyProperty {
get { return member; }
// ...
member = 2;
int anotherVariable = MyProperty; // anotherVariable == 2
public int MyProperty
// Your own logic, like lazy loading
return _myProperty ?? (_myProperty = GetMyProperty());
A property with only a getter is very useful if you need your own logic behind the access of that property, in particular when you need the property to be lazy loaded.
public int MyProperty { get; private set; }
A property with a private setter is useful if you need the property not te be changed from the outside, but still maintained from within the class.
In both cases, you can have a backing data field for the actual value, but in the former, you'll have to maintain that yourself, and in the latter, it is maintained for you by the generated code.
There is a difference when you access the object with reflection.
public class Foo
public string Bar { get; private set; }
// .....
internal static void Main()
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.GetType().GetProperty("Bar").SetValue(foo, "private?", null);

What is the purpose of accessors?

Can somebody help me understand the get & set?
Why are they needed? I can just make a public variable.
Warning: I am assuming you already know about object-oriented programming.
What are properties?
Properties are language elements that allow you to avoid the repetitive getXYZ() accessors and setXYZ() mutators techniques found in other languages, like Java.
Why do they exist?
They aim to solve the following problems:
Saying get and set in the beginning of every access or mutation of a value is annoying and distracting.
In Java, you often say:
class person
private int _age;
public void setAge(int value) { /*check value first, then set _age*/ }
public int getAge() { return this._age; }
and then consistently say:
if (person.getAge() > blah || person.getAge() < 10)
After a while, the get and set become rather annoying.
Providing direct access to the actual variable breaks encapsulation, so that's not an option.
How are they used?
They are used just like variables. You read/write to them just like variables.
How are they created?
They are created as methods. You define a pair of methods that:
Return the current value of the property. Oftentimes, this is nothing more than something like the following:
class Person
private int _age; //Declare the backing field
public int Age
get { return this._age; }
set { ... }
Set the value of the property:
class Person
public int Age
get { ... }
if (value < 0) //'value' is what the user provided
{ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } //Check validity
this._age = value;
Other notes:
Auto-implemented Properties
C# 3.0 introduced auto-implemented properties:
public int Age { get; set; }
This is equivalent to:
private int _age; //The name is auto-generated
public int Age { get { return this._age; } set { this._age = value; } }
Why does it exist?
It helps you avoiding breaking changes in client executables.
Let's say you're lazy and don't want to type the whole thing, and decide to expose a variable publicly. You then create an executable that reads from or writes to that field. Then you change your mind and decide that you in fact needed a property, so you change it to one.
What happens?
The depending executable breaks, because the code is no longer valid.
Auto-implemented properties help you avoid that, without extra redundancy in your initial code.
Indexers extend the property syntax to let you index objects (surprise!), just like arrays.
For C++ users: This is similar to overloading operator [].
private int[] _elements;
public int this[int index] //Indexed property
get { return this._elements[index]; }
//Do any checks on the index and value
this._elements[index] = value;
You then use them like obj[5] = 10;, which is equivalent to calling the set method of obj's indexer.
In fact, System.Collections.Generic.List<T> is indexed:
var list = new List<int>();
list[0] = 5; //You're indexing list, as though it were an array!
Isn't that neat? :)
Anything else?
There are many more features to properties, not all of which are available in C#:
Parametrized properties, of which indexers are a special kind
Getter/setter access modifiers (in C#)
Multiple getters or setters (not in C#)
Et cetera
They are called Accessors
The accessor of a property contains the executable statements associated with getting (reading or computing) or setting (writing) the property. The accessor declarations can contain a get accessor, a set accessor, or both.
The body of the get accessor resembles that of a method. It must return a value of the property type.
private string m_Name; // the name field
public string Name // the Name property
return m_Name;
The set accessor resembles a method whose return type is void. It uses an implicit parameter called value, whose type is the type of the property.
private m_Name;
public string Name {
get {
return m_Name;
set {
m_Name = value;
Then in the incarnation of C# 3, you can do this much easier through auto-properties
public string Name {get; set; } // read and write
public string Name {get; } // read only
public string Name { get; private set; } //read and parent write
Properties act as accessors to the internal state of an object, hiding the implementation of that state.
So, for example, you may have a first name property in a class
public class Example
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get {return this.firstName;}
So anyone using the class doesn't need to know how first name is stored, they just know they can get a string representation of it. By adding a set you also add a mutator, something which changes an objects internal state
public class Example
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get {return this.firstName;}
set {set this.firstName = value;}
Again you're still isolating how the first name is stored internally (encapsulation), but users can change it by passing in a string.
Simply put, get and set accessors are the functions called on a Property; that is, when you retrieve the value or when you set it. It forces a type of behavior on the way values are retrieved or set.
For example, you may want to have a mechanism to get/set passwords. Generally speaking, you'll only want to compare the hash of a password instead of storing things plaintext, so you'd have the getter variable retrieve the stored hash, and the setter would take the provided input and hash it for storage.
Here's what I mean:
public class User {
//Usery properties here, and...
private string _password;
public string Password {
get {
return _password;
set {
_password = SomeHashingFunction(value);
value is the variable provided to the setter from what has been given in the variable assignment. e.g.: someuser.Password = "blah";
Get and set are used in properties. They can each be public, protected, or private. Similar to accessor and mutator methods, they allow some computation when code tries to access/mutate the property. Of course, as long as you define one of get/set, the other is optional.
Example without properties:
private int test;
public int getTest() {
// some computation on test here, maybe?
return test;
private void setTest(int test) {
// some error/range checking, maybe?
this.test = test;
With properties:
private int test;
public int Test {
get {
// some computation on test here, maybe?
return test;
private set {
// some error/range checking, maybe?
test = value; // value is a keyword here
get{} and set{} are accessors that offer up the ability to easily read and write to private fields. Working with a simple example:
public class Foo()
private int _bar;
public int Bar
get { return _bar; }
set { _bar = value; }
//value is an implicit parameter to the set acccessor.
//When you perform an assignment to the property, the value you
//assign is the value in "value"
In this case, Bar is a public property that has a getter and a setter that allows access to the private field _bar that would otherwise be inaccessible beyond class Foo.
Now in a class that has an instace of Foo, you can do this:
public class IHasAFoo()
private Foo _myFoo = new Foo();
public void SomeMethod()
_myFoo.Bar = 42;
So the public accessor allows you to set the value of the private field back in Foo.
Hope that helps!

C# properties: how to use custom set property without private field?

I want to do this:
public Name
??? = value
Is it possible to use the auto-generated private field?
Or is it required that I implement it this way:
private string name;
public string Name
return name;
name = value
Once you want to do anything custom in either the getter or the setter you cannot use auto properties anymore.
You can try something like this:
public string Name { get; private set; }
public void SetName(string value)
this.Name = value;
As of C# 7, you could use expression body definitions for the property's get and set accessors.
See more here
private string _name;
public string Name
get => _name;
_name = value;
This is not possible. Either auto implemented properties or custom code.
It is required that you implement it fully given your scenario. Both get and set must be either auto-implemented or fully implemented together, not a combination of the two.

What does this mean ? public Name {get; set;} [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the { get; set; } syntax in C#?
(20 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I see this quiet often in C# documentation. But what does it do?
public class Car
public Name { get; set; }
It is shorthand for:
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
The compiler generates the member variable. This is called an automatic property.
In simple terms they are referred as property accessors. Their implementation can be explained as below
1.get{ return name}
The code block in the get accessor is executed when the property is Read.
2.set{name = value}
The code block in the set accessor is executed when the property is Assigned a new value.
Eg.(Assuming you are using C#)
class Person
private string name; // the name field
public string Name // the Name property
return name;
name = value;
Now when you refer to this property as below
Person p = new Person();// Instantiating the class or creating object
'p' of class 'Person'
System.Console.Write(p.Name); //The get accessor is invoked here
The get accessor is invoked to Read the value of property i.e the compiler tries to read the value of string 'name'.
2.When you Assign a value(using an argument) to the 'Name' property as below
Person p = new Person();
p.Name = "Stack" // the set accessor is invoked here
Console.Writeline(p.Name) //invokes the get accessor
Console.ReadKey(); //Holds the output until a key is pressed
The set accessor Assigns the value 'Stack" to the 'Name property i.e 'Stack' is stored in the string 'name'.
It's an automatic read-write property. It's a C# 3.0 addition. Something like:
public class Car {
private string name;
public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
except that you can't directly access the backing field.
It's called an Auto-Implemented Property and is new to C# 3.0. It's a cleaner syntax when your access to the property doesn't need any special behavior or validation. It's similar in function to:
public class Car
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set {_name = value; }
So it saves a fair amount of code, but leaves you the option later to modify the accessor logic if behavior or rules need to change.
It is the equivilent of doing:
private string _Text;
public string Text
get { return _Text; }
set { _Text = value; }
Except you don't have access to the private variable while inside the class.
Auto-Implemented Properties
SUMMARY:In C# 3.0 and later, auto-implemented properties make
property-declaration more concise when
no additional logic is required in the
property accessors.

