Error loading xml document in WCF Library - c#

I am creating a wcf library that needs to read xml files as pass the elements through the service that will be using in my windows 8 app.
Question is I first created a WCF application using the same code and it worked fine but now using the library the xml files are returning as NULL.
var doc = XDocument.Load(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/TestCodes.xml"));
var testCodes = doc.Descendants("TextInfo");
return testCodes.Select(item =>
var xElement = item.Element("Value");
var element = item.Element("Description");
if (element != null)
return xElement != null ? new TestCodes()
Value = xElement.Value,
Description = element.Value
} : null;
return null;
Is there another way to read in an xml files in a library that differs from the wcf application? Unfortunately I have to use the WCF Library so no way around that part.
Any help would be great.


Form Field is null using Form recognizer

We are trying to extract data from a checkbox using the Form recognizer. We have a custom model where we extract 4 fields. All fields get extracted except one ("has_observations").
We used the analyze tab on and it shows correctly for all the files we are trying to do OCR on.
private static FormField GetField(this RecognizedFormCollection forms, string fieldName)
FormField field = null;
foreach (RecognizedForm form in forms)
if (form.Fields.ContainsKey(fieldName) && form.Fields[fieldName] != null)
field = form.Fields[fieldName];
logger.LogWarning("values is=" + field.ValueData.ToString());
return field;
The field is "Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.Models.FormField" for "has_observations" label everytime and we have no idea how to fix it.
Which version of FormRecognizer SDK are you using? 3.1.1? You maybe calling different version from website vs from SDK.
If you are using 4.0.0-beta.X, by default it calls 2022-01-30-preview version of FormRecognizer APIs (see$web/dotnet/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer/4.0.0-beta.3/index.html), but based on the screenshot you are using 2.1. So, API results maybe different between versions.
A few other troubleshooting options to see exact URLs and responses for http traffic from FormRecognizer SDK:
Logging with the Azure SDK for .NET, I.e. line below starts printing to the console each request/response.
var listener = AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger(EventLevel.Informational);
Some information will be redacted in logs. Changes to ClientOptions below will show more data (see details in Azure SDK diagnostics):
var frOptions = new FormRecognizerClientOptions() { Diagnostics = { IsLoggingContentEnabled = true, LoggedHeaderNames = { "*" }, LoggedQueryParameters = { "*" }}};
var client = new FormRecognizerClient(new Uri(endpoint), credential, frOptions);

Mail merge word docx in Azure app service

In an App Service running on Azure I need to replace mail merge fields in a word/docx-document with content.
As I understand interop can't be used because it needs word to be installed.
So how do I replace mail merge fields on Azure in a c# app service?
Maybe one can use the OpenXML SDK for this? But how?
OpenXML worked, I created the following helper class to replace the mailmerge content:
public static void DocXReplaceMergeFields(Stream docStream, Dictionary<string, string> placeholder)
using (var docXml = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docStream, true))
foreach (var run in docXml.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<Run>())
foreach (var text in run.Descendants<Text>().Where(a => a.Text.StartsWith("«") && a.Text.EndsWith("»")))
var propertyName = text.Text.Substring(1, text.Text.Length - 2);
if (placeholder.TryGetValue(propertyName, out var propertyValue))
text.Text = propertyValue;
var settingsPart = docXml.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType<DocumentSettingsPart>().First();
var oxeSettings = settingsPart.Settings.Where(a => a.LocalName == "mailMerge").FirstOrDefault();
if (oxeSettings != null)
You can give a try using Open XML SDK:
If that doesn't work for some reason, try doing the same using an Azure Logic App:

Api for working with a classes as OOP?

I'm writing a 3rd party app that needs to read in .cs files and be able to manipulate classes, then ultimately save back to file.
The type of code I am looking at would be something like:
var classManager = new classManager();
var classes = classManager.LoadFromFile(filePath);
var class = classes[0]; // Just illustrating more than 1 class can exist in a file
var prop = new ClassProperty {Type=MyType.GetType() };
prop.AddGet("return x+y < 50");
//stuff like prop.ReadOnly = true;
var method = new ClassMethod {signature="int id, string name"};
method.MethodBody = GetMethodBodyAsString(); //not writing out an entire method body here
class.SaveToFile(true); //Format code
Does such a library exist?
The .NET Compiler Platform Roslyn is what you're looking for. It supports parsing and editting cs files. Check out this post for an example

Umbraco. Get node's url in console application

I work with Umbraco from Console application.
When I try get NiceUrl for some node it is impossible because UmbracoContext.Current is null.
I can get node path with ids like this: "-1,1067,1080", but don't know how convert it in url format.
How Can I get NiceUrl for Node in console application?
I did next:
In my console application I get node by Id, simple like this:
Node someNode = new Node(nodeId);
When I try get NiceUrl:
string url = someNode.NiceUrl;
get ArgumentNullException.
I checked why it: found next answer NiceUrl uses UmbracoContext so it is not possible because it's null.
Also I can't use this: UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache.GetById(someidhere).Url
Without the UmbracoContext I don't think it's possible in V6 to get the URL of an IContent node.
I looked through the Umbraco source code and decided to recreate the way it's done there. I came up with this, which worked for my needs.
public static class ContentExtensions
public static string RelativeUrl(this IContent content)
var pathParts = new List<string>();
var n = content;
while (n != null)
n = n.Parent();
pathParts.RemoveAt(pathParts.Count() - 1); //remove root node
var path = "/" + string.Join("/", pathParts);
return path;
public static string UrlName(this IContent content)
return new DefaultUrlSegmentProvider().GetUrlSegment(content).ToLower();
Yes, you can't use: UmbracoContext.Current.ContentCache because this is accessing the same context.
It looks like you are using v6+, so instead you will need to use the API services that Umbraco provide, specifically the ContentService.
There is a thread here that looks into the same thing you are asking:
And an example of a solution here:

Silverlight access an ashx JSON response

I have a Silverlight application that is calling out to an ashx that is hosted in the same application as the Silverlight control.
The ashx does the following (stripped down):
// Basic object
class SomeObject
int ID { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
double Value { get; set; }
// ASHX details
DataLayer dl = GetDataLayer();
List<SomeObject> lst = dl.ListObjects();
string result = "";
if (lst != null)
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
result = serializer.Serialize(lst);
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
Now the part I am having trouble with is what to do with the ashx on my Silverlight control.
I am looking to call the ashx and then map the JSON result into my internal silverlight objects. Seems like a pretty simple task but I am not sure how to access the ashx or deal with the response from it. Since Silverlight has a stripped down version of .NET it is throwing me for off.
Any help / suggestions?
Using Silverlight 3, ASP.NET 3.5.
Use System.Json to load the string into a JsonArray. JsonValue.Load() takes a response stream and can populate a JsonArray - from there, you can either iterate through or use LINQ to query the values.
Working with JSON Data on MSDN
JsonValue.Load on MSDN
Blog post with some sample code
Thanks for the reply Jon. Your links helped me figure it out and I thought I should include the code I used in this question for others that come across this question in the future.
Two ways of handling the Json. For both methods you need to setup a handler to get the Json data.
// This gets the URL to call to get the Json data
Uri uri = GetSomeUrl();
WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
downloader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(downloader_OpenReadCompleted);
You then need to implement the event handler downloader_OpenReadCompleted specified above with the code to handle the Json. In both case the code below should be wrapped in a using statement:
using (System.IO.Stream strResult = e.Result)
First way to handle the Json data that is part of the Silverlight framework is to add a reference to System.Json.
JsonArray jsonArray = (JsonArray)JsonArray.Load(e.Result);
List<SomeObject> lst = new List<SomeObject>();
foreach (System.Json.JsonObject obj in jsonArray)
SomeObject obj = new SomeObject();
obj.ID = int.Parse(obj["ID"].ToString();
obj.Description = obj["Description"].ToString();
obj.Value = double.Parse(obj["Value"].ToString());
The other way that is possible with or without Silverlight is:
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer serializer =
new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List<SomeObject>));
List<SomeObject> lst = (List<SomeObject>)(serializer.ReadObject(strResult));
Both methods end up getting me a list of my objects which I can then use as I see fit.
Thanks for the help Jon!

