GeckoFX Observer Service - c#

I'm trying to block specific images on a page from loading, but I've ran into a bit of trouble.
GeckoWebBrowser's HttpActivityObserver is returning a Not Implemented exception and crashing my program, so I'm trying to implement my own observer but the observe method isn't being called.
Any ideas would be helpful.
public class HttpObserver : nsIObserver
private nsIObserverService service;
private List<string> bans;
public HttpObserver()
bans = new List<string>();
service = Xpcom.CreateInstance<nsIObserverService>(";1");
public void Register()
service.AddObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false);
public void Unregister()
service.RemoveObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request");
public void BanUrl(string url)
public void Observe(nsISupports aSubject, string aTopic, string aData)
nsIHttpChannel httpChannel = Xpcom.QueryInterface<nsIHttpChannel>(aSubject);
if (aTopic == "http-on-modify-request")
foreach (string url in bans)
if (url == httpChannel.GetURIAttribute().ToUri().AbsoluteUri)

Figured it out. For anyone else struggling with this, replace Xpcom.CreateInterface with Xpcom.GetService

Thanks, i try to find alternative BeforeNavigate2 and all you need just:
Gecko.GeckoWebBrowser wb = new GeckoWebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, UseHttpActivityObserver = true };
wb.ObserveHttpModifyRequest += (o, e) => { MessageBox.Show(e.Uri.ToString()); };


C# Xamarin speech recognition in the background [Android]

Is this possible to make an app what will recognize if I tell eg. "top" or "back" in the background and will start some actions when find if I tell that.
I tested speech recognition when click on button and it shows google voice recognition.
Can I do that without click on button, with recognition in real time in the background?
Yes it is very possible, if you are using google voice recognition on android, what you have to do to get rid of the clicking button is to make your own SpeechRecognizer class and inherit it.
Here is the code I use on my apps :
public class CustomRecognizer : Java.Lang.Object, IRecognitionListener, TextToSpeech.IOnInitListener
private SpeechRecognizer _speech;
private Intent _speechIntent;
public string Words;
public CustomRecognizer(Context _context)
this._context = _context;
Words = "";
_speech = SpeechRecognizer.CreateSpeechRecognizer(this._context);
_speechIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ActionRecognizeSpeech);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraLanguageModel, RecognizerIntent.LanguageModelFreeForm);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ActionRecognizeSpeech, RecognizerIntent.ExtraPreferOffline);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputCompleteSilenceLengthMillis, 1000);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputPossiblyCompleteSilenceLengthMillis, 1000);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputMinimumLengthMillis, 1500);
void startover()
_speech = SpeechRecognizer.CreateSpeechRecognizer(this._context);
_speechIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ActionRecognizeSpeech);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputCompleteSilenceLengthMillis, 1000);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputPossiblyCompleteSilenceLengthMillis, 1000);
_speechIntent.PutExtra(RecognizerIntent.ExtraSpeechInputMinimumLengthMillis, 1500);
public void StartListening()
public void StopListening()
public void OnBeginningOfSpeech()
public void OnBufferReceived(byte[] buffer)
public void OnEndOfSpeech()
public void OnError([GeneratedEnum] SpeechRecognizerError error)
Words = error.ToString();
public void OnEvent(int eventType, Bundle #params)
public void OnPartialResults(Bundle partialResults)
public void OnReadyForSpeech(Bundle #params)
public void OnResults(Bundle results)
var matches = results.GetStringArrayList(SpeechRecognizer.ResultsRecognition);
if (matches == null)
Words = "Null";
if (matches.Count != 0)
Words = matches[0];
Words = "";
//do anything you want for the result
public void OnRmsChanged(float rmsdB)
public void OnInit([GeneratedEnum] OperationResult status)
if (status == OperationResult.Error)
To use it on your activity, just create the class and call StartListening()

Validation Exception Queue using MSMQ in C#

I'm new in Microsoft Message Queue in Windows Server, I need to push, if the EmployeeID is NULL.
The Employee Model Class is
public class Employee
public string EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
public void ValidationProcess(Employee emp)
if((emp != null) || (emp.EmployeeID == null))
// Push into Validation Exception Queue using MSMQ
Once the Data pushed into that Validation Exception Queue, it should be processed by separate process. Every 1hr the process need to initiate and it should call the following method
public void ValidationExceptionProcess(object obj)
// Some Inner Process
// Log the Error
Kindly guide me how to create and process it.
First Step:
Install MSMQs as a windows feature on the server/pc
- Create the queue if it does not exist
- Push the message in the queue asynchronously
Useful guide
Code example for pushing and retrieving messages from msmq:
public class ExceptionMSMQ
private static readonly string description = "Example description";
private static readonly string path = #".\Private$\myqueue";
private static MessageQueue exceptionQueue;
public static MessageQueue ExceptionQueue
if (exceptionQueue == null)
if (MessageQueue.Exists(path))
exceptionQueue = new MessageQueue(path);
exceptionQueue.Label = description;
exceptionQueue = new MessageQueue(path);
exceptionQueue.Label = description;
return exceptionQueue;
public static void PushMessage(string message)
private static List<string> RetrieveMessages()
List<string> messages = new List<string>();
using (ExceptionQueue)
System.Messaging.Message[] queueMessages = ExceptionQueue.GetAllMessages();
foreach (System.Messaging.Message message in queueMessages)
message.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(
new String[] { "System.String, mscorlib" });
string msg = message.Body.ToString();
return messages;
public static void Main(string[] args)
ExceptionMSMQ.PushMessage("my exception string");
An other widely used way to do that would also be to use out of the box loggers which already contains this functionality like Enterprise Library or NLog which provide easy interfaces to do that.
For retrieving messages I would recommend a separate windows service which would periodically read messages and process them. An good example on how to do that is given here: Windows service with timer
Update: Windows Service Example:
public partial class MSMQConsumerService : ServiceBase
private System.Timers.Timer timer;
public MSMQConsumerService()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(30000D); // 30000 milliseconds = 30 seconds
this.timer.AutoReset = true;
this.timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.ProcessQueueMessages);
protected override void OnStop()
this.timer = null;
private void ProcessQueueMessages(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
and the MessageProcessor.cs
public class MessageProcessor
public static void StartProcessing()
List<string> messages = ExceptionMSMQ.RetrieveMessages();
foreach(string message in messages)
//write message in database

Calling a Class or Method in C# using Mono

I'm having some problems calling a class or method in C# using Mono, can anyone give some help on what I'm doing wrong?
I want this piece of code:
public static void Execute(ScriptHost host)
TesteGUI teste = new TesteGUI(); //?
TesteGUI(); // ?
catch(Exception e)
To call this piece of code:
public TesteGUI(Gtk.Window parentWindow) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
base.Modal = false;
base.TransientFor = parentWindow;
base.Decorated = false;
base.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterAlways;
base.KeyReleaseEvent += delegate(object o, KeyReleaseEventArgs args)
if (args.Event.Key == Gdk.Key.Escape)
What is my doing wrong and how can I make it work?
Thank you
You should do it like this:
public static void Execute(ScriptHost host)
TesteGUI teste = new TesteGUI(parentWindow); //where parentWindow is defined somewhere earlier and is of type Gtk.Window
catch(Exception e)

update a richtextbox from a static class

I have the following code:
namespace SSS.RemoteTruckService
public partial class Startup : Form
private Timer _gpsTimer;
private Timer _ppsTimer;
private Timer _creditCardTimer;
private Timer _iniTimer;
public string Message
get { return richTextBox_Message.Text; }
=> richTextBox_Message.Text = DateTime.Now + " " +
value + Environment.NewLine + richTextBox_Message.Text));
public Startup()
private void ButtonStartClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ButtonPauseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_gpsTimer.Enabled) _gpsTimer.Enabled = false;
if (_ppsTimer.Enabled) _ppsTimer.Enabled = false;
if (_creditCardTimer.Enabled) _creditCardTimer.Enabled = false;
if (_iniTimer.Enabled) _iniTimer.Enabled = false;
public void StartRemoteTruck()
Message = "RemoteTruck started.";
if (Settings.GlobalSettings == null)
Message = "GlobalSettings was null or not loaded. Cannot continue.";
Logging.Log("GlobalSettings was null or not loaded. Cannot continue.", "RemoteTruck", Apps.RemoteTruckService);
if (Settings.GlobalSettings.IniFileWatcherEnabled)
And in the ProcessIniFile.StartProcess() I have the code:
namespace SSS.RemoteTruckService.inifile
public static class ProcessIniFile
private static DateTime _iniLastWriteTime;
private static readonly string Inifile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows), "sss.ini");
private static FileSystemWatcher _watcher;
public static void StartProcess()
public static void StopProcess()
if (_watcher != null)
_watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
_watcher = null;
private static void CreateIniFileWatcher()
_watcher = new FileSystemWatcher
Path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows),
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
Filter = "sss.ini"
_watcher.Changed += SssIniWatcherChanged;
_watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
I'd like to pass back the the calling form the status of the reads of the file watcher.
Maybe I'm overthinking this, but if I want to add to the Message on the main form, how do I get to it?
You can use Events for that. Your process can send events and your form can handle them.
More info:
The simple but not pretty way I like to use is to make that part of the form static as well. For example, creating a static variable WriteMessage, and in your Form Load or Startup(), you can set it:
WriteMessage = (s) => Message = s;
Sure this has some issues, but it's a quick way to get it done. One of those issues is that, you may need to use Dispatcher.invoke if you're not on the UI thread.

BindingList not updating bound ListBox

I have a ListBox that is bound to a BindingList. The BindingList is built up when a third party application raises an event. I can see the BindingList being bound correctly... but nothing enters the ListBox. I have used the exact same logic with some of my own custom types and it usually works very well.
Form class
private Facade.ControlFacade _controlFacade;
public UavControlForm()
_controlFacade = new UavController.Facade.ControlFacade();
private void UpdateEntityListBox()
lsbEntities.DataSource = _controlFacade.GetEntityTally();
lsbEntities.DisplayMember = "InstanceName";
Facade class
private Scenario _scenario;
public ControlFacade()
_scenario = new Scenario();
public BindingList<AgStkObject> GetEntityTally()
BindingList<AgStkObject> entityTally = _scenario.EntityTally;
return entityTally;
Scenario class
private static BindingList<IAgStkObject> _entityTally = new BindingList<AgStkObject>();
public Scenario()
if (UtilStk.CheckThatStkIsAvailable())
UtilStk.StkRoot.OnStkObjectAdded += new IAgStkObjectRootEvents_OnStkObjectAddedEventHandler(TallyScenarioObjects);
UtilStk.StkRoot.OnStkObjectDeleted += new IAgStkObjectRootEvents_OnStkObjectDeletedEventHandler(TallyScenarioObjects);
private void TallyScenarioObjects(object sender)
List<AgStkObject> tallyOfStkObjects = UtilStk.GetRunningTallyOfAllStkObjects();
List<string> stkObjectNames = UtilStk.GetInstanceNamesOfStkObjects(tallyOfStkObjects);
foreach (string stkObjectName in stkObjectNames)
if (!SearchFlightUavTallyByName(stkObjectName))
if (!SearchLoiterUavTallyByName(stkObjectName))
if (!SearchEntityTallyByName(stkObjectName))
int i = stkObjectNames.IndexOf(stkObjectName);
I can see the event fire from the third-party application - this adds an entity to _entityList as desired, but noothing is added to lsbEntities - why?
(jump right to the last example if you want to see it fixed etc)
Threads and "observer" patterns (such as the data-binding on winforms) are rarely good friends. You could try replacing your BindingList<T> usage with the ThreadedBindingList<T> code I used on a previous answer - but this combination of threads and UI is not an intentional use-case of winforms data-binding.
The listbox itself should support binding via list notification events (IBindingList / IBindingListView), as long as they arrive form the right thread. ThreadedBindingList<T> attempts to fix this by thread-switching on your behalf. Note that for this to work you must create the ThreadedBindingList<T> from the UI thread, after it has a sync-context, i.e. after it has started displaying forms.
To illustrate the point that listbox does respect list-change notifications (when dealing with a single thread):
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Foo
public int Value { get; set; }
public Foo(int value) { Value = value; }
public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); }
static class Program
static void Main()
using(var form = new Form())
using (var lst = new ListBox())
using (var timer = new Timer())
var data = new BindingList<Foo>();
lst.DataSource = data;
timer.Interval = 1000;
int i = 0;
timer.Tick += delegate
data.Add(new Foo(i++));
lst.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
form.Shown += delegate
and now with added threading / ThreadedBindingList<T> (it doesn't work with the regular BindingList<T>):
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Foo
public int Value { get; set; }
public Foo(int value) { Value = value; }
public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); }
static class Program
static void Main()
using(var form = new Form())
using (var lst = new ListBox())
lst.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
form.Shown += delegate
BindingList<Foo> data = new ThreadedBindingList<Foo>();
lst.DataSource = data;
int i = 0;
while (true)
data.Add(new Foo(i++));
public class ThreadedBindingList<T> : BindingList<T>
private readonly SynchronizationContext ctx;
public ThreadedBindingList()
ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
protected override void OnAddingNew(AddingNewEventArgs e)
SynchronizationContext ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
if (ctx == null)
}, null);
void BaseAddingNew(AddingNewEventArgs e)
protected override void OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e)
if (ctx == null)
}, null);
void BaseListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e)

